# glue 1.7.0 * If rlang is installed, glue will generate more informative errors if an interpolated expression either can't be parsed or fails to evaluate (#229). * `+` now works in more situations, and gives errors when one side isn't a character vector. It no longer automatically applies glue interpolation to a non-glue input, if there is one. You'll need to do that yourself (#286). * `glue_collapse(character())` (and hence `glue_sql_collapse(character())`) now return `""`, so that they always return a single string (#88). * `glue_sql()` now collapses an empty vector to `""` not `"NULL"` (#272). * `glue_sql()` now uses `DBI::dbQuoteLiteral()` for all object types. This should increase fidelity of escaping for different object types (#279). * The "Speed of glue" vignette has been converted to an article, which allows several package to be removed from `Suggests` (and re-located to `Config/Needs/website`). The code got a light refresh, including a switch from microbenchmark to bench and more modern use of ggplot2. * Add `$(C_VISIBILITY)` to compiler flags to hide internal symbols from the dll (#284 @lionel-). # glue 1.6.2 * Modify a test for better forward compatibility with R. # glue 1.6.1 * glue now registers its custom knitr engines in a way that is more robust to namespace-loading edge cases that can arise during package installation (#254). # glue 1.6.0 * `glue()`, `glue_data()`, `glue_col()`, and `glue_data_col()` gain a new `.literal` argument, which controls how quotes and the comment character are treated when parsing the expression string (#235). This is mostly useful when using a custom transformer. * Trailing whitespace-only lines don't interfere with indentation (#247). # glue 1.5.1 * Jennifer Bryan is now the maintainer. * The existing custom language engines for knitr, `glue` and `glue_sql`, are documented in a new vignette (#71). *Detail added after release: glue now sets up registration of these engines in `.onLoad()`.* * `glue_col()` gives special treatment to styling functions from the crayon package, e.g. `glue_col("{blue foo}")` "just works" now, even if crayon is not attached (but is installed) (#241). * Unterminated backticks trigger the same error as unterminated single or double quotes (#237). * `glue_sql()` collapses zero-length `DBI::SQL` object into `DBI::SQL("NULL")` (#244 @shrektan). # glue 1.5.0 ## Breaking changes * Long deprecated function `collapse()` has been removed (#213) ## New functions and arguments * New `glue_sql_collapse()` function to collapse inputs and return a `DBI::SQL()` object (#103). * `glue()` gains a new `.comment` argument, to control the comment character (#193). * `glue()` gains a new `.null` argument, to control the value to replace `NULL` values with (#217, @echasnovski). ## Bugfixes and minor changes * `sql_quote_transformer()` is now allows whitespace after the trailing `*` (#218). * `compare_proxy.glue()` method defined so glue objects can be compared to strings in testthat 3e without errors (#212) * `print.glue()` no longer prints an empty newline for 0 length inputs (#214) * Unterminated comments in glue expression now throw an error (#227, @gaborcsardi) * Unterminated quotes in glue expressions now throw an error (#226, @gaborcsardi) # glue 1.4.2 * `glue_safe()` gives a slightly nicer error message * The required version of R is now 3.2 (#189) * `glue_sql()` now collapses `DBI::SQL()` elements correctly (#192 @shrektan) * The internal `compare()` method gains a `...` argument, for compatibility with testthat 3.0.0 # glue 1.4.1 * Internal changes for compatibility with vctrs 0.3.0 (#187). * `glue_sql()` now replaces missing values correctly when collapsing values (#185). * `glue_sql()` now always preserves the type of the column even in the presence of missing values (#130) # glue 1.4.0 * `.envir = NULL` is now supported and is equivalent to passing `.envir = emptyenv()` (#140) * New `glue_safe()` and `glue_data_safe()` functions, safer versions of `glue()` that do not execute code, only look up values (using `get()`). These alternatives are useful for things like shiny applications where you do not have control of the input for your glue expressions. (#140) * Fixed memory access issue and memory leaks found by valgrind. # glue 1.3.2 * glue now implements vctrs methods. This ensures that vectors of glue strings are compatible with tidyverse packages like tidyr (r-lib/tidyselect#170, tidyverse/tidyr#773, @lionel-). * Fix a LTO type mismatch warning (#146) * `glue_sql()` now quotes lists of values appropriate to their type, rather than coercing all values to characters (#153) * `glue_data()` now implicitly coerces `.x` to a list. * `glue()` gains the `.trim` argument, like `glue_data()`. * `single_quote()` `double_quote()` and `backtick()` all return `NA` for `NA` inputs (#135). * Improve `trim()`'s handling of lines containing only indentation (#162, #163, @alandipert) # glue 1.3.1 ## Features * `glue()` now has a `+` method to combine strings. * `glue_sql()` now collapses zero-length vector into `DBI::SQL("NULL")` (#134 @shrektan). ## Bugfixes and minor changes * `glue_sql()` now supports unquoting lists of Id objects. * `glue_sql()` now quotes characters with NAs appropriately (#115). * `glue_sql()` now quotes Dates appropriately (#98). * A potential protection error reported by rchk was fixed. # glue 1.3.0 ## Breaking changes * The `evaluate()` function has been removed. Changes elsewhere in glue made the implementation trivial so it was removed for the sake of clarity. Previous uses can be replaced by `eval(parse(text = text), envir)`. * `collapse()` has been renamed to `glue_collapse()` to avoid namespace collisions with `dplyr::collapse()`. ## Features * `compare.glue()` was added, to make it easier to use glue objects in `testthat::expect_equal()` statements. * `glue_col()` and `glue_data_col()` functions added to display strings with color. ## Bugfixes and minor changes * Glue now throws an informative error message when it cannot interpolate a function into a string (#114, @haleyjeppson & @ijlyttle). * Glue now evaluates unnamed arguments lazily with `delayedAssign()`, so there is no performance cost if an argument is not used. (#83, @egnha). * Fixed a bug where names in the assigned expression of an interpolation variable would conflict with the name of the variable itself (#89, @egnha). * Do not drop the `glue` class when subsetting (#66). * Fix `glue()` and `collapse()` always return UTF-8 encoded strings (#81, @dpprdan) # glue 1.2.0 * The implementation has been tweaked to be slightly faster in most cases. * `glue()` now has a `.transformer` argument, which allows you to use custom logic on how to evaluate the code within glue blocks. See `vignette("transformers")` for more details and example transformer functions. * `glue()` now returns `NA` if any of the results are `NA` and `.na` is `NULL`. Otherwise `NA` values are replaced by the value of `.na`. * `trim()` to use the trimming logic from glue is now exported. * `glue_sql()` and `glue_data_sql()` functions added to make constructing SQL statements with glue safer and easier. * `glue()` is now easier to use when used within helper functions such as `lapply`. * Fix when last expression in `glue()` is NULL. # glue 1.1.1 * Another fix for PROTECT / REPROTECT found by the rchk static analyzer. # glue 1.1.0 * Fix for PROTECT errors when resizing output strings. * `glue()` always returns 'UTF-8' strings, converting inputs if in other encodings if needed. * `to()` and `to_data()` have been removed. * `glue()` and `glue_data()` can now take alternative delimiters to `{` and `}`. This is useful if you are writing to a format that uses a lot of braces, such as LaTeX. (#23) * `collapse()` now returns 0 length output if given 0 length input (#28). # glue * Fix `glue()` to admit `.` as an embedded expression in a string (#15, @egnha). * Added a `NEWS.md` file to track changes to the package.