citHeader("If you use pROC in published research, please cite the following paper:") bibentry(bibtype="Article", title = "pROC: an open-source package for R and S+ to analyze and compare ROC curves", author = c(as.person("Xavier Robin"), as.person("Natacha Turck") , as.person("Alexandre Hainard") , as.person("Natalia Tiberti") , as.person("Frédérique Lisacek") , as.person("Jean-Charles Sanchez"), as.person("Markus Müller")), year = 2011, journal = "BMC Bioinformatics", volume = 12, pages = 77, #doi = "10.1186/1471-2105-12-77", # removed: takes too much space #url = "", textVersion = "Xavier Robin, Natacha Turck, Alexandre Hainard, Natalia Tiberti, Frédérique Lisacek, Jean-Charles Sanchez and Markus Müller (2011). pROC: an open-source package for R and S+ to analyze and compare ROC curves. BMC Bioinformatics, 12, p. 77.\n DOI: 10.1186/1471-2105-12-77 <>" )