############### # R E A D M E # ############### The two files in the `/Rcmdr' directory of urca, namely `Rcmdr-urca.R' and `Rcmdr-menus.txt', can be utilisied as an add-in to `Rcmdr' of John Fox. For more information on `Rcmdr' please visit the URL: http://socserv.socsci.mcmaster.ca/jfox/Misc/Rcmdr/ as well as the man pages of the package itself. Incidentally, a tutorial `Getting-Started-with-the-Rcmdr.pdf' is shipped in the `/doc' subdirectory of `Rcmdr'. In order to install the `urca' add-in to `Rcmdr' two steps are necessary: 1. step: ******** Copy the `Rcmdr-urca.R' into the `/etc' sub-directory of the package `Rcmdr'; that is: `Rcmdr/etc' should now contain this file. 2. step: ******** Copy the contents of the file `Rcmdr-menus.txt' in the `urca/inst' directory into the file `Rcmdr/etc/Rcmdr-menus.txt' at a suitable place. For example, you can place the contents right before the definition of the `Help-menu' (look for a line, similar to: menu helpMenu topMenu "" "" "" Then, the newly created `urca-menu' will be placed left to the `Help-menu' of `Rcmdr' once you executed: library(Rcmdr) from a R Console.