## ---- include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- library(pillar) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- example_tbl <- function(class) { vctrs::new_data_frame( list( a = letters[1:3], b = data.frame(c = 1:3, d = 4:6 + 0.5) ), class = c(class, "tbl") ) } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- example_tbl("default") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tbl_sum.default_header_extend <- function(x, ...) { default_header <- NextMethod() c(default_header, "New" = "A new header") } example_tbl("default_header_extend") tbl_sum.default_header_replace <- function(x, ...) { c("Override" = "Replace all headers") } example_tbl("default_header_replace") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tbl_format_header.custom_header_replace <- function(x, setup, ...) { cli::style_italic(names(setup$tbl_sum), " = ", setup$tbl_sum) } example_tbl("custom_header_replace") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tbl_format_footer.custom_footer_extend <- function(x, setup, ...) { default_footer <- NextMethod() extra_info <- "and with extra info in the footer" extra_footer <- style_subtle(paste0("# ", cli::symbol$ellipsis, " ", extra_info)) c(default_footer, extra_footer) } print(example_tbl("custom_footer_extend"), n = 2) tbl_format_footer.custom_footer_replace <- function(x, setup, ...) { paste0("The table has ", setup$rows_total, " rows in total.") } print(example_tbl("custom_footer_replace"), n = 2) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tbl_format_setup.extra_info <- function(x, width, ...) { setup <- NextMethod() cells <- prod(dim(x)) setup$cells <- cells setup$tbl_sum <- c(setup$tbl_sum, "Cells" = as.character(cells)) setup } tbl_format_footer.extra_info <- function(x, setup, ...) { paste0("The table has ", setup$cells, " cells in total.") } example_tbl("extra_info") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ctl_new_rowid_pillar.pillar_roman <- function(controller, x, width, ...) { out <- NextMethod() rowid <- utils::as.roman(seq_len(nrow(x))) width <- max(nchar(as.character(rowid))) new_pillar( list( title = out$title, type = out$type, data = pillar_component( new_pillar_shaft(list(row_ids = rowid), width = width, class = "pillar_rif_shaft" ) ) ), width = width ) } example_tbl("pillar_roman") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ctl_new_pillar.pillar_rule <- function(controller, x, width, ..., title = NULL) { out <- NextMethod() new_pillar(list( top_rule = new_pillar_component(list("========"), width = 8), title = out$title, type = out$type, mid_rule = new_pillar_component(list("--------"), width = 8), data = out$data, bottom_rule = new_pillar_component(list("========"), width = 8) )) } example_tbl("pillar_rule") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- rule <- function(char = "-") { stopifnot(nchar(char) == 1) structure(char, class = "rule") } format.rule <- function(x, width, ...) { paste(rep(x, width), collapse = "") } ctl_new_pillar.pillar_rule_adaptive <- function(controller, x, width, ..., title = NULL) { out <- NextMethod() if (is.null(out)) { return(NULL) } new_pillar(list( top_rule = new_pillar_component(list(rule("=")), width = 1), title = out$title, type = out$type, mid_rule = new_pillar_component(list(rule("-")), width = 1), data = out$data, bottom_rule = new_pillar_component(list(rule("=")), width = 1) )) } example_tbl("pillar_rule_adaptive") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ctl_new_pillar_list.hide_df <- function(controller, x, width, ..., title = NULL) { if (!is.data.frame(x)) { return(NextMethod()) } if (width < 8) { return(NULL) } list(new_pillar( list( title = pillar_component(new_pillar_title(title)), type = new_pillar_component(list(""), width = 8), data = new_pillar_component(list(""), width = 1) ), width = 8 )) } example_tbl("hide_df") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- tbl_format_body.oldskool <- function(x, setup, ...) { capture.output(print.data.frame(setup$df)) } print(example_tbl("oldskool"), n = 2)