// Copyright (c) 1997 // Utrecht University (The Netherlands), // ETH Zurich (Switzerland), // INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France), // Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany), // and Tel-Aviv University (Israel). All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org); you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, // or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Lutz Kettner #ifndef CGAL_CIRCULATOR_H #define CGAL_CIRCULATOR_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // These are name redefinitions for backwards compatibility // with the pre iterator-traits style adaptors. #define Forward_container_from_circulator \ Container_from_circulator #define Bidirectional_container_from_circulator \ Container_from_circulator #define Random_access_container_from_circulator \ Container_from_circulator #define Forward_circulator_from_iterator \ Circulator_from_iterator #define Forward_const_circulator_from_iterator \ Circulator_from_iterator #define Bidirectional_circulator_from_iterator \ Circulator_from_iterator #define Bidirectional_const_circulator_from_iterator \ Circulator_from_iterator #define Random_access_circulator_from_iterator \ Circulator_from_iterator #define Random_access_const_circulator_from_iterator \ Circulator_from_iterator #define Forward_circulator_from_container \ Circulator_from_container #define Bidirectional_circulator_from_container \ Circulator_from_container #define Random_access_circulator_from_container \ Circulator_from_container #define Forward_const_circulator_from_container \ Const_circulator_from_container #define Bidirectional_const_circulator_from_container \ Const_circulator_from_container #define Random_access_const_circulator_from_container \ Const_circulator_from_container namespace CGAL { namespace internal { // default to Iterator_tag, special case Circulator tags template struct Get_category { typedef Iterator_tag type; }; template<> struct Get_category { typedef Circulator_tag type; }; template<> struct Get_category { typedef Circulator_tag type; }; template<> struct Get_category { typedef Circulator_tag type; }; } // internal // Circulator_size_traits are used by general adaptors for // iterators and circulators. For example the N_step_adaptor // works for iterators as well as for circulators. Circulators // need a local type called size_type which is not needed for // iterators. But a general adaptor has to declare this type // in any case and the following Circulator_size_traits helps // in this case. It declares size_type to be std::size_t for // iterators and to be C::size_type for any circulator C. template struct I_Circulator_size_traits { typedef std::size_t size_type; }; template struct I_Circulator_size_traits< Forward_circulator_tag, C> { typedef typename C::size_type size_type; }; template struct I_Circulator_size_traits< Bidirectional_circulator_tag, C> { typedef typename C::size_type size_type; }; template struct I_Circulator_size_traits< Random_access_circulator_tag, C> { typedef typename C::size_type size_type; }; template struct I_Iterator_from_circulator_traits { typedef CCtg iterator_category; }; template <> struct I_Iterator_from_circulator_traits< Forward_circulator_tag> { typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category; }; template <> struct I_Iterator_from_circulator_traits< Bidirectional_circulator_tag> { typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category; }; template <> struct I_Iterator_from_circulator_traits< Random_access_circulator_tag> { typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category; }; template struct I_Circulator_from_iterator_traits { typedef ICtg iterator_category; }; template <> struct I_Circulator_from_iterator_traits< std::forward_iterator_tag> { typedef Forward_circulator_tag iterator_category; }; template <> struct I_Circulator_from_iterator_traits { typedef Bidirectional_circulator_tag iterator_category; }; template <> struct I_Circulator_from_iterator_traits { typedef Random_access_circulator_tag iterator_category; }; template struct Circulator_traits { private: typedef std::iterator_traits iterator_traits; public: // the ardent reader might wonder: why redirect through // iterator_traits? That way we don't miss specializations and // can save us our own specializations. typedef typename internal::Get_category< typename iterator_traits::iterator_category >::type category; typedef typename iterator_traits::value_type value_type; typedef typename iterator_traits::reference reference; typedef typename iterator_traits::pointer pointer; typedef typename iterator_traits::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename iterator_traits::iterator_category iterator_category; typedef typename I_Circulator_size_traits< category, C>::size_type size_type; }; template typename Circulator_traits::category query_circulator_or_iterator( const C&) { typedef typename Circulator_traits::category category; return category(); } template inline void Assert_circulator( const C &) { typedef typename Circulator_traits::category category; CGAL_USE_TYPE(category); CGAL_static_assertion((boost::is_convertible::value)); } template inline void Assert_iterator( const I &) { typedef typename Circulator_traits::category category; CGAL_USE_TYPE(category); CGAL_static_assertion((boost::is_convertible::value)); } template inline void Assert_input_category( const I &/*i*/) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category category; CGAL_USE_TYPE(category); CGAL_static_assertion((boost::is_convertible::value)); } template inline void Assert_output_category( const I &/*i*/) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category category; CGAL_USE_TYPE(category); CGAL_static_assertion((boost::is_convertible::value)); } template inline void Assert_forward_category( const IC &/*ic*/) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category category; CGAL_USE_TYPE(category); CGAL_static_assertion((boost::is_convertible::value)); } template inline void Assert_bidirectional_category( const IC &/*ic*/) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category category; CGAL_USE_TYPE(category); CGAL_static_assertion((boost::is_convertible::value)); } template inline void Assert_random_access_category( const IC &/*ic*/) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category category; CGAL_USE_TYPE(category); CGAL_static_assertion((boost::is_convertible::value)); } // The assert at-least-category functions use the following // functions to resolve properly. Note the proper order of the // arguments: 1st is the to be type, 2nd is the actual type. inline void I_Has_to_be_at_least( std::input_iterator_tag, std::input_iterator_tag){} inline void I_Has_to_be_at_least( std::input_iterator_tag, std::forward_iterator_tag){} inline void I_Has_to_be_at_least( std::input_iterator_tag, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag){} inline void I_Has_to_be_at_least( std::input_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag){} inline void I_Has_to_be_at_least( std::output_iterator_tag, std::output_iterator_tag){} inline void I_Has_to_be_at_least( std::output_iterator_tag, std::forward_iterator_tag){} inline void I_Has_to_be_at_least( std::output_iterator_tag, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag){} inline void I_Has_to_be_at_least( std::output_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag){} inline void I_Has_to_be_at_least( std::forward_iterator_tag, std::forward_iterator_tag){} inline void I_Has_to_be_at_least( std::forward_iterator_tag, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag){} inline void I_Has_to_be_at_least( std::forward_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag){} inline void I_Has_to_be_at_least( std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag){} inline void I_Has_to_be_at_least( std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag){} inline void I_Has_to_be_at_least( std::random_access_iterator_tag, std::random_access_iterator_tag){} // The is-at-least assertions. template inline void Assert_is_at_least_input_category( const I& /*i*/) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category category; I_Has_to_be_at_least( std::input_iterator_tag(), category()); } template inline void Assert_is_at_least_output_category( const I& /*i*/) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category category; I_Has_to_be_at_least( std::output_iterator_tag(), category()); } template inline void Assert_is_at_least_forward_category( const IC& /*ic*/) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category category; I_Has_to_be_at_least( std::forward_iterator_tag(), category()); } template inline void Assert_is_at_least_bidirectional_category( const IC& /*ic*/) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category category; I_Has_to_be_at_least( std::bidirectional_iterator_tag(), category()); } template inline void Assert_is_at_least_random_access_category( const IC& /*ic*/) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category category; I_Has_to_be_at_least( std::random_access_iterator_tag(), category()); } template< class C> inline bool I_is_empty_range( const C& c1, const C&, Circulator_tag){ return c1 == NULL; } template< class I> inline bool I_is_empty_range( const I& i1, const I& i2, Iterator_tag){ return i1 == i2; } template< class IC> inline bool is_empty_range( const IC& ic1, const IC& ic2){ // is `true' if the range [`ic1, ic2') is empty, `false' otherwise. // Precondition: `T' is either a circulator or an iterator type. The // range [`ic1, ic2') is valid. typedef typename Circulator_traits::category category; return I_is_empty_range( ic1, ic2, category()); } struct Circulator_or_iterator_tag {}; // any circulator or iterator. inline Circulator_or_iterator_tag check_circulator_or_iterator( Circulator_tag ){ return Circulator_or_iterator_tag(); } inline Circulator_or_iterator_tag check_circulator_or_iterator( Iterator_tag ){ return Circulator_or_iterator_tag(); } template< class IC> inline void Assert_circulator_or_iterator( const IC &){ typedef typename Circulator_traits::category category; Assert_compile_time_tag( Circulator_or_iterator_tag(), check_circulator_or_iterator( category())); } #define CGAL_For_all( ic1, ic2) \ for ( bool _circ_loop_flag = ! ::CGAL::is_empty_range( ic1, ic2); \ _circ_loop_flag; \ _circ_loop_flag = ((++ic1) != (ic2)) ) #define CGAL_For_all_backwards( ic1, ic2) \ for ( bool _circ_loop_flag = ! ::CGAL::is_empty_range( ic1, ic2); \ _circ_loop_flag; \ _circ_loop_flag = ((ic1) != (--ic2)) ) template inline typename C::size_type I_min_circulator_size( const C& c) { Assert_circulator(c); Assert_random_access_category(c); typedef typename C::size_type size_type; size_type n = 0; if ( c != NULL) { n = (c-1) - c + 1; CGAL_assertion(n > 0); } return n; } template typename C::size_type I_circulator_size( const C& c, Forward_circulator_tag) { // Simply count. if ( c == NULL) return 0; typedef typename C::size_type size_type; size_type n = 0; C d = c; do { ++n; ++d; } while( c != d); return n; } template inline typename C::size_type I_circulator_size( const C& c, Bidirectional_circulator_tag) { return I_circulator_size( c, Forward_circulator_tag()); } template inline typename C::size_type I_circulator_size( const C& c, Random_access_circulator_tag) { return I_min_circulator_size( c.min_circulator()); } template inline typename C::size_type circulator_size( const C& c) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category category; return I_circulator_size( c, category()); } template typename C::difference_type I_circulator_distance( C c, const C& d, Forward_circulator_tag) { // Simply count. if ( c == NULL) return 0; typedef typename C::difference_type difference_type; difference_type n = 0; do { ++n; } while( ++c != d); return n; } template inline typename C::difference_type I_circulator_distance( const C& c, const C& d, Bidirectional_circulator_tag) { return I_circulator_distance( c, d, Forward_circulator_tag()); } template inline typename C::difference_type I_circulator_distance( const C& c, const C& d, Random_access_circulator_tag) { typedef typename C::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename C::size_type size_type; if ( d - c > 0) return (d - c); return difference_type( size_type( I_min_circulator_size( c.min_circulator()))) - (c-d); } template inline typename C::difference_type circulator_distance( const C& c, const C& d) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category category; return I_circulator_distance( c, d, category()); } template inline typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type I_iterator_distance(const C& c1, const C& c2, Circulator_tag) { return circulator_distance( c1, c2); } template inline typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type I_iterator_distance(const I& i1, const I& i2, Iterator_tag) { return std::distance( i1, i2); } template inline typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type iterator_distance(const IC& ic1, const IC& ic2) { typedef typename Circulator_traits::category category; return I_iterator_distance( ic1, ic2, category()); } template inline C I_get_min_circulator( C c, Forward_circulator_tag) { return c; } template inline C I_get_min_circulator( C c, Bidirectional_circulator_tag) { return c; } template inline C I_get_min_circulator( C c, Random_access_circulator_tag) { return c.min_circulator(); } template inline C get_min_circulator( C c) { typedef std::iterator_traits Traits; typedef typename Traits::iterator_category Category; return I_get_min_circulator( c, Category()); } template inline I non_negative_mod(I n, U m) { CGAL_precondition( m > 0); #if (-1 % 3) > 0 n = n % m; #else if (n < 0) n = m - 1 - (( - n - 1) % m) ; else n = n % m; #endif CGAL_postcondition( n >= 0); return n; } template < class C, class Ref, class Ptr> class Iterator_from_circulator { private: // The m_anchor is normalized to be a minimal circulator. const C* m_anchor; C current; int m_winding; typedef std::iterator_traits I_traits; typedef typename I_traits::iterator_category I_Iter_cat; typedef I_Iterator_from_circulator_traits I__traits; public: // // TYPES typedef C Circulator; typedef Iterator_from_circulator Self; typedef typename I__traits::iterator_category iterator_category; typedef typename C::value_type value_type; typedef typename C::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename C::size_type size_type; typedef typename C::reference reference; typedef typename C::pointer pointer; // // CREATION Iterator_from_circulator() : m_anchor(0), m_winding(0) {} Iterator_from_circulator( const C* circ, int n) : m_anchor( circ), current( *circ), m_winding(n) {} // Allow construction from Iterator_from_circulator with // assignment compatible circulator CC: template Iterator_from_circulator( const Iterator_from_circulator& c) : m_anchor( c.anchor()), current( c.current_circulator()), m_winding(c.winding()) {} // // OPERATIONS bool operator==( const Self& i) const { CGAL_assertion( m_anchor == i.m_anchor); // same anchor? return ( current == i.current) && ( m_winding == i.m_winding); } bool operator!=( const Self& i) const { return !(*this == i); } Ref operator*() const { CGAL_assertion( m_anchor != NULL); CGAL_assertion( current != NULL); return Ref(*current); } Ptr operator->() const { CGAL_assertion( m_anchor != NULL); CGAL_assertion( current != NULL); return Ptr(current.operator->()); } Self& operator++() { CGAL_assertion( m_anchor != NULL); CGAL_assertion( current != NULL); ++current; if ( current == *m_anchor) ++m_winding; return *this; } Self operator++(int) { Self tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; } Self& operator--() { CGAL_assertion( m_anchor != NULL); CGAL_assertion( current != NULL); if ( current == *m_anchor) --m_winding; --current; return *this; } Self operator--(int) { Self tmp = *this; --*this; return tmp; } Self& operator+=( difference_type n) { CGAL_assertion( m_anchor != NULL); CGAL_assertion( current != NULL); if ( n < 0 && current == *m_anchor) // We are leaving the anchor. --m_winding; current += n; if ( n > 0 && current == *m_anchor) // Back again at the anchor. ++m_winding; return *this; } Self operator+( difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; return tmp += n; } Self& operator-=( difference_type n) { return operator+=( -n); } Self operator-( difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; return tmp += -n; } difference_type operator-( const Self& i) const { CGAL_assertion( m_anchor != NULL); CGAL_assertion( current != NULL); CGAL_assertion( m_anchor == i.m_anchor); if ( m_winding != i.m_winding) { difference_type s = I_min_circulator_size( *m_anchor); return (current - *m_anchor) - (i.current - *m_anchor) + s * (m_winding - i.m_winding); } return (current - *m_anchor) - (i.current - *m_anchor); } Ref operator[](difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; tmp += n; return tmp.operator*(); } bool operator<( const Self& i) const { CGAL_assertion( m_anchor != NULL); CGAL_assertion( current != NULL); CGAL_assertion( m_anchor == i.m_anchor); return ( (m_winding < i.m_winding) || ( (m_winding == i.m_winding) && (current - *m_anchor) < (i.current - *m_anchor) ) ); } bool operator> ( const Self& i) const { return i < *this; } bool operator<=( const Self& i) const { return !(i < *this); } bool operator>=( const Self& i) const { return !(*this < i); } const C* anchor() const { return m_anchor;} int winding() const { return m_winding;} Circulator current_circulator() const { return current;} }; template < class Dist, class C, class Ref, class Ptr> Iterator_from_circulator operator+( Dist n, const Iterator_from_circulator& circ) { Iterator_from_circulator tmp = circ; return tmp += n; } template < class C > class Container_from_circulator { private: C anchor; public: // // CREATION Container_from_circulator() {} // the resulting iterators will have a singular value. Container_from_circulator(const C& c) // The anchor is normalized to be a minimal circulator. : anchor(get_min_circulator(c)) {} // the resulting iterators will have a singular value if the // circulator `c' is singular. // // TYPES typedef C Circulator; typedef typename C::value_type value_type; typedef value_type& reference; typedef const value_type& const_reference; typedef value_type* pointer; typedef const value_type* const_pointer; typedef typename C::size_type size_type; typedef typename C::difference_type difference_type; typedef Iterator_from_circulator< C, reference, pointer> iterator; typedef Iterator_from_circulator< C, const_reference, const_pointer> const_iterator; // // OPERATIONS iterator begin() { // the start iterator. return iterator( &anchor, 0); } const_iterator begin() const { // the start const iterator. return const_iterator( &anchor, 0); } iterator end() { // the past-the-end iterator. return anchor == NULL ? iterator( &anchor, 0) : iterator( &anchor, 1); } const_iterator end() const { // the past-the-end const iterator. return anchor == NULL ? const_iterator( &anchor, 0) : const_iterator( &anchor, 1); } }; template class Circulator_from_container { typedef Circulator_from_container Self; typedef typename Container::iterator iterator; typedef std::iterator_traits iterator_traits; public: typedef typename iterator_traits::value_type value_type; typedef typename iterator_traits::reference reference; typedef typename iterator_traits::pointer pointer; typedef typename iterator_traits::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename I_Circulator_from_iterator_traits< typename iterator_traits::iterator_category >::iterator_category iterator_category; typedef typename Container::size_type size_type; private: Container* ctnr; iterator i; public: // CREATION Circulator_from_container() : ctnr(NULL) {} Circulator_from_container( Container* c) : ctnr(c), i(c->begin()) {} Circulator_from_container( Container* c, iterator j) : ctnr(c), i(j) {} // Gnu-bug workaround: define operator= explicitly. Self& operator=( const Self& c) { ctnr = c.ctnr; i = c.i; return *this; } // OPERATIONS bool operator==( Nullptr_t p) const { CGAL_USE(p); CGAL_assertion( p == NULL); return (ctnr == NULL) || (ctnr->begin() == ctnr->end()); } bool operator!=( Nullptr_t p) const { return !(*this == p); } bool operator==( const Self& c) const { return i == c.i; } bool operator!=( const Self& c) const { return !(*this == c); } reference operator*() const { CGAL_assertion( ctnr != NULL); CGAL_assertion( i != ctnr->end()); return *i; } pointer operator->() const { CGAL_assertion( ctnr != NULL); CGAL_assertion( i != ctnr->end()); return i.operator->(); } Self& operator++() { CGAL_assertion( ctnr != NULL); CGAL_assertion( i != ctnr->end()); ++i; if ( i == ctnr->end()) i = ctnr->begin(); return *this; } Self operator++(int) { Self tmp= *this; ++*this; return tmp; } Self& operator--() { CGAL_assertion( ctnr != NULL); CGAL_assertion( i != ctnr->end()); if ( i == ctnr->begin()) i = ctnr->end(); --i; return *this; } Self operator--(int) { Self tmp = *this; --*this; return tmp; } Self& operator+=( difference_type n) { CGAL_assertion( ctnr != NULL); CGAL_assertion( i != ctnr->end()); typename Container::difference_type j = i - ctnr->begin(); typename Container::difference_type size = ctnr->size(); CGAL_assertion( j >= 0); CGAL_assertion( size >= 0); j = non_negative_mod( j + n, size); CGAL_assertion( j >= 0); CGAL_assertion( j < size); i = ctnr->begin() + j; return *this; } Self operator+( difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; return tmp += n; } Self& operator-=( difference_type n) { return operator+=( -n); } Self operator-( difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; return tmp += -n; } difference_type operator-( const Self& c) const { CGAL_assertion( ctnr != NULL); CGAL_assertion( c.ctnr != NULL); return i - c.i; } reference operator[]( difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; tmp += n; return *tmp; } iterator current_iterator() const { return i;} Self min_circulator() const { return Self(ctnr); } Container* container() const { return ctnr; } }; template inline Circulator_from_container operator+( typename Circulator_from_container::difference_type n, const Circulator_from_container& c) { Circulator_from_container tmp = c; return tmp += n; } template < class Ctnr> class Const_circulator_from_container { public: // TYPES typedef Const_circulator_from_container Self; typedef Circulator_from_container Mutable; typedef Ctnr Container; typedef typename Ctnr::const_iterator const_iterator; typedef typename Ctnr::value_type value_type; typedef typename Ctnr::const_reference reference; typedef const value_type* pointer; typedef typename Ctnr::size_type size_type; typedef typename Ctnr::difference_type difference_type; typedef std::iterator_traits ITraits; typedef typename ITraits::iterator_category Icategory; typedef I_Circulator_from_iterator_traits CTraits; typedef typename CTraits::iterator_category iterator_category; private: const Ctnr* ctnr; const_iterator i; public: // CREATION Const_circulator_from_container() : ctnr(NULL) {} Const_circulator_from_container( const Ctnr* c) : ctnr(c), i(c->begin()) {} Const_circulator_from_container( const Ctnr* c, const_iterator j) : ctnr(c), i(j) {} Const_circulator_from_container( const Mutable& c) : ctnr( c.container()), i( c.current_iterator()) {} // Gnu-bug workaround: define operator= explicitly. Self& operator=( const Self& c) { ctnr = c.ctnr; i = c.i; return *this; } // OPERATIONS bool operator==( Nullptr_t p) const { CGAL_USE(p); CGAL_assertion( p == NULL); return (ctnr == NULL) || (ctnr->begin() == ctnr->end()); } bool operator!=( Nullptr_t p) const { return !(*this == p); } bool operator==( const Self& c) const { return i == c.i; } bool operator!=( const Self& c) const { return !(*this == c); } reference operator*() const { CGAL_assertion( ctnr != NULL); CGAL_assertion( i != ctnr->end()); return *i; } pointer operator->() const { CGAL_assertion( ctnr != NULL); CGAL_assertion( i != ctnr->end()); return i.operator->(); } Self& operator++() { CGAL_assertion( ctnr != NULL); CGAL_assertion( i != ctnr->end()); ++i; if ( i == ctnr->end()) i = ctnr->begin(); return *this; } Self operator++(int) { Self tmp= *this; ++*this; return tmp; } Self& operator--() { CGAL_assertion( ctnr != NULL); CGAL_assertion( i != ctnr->end()); if ( i == ctnr->begin()) i = ctnr->end(); --i; return *this; } Self operator--(int) { Self tmp = *this; --*this; return tmp; } Self& operator+=( difference_type n) { CGAL_assertion( ctnr != NULL); CGAL_assertion( i != ctnr->end()); typename Ctnr::difference_type j = i - ctnr->begin(); typename Ctnr::difference_type size = ctnr->size(); CGAL_assertion( j >= 0); CGAL_assertion( size >= 0); j = non_negative_mod( j + n, size); CGAL_assertion( j >= 0); CGAL_assertion( j < size); i = ctnr->begin() + j; return *this; } Self operator+( difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; return tmp += n; } Self& operator-=( difference_type n) { return operator+=( -n); } Self operator-( difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; return tmp += -n; } difference_type operator-( const Self& c) const { CGAL_assertion( ctnr != NULL); CGAL_assertion( c.ctnr != NULL); return i - c.i; } reference operator[]( difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; tmp += n; return *tmp; } const_iterator current_iterator() const { return i;} Self min_circulator() const { return Self(ctnr); } const Ctnr* container() const { return ctnr; } }; template inline Const_circulator_from_container operator+( typename Const_circulator_from_container::difference_type n, const Const_circulator_from_container& c) { Const_circulator_from_container tmp = c; return tmp += n; } // Note: Tt, Ss, and Dd are here for backwards compatibility, they are // not used. template < class I, class Tt = int, class Ss = int, class Dd = int> class Circulator_from_iterator { public: // TYPES typedef Circulator_from_iterator Self; typedef I iterator; typedef std::iterator_traits Traits; typedef typename Traits::value_type value_type; typedef std::size_t size_type; typedef typename Traits::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename Traits::reference reference; typedef typename Traits::pointer pointer; typedef typename Traits::iterator_category Icategory; typedef I_Circulator_from_iterator_traits CTraits; typedef typename CTraits::iterator_category iterator_category; private: I m_begin; I m_end; I current; bool empty; // The following static iterator is needed so that we have a value // that can be uniquely compared (the default constructed one can be // different each time). //static I null_iterator; public: // CREATION Circulator_from_iterator() : m_begin(), m_end(), current(), empty( true) {} Circulator_from_iterator( const I& bgn, const I& end) : m_begin(bgn), m_end(end), current(bgn), empty(bgn==end) {} Circulator_from_iterator( const I& bgn, const I& end, const I& cur) : m_begin(bgn), m_end(end), current(cur), empty(bgn==end) {} Circulator_from_iterator( const Self& c, const I& cur) : m_begin( c.m_begin), m_end( c.m_end), current(cur), empty(c.empty) {} template // Allow construction from Circulator_from_iterator with // assignment compatible iterator II: Circulator_from_iterator( const Circulator_from_iterator& ii) : m_begin( ii.begin()), m_end( ii.end()), current(ii.current_iterator()), empty(ii.begin()==ii.end()) {} // // OPERATIONS bool operator==( Nullptr_t p) const { CGAL_USE(p); CGAL_assertion( p == NULL); return empty; } bool operator!=( Nullptr_t p) const { return !(*this == p); } bool operator==( const Self& c) const { return current == c.current;} bool operator!=( const Self& c) const { return !(*this == c); } reference operator*() const { CGAL_assertion( current != m_end); return *current; } pointer operator->() const { CGAL_assertion( current != m_end); return &(*current); } Self& operator++() { CGAL_assertion( current != m_end); ++current; if ( current == m_end) current = m_begin; return *this; } Self operator++(int) { Self tmp= *this; ++*this; return tmp; } Self& operator--() { CGAL_assertion( current != m_end); if ( current == m_begin) current = m_end; --current; return *this; } Self operator--(int) { Self tmp = *this; --*this; return tmp; } Self& operator+=( difference_type n) { CGAL_assertion( current != m_end); difference_type i = current - m_begin; difference_type size = m_end - m_begin; CGAL_assertion( i >= 0); CGAL_assertion( size >= 0); i = non_negative_mod( i + n, size); CGAL_assertion( i >= 0); CGAL_assertion( i < size); current = m_begin + i; return *this; } Self operator+( difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; return tmp += n; } Self& operator-=( difference_type n) { return operator+=( -n); } Self operator-( difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; return tmp += -n; } difference_type operator-( const Self& i) const { CGAL_assertion((m_begin == i.m_begin) && (m_end == i.m_end)); return current - i.current; } reference operator[](difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; tmp += n; return tmp.operator*(); } iterator begin() const { return m_begin;} iterator end() const { return m_end;} iterator current_iterator() const { return current;} Self min_circulator() const { return Self( m_begin, m_end); } }; //template < class I, class T, class Size, class Dist> //I Circulator_from_iterator< I, T, Size, Dist>::null_iterator = I(); template < class D, class I, class T, class Size, class Dist> inline Circulator_from_iterator< I, T, Size, Dist> operator+( D n, const Circulator_from_iterator< I, T, Size, Dist>& circ) { Circulator_from_iterator< I, T, Size, Dist> tmp = circ; return tmp += Dist(n); } } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_CIRCULATOR_H //