# modelr 0.1.11 * Fixes for R CMD check # modelr 0.1.10 * Relax test for R-devel # modelr 0.1.9 * Redocument to fix HTML issues in .Rd # modelr 0.1.8 * Eliminate direct dplyr dependency in favour of vctrs. * Reimplement `typical.ordered()` for R-devel compatibility. # modelr 0.1.7 * Minor documentation fixes and updates for deprecated functions. # modelr 0.1.6 * R CMD check documentation fix # modelr 0.1.5 * Fix to `data_grid()` to work with dev tidyr. # modelr 0.1.4 * `add_predictions()`, `gather_predictions()`, and `spread_predictions()` more carefully pass along `type` parameter in order to avoid problems with predict methods that don't deal with `type = NULL` (#92). # modelr 0.1.3 * `add_predictions()`, `gather_predictions()`, and `spread_predictions()` gain a `type` parameter which is passed through to `stats::predict()` (#34, @pmenzel) * New `crossv_loo()` which implements leave-one-out cross validation (@pmenzel) * `typical()` no longer ignores missing values in character and factor vectors (#80). # modelr 0.1.2 * `data_grid()` no longer fails with modern tidyr (#58). * New `mape()` and `rsae()` model quality statistics (@paulponcet, #33). * `rsquare()` use more robust calculation 1 - SS_res / SS_tot rather than SS_reg / SS_tot (#37). * `typical()` gains `ordered` and `integer` methods (@jrnold, #44), and `...` argument (@jrnold, #42). # modelr 0.1.1 * Added a `NEWS.md` file to track changes to the package. * Fixed R CMD CHECK note * Updated usage of `reduce()` for upcoming purrr release * More general `permute()` function * Add `mse()` function to calculate mean squared error. Written by @bensoltoff, pull request #57