Package: RCurl
Version: 1.98-1.14
Title: General Network (HTTP/FTP/...) Client Interface for R
Authors@R: c(person("CRAN Team", role = c('ctb', 'cre'),
email = "",
comment = "de facto maintainer since 2013"),
person("Duncan", "Temple Lang", role = "aut",
email = "",
comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-0159-1546")))
SystemRequirements: GNU make, libcurl
Description: A wrapper for 'libcurl'
Provides functions to allow one to compose general HTTP requests
and provides convenient functions to fetch URIs, get & post
forms, etc. and process the results returned by the Web server.
This provides a great deal of control over the HTTP/FTP/...
connection and the form of the request while providing a
higher-level interface than is available just using R socket
connections. Additionally, the underlying implementation is
robust and extensive, supporting FTP/FTPS/TFTP (uploads and
downloads), SSL/HTTPS, telnet, dict, ldap, and also supports
cookies, redirects, authentication, etc.
License: BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE
Depends: R (>= 3.4.0), methods
Imports: bitops
Suggests: XML
Collate: aclassesEnums.R bitClasses.R xbits.R base64.R binary.S
classes.S curl.S curlAuthConstants.R curlEnums.R curlError.R
curlInfo.S dynamic.R form.S getFormParams.R getURLContent.R
header.R http.R httpError.R httpErrors.R iconv.R info.S mime.R
multi.S options.S scp.R support.S upload.R urlExists.R zclone.R
NeedsCompilation: yes
Packaged: 2024-01-08 16:11:59 UTC; ligges
Author: CRAN Team [ctb, cre] (de facto maintainer since 2013),
Duncan Temple Lang [aut] ()
Maintainer: CRAN Team
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2024-01-09 08:20:41 UTC
Built: R 4.3.2; x86_64-conda-linux-gnu; 2024-01-09 10:45:01 UTC; unix