arrange.tbl_lazy Arrange rows by column values collapse.tbl_sql Compute results of a query complete.tbl_lazy Complete a SQL table with missing combinations of data copy_inline Use a local data frame in a dbplyr query copy_to.src_sql Copy a local data frame to a remote database count.tbl_lazy Count observations by group dbplyr_uncount "Uncount" a database table distinct.tbl_lazy Subset distinct/unique rows do.tbl_sql Perform arbitrary computation on remote backend escape Escape/quote a string. expand.tbl_lazy Expand SQL tables to include all possible combinations of values fill.tbl_lazy Fill in missing values with previous or next value filter.tbl_lazy Subset rows using column values get_returned_rows Extract and check the 'RETURNING' rows group_by.tbl_lazy Group by one or more variables head.tbl_lazy Subset the first rows intersect.tbl_lazy SQL set operations join.tbl_sql Join SQL tables memdb_frame Create a database table in temporary in-memory database. mutate.tbl_lazy Create, modify, and delete columns pivot_longer.tbl_lazy Pivot data from wide to long pivot_wider.tbl_lazy Pivot data from long to wide pull.tbl_sql Extract a single column remote_name Metadata about a remote table replace_na.tbl_lazy Replace NAs with specified values rows_insert.tbl_lazy Edit individual rows in the underlying database table select.tbl_lazy Subset, rename, and reorder columns using their names simulate_access Backend: MS Access simulate_hana Backend: SAP HANA simulate_hive Backend: Hive simulate_impala Backend: Impala simulate_mssql Backend: SQL server simulate_mysql Backend: MySQL/MariaDB simulate_odbc Backend: ODBC simulate_oracle Backend: Oracle simulate_postgres Backend: PostgreSQL simulate_redshift Backend: Redshift simulate_snowflake Backend: Snowflake simulate_spark_sql Backend: Databricks Spark SQL simulate_sqlite Backend: SQLite simulate_teradata Backend: Teradata slice_min.tbl_lazy Subset rows using their positions sql SQL escaping. sql_options Options for generating SQL sql_query_insert Generate SQL for Insert, Update, Upsert, and Delete summarise.tbl_lazy Summarise each group to one row tbl.src_dbi Use dplyr verbs with a remote database table translate_sql Translate an expression to SQL window_order Override window order and frame