/****************************************************************************** * $Id: gdal_simplesurf.h fe2d81c8819bf9794bce0210098e637565728350 2018-05-06 00:49:51 +0200 Even Rouault $ * Project: GDAL * Purpose: Correlator * Author: Andrew Migal, migal.drew@gmail.com * ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2012, Andrew Migal * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ /** * @file * @author Andrew Migal migal.drew@gmail.com * @brief Class for searching corresponding points on images. */ #ifndef GDALSIMPLESURF_H_ #define GDALSIMPLESURF_H_ #include "gdal_priv.h" #include "cpl_conv.h" #include /** * @brief Class of "feature point" in raster. Used by SURF-based algorithm. * * @details This point presents coordinates of distinctive pixel in image. * In computer vision, feature points - the most "strong" and "unique" * pixels (or areas) in picture, which can be distinguished from others. * For more details, see FAST corner detector, SIFT, SURF and similar algorithms. */ class GDALFeaturePoint { public: /** * Standard constructor. Initializes all parameters with negative numbers * and allocates memory for descriptor. */ GDALFeaturePoint(); /** * Copy constructor * @param fp Copied instance of GDALFeaturePoint class */ GDALFeaturePoint(const GDALFeaturePoint& fp); /** * Create instance of GDALFeaturePoint class * * @param nX X-coordinate (pixel) * @param nY Y-coordinate (line) * @param nScale Scale which contains this point (2, 4, 8, 16 and so on) * @param nRadius Half of the side of descriptor area * @param nSign Sign of Hessian determinant for this point * * @note This constructor normally is invoked by SURF-based algorithm, * which provides all necessary parameters. */ GDALFeaturePoint(int nX, int nY, int nScale, int nRadius, int nSign); virtual ~GDALFeaturePoint(); /** Assignment operator */ GDALFeaturePoint& operator=(const GDALFeaturePoint& point); /** * Provide access to point's descriptor. * * @param nIndex Position of descriptor's value. * nIndex should be within range from 0 to DESC_SIZE (in current version - 64) * * @return Reference to value of descriptor in 'nIndex' position. * If index is out of range then behaviour is undefined. */ double& operator[](int nIndex); /** Descriptor length */ static const int DESC_SIZE = 64; /** * Fetch X-coordinate (pixel) of point * * @return X-coordinate in pixels */ int GetX() const; /** * Set X coordinate of point * * @param nX X coordinate in pixels */ void SetX(int nX); /** * Fetch Y-coordinate (line) of point. * * @return Y-coordinate in pixels. */ int GetY() const; /** * Set Y coordinate of point. * * @param nY Y coordinate in pixels. */ void SetY(int nY); /** * Fetch scale of point. * * @return Scale for this point. */ int GetScale() const ; /** * Set scale of point. * * @param nScale Scale for this point. */ void SetScale(int nScale); /** * Fetch radius of point. * * @return Radius for this point. */ int GetRadius() const; /** * Set radius of point. * * @param nRadius Radius for this point. */ void SetRadius(int nRadius); /** * Fetch sign of Hessian determinant of point. * * @return Sign for this point. */ int GetSign() const; /** * Set sign of point. * * @param nSign Sign of Hessian determinant for this point. */ void SetSign(int nSign); private: // Coordinates of point in image int nX; int nY; // -------------------- int nScale; int nRadius; int nSign; // Descriptor array double *padfDescriptor; }; /** * @author Andrew Migal migal.drew@gmail.com * @brief Integral image class (summed area table). * @details Integral image is a table for fast computing the sum of * values in rectangular subarea. In more detail, for 2-dimensional array * of numbers this class provides capability to get sum of values in * rectangular arbitrary area with any size in constant time. * Integral image is constructed from grayscale picture. */ class GDALIntegralImage { CPL_DISALLOW_COPY_ASSIGN(GDALIntegralImage) public: GDALIntegralImage(); virtual ~GDALIntegralImage(); /** * Compute integral image for specified array. Result is stored internally. * * @param padfImg Pointer to 2-dimensional array of values * @param nHeight Number of rows in array * @param nWidth Number of columns in array */ void Initialize(const double **padfImg, int nHeight, int nWidth); /** * Fetch value of specified position in integral image. * * @param nRow Row of this position * @param nCol Column of this position * * @return Value in specified position or zero if parameters are out of range. */ double GetValue(int nRow, int nCol); /** * Get sum of values in specified rectangular grid. Rectangle is constructed * from left top point. * * @param nRow Row of left top point of rectangle * @param nCol Column of left top point of rectangle * @param nWidth Width of rectangular area (number of columns) * @param nHeight Height of rectangular area (number of rows) * * @return Sum of values in specified grid. */ double GetRectangleSum(int nRow, int nCol, int nWidth, int nHeight); /** * Get value of horizontal Haar wavelet in specified square grid. * * @param nRow Row of left top point of square * @param nCol Column of left top point of square * @param nSize Side of the square * * @return Value of horizontal Haar wavelet in specified square grid. */ double HaarWavelet_X(int nRow, int nCol, int nSize); /** * Get value of vertical Haar wavelet in specified square grid. * * @param nRow Row of left top point of square * @param nCol Column of left top point of square * @param nSize Side of the square * * @return Value of vertical Haar wavelet in specified square grid. */ double HaarWavelet_Y(int nRow, int nCol, int nSize); /** * Fetch height of integral image. * * @return Height of integral image (number of rows). */ int GetHeight(); /** * Fetch width of integral image. * * @return Width of integral image (number of columns). */ int GetWidth(); private: double **pMatrix = nullptr; int nWidth = 0; int nHeight = 0; }; /** * @author Andrew Migal migal.drew@gmail.com * @brief Class for computation and storage of Hessian values in SURF-based algorithm. * * @details SURF-based algorithm normally uses this class for searching * feature points on raster images. Class also contains traces of Hessian matrices * to provide fast computations. */ class GDALOctaveLayer { CPL_DISALLOW_COPY_ASSIGN(GDALOctaveLayer) public: GDALOctaveLayer(); /** * Create instance with provided parameters. * * @param nOctave Number of octave which contains this layer * @param nInterval Number of position in octave * * @note Normally constructor is invoked only by SURF-based algorithm. */ GDALOctaveLayer(int nOctave, int nInterval); virtual ~GDALOctaveLayer(); /** * Perform calculation of Hessian determinants and their signs * for specified integral image. Result is stored internally. * * @param poImg Integral image object, which provides all necessary * data for computation * * @note Normally method is invoked only by SURF-based algorithm. */ void ComputeLayer(GDALIntegralImage *poImg); /** * Octave which contains this layer (1,2,3...) */ int octaveNum; /** * Length of the side of filter */ int filterSize; /** * Length of the border */ int radius; /** * Scale for this layer */ int scale; /** * Image width in pixels */ int width; /** * Image height in pixels */ int height; /** * Hessian values for image pixels */ double **detHessians; /** * Hessian signs for speeded matching */ int **signs; }; /** * @author Andrew Migal migal.drew@gmail.com * @brief Class for handling octave layers in SURF-based algorithm. * @details Class contains OctaveLayers and provides capability to construct octave space and distinguish * feature points. Normally this class is used only by SURF-based algorithm. */ class GDALOctaveMap { CPL_DISALLOW_COPY_ASSIGN( GDALOctaveMap ) public: /** * Create octave space. Octave numbers are start with one. (1, 2, 3, 4, ... ) * * @param nOctaveStart Number of bottom octave * @param nOctaveEnd Number of top octave. Should be equal or greater than OctaveStart */ GDALOctaveMap(int nOctaveStart, int nOctaveEnd); virtual ~GDALOctaveMap(); /** * Calculate Hessian values for octave space * (for all stored octave layers) using specified integral image * @param poImg Integral image instance which provides necessary data * @see GDALOctaveLayer */ void ComputeMap(GDALIntegralImage *poImg); /** * Method makes decision that specified point * in middle octave layer is maximum among all points * from 3x3x3 neighbourhood (surrounding points in * bottom, middle and top layers). Provided layers should be from the same octave's interval. * Detects feature points. * * @param row Row of point, which is candidate to be feature point * @param col Column of point, which is candidate to be feature point * @param bot Bottom octave layer * @param mid Middle octave layer * @param top Top octave layer * @param threshold Threshold for feature point recognition. Detected feature point * will have Hessian value greater than this provided threshold. * * @return TRUE if candidate was evaluated as feature point or FALSE otherwise. */ static bool PointIsExtremum(int row, int col, GDALOctaveLayer *bot, GDALOctaveLayer *mid, GDALOctaveLayer *top, double threshold); /** * 2-dimensional array of octave layers */ GDALOctaveLayer ***pMap; /** * Value for constructing internal octave space */ static const int INTERVALS = 4; /** * Number of bottom octave */ int octaveStart; /** * Number of top octave. Should be equal or greater than OctaveStart */ int octaveEnd; }; /** * @author Andrew Migal migal.drew@gmail.com * @brief Class for searching corresponding points on images. * @details Provides capability for detection feature points * and finding equal points on different images. * Class implements simplified version of SURF algorithm (Speeded Up Robust Features). * As original, this realization is scale invariant, but sensitive to rotation. * Images should have similar rotation angles (maximum difference is up to 10-15 degrees), * otherwise algorithm produces incorrect and very unstable results. */ class GDALSimpleSURF { private: /** * Class stores indexes of pair of point * and distance between them. */ class MatchedPointPairInfo { public: MatchedPointPairInfo(int nInd_1, int nInd_2, double dfDist): ind_1(nInd_1), ind_2(nInd_2), euclideanDist(dfDist) {} int ind_1; int ind_2; double euclideanDist; }; CPL_DISALLOW_COPY_ASSIGN( GDALSimpleSURF ) public: /** * Prepare class according to specified parameters. Octave numbers affects * to amount of detected points and their robustness. * Range between bottom and top octaves also affects to required time of detection points * (if range is large, algorithm should perform more operations). * @param nOctaveStart Number of bottom octave. Octave numbers starts with one * @param nOctaveEnd Number of top octave. Should be equal or greater than OctaveStart * * @note * Every octave finds points with specific size. For small images * use small octave numbers, for high resolution - large. * For 1024x1024 images it's normal to use any octave numbers from range 1-6. * (for example, octave start - 1, octave end - 3, or octave start - 2, octave end - 2.) * For larger images, try 1-10 range or even higher. * Pay attention that number of detected point decreases quickly per octave * for particular image. Algorithm finds more points in case of small octave numbers. * If method detects nothing, reduce bottom bound of octave range. * * NOTICE that every octave requires time to compute. Use a little range * or only one octave if execution time is significant. */ GDALSimpleSURF(int nOctaveStart, int nOctaveEnd); virtual ~GDALSimpleSURF(); /** * Convert image with RGB channels to grayscale using "luminosity" method. * Result is used in SURF-based algorithm, but may be used anywhere where * grayscale images with nice contrast are required. * * @param red Image's red channel * @param green Image's green channel * @param blue Image's blue channel * @param nXSize Width of initial image * @param nYSize Height of initial image * @param padfImg Array for resulting grayscale image * @param nHeight Height of resulting image * @param nWidth Width of resulting image * * @return CE_None or CE_Failure if error occurs. */ static CPLErr ConvertRGBToLuminosity( GDALRasterBand *red, GDALRasterBand *green, GDALRasterBand *blue, int nXSize, int nYSize, double **padfImg, int nHeight, int nWidth); /** * Find feature points using specified integral image. * * @param poImg Integral image to be used * @param dfThreshold Threshold for feature point recognition. Detected feature point * will have Hessian value greater than this provided threshold. * * @note Typical threshold's value is 0,001. But this value * can be various in each case and depends on image's nature. * For example, value can be 0.002 or 0.005. * Fill free to experiment with it. * If threshold is high, than number of detected feature points is small, * and vice versa. */ std::vector* ExtractFeaturePoints(GDALIntegralImage *poImg, double dfThreshold); /** * Find corresponding points (equal points in two collections). * * @param poMatchPairs Resulting collection for matched points * @param poFirstCollect Points on the first image * @param poSecondCollect Points on the second image * @param dfThreshold Value from 0 to 1. Threshold affects to number of * matched points. If threshold is lower, amount of corresponding * points is larger, and vice versa * * @return CE_None or CE_Failure if error occurs. */ static CPLErr MatchFeaturePoints( std::vector *poMatchPairs, std::vector *poFirstCollect, std::vector *poSecondCollect, double dfThreshold); private: /** * Compute euclidean distance between descriptors of two feature points. * It's used in comparison and matching of points. * * @param firstPoint First feature point to be compared * @param secondPoint Second feature point to be compared * * @return Euclidean distance between descriptors. */ static double GetEuclideanDistance( GDALFeaturePoint &firstPoint, GDALFeaturePoint &secondPoint); /** * Set provided distance values to range from 0 to 1. * * @param poList List of distances to be normalized */ static void NormalizeDistances(std::list *poList); /** * Compute descriptor for specified feature point. * * @param poPoint Feature point instance * @param poImg image where feature point was found */ static void SetDescriptor(GDALFeaturePoint *poPoint, GDALIntegralImage *poImg); private: int octaveStart; int octaveEnd; GDALOctaveMap *poOctMap; }; #endif /* GDALSIMPLESURF_H_ */