// Copyright (c) 2003 // Utrecht University (The Netherlands), // ETH Zurich (Switzerland), // INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France), // Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany), // and Tel-Aviv University (Israel). All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org); you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, // or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Michael Hoffmann // Lutz Kettner // Sylvain Pion #ifndef CGAL_ITERATOR_H #define CGAL_ITERATOR_H 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(BOOST_MSVC) # pragma warning(push) # pragma warning(disable:4396) # pragma warning(disable:4522) // multiple assignment operators specified // The warning, with VC12, was: // include\CGAL/iterator.h(1251) : warning C4522: 'CGAL::internal::Derivator,std::tuple>>,std::back_insert_iterator>>>>' : multiple assignment operators specified #endif namespace CGAL { // +----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Emptyset_iterator // +----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | sends everything to /dev/null // +----------------------------------------------------------------+ struct Emptyset_iterator : public std::iterator< std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void > { template< class T > Emptyset_iterator& operator=(const T&) { return *this; } Emptyset_iterator& operator++() { return *this; } Emptyset_iterator& operator++(int) { return *this; } Emptyset_iterator& operator*() { return *this; } }; // +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Insert_iterator // +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Insert output iterator, which calls insert(value) on the container. // | Similar to std::insert_iterator<> except it doesn't pass an iterator. // +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ template < class Container > class Insert_iterator : public std::iterator< std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void > { protected: Container *container; public: typedef Container container_type; explicit Insert_iterator(Container &c) : container(&c) {} Insert_iterator& operator=(typename Container::const_reference value) { container->insert(value); return *this; } Insert_iterator& operator*() { return *this; } Insert_iterator& operator++() { return *this; } Insert_iterator operator++(int) { return *this; } }; template < class Container > inline Insert_iterator inserter(Container &x) { return Insert_iterator(x); } // +----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Oneset_iterator // +----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | stores a pointer to an object of type T // | which will be affected by operator*(). // +----------------------------------------------------------------+ template < class T > class Oneset_iterator : public std::iterator< std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void > { T* t; public: // types typedef Oneset_iterator Self; public: Oneset_iterator(T& t) : t(&t) {} T& operator*() { return *t; } const T& operator*() const { return *t; } T* operator->() { return t; } const T* operator->() const { return t; } Self& operator++() { return *this; } Self& operator++(int) { return *this; } Self& operator--() { return *this; } Self& operator--(int) { return *this; } }; // +----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Const_oneset_iterator // +----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | stores an object of type T // | which will be affected by operator*(). // +----------------------------------------------------------------+ template < typename T > class Const_oneset_iterator { public: // types typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef T value_type; typedef value_type* pointer; typedef value_type& reference; typedef Const_oneset_iterator Self; typedef difference_type Diff; typedef value_type Val; typedef pointer Ptr; typedef reference Ref; // construction Const_oneset_iterator( const T& t = T(), Diff n = 0) : value( t), index( n) { } // access Ref operator * ( ) { return value; } const value_type& operator * ( ) const { return value; } Ptr operator -> ( ) { return &value; } const value_type* operator -> ( ) const { return &value; } // equality operator bool operator == ( const Self& x) const { return ( index==x.index); } bool operator != ( const Self& x) const { return ( index!=x.index); } // forward operations // ------------------ Self& operator ++ ( ) { ++index; return *this; } Self operator ++ ( int) { Self tmp = *this; ++index; return tmp; } // bidirectional operations // ------------------------ Self& operator -- ( ) { --index; return *this; } Self operator -- ( int) { Self tmp = *this; --index; return tmp; } // random access operations // ------------------------ // access Ref operator [] ( Diff ) { return value;} const value_type& operator [] ( Diff ) const { return value;} // less operator bool operator < ( const Self& x) const { return ( index < x.index);} // arithmetic operations Self& operator += ( Diff n) { index += n; return *this; } Self& operator -= ( Diff n) { index -= n; return *this; } Self operator + ( Diff n) const { Self tmp = *this; return tmp+=n; } Self operator - ( Diff n) const { Self tmp = *this; return tmp-=n; } Diff operator - ( const Self& x) const { return index - x.index; } private: // data members Val value; Diff index; }; // +----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Counting_output_iterator // +----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | stores a pointer to an int, // | which will be incremented by operator=(). // +----------------------------------------------------------------+ // Undocumented, because there is some hope to merge it into Counting_iterator class Counting_output_iterator : public std::iterator< std::output_iterator_tag, void, void, void, void > { std::size_t *c; public: Counting_output_iterator(std::size_t *cc) : c(cc) { *c = 0; } Counting_output_iterator& operator++() { return *this; } Counting_output_iterator& operator++(int) { return *this; } Counting_output_iterator& operator*() { return *this; } template void operator=(const T&) { ++*c; } std::size_t current_counter() const { return *c; } }; template < class I, class Val = typename std::iterator_traits::value_type > class Counting_iterator { protected: I nt; // The internal iterator. std::size_t d_i; // The internal counter. public: typedef I Iterator; typedef Counting_iterator Self; typedef std::input_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef Val value_type; typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef const value_type& reference; typedef const value_type* pointer; // CREATION // -------- Counting_iterator( std::size_t i = 0) : d_i(i) {} Counting_iterator( Iterator j, std::size_t i = 0) : nt(j), d_i(i) {} // OPERATIONS Forward Category // --------------------------- Iterator current_iterator() const { return nt;} std::size_t current_counter() const { return d_i;} bool operator==( const Self& i) const { return ( d_i == i.d_i); } bool operator!=( const Self& i) const { return !(*this == i); } reference operator*() const { return *nt; } pointer operator->() const { return nt.operator->(); } Self& operator++() { ++nt; ++d_i; return *this; } Self operator++(int) { Self tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; } }; template < class I, int N, class Ref = typename std::iterator_traits::reference, class Ptr = typename std::iterator_traits::pointer, class Val = typename std::iterator_traits::value_type, class Dist = typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type, class Ctg = typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category > class N_step_adaptor { protected: I nt; // The internal iterator. bool empty; public: typedef I Iterator; typedef N_step_adaptor Self; typedef std::iterator_traits ITI; typedef typename ITI::reference reference; typedef typename ITI::pointer pointer; typedef typename ITI::value_type value_type; typedef typename ITI::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename ITI::iterator_category iterator_category; // Special for circulators. typedef I_Circulator_size_traits C_S_Traits; typedef typename C_S_Traits::size_type size_type; // CREATION // -------- N_step_adaptor(): empty(true) {} N_step_adaptor( Iterator j) : nt(j), empty(false) {} template N_step_adaptor( const N_step_adaptor& j) : nt( j.current_iterator()), empty(j.empty) {} // OPERATIONS Forward Category // --------------------------- // Circulator stuff. typedef I Circulator; Circulator current_circulator() const { return nt;} Iterator current_iterator() const { return nt;} bool operator==( Nullptr_t p) const { CGAL_USE(p); CGAL_assertion( p == 0); return empty; } bool operator!=( Nullptr_t p) const { return !(*this == p); } bool operator==( const Self& i) const { return (empty && i.empty) ||( nt == i.nt); } bool operator!=( const Self& i) const { return !(*this == i); } reference operator*() const { return *nt; } pointer operator->() const { return nt.operator->(); } Self& operator++() { std::advance( nt, N); return *this; } Self operator++(int) { Self tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; } // OPERATIONS Bidirectional Category // --------------------------------- Self& operator--() { std::advance( nt, -N); return *this; } Self operator--(int) { Self tmp = *this; --*this; return tmp; } // OPERATIONS Random Access Category // --------------------------------- Self min_circulator() const { return Self( nt.min_circulator()); } Self& operator+=( difference_type n) { nt += difference_type(N * n); return *this; } Self operator+( difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; tmp.nt += difference_type(N * n); return tmp; } Self& operator-=( difference_type n) { return operator+=( -n); } Self operator-( difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; return tmp += -n; } difference_type operator-( const Self& i) const { return (nt-i.nt)/N;} reference operator[]( difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; tmp += n; return tmp.operator*(); } bool operator<( const Self& i) const { return ( nt < i.nt); } bool operator>( const Self& i) const { return i < *this; } bool operator<=( const Self& i) const { return !(i < *this); } bool operator>=( const Self& i) const { return !(*this < i); } }; // Microsoft 1300 cannot handle the default template parameters. Hence, ... template < class I, int N, class Ref, class Ptr, class Val, class Dist, class Ctg > inline N_step_adaptor operator+(typename N_step_adaptor::difference_type n, N_step_adaptor i) { return i += n; } template < class I, int N> class N_step_adaptor_derived : public I { public: typedef I Iterator; typedef I Circulator; typedef N_step_adaptor_derived Self; typedef typename I::iterator_category iterator_category; typedef typename I::value_type value_type; typedef typename I::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename I::reference reference; typedef typename I::pointer pointer; // Special for circulators. typedef I_Circulator_size_traits C_S_Traits; typedef typename C_S_Traits::size_type size_type; // CREATION // -------- N_step_adaptor_derived() {} N_step_adaptor_derived( Iterator j) : I(j) {} template N_step_adaptor_derived( const N_step_adaptor_derived& j) : I( j.current_iterator()) {} // OPERATIONS Forward Category // --------------------------- Circulator current_circulator() const { return *this;} Iterator current_iterator() const { return *this;} Self& operator++() { std::advance( (I&)*this, N); return *this; } Self operator++(int) { Self tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp; } // OPERATIONS Bidirectional Category // --------------------------------- Self& operator--() { std::advance( (I&)*this, -N); return *this; } Self operator--(int) { Self tmp = *this; --*this; return tmp; } // OPERATIONS Random Access Category // --------------------------------- Self min_circulator() const { return Self( I::min_circulator()); } Self& operator+=( difference_type n) { I::operator+=( difference_type(N * n)); return *this; } Self operator+( difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; tmp += n; return tmp; } Self& operator-=( difference_type n) { return operator+=( -n); } Self operator-( difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; return tmp += -n; } difference_type operator-( const Self& i) const { return (I::operator-(i)) / N; } reference operator[]( difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; tmp += n; return tmp.operator*(); } }; template < class I, int N > inline N_step_adaptor_derived operator+( typename N_step_adaptor_derived::difference_type n, N_step_adaptor_derived i) { return i += n; } template < class I, class P > struct Filter_iterator; template < class I, class P > bool operator==(const Filter_iterator&, const Filter_iterator&); template < class I, class P > bool operator<(const Filter_iterator&, const Filter_iterator&); template < class I, class P > struct Filter_iterator { typedef I Iterator; typedef P Predicate; typedef Filter_iterator Self; typedef std::iterator_traits ITI; typedef typename ITI::reference reference; typedef typename ITI::pointer pointer; typedef typename ITI::value_type value_type; typedef typename ITI::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename ITI::iterator_category iterator_category; // Special for circulators. typedef I_Circulator_size_traits C_S_Traits; typedef typename C_S_Traits::size_type size_type; protected: Iterator e_; // past-the-end position. Iterator c_; // current position. Predicate p_; // Leave out x <==> p_(x). public: Filter_iterator() {} Filter_iterator(Iterator e, const Predicate& p) : e_(e), c_(e), p_(p) {} Filter_iterator(Iterator e, const Predicate& p, Iterator c) : e_(e), c_(c), p_(p) { while (c_ != e_ && p_(c_)) ++c_; } Self& operator++() { do { ++c_; } while (c_ != e_ && p_(c_)); return *this; } Self& operator--() { do { --c_; } while (p_(c_)); return *this; } Self operator++(int) { Self tmp(*this); ++(*this); return tmp; } Self operator--(int) { Self tmp(*this); --(*this); return tmp; } reference operator*() const { return *c_; } pointer operator->() const { return &*c_; } const Predicate& predicate() const { return p_; } Iterator base() const { return c_; } Iterator end() const { return e_; } bool is_end() const { return (c_ == e_); } friend bool operator== <>(const Self&, const Self&); friend bool operator< <>(const Self&, const Self&); }; template < class I, class P > inline Filter_iterator< I, P > filter_iterator(I e, const P& p) { return Filter_iterator< I, P >(e, p); } template < class I, class P > inline Filter_iterator< I, P > filter_iterator(I e, const P& p, I c) { return Filter_iterator< I, P >(e, p, c); } template < class I, class P > inline bool operator==(const Filter_iterator& it1, const Filter_iterator& it2) { CGAL_precondition(it1.e_ == it2.e_); return it1.base() == it2.base(); } template < class I, class P > inline bool operator<(const Filter_iterator& it1, const Filter_iterator& it2) { return it1.base() < it2.base(); } template < class I, class P > inline bool operator!=(const Filter_iterator& it1, const Filter_iterator& it2) { return !(it1 == it2); } template class Join_input_iterator_1 : public std::iterator::iterator_category, typename Op::result_type, typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type, typename Op::result_type*, typename Op::result_type&> { public: typedef Join_input_iterator_1 Self; typedef typename Op::result_type value_type; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type difference_type; typedef value_type* pointer; typedef value_type& reference; protected: I1 i1; Op op; mutable value_type val; // Note: mutable is needed because we want to // return a reference in operator*() and // operator[](int) below. public: Join_input_iterator_1() {} Join_input_iterator_1(const Join_input_iterator_1& it) : i1(it.i1), op(it.op) {} Join_input_iterator_1(I1 i,const Op& o=Op()) : i1(i), op(o) {} I1 current_iterator1() const { return i1; } bool operator==(const Self& i) const { return i1 == i.i1; } bool operator!=(const Self& i) const { return !(*this == i); } bool operator< (const Self& i) const { return i1 < i.i1; } Join_input_iterator_1& operator=(const Join_input_iterator_1& it) { i1 = it.i1; op = it.op; return *this; } const value_type& operator*() const { val = op(*i1); return val; } Self& operator++( ) { ++i1; return *this; } Self operator++(int) { Self tmp = *this; ++(*this); return tmp; } Self& operator--( ) { --i1; return *this; } Self operator--(int) { Self tmp = *this; --(*this); return tmp; } const value_type& operator[](difference_type i) const { val = op(i1[i]); return val; } Self& operator+=(difference_type n) { i1 += n; return *this; } Self& operator-=(difference_type n) { i1 -= n; return *this; } Self operator+ (difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; return tmp += n; } Self operator- (difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; return tmp -= n; } difference_type operator-(const Self& i) const { return i1 - i.i1; } }; template class Join_input_iterator_2 : public std::iterator::iterator_category, typename Op::result_type, typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type, typename Op::result_type*, typename Op::result_type&> { public: typedef Join_input_iterator_2 Self; typedef typename Op::result_type value_type; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type difference_type; typedef value_type* pointer; typedef value_type& reference; protected: I1 i1; I2 i2; Op op; mutable value_type val; // Note: mutable is needed because we want to // return a reference in operator*() and // operator[](int) below. public: Join_input_iterator_2() {} Join_input_iterator_2(const Join_input_iterator_2& it) : i1(it.i1), i2(it.i2), op(it.op) {} Join_input_iterator_2(I1 i1,I2 i2,const Op& op=Op()) : i1(i1), i2(i2), op(op) {} I1 current_iterator1() const { return i1; } I2 current_iterator2() const { return i2; } bool operator==(const Self& i) const { return i1 == i.i1 && i2 == i.i2; } bool operator!=(const Self& i) const { return !(*this == i); } bool operator< (const Self& i) const { return i1 < i.i1 && i2 < i.i2; } Join_input_iterator_2& operator=(const Join_input_iterator_2& it) { i1 = it.i1; i2 = it.i2; op = it.op; return *this; } const value_type& operator*() const { val = op(*i1,*i2); return val; } Self& operator++( ) { ++i1; ++i2; return *this; } Self operator++(int) { Self tmp = *this; ++(*this); return tmp; } Self& operator--( ) { --i1; --i2; return *this; } Self operator--(int) { Self tmp = *this; --(*this); return tmp; } const value_type& operator[](difference_type i) const { val = op(i1[i],i2[i]); return val; } Self& operator+=(difference_type n) { i1 += n; i2 += n; return *this; } Self& operator-=(difference_type n) { i1 -= n; i2 -= n; return *this; } Self operator+ (difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; return tmp += n; } Self operator- (difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; return tmp -= n; } difference_type operator-(const Self& i) const { return i1 - i.i1; } }; template class Join_input_iterator_3 : public std::iterator::iterator_category, typename Op::result_type, typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type, typename Op::result_type*, typename Op::result_type&> { public: typedef Join_input_iterator_3 Self; typedef typename Op::result_type value_type; typedef typename std::iterator_traits::difference_type difference_type; typedef value_type* pointer; typedef value_type& reference; protected: I1 i1; I2 i2; I3 i3; Op op; mutable value_type val; // Note: mutable is needed because we want to // return a reference in operator*() and // operator[](int) below. public: Join_input_iterator_3() {} Join_input_iterator_3(const Join_input_iterator_3& it) : i1(it.i1), i2(it.i2), i3(it.i3), op(it.op) {} Join_input_iterator_3(I1 i1,I2 i2,I3 i3,const Op& op=Op()) : i1(i1), i2(i2), i3(i3), op(op) {} I1 current_iterator1() const { return i1; } I2 current_iterator2() const { return i2; } I2 current_iterator3() const { return i3; } bool operator==(const Self& i) const { return i1 == i.i1 && i2 == i.i2 && i3 == i.i3; } bool operator!=(const Self& i) const { return !(*this == i); } bool operator< (const Self& i) const { return i1 < i.i1 && i2 < i.i2 && i3 < i.i3; } Join_input_iterator_3& operator=(const Join_input_iterator_3& it) { i1 = it.i1; i2 = it.i1; i3 = it.i3; op = it.op; return *this; } const value_type& operator*() const { val = op(*i1,*i2,*i3); return val; } Self& operator++( ) { ++i1; ++i2; ++i3; return *this; } Self operator++(int) { Self tmp = *this; ++(*this); return tmp; } Self& operator--( ) { --i1; --i2; --i3; return *this; } Self operator--(int) { Self tmp = *this; --(*this); return tmp; } const value_type& operator[](difference_type i) const { val = op(i1[i],i2[i],i3[i]); return val; } Self& operator+=(difference_type n) { i1 += n; i2 += n; i3 += n; return *this; } Self& operator-=(difference_type n) { i1 -= n; i2 -= n; i3 -= n; return *this; } Self operator+ (difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; return tmp += n; } Self operator- (difference_type n) const { Self tmp = *this; return tmp -= n; } difference_type operator-(const Self& i) const { return i1 - i.i1; } }; template < class IC> class Inverse_index { // DEFINITION // // The class Inverse_index constructs an inverse index for a // given range [i,j) of two iterators or circulators of type `IC' with the // value type `T'. The first element I in the // range [i,j) has the index 0. Consecutive elements are numbered // incrementally. The inverse index provides a query for a given iterator // or circulator k to retrieve its index number. For random access // iterators or circulators, it is done in constant time by subtracting i. // For other iterator categories, an STL `map' is used, which results in a // log j-i query time. A comparison operator `operator<' is needed for // `T*'. // // CREATION protected: typedef std::map< const void*, std::size_t > Index; Index idx; IC start; typedef typename Index::iterator Index_iterator; typedef typename Index::const_iterator Index_const_iterator; typedef typename Index::value_type Item; protected: void ini_idx( IC i, const IC& j, std::input_iterator_tag); void ini_idx( const IC& i, const IC& j, std::forward_iterator_tag){ ini_idx( i, j, std::input_iterator_tag()); } void ini_idx(const IC& i,const IC& j, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag){ ini_idx( i, j, std::input_iterator_tag()); } void ini_idx( const IC& i, const IC& j, Forward_circulator_tag) { ini_idx( i, j, std::input_iterator_tag()); } void ini_idx( const IC& i, const IC& j, Bidirectional_circulator_tag){ ini_idx( i, j, std::input_iterator_tag()); } void ini_idx( const IC&, const IC&, std::random_access_iterator_tag){} void ini_idx( const IC&, const IC&, Random_access_circulator_tag){} public: void init_index( const IC& i, const IC& j) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category ICC; ini_idx( i, j, ICC()); } protected: void push_back( const IC& k, std::input_iterator_tag) { std::size_t d = idx.size(); idx[ &*k] = d; } void push_back( const IC& k, std::forward_iterator_tag){ push_back( k, std::input_iterator_tag()); } void push_back( const IC& k, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag){ push_back( k, std::input_iterator_tag()); } void push_back( const IC& k, Forward_circulator_tag){ push_back( k, std::input_iterator_tag()); } void push_back( const IC& k, Bidirectional_circulator_tag){ push_back( k, std::input_iterator_tag()); } void push_back( const IC&, std::random_access_iterator_tag){} void push_back( const IC&, Random_access_circulator_tag){} public: void push_back( const IC& k) { // adds k at the end of the indices. typedef typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category ICC; push_back( k, ICC()); } std::size_t find( const IC& k, std::random_access_iterator_tag) const { return std::size_t(k - start); } std::size_t find( const IC& k, Random_access_circulator_tag) const { return std::size_t(k - start); } std::size_t find( const IC& k, std::input_iterator_tag) const { // returns inverse index of k. Index_const_iterator i = idx.find( &*k); CGAL_assertion( i != idx.end()); return (*i).second; } std::size_t find( const IC& k, std::forward_iterator_tag) const { return find( k, std::input_iterator_tag()); } std::size_t find( const IC& k, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag) const { return find( k, std::input_iterator_tag()); } std::size_t find( const IC& k, Forward_circulator_tag) const { return find( k, std::input_iterator_tag()); } std::size_t find( const IC& k, Bidirectional_circulator_tag) const { return find( k, std::input_iterator_tag()); } typedef IC iterator; typedef IC Circulator; typedef std::size_t size_type; Inverse_index() : start(IC()) {} // invalid index. Inverse_index( const IC& i) : start(i) {}; // empty inverse index initialized to start at i. Inverse_index( const IC& i, const IC& j) : start(i) { // inverse index initialized with range [i,j). init_index( i, j); } // OPERATIONS std::size_t operator[]( const IC& k) const { // returns inverse index of k. typedef typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category category; return find( k, category()); } }; template < class IC> void Inverse_index< IC>::ini_idx( IC i, const IC& j, std::input_iterator_tag) { std::size_t n = 0; Index_iterator hint = idx.begin(); if ( ! is_empty_range( i, j)) { do { hint = idx.insert( hint, Item( &*i, n)); n++; } while ((++i) != (j)); } } template < class IC> class Random_access_adaptor { // DEFINITION // // The class Random_access_adaptor provides a random access // for data structures. Either the data structure supports random access // iterators or circulators where this class maps function calls to the // iterator or circulator, or a STL `vector' is used to provide the random // access. The iterator or circulator of the data structure are of type // `IC'. // // CREATION protected: typedef std::vector< IC> Index; Index index; IC start; public: typedef typename Index::size_type size_type; void init_index( IC i, const IC& j, std::forward_iterator_tag); void init_index( const IC& i, const IC& j, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag){ init_index( i, j, std::forward_iterator_tag()); } void init_index( const IC& i, const IC&, std::random_access_iterator_tag){ start = i; } void init_index( const IC& i, const IC& j) { typedef typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category ICC; init_index( i, j, ICC()); } void reserve( size_type r, std::forward_iterator_tag) { index.reserve( r); } void reserve( size_type r, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag){ reserve( r, std::forward_iterator_tag()); } void reserve( size_type, std::random_access_iterator_tag){} void push_back( const IC& k, std::forward_iterator_tag) { index.push_back(k); } void push_back( const IC& k, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag){ push_back( k, std::forward_iterator_tag()); } void push_back( const IC&, std::random_access_iterator_tag){} const IC& find( size_type n, std::forward_iterator_tag) const { // returns inverse index of k. CGAL_assertion( n < index.size()); return index[n]; } const IC& find( size_type n, std::bidirectional_iterator_tag) const { return find( n, std::forward_iterator_tag()); } IC find( size_type n, std::random_access_iterator_tag) const { return start + n; } typedef IC iterator; typedef IC Circulator; Random_access_adaptor() : start(IC()) {} // invalid index. Random_access_adaptor( const IC& i) : start(i) {} // empty random access index initialized to start at i. Random_access_adaptor( const IC& i, const IC& j) : start(i) { // random access index initialized with range [i,j). init_index( i, j); } void reserve( size_type r) { // reserve r entries, if a `vector' is used internally. typedef typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category ICC; reserve( r, ICC()); } // OPERATIONS IC find( size_type n) const { // returns inverse index of k. typedef typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category ICC; return find( n, ICC()); } IC operator[]( size_type n) const { return find(n); } void push_back( const IC& k) { // adds k at the end of the indices. typedef typename std::iterator_traits::iterator_category ICC; push_back( k, ICC()); } }; template < class IC> void Random_access_adaptor< IC>::init_index( IC i, const IC& j, std::forward_iterator_tag) { if ( ! is_empty_range( i, j)) { do { index.push_back( i); } while ((++i) != (j)); } } template < class IC, class T > class Random_access_value_adaptor : public Random_access_adaptor { public: typedef typename Random_access_adaptor::size_type size_type; Random_access_value_adaptor() {} // invalid index. Random_access_value_adaptor( const IC& i) : Random_access_adaptor(i) {} // empty random access index initialized to start at i. Random_access_value_adaptor( const IC& i, const IC& j) : Random_access_adaptor(i,j) {} // random access index initialized with range [i,j). // OPERATIONS T& operator[]( size_type n) const { // returns inverse index of k. return *(Random_access_adaptor::operator[](n)); } }; template class Filter_output_iterator : public std::iterator { protected: _Iterator iterator; Predicate predicate; public: typedef _Iterator iterator_type; explicit Filter_output_iterator(_Iterator& __x, const Predicate& pred) : iterator(__x), predicate(pred) {} template Filter_output_iterator& operator=(const T& t) { if(! predicate(t)) *iterator = t; return *this; } Filter_output_iterator& operator*() { return *this; } Filter_output_iterator& operator++() { ++iterator; return *this; } Filter_output_iterator operator++(int) { Filter_output_iterator res(*this); ++iterator; return res; } }; template < class I, class P > inline Filter_output_iterator< I, P > filter_output_iterator(I e, const P& p) { return Filter_output_iterator< I, P >(e, p); } namespace internal { template struct Output_visitor : boost::static_visitor { Output_visitor(OutputIterator* it) : out(it) {} OutputIterator* out; template OutputIterator& operator()(const T& t) { *(*out)++ = t; return *out; } }; } // internal #if !defined(CGAL_CFG_NO_CPP0X_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES) && !defined(CGAL_CFG_NO_CPP0X_TUPLE) namespace internal { template < typename D, typename V = cpp11::tuple<>, typename O = cpp11::tuple<> > struct Derivator { #ifndef CGAL_CFG_NO_CPP0X_DELETED_AND_DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS typedef Derivator Self; Self& operator=(const Self&) = delete; #endif template void tuple_dispatch(const Tuple&) {} }; template < typename D, typename V1, typename O1, typename... V, typename... O> struct Derivator, cpp11::tuple > : public Derivator, cpp11::tuple > { typedef Derivator, cpp11::tuple > Self; typedef Derivator, cpp11::tuple > Base; #ifndef CGAL_CFG_NO_CPP0X_DELETED_AND_DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS Self& operator=(const Self&) = delete; #endif using Base::operator=; D& operator=(const V1& v) { * cpp11::get< D::size - sizeof...(V) - 1 >(static_cast(static_cast(*this))) ++ = v; return static_cast(*this); } template void tuple_dispatch(const Tuple& t) { * cpp11::get< D::size - sizeof...(V) - 1 >(static_cast(static_cast(*this))) ++ = cpp11::get< D::size - sizeof...(V) - 1 >(t); static_cast(*this).tuple_dispatch(t); } }; } // internal // OutputIterator which accepts several types in *o++= and dispatches, // wraps several other output iterators, and dispatches accordingly. template < typename V, typename O > class Dispatch_output_iterator; template < typename... V, typename... O > class Dispatch_output_iterator < cpp11::tuple, cpp11::tuple > : private internal::Derivator, cpp11::tuple >, cpp11::tuple, cpp11::tuple > , public cpp11::tuple { CGAL_static_assertion_msg(sizeof...(V) == sizeof...(O), "The number of explicit template parameters has to match the number of arguments"); static const int size = sizeof...(V); template friend struct internal::Derivator; public: typedef cpp11::tuple Iterator_tuple; typedef cpp11::tuple Value_type_tuple; typedef std::output_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef void value_type; typedef void difference_type; typedef void pointer; typedef void reference; private: typedef Dispatch_output_iterator Self; typedef internal::Derivator Base; public: using Base::operator=; using Base::tuple_dispatch; Dispatch_output_iterator(O... o) : cpp11::tuple(o...) {} Self& operator=(const Self& s) { static_cast(*this) = static_cast(s); return *this; } template Self& operator=(const boost::variant& t) { internal::Output_visitor visitor(this); boost::apply_visitor(visitor, t); return *this; } template Self& operator=(const boost::optional< boost::variant >& t) { internal::Output_visitor visitor(this); if(t) boost::apply_visitor(visitor, *t); return *this; } Self& operator++() { return *this; } Self& operator++(int) { return *this; } Self& operator*() { return *this; } const Iterator_tuple& get_iterator_tuple() const { return *this; } Self& operator=(const cpp11::tuple& t) { tuple_dispatch(t); return *this; } }; template < typename... V, typename... O> Dispatch_output_iterator, cpp11::tuple > dispatch_output(O... o) { return Dispatch_output_iterator, cpp11::tuple > (o...); } // Same as Dispatch_output_iterator, but has a dummy *o++= for all other types // that drops the data (same as Emptyset_iterator). template < typename V, typename O > class Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator; template < typename... V, typename... O > class Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator < cpp11::tuple, cpp11::tuple > : public Dispatch_output_iterator< cpp11::tuple, cpp11::tuple > { typedef Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator Self; typedef Dispatch_output_iterator< cpp11::tuple, cpp11::tuple > Base; template friend struct internal::Derivator; public: Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator(O... o) : Base(o...) {} using Base::operator=; Self& operator*() { return *this; } Self& operator++() { return *this; } Self& operator++(int) { return *this; } template Self& operator=(const T&) { return *this; } }; template < typename... V, typename... O> inline Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator, cpp11::tuple > dispatch_or_drop_output(O... o) { return Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator, cpp11::tuple >(o...); } #else // Non-variadic version template < typename V, typename O > class Dispatch_output_iterator; template < typename V, typename O > class Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator; // Version with 1 parameters template class Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >:public cpp11::tuple{ typedef Dispatch_output_iterator Self; public: typedef cpp11::tuple Value_type_tuple; typedef cpp11::tuple Iterator_tuple; typedef std::output_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef void value_type; typedef void difference_type; typedef void pointer; typedef void reference; Self& operator*(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(int){ return *this; } Dispatch_output_iterator(O1 out1):Iterator_tuple(out1){} //Added because required by MSVC10 Dispatch_output_iterator(const Self& other): Iterator_tuple(static_cast(other)) {} Self& operator=(const V1& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const cpp11::tuple& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<0>(obj); return *this; } Self& operator=(const Self& s){ static_cast< Iterator_tuple& >(*this) = static_cast< const Iterator_tuple& >(s); return *this; } template Self& operator=(const boost::variant& t) { internal::Output_visitor visitor(this); boost::apply_visitor(visitor, t); return *this; } template Self& operator=(const boost::optional< boost::variant >& t) { internal::Output_visitor visitor(this); if(t) boost::apply_visitor(visitor, *t); return *this; } const Iterator_tuple& get_iterator_tuple() const { return *this; } }; template inline Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > dispatch_output(O1 out1){ return Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >(out1); } //Version with DROP template class Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >: public Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > { typedef Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator Self; typedef Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > Base; public: Self& operator*(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(int){ return *this; } Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator(O1 out1):Base(out1){} #if defined(__EDG__) typedef cpp11::tuple Iterator_tuple; Self& operator=(const V1& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const Self& s){ static_cast< Iterator_tuple& >(*this) = static_cast< const Iterator_tuple& >(s); return *this; } Self& operator=(const cpp11::tuple& t){ static_cast< Base& >(*this) = t; return *this; } #else using Base::operator=; #endif //defined(__EDG__) template Self& operator=(const T&){ return *this; } }; template inline Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > dispatch_or_drop_output(O1 out1){ return Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >(out1); } // Version with 2 parameters template class Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >:public cpp11::tuple{ typedef Dispatch_output_iterator Self; public: typedef cpp11::tuple Value_type_tuple; typedef cpp11::tuple Iterator_tuple; typedef std::output_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef void value_type; typedef void difference_type; typedef void pointer; typedef void reference; Self& operator*(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(int){ return *this; } Dispatch_output_iterator(O1 out1,O2 out2):Iterator_tuple(out1,out2){} //Added because required by MSVC10 Dispatch_output_iterator(const Self& other): Iterator_tuple(static_cast(other)) {} Self& operator=(const V1& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V2& obj){ *cpp11::get<1>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const cpp11::tuple& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<0>(obj); *cpp11::get<1>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<1>(obj); return *this; } Self& operator=(const Self& s){ static_cast< Iterator_tuple& >(*this) = static_cast< const Iterator_tuple& >(s); return *this; } template Self& operator=(const boost::variant& t) { internal::Output_visitor visitor(this); boost::apply_visitor(visitor, t); return *this; } template Self& operator=(const boost::optional< boost::variant >& t) { internal::Output_visitor visitor(this); if(t) boost::apply_visitor(visitor, *t); return *this; } const Iterator_tuple& get_iterator_tuple() const { return *this; } }; template inline Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > dispatch_output(O1 out1,O2 out2){ return Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >(out1,out2); } //Version with DROP template class Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >: public Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > { typedef Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator Self; typedef Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > Base; public: Self& operator*(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(int){ return *this; } Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator(O1 out1,O2 out2):Base(out1,out2){} #if defined(__EDG__) typedef cpp11::tuple Iterator_tuple; Self& operator=(const V1& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V2& obj){ *cpp11::get<1>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const Self& s){ static_cast< Iterator_tuple& >(*this) = static_cast< const Iterator_tuple& >(s); return *this; } Self& operator=(const cpp11::tuple& t){ static_cast< Base& >(*this) = t; return *this; } #else using Base::operator=; #endif //defined(__EDG__) template Self& operator=(const T&){ return *this; } }; template inline Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > dispatch_or_drop_output(O1 out1,O2 out2){ return Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >(out1,out2); } //Version with 3 parameters template class Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >:public cpp11::tuple{ typedef Dispatch_output_iterator Self; public: typedef cpp11::tuple Value_type_tuple; typedef cpp11::tuple Iterator_tuple; typedef std::output_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef void value_type; typedef void difference_type; typedef void pointer; typedef void reference; Self& operator*(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(int){ return *this; } Dispatch_output_iterator(O1 out1,O2 out2,O3 out3):Iterator_tuple(out1,out2,out3){} //Added because required by MSVC10 Dispatch_output_iterator(const Self& other): Iterator_tuple(static_cast(other)) {} Self& operator=(const V1& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V2& obj){ *cpp11::get<1>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V3& obj){ *cpp11::get<2>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const cpp11::tuple& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<0>(obj); *cpp11::get<1>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<1>(obj); *cpp11::get<2>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<2>(obj); return *this; } Self& operator=(const Self& s){ static_cast< Iterator_tuple& >(*this) = static_cast< const Iterator_tuple& >(s); return *this; } template Self& operator=(const boost::variant& t) { internal::Output_visitor visitor(this); boost::apply_visitor(visitor, t); return *this; } template Self& operator=(const boost::optional< boost::variant >& t) { internal::Output_visitor visitor(this); if(t) boost::apply_visitor(visitor, *t); return *this; } const Iterator_tuple& get_iterator_tuple() const { return *this; } }; template inline Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > dispatch_output(O1 out1,O2 out2,O3 out3){ return Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >(out1,out2,out3); } //Version with DROP template < typename V, typename O > class Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator; template class Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >: public Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > { typedef Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator Self; typedef Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > Base; public: Self& operator*(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(int){ return *this; } Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator(O1 out1,O2 out2,O3 out3):Base(out1,out2,out3){} #if defined(__EDG__) typedef cpp11::tuple Iterator_tuple; Self& operator=(const V1& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V2& obj){ *cpp11::get<1>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V3& obj){ *cpp11::get<2>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const Self& s){ static_cast< Iterator_tuple& >(*this) = static_cast< const Iterator_tuple& >(s); return *this; } Self& operator=(const cpp11::tuple& t){ static_cast< Base& >(*this) = t; return *this; } #else using Base::operator=; #endif //defined(__EDG__) template Self& operator=(const T&){ return *this; } }; template inline Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > dispatch_or_drop_output(O1 out1,O2 out2,O3 out3){ return Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >(out1,out2,out3); } //Version with 4 parameters template class Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >:public cpp11::tuple{ typedef Dispatch_output_iterator Self; public: typedef cpp11::tuple Value_type_tuple; typedef cpp11::tuple Iterator_tuple; typedef std::output_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef void value_type; typedef void difference_type; typedef void pointer; typedef void reference; Self& operator*(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(int){ return *this; } Dispatch_output_iterator(O1 out1,O2 out2,O3 out3,O4 out4):Iterator_tuple(out1,out2,out3,out4){} //Added because required by MSVC10 Dispatch_output_iterator(const Self& other): Iterator_tuple(static_cast(other)) {} Self& operator=(const V1& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V2& obj){ *cpp11::get<1>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V3& obj){ *cpp11::get<2>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V4& obj){ *cpp11::get<3>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const cpp11::tuple& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<0>(obj); *cpp11::get<1>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<1>(obj); *cpp11::get<2>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<2>(obj); *cpp11::get<3>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<3>(obj); return *this; } Self& operator=(const Self& s){ static_cast< Iterator_tuple& >(*this) = static_cast< const Iterator_tuple& >(s); return *this; } template Self& operator=(const boost::variant& t) { internal::Output_visitor visitor(this); boost::apply_visitor(visitor, t); return *this; } template Self& operator=(const boost::optional< boost::variant >& t) { internal::Output_visitor visitor(this); if(t) boost::apply_visitor(visitor, *t); return *this; } const Iterator_tuple& get_iterator_tuple() const { return *this; } }; template inline Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > dispatch_output(O1 out1,O2 out2,O3 out3,O4 out4){ return Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >(out1,out2,out3,out4); } //Version with DROP template < typename V, typename O > class Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator; template class Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >: public Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > { typedef Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator Self; typedef Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > Base; public: Self& operator*(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(int){ return *this; } Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator(O1 out1,O2 out2,O3 out3,O4 out4):Base(out1,out2,out3,out4){} #if defined(__EDG__) typedef cpp11::tuple Iterator_tuple; Self& operator=(const V1& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V2& obj){ *cpp11::get<1>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V3& obj){ *cpp11::get<2>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V4& obj){ *cpp11::get<3>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const Self& s){ static_cast< Iterator_tuple& >(*this) = static_cast< const Iterator_tuple& >(s); return *this; } Self& operator=(const cpp11::tuple& t){ static_cast< Base& >(*this) = t; return *this; } #else using Base::operator=; #endif //defined(__EDG__) template Self& operator=(const T&){ return *this; } }; template inline Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > dispatch_or_drop_output(O1 out1,O2 out2,O3 out3,O4 out4){ return Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >(out1,out2,out3,out4); } //Version with 5 parameters template class Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >:public cpp11::tuple{ typedef Dispatch_output_iterator Self; public: typedef cpp11::tuple Value_type_tuple; typedef cpp11::tuple Iterator_tuple; typedef std::output_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef void value_type; typedef void difference_type; typedef void pointer; typedef void reference; Self& operator*(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(int){ return *this; } Dispatch_output_iterator(O1 out1,O2 out2,O3 out3,O4 out4,O5 out5):Iterator_tuple(out1,out2,out3,out4,out5){} //Added because required by MSVC10 Dispatch_output_iterator(const Self& other): Iterator_tuple(static_cast(other)) {} Self& operator=(const V1& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V2& obj){ *cpp11::get<1>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V3& obj){ *cpp11::get<2>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V4& obj){ *cpp11::get<3>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V5& obj){ *cpp11::get<4>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const cpp11::tuple& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<0>(obj); *cpp11::get<1>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<1>(obj); *cpp11::get<2>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<2>(obj); *cpp11::get<3>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<3>(obj); *cpp11::get<4>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<4>(obj); return *this; } Self& operator=(const Self& s){ static_cast< Iterator_tuple& >(*this) = static_cast< const Iterator_tuple& >(s); return *this; } template Self& operator=(const boost::variant& t) { internal::Output_visitor visitor(this); boost::apply_visitor(visitor, t); return *this; } template Self& operator=(const boost::optional< boost::variant >& t) { internal::Output_visitor visitor(this); if(t) boost::apply_visitor(visitor, *t); return *this; } const Iterator_tuple& get_iterator_tuple() const { return *this; } }; template inline Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > dispatch_output(O1 out1,O2 out2,O3 out3,O4 out4,O5 out5){ return Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >(out1,out2,out3,out4,out5); } //Version with DROP template < typename V, typename O > class Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator; template class Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >: public Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > { typedef Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator Self; typedef Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > Base; public: Self& operator*(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(int){ return *this; } Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator(O1 out1,O2 out2,O3 out3,O4 out4,O5 out5):Base(out1,out2,out3,out4,out5){} #if defined(__EDG__) typedef cpp11::tuple Iterator_tuple; Self& operator=(const V1& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V2& obj){ *cpp11::get<1>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V3& obj){ *cpp11::get<2>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V4& obj){ *cpp11::get<3>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V5& obj){ *cpp11::get<4>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const Self& s){ static_cast< Iterator_tuple& >(*this) = static_cast< const Iterator_tuple& >(s); return *this; } Self& operator=(const cpp11::tuple& t){ static_cast< Base& >(*this) = t; return *this; } #else using Base::operator=; #endif //defined(__EDG__) template Self& operator=(const T&){ return *this; } }; template inline Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > dispatch_or_drop_output(O1 out1,O2 out2,O3 out3,O4 out4,O5 out5){ return Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >(out1,out2,out3,out4,out5); } //Version with 6 parameters template class Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >:public cpp11::tuple{ typedef Dispatch_output_iterator Self; public: typedef cpp11::tuple Value_type_tuple; typedef cpp11::tuple Iterator_tuple; typedef std::output_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef void value_type; typedef void difference_type; typedef void pointer; typedef void reference; Self& operator*(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(int){ return *this; } Dispatch_output_iterator(O1 out1,O2 out2,O3 out3,O4 out4,O5 out5,O6 out6):Iterator_tuple(out1,out2,out3,out4,out5,out6){} //Added because required by MSVC10 Dispatch_output_iterator(const Self& other): Iterator_tuple(static_cast(other)) {} Self& operator=(const V1& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V2& obj){ *cpp11::get<1>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V3& obj){ *cpp11::get<2>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V4& obj){ *cpp11::get<3>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V5& obj){ *cpp11::get<4>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V6& obj){ *cpp11::get<5>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const cpp11::tuple& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<0>(obj); *cpp11::get<1>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<1>(obj); *cpp11::get<2>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<2>(obj); *cpp11::get<3>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<3>(obj); *cpp11::get<4>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<4>(obj); *cpp11::get<5>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<5>(obj); return *this; } Self& operator=(const Self& s){ static_cast< Iterator_tuple& >(*this) = static_cast< const Iterator_tuple& >(s); return *this; } template Self& operator=(const boost::variant& t) { internal::Output_visitor visitor(this); boost::apply_visitor(visitor, t); return *this; } template Self& operator=(const boost::optional< boost::variant >& t) { internal::Output_visitor visitor(this); if(t) boost::apply_visitor(visitor, *t); return *this; } const Iterator_tuple& get_iterator_tuple() const { return *this; } }; template inline Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > dispatch_output(O1 out1,O2 out2,O3 out3,O4 out4,O5 out5,O6 out6){ return Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >(out1,out2,out3,out4,out5,out6); } //Version with DROP template < typename V, typename O > class Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator; template class Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >: public Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > { typedef Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator Self; typedef Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > Base; public: Self& operator*(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(int){ return *this; } Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator(O1 out1,O2 out2,O3 out3,O4 out4,O5 out5,O6 out6):Base(out1,out2,out3,out4,out5,out6){} #if defined(__EDG__) typedef cpp11::tuple Iterator_tuple; Self& operator=(const V1& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V2& obj){ *cpp11::get<1>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V3& obj){ *cpp11::get<2>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V4& obj){ *cpp11::get<3>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V5& obj){ *cpp11::get<4>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V6& obj){ *cpp11::get<5>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const Self& s){ static_cast< Iterator_tuple& >(*this) = static_cast< const Iterator_tuple& >(s); return *this; } Self& operator=(const cpp11::tuple& t){ static_cast< Base& >(*this) = t; return *this; } #else using Base::operator=; #endif //defined(__EDG__) template Self& operator=(const T&){ return *this; } }; template inline Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > dispatch_or_drop_output(O1 out1,O2 out2,O3 out3,O4 out4,O5 out5,O6 out6){ return Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >(out1,out2,out3,out4,out5,out6); } //Version with 7 parameters template class Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >:public cpp11::tuple{ typedef Dispatch_output_iterator Self; public: typedef cpp11::tuple Value_type_tuple; typedef cpp11::tuple Iterator_tuple; typedef std::output_iterator_tag iterator_category; typedef void value_type; typedef void difference_type; typedef void pointer; typedef void reference; Self& operator*(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(int){ return *this; } Dispatch_output_iterator(O1 out1,O2 out2,O3 out3,O4 out4,O5 out5,O6 out6,O7 out7):Iterator_tuple(out1,out2,out3,out4,out5,out6,out7){} //Added because required by MSVC10 Dispatch_output_iterator(const Self& other): Iterator_tuple(static_cast(other)) {} Self& operator=(const V1& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V2& obj){ *cpp11::get<1>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V3& obj){ *cpp11::get<2>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V4& obj){ *cpp11::get<3>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V5& obj){ *cpp11::get<4>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V6& obj){ *cpp11::get<5>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V7& obj){ *cpp11::get<6>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const cpp11::tuple& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<0>(obj); *cpp11::get<1>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<1>(obj); *cpp11::get<2>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<2>(obj); *cpp11::get<3>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<3>(obj); *cpp11::get<4>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<4>(obj); *cpp11::get<5>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<5>(obj); *cpp11::get<6>(static_cast(*this))++=cpp11::get<6>(obj); return *this; } Self& operator=(const Self& s){ static_cast< Iterator_tuple& >(*this) = static_cast< const Iterator_tuple& >(s); return *this; } template Self& operator=(const boost::variant& t) { internal::Output_visitor visitor(this); boost::apply_visitor(visitor, t); return *this; } template Self& operator=(const boost::optional< boost::variant >& t) { internal::Output_visitor visitor(this); if(t) boost::apply_visitor(visitor, *t); return *this; } const Iterator_tuple& get_iterator_tuple() const { return *this; } }; template inline Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > dispatch_output(O1 out1,O2 out2,O3 out3,O4 out4,O5 out5,O6 out6,O7 out7){ return Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >(out1,out2,out3,out4,out5,out6,out7); } //Version with DROP template < typename V, typename O > class Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator; template class Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >: public Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > { typedef Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator Self; typedef Dispatch_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > Base; public: Self& operator*(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(){ return *this; } Self& operator++(int){ return *this; } Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator(O1 out1,O2 out2,O3 out3,O4 out4,O5 out5,O6 out6,O7 out7):Base(out1,out2,out3,out4,out5,out6,out7){} #if defined(__EDG__) typedef cpp11::tuple Iterator_tuple; Self& operator=(const V1& obj){ *cpp11::get<0>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V2& obj){ *cpp11::get<1>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V3& obj){ *cpp11::get<2>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V4& obj){ *cpp11::get<3>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V5& obj){ *cpp11::get<4>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V6& obj){ *cpp11::get<5>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const V7& obj){ *cpp11::get<6>(static_cast(*this))++=obj; return *this; } Self& operator=(const Self& s){ static_cast< Iterator_tuple& >(*this) = static_cast< const Iterator_tuple& >(s); return *this; } Self& operator=(const cpp11::tuple& t){ static_cast< Base& >(*this) = t; return *this; } #else using Base::operator=; #endif //defined(__EDG__) template Self& operator=(const T&){ return *this; } }; template inline Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple > dispatch_or_drop_output(O1 out1,O2 out2,O3 out3,O4 out4,O5 out5,O6 out6,O7 out7){ return Dispatch_or_drop_output_iterator,cpp11::tuple >(out1,out2,out3,out4,out5,out6,out7); } #endif } //namespace CGAL #if defined(BOOST_MSVC) # pragma warning(pop) #endif #endif // CGAL_ITERATOR_H