*2repr Lists mapping mime types ('mime2repr') or format names ('format2repr') to 'repr' functions repr Dynamic representation repr-generics Representations for specific formats repr-options repr options repr-package The repr package repr_*.data.table Representation of data.table objects repr_*.factor Representations of factors repr_*.function Representations of functions repr_*.help_files_with_topic Representations of help repr_*.htmlwidget HTML widget representations repr_*.list Representations of lists repr_*.matrix/data.frame Tabular data representations repr_*.packageIQR packageIQR representations repr_*.recordedplot Plot representations repr_*.ts Time series representations repr_*.vector Representations of vectors repr_geojson.* Representations of spatial objects: See geojson_list for supported classes. repr_plotly1.* Representation as Plotly JSON. repr_text Text representation repr_vega* Representation as 'vegalitev2' or 'vega4' JSON.