.endpoints Endpoints indexes DaylightSavingTime Daylight Saving Time Rules Easter Date of Easter Sys.timeDate System time as 'timeDate' object align Align a 'timeDate' object to regular date/time stamps as.timeDate Coercion from/to 'timeDate' blockStart Equally sized 'timeDate' blocks c Concatenating 'timeDate' objects currentYear Current year dayOfWeek Day of the week dayOfYear Day of the year diff Lagged 'timeDate' differences difftimeDate Difference of two 'timeDate' objects earlyCloseNYSE Early closings of the New York Stock exchange finCenter Financial Center of a timeDate object firstDay First and last days format Format methods holiday Holiday dates holidayDate Public and ecclesiastical holidays holidayLONDON London Bank Holidays holidayNERC NERC holiday calendar holidayNYSE NYSE holiday calendar holidayTSX TSX holiday calendar holidayZURICH Zurich holiday calendar is.na-methods Methods for 'is.na' isBizday Check if dates are business or holidays isRegular Checks if a date/time vector is regular isWeekday Weekdays and weekends julian,timeDate-method Julian counts and calendar atoms kurtosis Kurtosis length Length of a 'timeDate' object listFinCenter List of financial centers listHolidays List of holidays midnightStandard Midnight standard myFinCenter myFinCenter variable myUnits Frequency of date/time units nDay n-th n-day dates names-methods The names of a 'timeDate' object onOrAfter On-or-after/before dates periods Rolling periods plot,timeDate-method Plot methods rep Replicating 'timeDate' objects rev Reverse 'timeDate' objects round Rounding and truncating 'timeDate' objects rulesFinCenter Financial centers DST rules sample Resampling 'timeDate' objects setRmetricsOptions Rmetrics option settings show-methods Show methods skewness Skewness sort Sorting 'timeDate' objects specialHolidayGB Dates of special one-off holidays in the UK start Terminal times and range subset Subsetting a 'timeDate' object summary.timeDate Summary method timeCalendar 'timeDate' from calendar atoms timeDate Create 'timeDate' objects from scratch timeDate-class Class "timeDate" timeDate-package Utilities and tools package timeDateMathOps Mathematical operations with 'timeDate' objects timeSequence Regularly spaced 'timeDate' objects unique Remove duplicated dates from 'timeDate' objects whichFormat Format recognation window Time windows