# blob 1.2.4 (2023-03-17) ## Bug fixes - Fix argument consistency between S3 generics and methods. # blob 1.2.3 (2022-04-10) - `as_blob(NA_character_)` returns a missing `blob` instead of `as_blob("NA")` (#26, @michaelchirico). # blob 1.2.2 (2021-07-23) - Moved to "stable" lifecycle stage. - Remove `is_vector_s3()` (#19). # blob 1.2.1 - Inline prettyunits. - `vec_ptype2.hms.default()` forwards to `vec_default_ptype2()` for compatibility with vctrs 0.2.1. # blob 1.2.0 ## Breaking changes - The `blob` class is now based on `list_of(raw())` from the vctrs package (#11). This adds support for `vec_cast()` and `vec_ptype2()`. Some operations (such as subset assignment) are now stricter. The `new_blob()` constructor permits safe and fast construction of `blob` objects from a list, and `validate_blob()` checks an existing object for conformity with the rules. - The new `is_blob()` deprecates the existing `is.blob()`. `as.blob()` is deprecated in favor of `vec_cast()` or the new `as_blob()` (which is just a thin wrapper around `vec_cast()`). - Indexing a vector of blobs out of bounds now raises an error. Use `NA` as index to create a `NULL` blob. # blob 1.1.1 (2018-03-24) - Now suggesting *pillar* instead of importing *tibble*, and using colored formatting with the *prettyunits* package with `B` instead of `b` as units (#7, #9). - The blob class can now be used for S4 dispatch. - Calling `c()` on blob objects returns a blob. # blob 1.1.0 (2017-06-17) - New maintainer: Kirill Müller. - Added `as.blob.blob()`and `as.data.frame.blob()` methods (#3). - Size of very large blobs is displayed correctly. # blob 1.0.0 - Initial release.