Package: ModelMetrics Title: Rapid Calculation of Model Metrics Version: Date: 2018-11-03 Authors@R: person("Tyler", "Hunt", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre")) Description: Collection of metrics for evaluating models written in C++ using 'Rcpp'. Popular metrics include area under the curve, log loss, root mean square error, etc. Depends: R (>= 3.2.2) License: GPL (>= 2) Encoding: UTF-8 LazyData: true LinkingTo: Rcpp Imports: Rcpp, data.table RoxygenNote: 6.0.1 Suggests: testthat NeedsCompilation: yes Packaged: 2020-03-17 06:58:01 UTC; ripley Author: Tyler Hunt [aut, cre] Maintainer: Tyler Hunt Repository: CRAN Date/Publication: 2020-03-17 07:45:31 UTC Built: R 4.3.0; x86_64-conda-linux-gnu; 2023-06-20 12:32:19 UTC; unix