# ellipsis 0.3.2 * Compatibility with next version of rlang. * Changed license to MIT (#39). # ellipsis 0.3.1 * Fixed an incompatibility with R devel. * New `?dots_used` topic from which you can inherit documentation for `...` documentation when the dots are passed to methods. # ellipsis 0.3.0 * `check_dots_used()`, `check_dots_unnamed()`, and `check_dots_empty()` gain an `action` argument, to specify if they should error, warn, message or signal when the dots meet the condition. # ellipsis 0.2.0 ellipsis has officially graduated from experimental to maturing in the package lifecycle. * The main change of this release is that `check_()` functions now throw custom errors, rather than warnings. * `check_` functions have been optimised for the most common case of no problems. This means that you use it in more places without worrying about the performance cost. * New `check_dots_empty()` that checks that `...` is empty (#11). * Improved error message suggesting that you check for mispecified argument names. # ellipsis 0.1.0 * New `check_dots_unnamed()` that checks that all components of `...` are unnamed (#7). * Fix a bug that caused `check_dots_used()` to emit many false positives (#8) # ellipsis 0.0.2 * Fix a `PROTECT`ion error