# gh 1.4.1 * `gh_next()`, `gh_prev()`, `gh_first()` and `gh_last()` now work correctly again (#181). * When the user sets `.destfile` to write the response to disk, gh now writes the output to a temporary file, which is then renamed to `.destfile` after performing the request, or deleted on error (#178). # gh 1.4.0 * `gh()` gains a new `.max_rate` parameter that sets the maximum number of requests per second. * gh is now powered by httr2. This should generally have little impact on normal operation but if a request fails, you can use `httr2::last_response()` and `httr2::last_request()` to debug. * `gh()` gains a new `.max_wait` argument which gives the maximum number of minutes to wait if you are rate limited (#67). * New `gh_rate_limits()` function reports on all rate limits for the active user. * gh can now validate GitHub [fine-grained](https://github.blog/2022-10-18-introducing-fine-grained-personal-access-tokens-for-github/) personal access tokens (@jvstein, #171). # gh 1.3.1 * gh now accepts lower-case methods i.e. both `gh::gh("get /users/hadley/repos")` and `gh::gh("GET /users/hadley/repos")` work (@maelle, #167). * Response headers (`"response_headers"`) and response content (`"response_content")` are now returned in error conditions so that error handlers can use information, such as the rate limit reset header, when handling `github_error`s (@gadenbuie, #117). # gh 1.3.0 * gh now shows the correct number of records in its progress bar when paginating (#147). * New `.params` argument in `gh()` to make it easier to pass parameters to it programmatically (#140). # gh 1.2.1 * Token validation accounts for the new format [announced 2021-03-04 ](https://github.blog/changelog/2021-03-04-authentication-token-format-updates/) and implemented on 2021-04-01 (#148, @fmichonneau). # gh 1.2.0 * `gh_gql()` now passes all arguments to `gh()` (#124). * gh now handles responses from pagination better, and tries to properly merge them (#136, @rundel). * gh can retrieve a PAT from the Git credential store, where the lookup is based on the targeted API URL. This now uses the gitcreds package. The environment variables consulted for URL-specific GitHub PATs have changed. - For "https://api.github.com": `GITHUB_PAT_GITHUB_COM` now, instead of `GITHUB_PAT_API_GITHUB_COM` - For "https://github.acme.com/api/v3": `GITHUB_PAT_GITHUB_ACME_COM` now, instead of `GITHUB_PAT_GITHUB_ACME_COM_API_V3` See the documentation of the gitcreds package for details. * The keyring package is no longer used, in favor of the Git credential store. * The documentation for the GitHub REST API has moved to and endpoints are now documented using the URI template style of [RFC 6570](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6570): - Old: `GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues` - New: `GET /repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues` gh accepts and prioritizes the new style. However, it still does parameter substitution for the old style. * Fixed an error that occurred when calling `gh()` with `.progress = FALSE` (@gadenbuie, #115). * `gh()` accepts named `NA` parameters that are destined for the request body (#139). # gh 1.1.0 * Raw responses from GitHub are now returned as raw vector. * Responses may be written to disk by providing a path in the `.destfile` argument. * gh now sets `.Last.error` to the error object after an uncaught error, and `.Last.error.trace` to the stack trace of the error. * `gh()` now silently drops named `NULL` parameters, and throws an error for named `NA` parameters (#21, #84). * `gh()` now returns better values for empty responses, typically empty lists or dictionaries (#66). * `gh()` now has an `.accept` argument to make it easier to set the `Accept` HTTP header (#91). * New `gh_gql()` function to make it easier to work with the GitHub GraphQL API. * gh now supports separate personal access tokens for GitHub Enterprise sites. See `?gh_token` for details. * gh now supports storing your GitHub personal access tokens (PAT) in the system keyring, via the keyring package. See `?gh_token` for details. * `gh()` can now POST raw data, which allows adding assets to releases (#56). # gh 1.0.1 First public release.