# Version 0.14.0 [2023-08-10] ## New Features * Progress reporting may be terminated by an interrupt (e.g. user presses Ctrl-C, or the process is interrupted externally), or a run-time error. When this happens, the most recent progress update is preserved (e.g. a progress bar in the terminal remains), and an informative message is displayed (if the progress handler supported it). In previous versions, the preservation of the progress and the output of the message happened only for interrupts. In this version, this happens also for errors. ## Miscellaneous * The `progressr.options` help page is now listed in the help index. ## Bug Fixes * The 'cli', 'pbcol', 'pbmclapply', 'progress', and 'txtprogressbar' handlers did not redraw the progress bar if there was an interrupt, which made it a hit or miss whether it was displayed after the interruption. # Version 0.13.0 [2023-01-09] ## Significant Changes * Now the 'shiny' and 'filesize' handlers are enabled by default. Previously, they were only enabled in interactive mode, but as these are frequently used also in non-interactive mode, it's less confusing if they're always enabled, e.g. Shiny applications are often run via a Shiny servers. These handlers can be disabled by setting R option `progressr.enable` to FALSE. * Option `progressr.intrusiveness.auditory` has been renamed to `progressr.intrusiveness.audio`. ## New Features * Add `handler_rpushbullet()` for reporting on progress via the Pushbullet Messaging Service using the **RPushbullet** package. * Now also 'beepr', 'debug', 'filesize', 'notifier', 'rpushbullet', 'shiny', 'tkprogressbar', and 'winprogressbar' handlers report on interrupts. * Now progress updates of type "finish" supports also updating the progress state, e.g. you can do `p(amount = 1.0, type = "finish")` whereas previously you had to do `p(amount = 1.0)` and then `p(type = "finish")` resulting in two progress conditions being signaled. ## Bug Fixes * When using multiple progression handlers, it would only be first one that was updated as the progressor completed, whereas any following ones would not receive that last update. * The 'cli' handler would output a newline when completed. * The 'cli' handler did not handle zero-length progressors resulting in `Error in rep(chr_complete, complete_len) : invalid 'times' argument` when the progressor completed. * The 'cli' handler did not work when the **cli** package was configured to report on progress via **progressr**, i.e. when setting `options(cli.progress_handlers = "progressr")`. # Version 0.12.0 [2022-12-12] ## Significant Changes * Now `with_progress()` and `without_progress()` disables the global progress handler temporarily while running to avoid progress updates being handled twice. Previously, it was, technically, possible to have two different progress handlers intertwined. ## New Features * Add `handler_cli()` for rendering progress updates via the **cli** package and its `cli::cli_progress_bar()`. * Now `handler_progress()` creates a **progress** progress bar that is always rendered by forcing `progress::progress_bar$new(..., force = TRUE)`. * `handler_txtprogressbar()` gained support for ANSI-colored `char` ASCII and Unicode symbols. ## Miscellaneous * Now `with_progress()` asserts that the number of active "output" sinks is the same on exit as on enter, and that the last one closed is the one that was created. If not, an informative error message is produced. * Now all progress handlers assert that the number of active "output" sinks is the same on exit as on enter. * Code that relied on the superseded **crayon** package has now been updated to use the **cli** package. ## Bug Fixes * Using `with_progress()` while the global progress handler was enabled could result in errors for the **cli** handler, and possibly for other progression handlers developed in the future. Because of this, `with_progress()` and `without_progress()` now disables the global progress handler temporarily while running. * The `pbmclapply()` handler went from 0 to 100% in one step, because we forgot to set the `max`:imum value. # Version 0.11.0 [2022-09-02] ## New Features * When the using a 'winprogressbar' or a 'tkprogressbar' handler, progression messages updates the `label` component of the progress panel. Now, it is also possible to update the `title` component based on progression messages. How the `title` and `label` components are updated and from what type of progression message is configured via the new `inputs` argument. For example, `inputs = list(title = "sticky_message", label = "message")` causes progression messages to update the `label` component and sticky ones to update both. For backward compatible reasons, the default is `inputs = list(title = NULL, label = "message")`. * Now the demo function `slow_sum()` outputs also "sticky" messages. ## Miscellaneous * Avoid nested `` tags in HTML-generated help pages. # Version 0.10.1 [2022-06-02] ## New Features * Now **plyr** (>= 1.8.7) supports **progressr** for also parallel processing, e.g. `y <- plyr::llply(X, slow_sum, .parallel = TRUE, .progress = "progressr")`. ## Bug Fixes * The 'plyr' progress plugin stopped working with **progressr** 0.8.0. * Warnings on stray `progression` conditions could appear with an empty message. # Version 0.10.0 [2021-12-18] ## Significant Changes * Now interrupts are detected, which triggers the progress handlers to terminate nicely, e.g. a progress bar in the terminal will stay as-is instead of being cleared. ## Bug Fixes * A progressor that signaled progress beyond 100% prevented any further progressors in the same environment to report on progress. * It was not possible to reuse handlers of type 'progress' more than once, because they did not fully reset themselves when finished. * The 'pbcol' progression handler did not respect `clean = FALSE`. ## Deprecated and Defunct * Function `progress()` is defunct in order to re-use it for other purpose. It is unlikely that anyone really used this function, but if you did, then use `cond <- progression()` to create a `progression` condition and then use `withRestart(signalCondition(cond), muffleProgression = function(p) NULL)` to signal it. # Version 0.9.0 [2021-09-24] ## Performance * The progressor function created by `progressor()` no longer "inherit" objects from the calling environment, which would, for instance, result in those objects to be exported to parallel workers together with the progressor function, which in turn would come with large time and memory costs. * `progressor()` no longer records the call stack for progressions by default, because that significantly increases the size of these condition objects, e.g. instead of being 5 kB it may be 500 kB. If a large number of progress updates are signaled and collected, as done, for instance, by futures, then the memory consumption on the collecting end could become very large. The large sizes would also have a negative impact on the performance in parallelization with futures because of the extra overhead of transferring these extra large conditions from the parallel workers back to the main R session. These issues has been there since **progressr** 0.7.0 (December 2020). To revert to the previous behavior, use `progressor(..., trace = TRUE)`. ## New Features * `progressor()` gained argument `trace` to control whether or not the call stack should be recorded in each `progression` condition. * Now `print()` for `progressor` functions and `progression` conditions report also on the size of the object, i.e. the number of bytes it requires when serialized, for instance, to and from a parallel worker. ## Bug Fixes * Registered progression handlers would report on progress also when in a _forked_ parallel child processes, e.g. when using `parallel::mclapply()`. This would give a false impression that **progressr** updates would work when using `parallel::mclapply()`, which is not true. Note however, that it does indeed work when using the future 'multicore' backend, which uses forks. # Version 0.8.0 [2021-06-09] ## Significant Changes * Creating a new `progressor()` will now automatically finish an existing progressor, if one was previously created in the same environment. The previous behavior was to give an error (see below bug fix). * `R_PROGRESSR_*` environment variables are now only read when the **progressr** package is loaded, where they set the corresponding `progressr.*` option. Previously, some of these environment variables were queried by different functions as a fallback to when an option was not set. By only parsing them when the package is loaded, it decrease the overhead in functions, and it clarifies that options can be changed at runtime whereas environment variables should only be set at startup. * When using `withProgressShiny()`, progression messages now updates the `detail` component of the Shiny progress panel. Previously, it updated the `message` component. This can be configured via new `inputs` argument. ## New Features * `withProgressShiny()` gained argument `inputs`, which can be used to control whether or not Shiny progress components `message` and `detail` should be updated based on the progression message, e.g. `inputs = list(message = "sticky_message", detail = "message")` will cause progression messages to update the `detail` component and sticky ones to update both. * Now supporting zero-length progressors, e.g. `p <- progressor(along = x)` where `length(x) == 0`. * Add `handlers("rstudio")` to report on progress in the RStudio Console via the RStudio Job interface. ## Beta Features * As an alternative to specifying the relative amount of progress, say, `p(amount = 2)`, it is now possible to also specify the absolute amount of progress made this far, e.g. `p(step = 42)`. Argument `amount` has not effect when argument `step` is specified. WARNING: Argument `step` should only be used when in full control of the order when this `progression` condition is signaled. For example, it must not be signaled as one of many parallel progress updates signaled concurrently, because we cannot guarantee the order these progressions arrive. ## Bug Fixes * In **progressr** 0.7.0, any attempt to use more than one progressor inside a function or a `local()` call would result in: "Error in assign("...progressor", value = fcn, envir = envir) : cannot change value of locked binding for ...progressor." ## Deprecated and Defunct * Function `progress()` is deprecated in order to re-use it for other purpose. It is unlikely that anyone really used this function, but if you did, then use `cond <- progression()` to create a `progression` condition and then use `withRestart(signalCondition(cond), muffleProgression = function(p) NULL)` to signal it. # Version 0.7.0 [2020-12-11] ## Significant Changes * The user can now use `handlers(global = TRUE)` to enable progress reports everywhere without having to use `with_progress()`. This only works in R (>= 4.0.0) because it requires global calling handlers. * `with_progress()` now reports on progress from multiple consecutive progressors, e.g. `with_progress({ a <- slow_sum(1:3); b <- slow_sum(1:3) })`. * A progressor must not be created in the global environment unless wrapped in `with_progress()` or `without_progress()` call. Ideally, a progressor is created within a function or a `local()` environment. * Package now requires R (>= 3.5.0) in order to protect against interrupts. ## New Features * `progressor()` gained argument `enable` to control whether or not the progressor signals `progression` conditions. It defaults to option `progressr.enable` so that progress updates can be disabled globally. The `enable` argument makes it easy for package developers who already provide a `progress = TRUE/FALSE` argument in their functions to migrate to the **progressr** package without having to change their existing API, e.g. the setup becomes `p <- progressor(along = x, enabled = progress)`. The `p()` function created by `p <- progressor(..., enable = FALSE)` is an empty function with near-zero overhead. * Now `with_progress()` and `without_progress()` returns the value of the evaluated expression. * The progression message can now be created dynamically based on the information in the `progression` condition. Specifically, if `message` is a function, then that function will called with the `progression` condition as the first argument. This function should return a character string. Importantly, it is only when the progression handler receives the progression update and calls `conditionMessage(p)` on it that this function is called. * `progressor()` gained argument `message` to set the default message of all progression updates, unless otherwise specified. * `progressor()` gained argument `on_exit = TRUE`. * Now the `progress` handler shows also a spinner by default. * Add the 'pbcol' handler, which renders the progress as a colored progress bar in the terminal with any messages written in the front. * Progression handlers now return invisibly whether or not they are finished. ## Bug Fixes * Zero-amount progress updates never reached the progress handlers. * Argument `enable` for `with_progress()` had no effect. # Version 0.6.0 [2020-05-18] ## Significant Changes * Now `with_progress()` makes sure that any output produced while reporting on progress will not interfere with the progress output and vice versa, which otherwise is a common problem with progress frameworks that output to the terminal, e.g. progress-bar output is interweaved with printed objects. In contrast, when using **progressr** we can use `message()` and `print()` as usual regardless of progress being reported or not. ## New Features * Signaling `progress(msg, class = "sticky")` will cause the message to be sticky, e.g. for progress bars outputting to the terminal, the message will be "pushed" above the progress bar. * `with_progress()` gained argument `delay_terminal` whose default will be automatically inferred from inspecting the currently set handlers and whether they output to the terminal or not. * Arguments `delay_stdout` and `delay_conditions` for `with_progress()` is now agile to the effective value of the `delay_terminal` argument. * Now handler_nnn() functions pass additional arguments in `...` to the underlying progress-handler backend, e.g. `handler_progress(width = 40L)` will set up `progress::progress_bar$new(width = 40L)`. * Add environment variables `R_PROGRESSR_CLEAR`, `R_PROGRESSR_ENABLE`, `R_PROGRESSR_ENABLE_AFTER`, `R_PROGRESSR_TIMES`, and `R_PROGRESSR_INTERVAL` for controlling the default value of the corresponding `progressr.*` options. ## Bug Fixes * Limiting the frequency of progress reporting via handler arguments `times`, `interval` or `intrusiveness` did not work and was effectively ignored. * The `progress` handler, which uses `progress::progress_bar()`, did not support colorization of the `format` string when done by the `crayon` package. * `handlers()` did not return invisible (as documented). * Argument `target` was ignored for all handler functions. * Argument `interval` was ignored for `handler_debug()`. * The class of `handler_()` functions where all `reset_progression_handler` rather than `_progression_handler`. The same bug caused the reported `name` field to be `"reset"` rather than `""`. # Version 0.5.0 [2020-04-16] ## New Features * Add 'void' progression handler. ## Bug Fixes * Only the last of multiple progression handlers registered was used. # Version 0.4.0 [2020-01-22] ## Significant Changes * All progression handler function have been renamed from `_handler()` to `handler_()` to make it easier to use autocompletion on them. # Version 0.3.0 [2020-01-20] ## New Features * `progressor()` gained arguments `offset` and `scale`, and `transform`. * `handlers()` gained argument `append` to make it easier to append handlers. ## Bug Fixes * A `progression` condition with `amount = 0` would not update the message. # Version 0.2.1 [2020-01-04] ## Bug Fixes * `winprogressbar_handler()` would produce error "invalid 'Label' argument". * `handlers()` did not return a list if the 'default' handler was returned. # Version 0.2.0 [2020-01-04] ## Significant Changes * Renamed `withProgress2()` to `withProgressShiny()`. ## New Features * `handlers()` gained argument `default` specifying a progression handler to be returned if none is set. # Version 0.1.5 [2019-10-26] ## New Features * Add `withProgress2()`, which is a plug-in backward compatibility replacement for `shiny::withProgress()` wrapped in `progressr::with_progress()` where the the "shiny" progression handler is by default added to the list of progression handlers used. * Add `demo("mandelbrot", package = "progressr")`. ## Bug Fixes * Package could set `.Random.seed` to NULL, instead of removing it, which in turn would produce a warning on "'.Random.seed' is not an integer vector but of type 'NULL', so ignored" when the next random number generated. # Version 0.1.4 [2019-07-02] ## New Features * Add support for `progressor(along = ...)`. # Version 0.1.3 [2019-07-01] ## New Features * Now it is possible to send "I'm still here" progression updates by setting the progress step to zero, e.g. `progress(amount = 0)`. This type of information can for instance be used to updated a progress bar spinner. * Add utility function `handlers()` for controlling option `progressr.handlers`. * Progression handlers' internal state now has a sticky `message` field, which hold the most recent, non-empty progression `message` received. # Version 0.1.2 [2019-06-14] ## New Features * `with_progress()` gained arguments `enable` and `interval` as an alternative to setting corresponding options `progressr.*`. * Now option `progressr.interval` defaults to 0.0 (was 0.5 seconds). * Added print() for `progression_handler` objects. ## Bug Fixes * `with_progress(..., delay_conditions = "condition")`, introduced in **progressr** 0.1.0, would also capture conditions produced by progression handlers, e.g. `progress::progress_bar()` output would not be displayed until the very end. # Version 0.1.1 [2019-06-08] ## New Features * `with_progress()` now captures standard output and conditions and relay them at then end. This is done in order to avoid interweaving such output with the output produced by the progression handlers. This behavior can be controlled by arguments `delay_stdout` and `delay_condition`. # Version 0.1.0 [2019-06-07] ## New Features * Now a `progression` condition is identified from the R session UUID, the progressor UUID, the incremental progression index, and the progression timestamp. ## Bug Fixes * A progressor object that was exported to the same external R process multiple times would produce `progression` conditions that was non-distinguishable from those previously exported. Adding a timestamp to the `progression` condition makes them distinguishable. # Version 0.0.6 [2019-06-03] ## New Features * Add `print()` for `progression` conditions and `progressor` functions. * Now the progressors record more details on the session information. This information is passed along with all `progression` conditions as part of the internal owner information. # Version 0.0.5 [2019-05-20] ## New Features * Add filesize_handler progression handler. * Add support for `times = 1L` for progression handlers which when used will cause the progression to only be presented upon completion (= last step). * The `shutdown` control_progression signaled by `with_progress()` on exit now contains the `status` of the evaluation. If the evaluation was successful, then `status = "ok"`, otherwise `"incomplete"`. Examples of incomplete evaluations are errors and interrupts. # Version 0.0.4 [2019-05-18] ## New Features * Add `utils::winProgressBar()` progression handler for MS Windows. * Add support for silent sounds for `beepr::beep()`. * Add option `progressr.enable`, which defaults to `interactive()`. ## Software Quality * TESTS: Increased package test coverage of progression handlers by running all code except the last step that calls the backend, which may not be installed or supported on the current platform, e.g. **tcltk**, **beepr**, notifier. ## Bug Fixes * Precreated progression handlers could only be used once. * `with_progress(..., cleanup = TRUE)` requires a `withRestart()` such that also "shutdown" progressions can be muffled. # Version 0.0.3 [2019-05-17] ## New Features * Add argument `enable_after` for progression handlers. * Now `with_progress(..., cleanup = TRUE)` will signal a generic "shutdown" progression at the end that will trigger all progression handlers to finish up regardless of all steps have been take or not. * Now progressions originating from an unknown source are ignored. * The default output format of the `progress::progress_bar()` progression handler is now `":percent :bar :message"`. * The `tcltk::tkProgressBar()` progression handler now displays the progression message. * Now the `progression` condition itself is passed to the progression reporter functions. * Add 'debug_handler' for prototyping and debugging purposes. * Add 'newline_handler' to add newlines between output of multiple handlers. * Argument `intrusiveness` may now be zero. Previously it had to be a strictly positive value. * Add `without_progress()` - which causes all `progression` conditions to be muffled and ignored. ## Bug Fixes * Progressor functions could produce `progression` conditions that had the same identifiers and therefore would be considered duplicates such that progression handlers would ignore them. * It was an error if a progression took a step big enough to skip more than the next milestone. * Progression handlers now keep the internal `step` field within [0, max_steps] in case of a too big progression step is taken. * Progression updates received after progression handler is finished would keep increasing the internal step field. # Version 0.0.2 [2019-05-15] ## Significant Changes * Renamed restart `consume_progression` to `muffleProgression` to align with restarts `muffleMessage` and `muffleWarning` in base R. ## New Features * Add a plyr-compatible "progress bar" named `progress_progressr()`. * Add option `progressr.clear`. * Visual progression handler will now always render the complete update state when `clear` is FALSE. * Now progression handlers ignore a re-signaled `progression` condition if it has already been processed previously. * Now each `progression` condition holds unique identifiers for the R session and for the progressor that produced the condition. It also contains an unique index per progressor that is incremented whenever a new `progression` condition is created. # Version 0.0.1 [2019-05-08] ## Significant Changes * First decent prototype of this package and the idea behind it. * Make `auto_done = TRUE` the default. # Version 0.0.0-9004 [2019-05-08] ## New Features * Add argument `auto_done` to automatically have progress updates also signal "done" as soon as the last step has been reached. * Made `amount` the first argument of progressors to avoid having to specify it by name if progressing with an amount than the default `amount = 1.0`. * Add argument `clear` to control whether progress reporter should clear its output upon completion. The default is to do this, where supported. * Add progress update handler based on `pbmcapply::progressBar()`. * Each achieved step is now timestamped. * Add option `progressr.debug`. # Version 0.0.0-9003 [2019-05-06] ## New Features * Add `intrusiveness` parameter that specifies how intrusive/disruptive a certain progress reporter is. For instance, an auditory reporter is relatively more disruptive than a visual progress bar part of the status bar. * Simplified the API for creating new types of progress reporters. # Version 0.0.0-9002 [2019-04-25] ## New Features * Add `progressor()`. * Add `progress_aggregator()`. # Version 0.0.0-9001 [2019-04-24] ## New Features * Add progress update handlers based on `utils::txtProgressBar()`, `tcltk::tkProgressBar()`, `cat("\a")`, `progress::progress_bar()`, `beepr::beep()`, and `notifier::notify()`. * Add `with_progress()`. * Add options `progressr.handlers` for settings default progress handlers. * Add `progressr.times` for controlling the number of times progress updates are rendered. * Add `progressr.interval` for controlling the minimum number of seconds that needs to elapse before reporting on the next update. # Version 0.0.0-9000 [2019-04-11] ## New Features * Add `progress()` to create and signal `progression` condition. * Add `progression()` to create `progression` condition.