library(progressr) library(future) library(graphics) p <- function(...) NULL plot_what_is_done <- function(counts) { done <- 0L for (kk in seq_along(counts)) { f <- counts[[kk]] ## Already plotted? if (!inherits(f, "Future")) { done <- done + 1L next } ## Not resolved? ## NOTE: This will block, if all workers are busy! if (runif(1) < 0.8*(1-(done/length(counts))) || !resolved(f)) next message(sprintf("Plotting tile #%d of %d ...", kk, n)) counts[[kk]] <- value(f) screen(kk) plot(counts[[kk]]) done <- done + 1L } counts } ## Options region <- getOption("future.demo.mandelbrot.region", 1L) if (!is.list(region)) { if (region == 1L) { region <- list(xmid = -0.75, ymid = 0.0, side = 3.0) } else if (region == 2L) { region <- list(xmid = 0.283, ymid = -0.0095, side = 0.00026) } else if (region == 3L) { region <- list(xmid = 0.282989, ymid = -0.01, side = 3e-8) } } nrow <- getOption("future.demo.mandelbrot.nrow", 5L) resolution <- getOption("future.demo.mandelbrot.resolution", 1024L) delay <- getOption("future.demo.mandelbrot.delay", interactive()) if (isTRUE(delay)) { delay <- function(counts) Sys.sleep(runif(1L, min=0.5, max=5)) } else if (!is.function(delay)) { delay <- function(counts) {} } ## Generate Mandelbrot tiles to be computed Cs <- mandelbrot_tiles(xmid = region$xmid, ymid = region$ymid, side = region$side, nrow = nrow, resolution = resolution) message("Tiles: ", paste(dim(Cs), collapse = " by ")) if (interactive()) { split.screen(dim(Cs)) for (ii in seq_along(Cs)) { screen(ii) par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0)) text(x = 1 / 2, y = 1 / 2, sprintf("Future #%d\nunresolved", ii), cex = 2) } } else { split.screen(dim(Cs)) } ## Create all Mandelbrot tiles via lazy futures n <- length(Cs) message(sprintf("* Creating %d Mandelbrot tiles", n)) with_progress({ p <- progressor(along = Cs) counts <- lapply(seq_along(Cs), FUN=function(ii) { C <- Cs[[ii]] future({ message(sprintf("Calculating tile #%d of %d ...", ii, n), appendLF = FALSE) fit <- mandelbrot(C) ## Emulate slowness delay(fit) p(sprintf("Tile #%d (PID %d)", ii, Sys.getpid())) message(" done") fit }, lazy = TRUE) }) str(counts) pp <- 0L while (any(sapply(counts, FUN = inherits, "Future"))) { counts <- plot_what_is_done(counts) } }) close.screen() message("SUGGESTION: Try to rerun this demo after changing strategy for how futures are resolved, e.g. plan(multisession).\n")