// Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Michael Seel #ifndef CGAL_GENERIC_SWEEP_H #define CGAL_GENERIC_SWEEP_H /*{\Moptions print_title=yes}*/ /*{\Moptions section=subsection}*/ #include namespace CGAL { /*{\Manpage {generic_sweep}{T}{A Generic Plane Sweep Framework}{PS}}*/ template class generic_sweep { typedef generic_sweep Self; /*{\Mdefinition The data type |\Mname| provides a general framework for algorithms following the plane sweep paradigm. The plane sweep paradigm can be described as follows. A vertical line sweeps the plane from left to right and constructs the desired output incrementally left behind the sweep line. The sweep line maintains knowledge of the scenery of geometric objects and stops at points where changes of this knowledge relevant for the output occur. These points are called events. A general plane sweep framework structures the execution of the sweep into phases and provides a storage place for all data structures necessary to execute the sweep. An object |\Mvar| of type |\Mname| maintains an object of type |T| which generally can be used to store necessary structures. The content is totally dependent of the sweep specification and thereby varies within the application domain of the framework. The traits class |T| has to provide a set of types which define the input/output interface of the sweep: the input type |INPUT|, the output type |OUTPUT|, and a geometry kernel type |GEOMETRY|. The natural phases which determine a sweep are \begin{Mverb} // INITIALIZATION initialize_structures(); check_invariants(); // SWEEP LOOP while ( event_exists() ) { process_event(); check_invariants(); procede_to_next_event(); } // COMPLETION complete_structures(); check_final(); \end{Mverb} \begin{description} \item[ Initialization ] -- initializing the data structures, ensuring preconditions, checking invariants \item[ Sweep Loop ] -- iterating over all events, while handling the event stops, ensuring invariants and the soundness of all data structures and maybe triggering some animation tasks. \item[ Completion ] -- cleaning up some data structures and completing the output. \end{description} The above subtasks are members of the class |T| which a model of our traits concept has to provide: \begin{Mverb} void T::initialize_structures(); bool T::event_exists(); void T::process_event(); void T::procede_to_next_event(); void T::complete_structures(); void T::check_invariants(); void T::check_final(); \end{Mverb} See specification of the traits class for |\Mname|. }*/ T traits; /*{\Mtypes 5}*/ public : typedef T TRAITS; /*{\Mtypemember the traits class}*/ typedef typename TRAITS::INPUT INPUT; /*{\Mtypemember the input interface.}*/ typedef typename TRAITS::OUTPUT OUTPUT; /*{\Mtypemember the output container.}*/ typedef typename TRAITS::GEOMETRY GEOMETRY; /*{\Mtypemember the geometry kernel.}*/ /*{\Mevents 6.5}*/ /*{\Mtext To enable animation of the sweep there are event hooks inserted which allow an observer to attach certain visualization actions to them. There are four such hooks: }*/ Event_hook post_init_hook; /*{\Mevent triggered just after initialization.}*/ Event_hook pre_event_hook; /*{\Mevent triggered just before the sweep event.}*/ Event_hook post_event_hook; /*{\Mevent triggered just after the sweep event.}*/ Event_hook post_completion_hook; /*{\Mevent triggered just after the completion phase.}*/ /*{\Mtext All of these are triggered during the sweep with the instance of the |TRAITS| class that is stored inside the plane sweep object. Thus any animation operation attached to a hook can work on that class object which maintains the sweep status.}*/ /*{\Mcreation PS}*/ generic_sweep(const INPUT& input, OUTPUT& output, const GEOMETRY& geometry = GEOMETRY()) : traits(input,output,geometry) {} /*{\Mcreate creates a plane sweep object for a sweep on objects determined by |input| and delivers the result of the sweep in |output|. The traits class |T| specifies the models of all types and the implementations of all methods used by |\Mname|. At this point, it suffices to say that |INPUT| represents the input data type and |OUTPUT| represents the result data type. The |geometry| is an object providing object bound, geometry traits access.}*/ generic_sweep(OUTPUT& output, const GEOMETRY& geometry = GEOMETRY()) : traits(output,geometry) {} /*{\Mcreate a simpler call of the above where |output| carries also the input.}*/ /*{\Moperations}*/ void sweep() /*{\Mop execute the plane sweep.}*/ { traits.initialize_structures(); traits.check_invariants(); post_init_hook(traits); while ( traits.event_exists() ) { pre_event_hook(traits); traits.process_event(); post_event_hook(traits); traits.check_invariants(); traits.procede_to_next_event(); } traits.complete_structures(); traits.check_final(); post_completion_hook(traits); } /*{\Mexample A typical sweep based on |\Mname| looks like the following little program: \begin{Mverb} typedef std::list::const_iterator iterator; typedef std::pair iterator_pair; std::list P; // fill input GRAPH G; // the output generic_sweep triangulation(iterator_pair(P.begin(),P.end()),G); triangulation.sweep(); \end{Mverb}}*/ }; // generic_sweep } // namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_GENERIC_SWEEP_H