Package: diagram Version: 1.6.5 Title: Functions for Visualising Simple Graphs (Networks), Plotting Flow Diagrams Author: Karline Soetaert Maintainer: Karline Soetaert Depends: R (>= 2.01), shape Imports: stats, graphics Description: Visualises simple graphs (networks) based on a transition matrix, utilities to plot flow diagrams, visualising webs, electrical networks, etc. Support for the book "A practical guide to ecological modelling - using R as a simulation platform" by Karline Soetaert and Peter M.J. Herman (2009), Springer. and the book "Solving Differential Equations in R" by Karline Soetaert, Jeff Cash and Francesca Mazzia (2012), Springer. Includes demo(flowchart), demo(plotmat), demo(plotweb). License: GPL (>= 2) LazyData: yes NeedsCompilation: no Packaged: 2020-09-29 06:59:04 UTC; karlines Repository: CRAN Date/Publication: 2020-09-30 07:20:02 UTC Built: R 4.3.0; ; 2023-06-14 17:28:20 UTC; unix