// Copyright (c) 2003 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU // General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, // either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in // accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the software. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. // // $URL$ // $Id$ // // // Author(s) : Julia Floetotto #ifndef CGAL_SURFACE_NEIGHBORS_3_H #define CGAL_SURFACE_NEIGHBORS_3_H #include #include #include #include //contains the definition of the Comparator "closer_to_point" and // the function object Project_vertex_iterator_to_point #include namespace CGAL { //without Delaunay filtering template inline OutputIterator surface_neighbors_3(InputIterator first, InputIterator beyond, const typename Kernel::Point_3& p, const typename Kernel::Vector_3& normal, OutputIterator out, const Kernel& ) { typedef Voronoi_intersection_2_traits_3 I_gt; return surface_neighbors_3(first, beyond, p, out, I_gt(p,normal)); } template OutputIterator surface_neighbors_3(InputIterator first, InputIterator beyond, const typename ITraits::Point_2& p, OutputIterator out, const ITraits& traits) { //definition of the Voronoi intersection triangulation: typedef Regular_triangulation_2< ITraits> I_triangulation; typedef typename I_triangulation::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename I_triangulation::Face_handle Face_handle; typedef typename I_triangulation::Locate_type Locate_type; //build Voronoi intersection triangulation: I_triangulation it(traits); it.insert(first,beyond); Locate_type lt; int li; Face_handle fh = it.locate(p, lt, li); if(lt == I_triangulation::VERTEX){ *out++ =p; return out; } Vertex_handle vh = it.insert(p, fh); typename I_triangulation::Vertex_circulator vc(it.incident_vertices(vh)), done(vc); do{ *out++= vc->point(); CGAL_assertion(! it.is_infinite(vc)); } while(vc++!=done); return out; } //without Delaunay filtering -- certified version: // a boolean is returned that indicates if a sufficiently large // neighborhood has been considered so that the // Voronoi cell of p is not affected by any point outside the smallest // ball centered on p containing all points in [first,beyond) template std::pair< OutputIterator, bool > surface_neighbors_certified_3(InputIterator first, InputIterator beyond, const typename Kernel::Point_3& p, const typename Kernel::Vector_3& normal, OutputIterator out, const Kernel& ) { typedef Voronoi_intersection_2_traits_3 I_gt; return surface_neighbors_certified_3(first, beyond, p, out, I_gt(p,normal)); } //this function takes the radius of the sphere centered on p // containing the points in [first, beyond] (i.e. the maximal // distance from p to [first,beyond) as add. parameter: template std::pair< OutputIterator, bool > surface_neighbors_certified_3(InputIterator first, InputIterator beyond, const typename Kernel::Point_3& p, const typename Kernel::Vector_3& normal, const typename Kernel::FT& radius, OutputIterator out, const Kernel& /*K*/) { typedef Voronoi_intersection_2_traits_3 I_gt; return surface_neighbors_certified_3(first, beyond, p, radius, out, I_gt(p,normal)); } // Versions with instantiated traits class: template std::pair< OutputIterator, bool > surface_neighbors_certified_3(InputIterator first, InputIterator beyond, const typename ITraits::Point_2& p, OutputIterator out, const ITraits& traits) { //find the point in [first,beyond) furthest from p: InputIterator furthest = std::max_element(first, beyond, closer_to_point(p, traits)); return surface_neighbors_certified_3 (first, beyond, p, traits.compute_squared_distance_2_object()(p,*furthest), out, traits); } template std::pair< OutputIterator, bool > surface_neighbors_certified_3(InputIterator first, InputIterator beyond, const typename ITraits::Point_2& p, const typename ITraits::FT& radius, OutputIterator out, const ITraits& traits) { //definition of the Voronoi intersection triangulation: typedef Regular_triangulation_2< ITraits> I_triangulation; typedef typename I_triangulation::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename I_triangulation::Face_handle Face_handle; typedef typename I_triangulation::Vertex_circulator Vertex_circulator; typedef typename I_triangulation::Face_circulator Face_circulator; typedef typename I_triangulation::Locate_type Locate_type; //build Voronoi intersection triangulation: I_triangulation it(traits); it.insert(first,beyond); Locate_type lt; int li; Face_handle fh = it.locate(p, lt, li); if(lt == I_triangulation::VERTEX){ *out++ =p; return std::make_pair(out,true); } Vertex_handle vh = it.insert(p, fh); CGAL_assertion(vh->is_valid()); //determine the furthest distance from p to a vertex of its cell bool valid(false); Face_circulator fc(it.incident_faces(vh)), fdone(fc); do valid = (!it.is_infinite(fc) && (4*radius > traits.compute_squared_distance_2_object() (p, it.dual(fc)))); while(!valid && ++fc!=fdone); //get the neighbor points: Vertex_circulator vc(it.incident_vertices(vh)), vdone(vc); do *out++= vc->point(); while(++vc!=vdone); return std::make_pair(out, valid); } //using Delaunay triangulation for candidate point filtering: // => no certification is necessary template inline OutputIterator surface_neighbors_3(const Dt& dt, const typename Dt::Geom_traits::Point_3& p, const typename Dt::Geom_traits::Vector_3& normal, OutputIterator out, typename Dt::Cell_handle start =typename Dt::Cell_handle()) { typedef Voronoi_intersection_2_traits_3 I_gt; return surface_neighbors_3(dt, p, out, I_gt(p,normal),start); } template OutputIterator surface_neighbors_3(const Dt& dt, const typename ITraits::Point_2& p, OutputIterator out, const ITraits& traits, typename Dt::Cell_handle start = typename Dt::Cell_handle()) { typedef typename ITraits::Point_2 Point_3; typedef typename Dt::Cell_handle Cell_handle; typedef typename Dt::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Dt::Locate_type Locate_type; //the Vertex_handle is, in fact, an iterator over vertex: typedef Project_vertex_iterator_to_point< Vertex_handle> Proj_point; typedef Iterator_project< typename std::list< Vertex_handle >::iterator, Proj_point, const Point_3&, const Point_3*, std::ptrdiff_t, std::forward_iterator_tag> Point_iterator; Locate_type lt; int li, lj ; Cell_handle c = dt.locate(p, lt, li,lj,start); //if p is located on a vertex: the only neighbor is found if(lt == Dt::VERTEX){ *out++= (c->vertex(li))->point(); return out; } //otherwise get vertices in conflict typename std::list< Vertex_handle > conflict_vertices; dt.vertices_on_conflict_zone_boundary(p,c, std::back_inserter(conflict_vertices)); for (typename std::list< Vertex_handle >::iterator it = conflict_vertices.begin(); it != conflict_vertices.end();){ if(dt.is_infinite(*it)){ typename std::list< Vertex_handle >::iterator itp = it; it++; conflict_vertices.erase(itp); } else { it++; } } return surface_neighbors_3(Point_iterator(conflict_vertices.begin()), Point_iterator(conflict_vertices.end()), p, out, traits); } } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_SURFACE_NEIGHBORS_3_H