/****************************************************************************** * $Id: gdal_utils.h dc3819d387764593c0fb5a5c4d02c21a848a4c9d 2018-04-12 18:07:28 +0200 Even Rouault $ * * Project: GDAL Utilities * Purpose: GDAL Utilities Public Declarations. * Author: Faza Mahamood, fazamhd at gmail dot com * * **************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 1998, Frank Warmerdam * Copyright (c) 2007-2015, Even Rouault * Copyright (c) 2015, Faza Mahamood * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef GDAL_UTILS_H_INCLUDED #define GDAL_UTILS_H_INCLUDED /** * \file gdal_utils.h * * Public (C callable) GDAL Utilities entry points. * * @since GDAL 2.1 */ #include "cpl_port.h" #include "gdal.h" CPL_C_START /*! Options for GDALInfo(). Opaque type */ typedef struct GDALInfoOptions GDALInfoOptions; /** Opaque type */ typedef struct GDALInfoOptionsForBinary GDALInfoOptionsForBinary; GDALInfoOptions CPL_DLL *GDALInfoOptionsNew(char** papszArgv, GDALInfoOptionsForBinary* psOptionsForBinary); void CPL_DLL GDALInfoOptionsFree( GDALInfoOptions *psOptions ); char CPL_DLL *GDALInfo( GDALDatasetH hDataset, const GDALInfoOptions *psOptions ); /*! Options for GDALTranslate(). Opaque type */ typedef struct GDALTranslateOptions GDALTranslateOptions; /** Opaque type */ typedef struct GDALTranslateOptionsForBinary GDALTranslateOptionsForBinary; GDALTranslateOptions CPL_DLL *GDALTranslateOptionsNew(char** papszArgv, GDALTranslateOptionsForBinary* psOptionsForBinary); void CPL_DLL GDALTranslateOptionsFree( GDALTranslateOptions *psOptions ); void CPL_DLL GDALTranslateOptionsSetProgress( GDALTranslateOptions *psOptions, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData ); GDALDatasetH CPL_DLL GDALTranslate(const char *pszDestFilename, GDALDatasetH hSrcDataset, const GDALTranslateOptions *psOptions, int *pbUsageError); /*! Options for GDALWarp(). Opaque type */ typedef struct GDALWarpAppOptions GDALWarpAppOptions; /** Opaque type */ typedef struct GDALWarpAppOptionsForBinary GDALWarpAppOptionsForBinary; GDALWarpAppOptions CPL_DLL *GDALWarpAppOptionsNew(char** papszArgv, GDALWarpAppOptionsForBinary* psOptionsForBinary); void CPL_DLL GDALWarpAppOptionsFree( GDALWarpAppOptions *psOptions ); void CPL_DLL GDALWarpAppOptionsSetProgress( GDALWarpAppOptions *psOptions, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData ); void CPL_DLL GDALWarpAppOptionsSetQuiet( GDALWarpAppOptions *psOptions, int bQuiet ); void CPL_DLL GDALWarpAppOptionsSetWarpOption( GDALWarpAppOptions *psOptions, const char* pszKey, const char* pszValue ); GDALDatasetH CPL_DLL GDALWarp( const char *pszDest, GDALDatasetH hDstDS, int nSrcCount, GDALDatasetH *pahSrcDS, const GDALWarpAppOptions *psOptions, int *pbUsageError ); /*! Options for GDALVectorTranslate(). Opaque type */ typedef struct GDALVectorTranslateOptions GDALVectorTranslateOptions; /** Opaque type */ typedef struct GDALVectorTranslateOptionsForBinary GDALVectorTranslateOptionsForBinary; GDALVectorTranslateOptions CPL_DLL *GDALVectorTranslateOptionsNew(char** papszArgv, GDALVectorTranslateOptionsForBinary* psOptionsForBinary); void CPL_DLL GDALVectorTranslateOptionsFree( GDALVectorTranslateOptions *psOptions ); void CPL_DLL GDALVectorTranslateOptionsSetProgress( GDALVectorTranslateOptions *psOptions, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData ); GDALDatasetH CPL_DLL GDALVectorTranslate( const char *pszDest, GDALDatasetH hDstDS, int nSrcCount, GDALDatasetH *pahSrcDS, const GDALVectorTranslateOptions *psOptions, int *pbUsageError ); /*! Options for GDALDEMProcessing(). Opaque type */ typedef struct GDALDEMProcessingOptions GDALDEMProcessingOptions; /** Opaque type */ typedef struct GDALDEMProcessingOptionsForBinary GDALDEMProcessingOptionsForBinary; GDALDEMProcessingOptions CPL_DLL *GDALDEMProcessingOptionsNew(char** papszArgv, GDALDEMProcessingOptionsForBinary* psOptionsForBinary); void CPL_DLL GDALDEMProcessingOptionsFree( GDALDEMProcessingOptions *psOptions ); void CPL_DLL GDALDEMProcessingOptionsSetProgress( GDALDEMProcessingOptions *psOptions, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData ); GDALDatasetH CPL_DLL GDALDEMProcessing(const char *pszDestFilename, GDALDatasetH hSrcDataset, const char* pszProcessing, const char* pszColorFilename, const GDALDEMProcessingOptions *psOptions, int *pbUsageError); /*! Options for GDALNearblack(). Opaque type */ typedef struct GDALNearblackOptions GDALNearblackOptions; /** Opaque type */ typedef struct GDALNearblackOptionsForBinary GDALNearblackOptionsForBinary; GDALNearblackOptions CPL_DLL *GDALNearblackOptionsNew(char** papszArgv, GDALNearblackOptionsForBinary* psOptionsForBinary); void CPL_DLL GDALNearblackOptionsFree( GDALNearblackOptions *psOptions ); void CPL_DLL GDALNearblackOptionsSetProgress( GDALNearblackOptions *psOptions, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData ); GDALDatasetH CPL_DLL GDALNearblack( const char *pszDest, GDALDatasetH hDstDS, GDALDatasetH hSrcDS, const GDALNearblackOptions *psOptions, int *pbUsageError ); /*! Options for GDALGrid(). Opaque type */ typedef struct GDALGridOptions GDALGridOptions; /** Opaque type */ typedef struct GDALGridOptionsForBinary GDALGridOptionsForBinary; GDALGridOptions CPL_DLL *GDALGridOptionsNew(char** papszArgv, GDALGridOptionsForBinary* psOptionsForBinary); void CPL_DLL GDALGridOptionsFree( GDALGridOptions *psOptions ); void CPL_DLL GDALGridOptionsSetProgress( GDALGridOptions *psOptions, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData ); GDALDatasetH CPL_DLL GDALGrid( const char *pszDest, GDALDatasetH hSrcDS, const GDALGridOptions *psOptions, int *pbUsageError ); /*! Options for GDALRasterize(). Opaque type */ typedef struct GDALRasterizeOptions GDALRasterizeOptions; /** Opaque type */ typedef struct GDALRasterizeOptionsForBinary GDALRasterizeOptionsForBinary; GDALRasterizeOptions CPL_DLL *GDALRasterizeOptionsNew(char** papszArgv, GDALRasterizeOptionsForBinary* psOptionsForBinary); void CPL_DLL GDALRasterizeOptionsFree( GDALRasterizeOptions *psOptions ); void CPL_DLL GDALRasterizeOptionsSetProgress( GDALRasterizeOptions *psOptions, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData ); GDALDatasetH CPL_DLL GDALRasterize( const char *pszDest, GDALDatasetH hDstDS, GDALDatasetH hSrcDS, const GDALRasterizeOptions *psOptions, int *pbUsageError ); /*! Options for GDALBuildVRT(). Opaque type */ typedef struct GDALBuildVRTOptions GDALBuildVRTOptions; /** Opaque type */ typedef struct GDALBuildVRTOptionsForBinary GDALBuildVRTOptionsForBinary; GDALBuildVRTOptions CPL_DLL *GDALBuildVRTOptionsNew(char** papszArgv, GDALBuildVRTOptionsForBinary* psOptionsForBinary); void CPL_DLL GDALBuildVRTOptionsFree( GDALBuildVRTOptions *psOptions ); void CPL_DLL GDALBuildVRTOptionsSetProgress( GDALBuildVRTOptions *psOptions, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData ); GDALDatasetH CPL_DLL GDALBuildVRT( const char *pszDest, int nSrcCount, GDALDatasetH *pahSrcDS, const char* const* papszSrcDSNames, const GDALBuildVRTOptions *psOptions, int *pbUsageError ); CPL_C_END #endif /* GDAL_UTILS_H_INCLUDED */