# Instructions Before proceeding with the examples contained in this subdirectory, please read all of the following carefully. Failure to do so may lead to confusion. ## Naming Conventions Examples are given in the variety of interfaces avaialable in pbdZMQ. The naming convention goes: 1. No preface is placed on the file name for the basic interface. 2. pyzmq_ prefaces the file name if the example uses the PyZMQ-like R6 interface (see help("pyzmq") for details). 3. rzmq_ prefaces the file name if the example uses the rzmq-like interface (see help("rzmq") for details). ## Running An Example Each of these examples should be executed in the following way: 1. Start the server by running server.r IN BATCH. You can do this by executing `Rscript server.r` from a terminal. 2. Start the client by sourcing client.r INTERACTIVELY. You can do this by starting an R session (Rstudio, wingui, R.app, ...) and running `source client.r`. 3. Pass commands from client to server by executing `sendrecv(socket, "1+1")` from the client (replace "1+1" with the command of your choice, as a string). 4. Shut down the server by executing `sendrecv(socket, "EXIT")` on the client. See the package vignette for more details.