library(urca) # # ADF-test # urcadf <- function(){ if (!checkActiveDataSet()) return() if (!checkNumeric(n=1)) return() initializeDialog(title="ADF Test") xBox <- variableListBox(top, Numeric(), title="Variable (pick one)") onOK <- function(){ x <- getSelection(xBox) var <- paste(.activeDataSet, "$", x, sep="") ttype <- tclvalue(testtypeVariable) lags <- tclvalue(lagsVariable) if (length(x) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcadf, message="You must select a variable.") return() } if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(top) tkdestroy(top) doItAndPrint(paste("summary(ur.df(y= ", var, ", type = ", ttype, ", lags = ", lags, "))", sep="")) tkdestroy(top) tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) } OKCancelHelp(helpSubject="ur.df") radioButtons(name="testtype", buttons=c("none", "drift", "trend"), values=c("'none'", "'drift'", "'trend'" ), labels=c("no deterministic regressor", "drift only", "drift and trend"), title="Type of test") rightFrame <- tkframe(top) lagsFrame <- tkframe(rightFrame) lagsVariable <- tclVar("4") lagsField <- tkentry(lagsFrame, width="2", textvariable=lagsVariable) tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), sticky="nw") tkgrid(tklabel(rightFrame, text="")) tkgrid(tklabel(lagsFrame, text="Maximum number of lags = ", fg="blue"), lagsField, sticky="w") tkgrid(lagsFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(testtypeFrame, rightFrame, sticky="nw") tkgrid(buttonsFrame, columnspan=2, sticky="w") tkgrid.configure(lagsField, sticky="e") dialogSuffix(rows=4, columns=2) } # # ERS-test # urcaers <- function(){ if (!checkActiveDataSet()) return() if (!checkNumeric(n=1)) return() initializeDialog(title="ERS Test") xBox <- variableListBox(top, Numeric(), title="Variable (pick one)") onOK <- function(){ x <- getSelection(xBox) var <- paste(.activeDataSet, "$", x, sep="") ttype <- tclvalue(testtypeVariable) modtype <- tclvalue(modelVariable) lags <- tclvalue(lagsVariable) if (length(x) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcaers, message="You must select a variable.") return() } if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(top) tkdestroy(top) doItAndPrint(paste("summary(ur.ers(y= ", var, ", type = ", ttype, ", model = ", modtype, ", lag.max = ", lags, "))", sep="")) tkdestroy(top) tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) } OKCancelHelp(helpSubject="ur.ers") radioButtons(name="testtype", buttons=c("DFGLS", "Ptest"), values=c("'DF-GLS'", "'P-test'"), labels=c("DF-GLS statistic", "P-test statistic"), title="Type of test") radioButtons(name="model", buttons=c("const", "trend"), values=c("'constant'", "'trend'"), labels=c("Include constant", "Include constant + trend"), title="Model type") rightFrame <- tkframe(top) lagsFrame <- tkframe(rightFrame) lagsVariable <- tclVar("4") lagsField <- tkentry(lagsFrame, width="2", textvariable=lagsVariable) tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), sticky="nw") tkgrid(tklabel(rightFrame, text="")) tkgrid(tklabel(lagsFrame, text="Maximum number of lags = ", fg="blue"), lagsField, sticky="w") tkgrid(lagsFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(testtypeFrame, rightFrame, sticky="nw") tkgrid(modelFrame, rightFrame, sticky="nw") tkgrid(buttonsFrame, columnspan=2, sticky="w") tkgrid.configure(lagsField, sticky="e") dialogSuffix(rows=4, columns=2) } # # KPSS-test # urcakpss <- function(){ if (!checkActiveDataSet()) return() if (!checkNumeric(n=1)) return() initializeDialog(title="KPSS Test") xBox <- variableListBox(top, Numeric(), title="Variable (pick one)") radioButtons(name="testtype", buttons=c("constant", "trend"), values=c("'mu'", "'tau'"), initialValue="'mu'", labels=c("Include constant", "Include trend"), title="Deterministic Part") radioButtons(name="lags", buttons=c("short", "long", "nil"), values=c("'short'", "'long'", "'nil'"), initialValue="'short'", labels=c("use short lags", "use long lags", "use no lags"), title="Lag Selection") onOK <- function(){ x <- getSelection(xBox) if (length(x) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcakpss, message="You must select a variable.") return() } var <- paste(.activeDataSet, "$", x, sep="") ttype <- tclvalue(testtypeVariable) ltype <- tclvalue(lagsVariable) if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(top) tkdestroy(top) command <- paste("summary(ur.kpss(", var, ", type = ", ttype, ", lags = ", ltype, "))", sep="") doItAndPrint(command) tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) } OKCancelHelp(helpSubject="ur.kpss") tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), sticky="nw") tkgrid(testtypeFrame, lagsFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(buttonsFrame, columnspan=2, sticky="w") dialogSuffix(rows=3, columns=2) } # # Schmidt-Phillips test # urcasp <- function(){ if (!checkActiveDataSet()) return() if (!checkNumeric(n=1)) return() initializeDialog(title="SP Test") xBox <- variableListBox(top, Numeric(), title="Variable (pick one)") onOK <- function(){ x <- getSelection(xBox) var <- paste(.activeDataSet, "$", x, sep="") ttype <- tclvalue(testtypeVariable) pdtype <- tclvalue(poldegVariable) sltype <- tclvalue(signifVariable) if (length(x) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcasp, message="You must select a variable.") return() } if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(top) tkdestroy(top) doItAndPrint(paste("summary(ur.sp(y= ", var, ", type = ", ttype, ", pol.deg = ", pdtype, ", signif = ", sltype, "))", sep="")) tkdestroy(top) tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) } OKCancelHelp(helpSubject="ur.sp") radioButtons(name="testtype", buttons=c("tau", "rho"), values=c("'tau'", "'rho'"), labels=c("tau statistic", "rho statistic"), title="Type of test") radioButtons(name="poldeg", buttons=c("pb1", "pb2", "pb3", "pb4"), values=c("1", "2", "3", "4"), labels=c("1st", "2nd", "3rd", "4th"), title="Select pol. degree") radioButtons(name="signif", buttons=c("sb1", "sb5", "sb10"), values=c("0.01", "0.05", "0.1"), labels=c("alpha=1%", "alpha=5%", "alpha=10%"), title="Sig. Level") tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), testtypeFrame, sticky="nw") tkgrid(poldegFrame, signifFrame, sticky="nw") tkgrid(buttonsFrame, columnspan=2, sticky="w") dialogSuffix(rows=4, columns=2) } # # Phillips-Perron test # urcapp <- function(){ if (!checkActiveDataSet()) return() if (!checkNumeric(n=1)) return() initializeDialog(title="PP Test") xBox <- variableListBox(top, Numeric(), title="Variable (pick one)") onOK <- function(){ x <- getSelection(xBox) var <- paste(.activeDataSet, "$", x, sep="") ttype <- tclvalue(testtypeVariable) modtype <- tclvalue(modelVariable) lagtype <- tclvalue(lagsVariable) if (length(x) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcapp, message="You must select a variable.") return() } if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(top) tkdestroy(top) doItAndPrint(paste("summary(ur.pp(x= ", var, ", type = ", ttype, ", model = ", modtype, ", lags = ", lagtype, "))", sep="")) tkdestroy(top) tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) } OKCancelHelp(helpSubject="ur.pp") radioButtons(name="testtype", buttons=c("Zalpha", "Ztau"), values=c("'Z-alpha'", "'Z-tau'"), labels=c("Z-alpha statistic", "Z-tau statistic"), title="Type of test") radioButtons(name="model", buttons=c("const", "trend"), values=c("'constant'", "'trend'"), labels=c("Include constant", "include constant + trend"), title="Model type") radioButtons(name="lags", buttons=c("short", "long"), values=c("'short'", "'long'"), labels=c("short lags", "long lags"), title="Lags for error correction") tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), testtypeFrame, sticky="nw") tkgrid(modelFrame, lagsFrame, sticky="nw") tkgrid(buttonsFrame, columnspan=2, sticky="w") dialogSuffix(rows=4, columns=2) } # # Zivot-Andrews test # urcaza <- function(){ if (!checkActiveDataSet()) return() if (!checkNumeric(n=1)) return() initializeDialog(title="Zivot & Andrews Test") xBox <- variableListBox(top, Numeric(), title="Variable (pick one)") onOK <- function(){ x <- getSelection(xBox) var <- paste(.activeDataSet, "$", x, sep="") modtype <- tclvalue(modelVariable) lags <- tclvalue(lagsVariable) ptype <- if(tclvalue(plotVariable) == 0) "FALSE" else "TRUE" if (length(x) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcaza, message="You must select a variable.") return() } if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(top) tkdestroy(top) command <- paste(" ", var, ", model = ", modtype, ", lag = ", lags, ")", sep="") logger(paste("ZAstat <- ", command, sep="")) assign("ZAstat", justDoIt(command), envir=.GlobalEnv) doItAndPrint("summary(ZAstat)") if(ptype==TRUE) { justDoIt("x11()") justDoIt("plot(ZAstat)") } logger("remove(ZAstat)") remove(ZAstat, envir=.GlobalEnv) tkdestroy(top) tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) } OKCancelHelp(helpSubject="") radioButtons(name="model", buttons=c("const", "trend", "both"), values=c("'intercept'", "'trend'", "'both'"), labels=c("Include constant", "Include trend", "Include both"), title="Model type") checkBoxes(frame="plotFrame", boxes="plot", initialValues="0", labels="Plot path of Zivot & Andrews Statistic?") rightFrame <- tkframe(top) lagsFrame <- tkframe(rightFrame) lagsVariable <- tclVar("4") lagsField <- tkentry(lagsFrame, width="2", textvariable=lagsVariable) tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), sticky="nw") tkgrid(tklabel(rightFrame, text="")) tkgrid(tklabel(lagsFrame, text="Maximum number of lags = ", fg="blue"), lagsField, sticky="w") tkgrid(lagsFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(modelFrame, rightFrame, sticky="nw") tkgrid(plotFrame, sticky="nw") tkgrid(buttonsFrame, columnspan=2, sticky="w") tkgrid.configure(lagsField, sticky="e") dialogSuffix(rows=3, columns=2) } # # Phillips-Ouliaris test # urcacapo <- function(){ dataSets <- listDataSets() if (length(dataSets) == 0){ tkmessageBox(message="There are no data sets from which to choose.", icon="error", type="ok") tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) return() } initializeDialog(title="Phillips & Ouliaris Test") xBox <- variableListBox(top, dataSets, title="Data Sets (pick one)") onOK <- function(){ x <- getSelection(xBox) if (length(x) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcacapo, message="You must select a data set.") return() } meantype <- tclvalue(demeanVariable) lags <- tclvalue(lagsVariable) ttype <- tclvalue(typeVariable) tolvar <- tclvalue(tolVariable) if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(top) tkdestroy(top) doItAndPrint(paste("summary(ca.po(z = ", x, ", demean = ", meantype, ", lag = ", lags, ", type = ", ttype, ", tol = ", tolvar, "))", sep="")) tkdestroy(top) tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) } OKCancelHelp(helpSubject="ca.po") radioButtons(name="demean", buttons=c("none", "constant", "trend"), values=c("'none'", "'constant'", "'trend'"), labels=c("None", "Include constant", "Include trend"), title="Demean?") radioButtons(name="lags", buttons=c("short", "long"), values=c("'short'", "'long'"), labels=c("short lags", "long lags"), title="Lags for error correction") radioButtons(name="type", buttons=c("Pu", "Pz"), values=c("'Pu'", "'Pz'"), labels=c("Pu statistic", "Pz statistic"), title="Type of test") rightFrame <- tkframe(top) tolFrame <- tkframe(rightFrame) tolVariable <- tclVar("NULL") tolField <- tkentry(tolFrame, width="8", textvariable=tolVariable) tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), sticky="nw") tkgrid(tklabel(rightFrame, text="")) tkgrid(tklabel(tolFrame, text="Tolerance level = ", fg="blue"), tolField, sticky="w") tkgrid(tolFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(demeanFrame, rightFrame, sticky="nw") tkgrid(lagsFrame, typeFrame, sticky="nw") tkgrid(buttonsFrame, columnspan=2, sticky="w") tkgrid.configure(tolField, sticky="e") dialogSuffix(rows=5, columns=2) } # # Johansen-Procedure # urcacajo <- function(){ dataSets <- listDataSets() if (length(dataSets) == 0){ tkmessageBox(message="There are no data sets from which to choose.", icon="error", type="ok") tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) return() } initializeDialog(title="Johansen's Procedure") xBox <- variableListBox(top, dataSets, title="Data Sets (pick one)") assign("UpdateModelNumber", UpdateModelNumber() + 1, envir=.GlobalEnv) modelName <- tclVar(paste("VECMmodel.", UpdateModelNumber, sep="")) modelFrame <- tkframe(top) model <- tkentry(modelFrame, width="20", textvariable=modelName) onOK <- function(){ x <- getSelection(xBox) if (length(x) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcacajo, message="You must select a data set.") return() } ttype <- tclvalue(typeVariable) spect <- tclvalue(specVariable) ctype <- tclvalue(ecdetVariable) lags <- tclvalue(lagVariable) seas <- tclvalue(seasonVariable) dummy <- tclvalue(dumVariable) if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(top) tkdestroy(top) modelValue <- tclvalue(modelName) if (!{ assign("UpdateModelNumber", UpdateModelNumber() - 1, envir=.GlobalEnv) errorCondition(recall=urcacajo, message=paste('"', modelValue, '" is not a valid name.', sep="")) return() } if (is.element(modelValue, listVECMmodels())) { if ("no" == tclvalue(checkReplace(modelValue, type="Model"))){ assign("UpdateModelNumber", UpdateModelNumber() - 1, envir=.GlobalEnv) if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(top) tkdestroy(top) urcacajo() return() } } command <- paste(" = ", x, ", type = ", ttype, ", ecdet = ", ctype, ", K = ", lags, ", spec = ", spect, ", season = ", seas, ", dumvar = ", dummy , ")", sep="") logger(paste(modelValue, " <- ", command, sep="")) assign(modelValue, justDoIt(command), envir=.GlobalEnv) doItAndPrint(paste("summary(", modelValue, ")", sep="")) tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) } OKCancelHelp(helpSubject="") radioButtons(name="type", buttons=c("eigen", "trace"), values=c("'eigen'", "'trace'"), labels=c("Eigenvalue statistic", "Trace statistic"), title="Type of statistic") radioButtons(name="spec", buttons=c("long", "trans"), values=c("'longrun'", "'transitory'"), labels=c("longrun specification", "transitory specification"), title="VECM specification") radioButtons(name="season", buttons=c("none", "monthly", "quarterly"), values=c("NULL", "12", "4"), labels=c("None", "Monthly seasonality", "Quarterly seasonality"), title="Seasonality") radioButtons(name="ecdet", buttons=c("none", "const", "trend"), values=c("'none'", "'const'", "'trend'"), labels=c("none", "constant", "trend"), title="Deterministic Variable in Cointegration") rightFrame <- tkframe(top) lagFrame <- tkframe(rightFrame) lagVariable <- tclVar("2") lagField <- tkentry(lagFrame, width="2", textvariable=lagVariable) dumFrame <- tkframe(rightFrame) dumVariable <- tclVar("NULL") dumField <- tkentry(dumFrame, width="8", textvariable=dumVariable) tkgrid(tklabel(modelFrame, text="Enter name for model:"), model, sticky="w") tkgrid(modelFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), sticky="nw") tkgrid(tklabel(rightFrame, text=""), sticky="w") tkgrid(tklabel(lagFrame, text="Lag order = ", fg="blue"), lagField, sticky="w") tkgrid(lagFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(tklabel(dumFrame, text="Matrix of dummy variables = ", fg="blue"), dumField, sticky="w") tkgrid(dumFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(typeFrame, rightFrame, sticky="nw") tkgrid(specFrame, seasonFrame, sticky="nw") tkgrid(ecdetFrame, rightFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid.configure(lagField, sticky="e") tkgrid.configure(dumField, sticky="e") dialogSuffix(rows=8, columns=2) } # # Linear Trend test # urcalttest <- function(){ VECMmodels <- listVECMmodels() if (length(VECMmodels) == 0){ tkmessageBox(message="There are no VECM models from which to choose.", icon="error", type="ok") tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) return() } initializeDialog(title="Linear Trend Test") xBox <- variableListBox(top, VECMmodels, title="VECM models (pick one)") onOK <- function(){ x <- getSelection(xBox) if (length(x) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcalttest, message="You must select a VECM model.") return() } rint <- tclvalue(rankVariable) if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(top) tkdestroy(top) doItAndPrint(paste("lttest(z = ", x, ", r = ", rint, ")", sep="")) tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) } OKCancelHelp(helpSubject="lttest") rankFrame <- tkframe(top) rankVariable <- tclVar("1") rankField <- tkentry(rankFrame, width="2", textvariable=rankVariable) tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), sticky="nw") tkgrid(rankFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(tklabel(rankFrame, text="Number of cointegrating relationships = ", fg="blue"), rankField, sticky="w") tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid.configure(rankField, sticky="e") dialogSuffix(rows=3, columns=2) } # # Restrictions on Loading matrix # urcaalrtest <- function(){ VECMmodels <- listVECMmodels() matrices <- listMatrix() if (length(VECMmodels) == 0){ tkmessageBox(message="There are no VECM models from which to choose.", icon="error", type="ok") tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) return() } if (length(matrices) == 0){ tkmessageBox(message="There are no restriction matrices defined from which to choose.", icon="error", type="ok") tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) return() } initializeDialog(title="Test Restrictions on Loading Vectors") xBox <- variableListBox(top, VECMmodels, title="VECM models (pick one)") yBox <- variableListBox(top, matrices, title="Restriction matrices (pick one)") onOK <- function(){ x <- getSelection(xBox) if (length(x) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcaalrtest, message="You must select a VECM model.") return() } y <- getSelection(yBox) if (length(y) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcaalrtest, message="You must select a restriction matrix.") return() } rint <- tclvalue(rankVariable) if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(top) tkdestroy(top) doItAndPrint(paste("summary(alrtest(z = ", x, ", A = ", y , ", r = ", rint, "))", sep="")) tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) } OKCancelHelp(helpSubject="alrtest") rankFrame <- tkframe(top) rankVariable <- tclVar("1") rankField <- tkentry(rankFrame, width="2", textvariable=rankVariable) tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), getFrame(yBox), sticky="nw") tkgrid(rankFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(tklabel(rankFrame, text="Number of cointegrating relationships = ", fg="blue"), rankField, sticky="w") tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid.configure(rankField, sticky="e") dialogSuffix(rows=3, columns=1) } # # Restrictions on cointegration matrix # urcablrtest <- function(){ VECMmodels <- listVECMmodels() matrices <- listMatrix() if (length(VECMmodels) == 0){ tkmessageBox(message="There are no VECM models from which to choose.", icon="error", type="ok") tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) return() } if (length(matrices) == 0){ tkmessageBox(message="There are no restriction matrices defined from which to choose.", icon="error", type="ok") tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) return() } initializeDialog(title="Test Restrictions on Cointegration Vectors") xBox <- variableListBox(top, VECMmodels, title="VECM models (pick one)") yBox <- variableListBox(top, matrices, title="Restriction matrices (pick one)") onOK <- function(){ x <- getSelection(xBox) if (length(x) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcaablrtest, message="You must select a VECM model.") return() } y <- getSelection(yBox) if (length(y) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcaalrtest, message="You must select a restriction matrix.") return() } rint <- tclvalue(rankVariable) if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(top) tkdestroy(top) doItAndPrint(paste("summary(blrtest(z = ", x, ", H = ", y , ", r = ", rint, "))", sep="")) tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) } OKCancelHelp(helpSubject="blrtest") rankFrame <- tkframe(top) rankVariable <- tclVar("1") rankField <- tkentry(rankFrame, width="2", textvariable=rankVariable) tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), getFrame(yBox), sticky="nw") tkgrid(rankFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(tklabel(rankFrame, text="Number of cointegrating relationships = ", fg="blue"), rankField, sticky="w") tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid.configure(rankField, sticky="e") dialogSuffix(rows=3, columns=1) } # # Restrictions for partly known cointegrating vectors # urcabh5lrtest <- function(){ VECMmodels <- listVECMmodels() matrices <- listMatrix() numerics <- listNumeric() elements <- c(matrices, numerics) if (length(VECMmodels) == 0){ tkmessageBox(message="There are no VECM models from which to choose.", icon="error", type="ok") tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) return() } if (length(matrices) == 0){ tkmessageBox(message="There are no restriction matrices defined from which to choose.", icon="error", type="ok") tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) return() } initializeDialog(title="Test validity of partly known cointegrating Vectors") xBox <- variableListBox(top, VECMmodels, title="VECM models (pick one)") yBox <- variableListBox(top, elements, title="Restriction matrices (pick one)") onOK <- function(){ x <- getSelection(xBox) if (length(x) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcabh5lrtest, message="You must select a VECM model.") return() } y <- getSelection(yBox) if (length(y) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcabh5lrtest, message="You must select a restriction matrix.") return() } rint <- tclvalue(rankVariable) if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(top) tkdestroy(top) doItAndPrint(paste("summary(bh5lrtest(z = ", x, ", H = ", y , ", r = ", rint, "))", sep="")) tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) } OKCancelHelp(helpSubject="bh5lrtest") rankFrame <- tkframe(top) rankVariable <- tclVar("2") rankField <- tkentry(rankFrame, width="2", textvariable=rankVariable) tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), getFrame(yBox), sticky="nw") tkgrid(rankFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(tklabel(rankFrame, text="Number of cointegrating relationships = ", fg="blue"), rankField, sticky="w") tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid.configure(rankField, sticky="e") dialogSuffix(rows=3, columns=1) } # # Restrictions for partly known cointegrating vectors # urcabh6lrtest <- function(){ VECMmodels <- listVECMmodels() matrices <- listMatrix() numerics <- listNumeric() elements <- c(matrices, numerics) if (length(VECMmodels) == 0){ tkmessageBox(message="There are no VECM models from which to choose.", icon="error", type="ok") tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) return() } if (length(matrices) == 0){ tkmessageBox(message="There are no restriction matrices defined from which to choose.", icon="error", type="ok") tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) return() } initializeDialog(title="Test restrictions of partly known cointegrating Vectors") xBox <- variableListBox(top, VECMmodels, title="VECM models (pick one)") yBox <- variableListBox(top, elements, title="Restriction matrices (pick one)") onOK <- function(){ x <- getSelection(xBox) if (length(x) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcabh6lrtest, message="You must select a VECM model.") return() } y <- getSelection(yBox) if (length(y) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcaalrtest, message="You must select a restriction matrix.") return() } rint <- tclvalue(rankVariable) r1int <- tclvalue(r1Variable) maxiter <- tclvalue(maxiterVariable) conv <- tclvalue(conVariable) if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(top) tkdestroy(top) doItAndPrint(paste("summary(bh6lrtest(z = ", x, ", H = ", y , ", r = ", rint, ", r1 =", r1int, ", conv.val =", conv, ", max.iter =", maxiter, "))", sep="")) tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) } OKCancelHelp(helpSubject="bh6lrtest") rankFrame <- tkframe(top) r1Frame <- tkframe(top) rankVariable <- tclVar("2") r1Variable <- tclVar("1") rightFrame <- tkframe(top) maxiterFrame <- tkframe(rightFrame) maxiterVariable <- tclVar("50") maxiterField <- tkentry(maxiterFrame, width="4", textvariable=maxiterVariable) conFrame <- tkframe(rightFrame) conVariable <- tclVar("0.0001") conField <- tkentry(conFrame, width="8", textvariable=conVariable) tkgrid(tklabel(rightFrame, text="")) rankField <- tkentry(rankFrame, width="2", textvariable=rankVariable) r1Field <- tkentry(r1Frame, width="2", textvariable=r1Variable) tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), getFrame(yBox), sticky="nw") tkgrid(rankFrame, rightFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(tklabel(rankFrame, text="Number of cointegrating relationships = ", fg="blue"), rankField, sticky="w") tkgrid(r1Frame, rightFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(tklabel(r1Frame, text="Number of restricted ci relationships = ", fg="blue"), r1Field, sticky="w") tkgrid(maxiterFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(tklabel(maxiterFrame, text="Maximum number of iterations = ", fg="blue"), maxiterField, sticky="w") tkgrid(conFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(tklabel(conFrame, text="Convergence criteria = ", fg="blue"), conField, sticky="w") tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid.configure(rankField, sticky="e") tkgrid.configure(r1Field, sticky="e") tkgrid.configure(maxiterField, sticky="e") tkgrid.configure(conField, sticky="e") dialogSuffix(rows=4, columns=2) } # # Restrictions for loading and cointegration matrix # urcaablrtest <- function(){ VECMmodels <- listVECMmodels() matrices <- listMatrix() if (length(VECMmodels) == 0){ tkmessageBox(message="There are no VECM models from which to choose.", icon="error", type="ok") tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) return() } if (length(matrices) == 0){ tkmessageBox(message="There are no restriction matrices defined from which to choose.", icon="error", type="ok") tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) return() } initializeDialog(title="Test Restrictions on Loading & Cointegration vectors") xBox <- variableListBox(top, VECMmodels, title="VECM models (pick one)") yBox <- variableListBox(top, matrices, title="Restriction matrices for cointegration vectors (pick one)") lBox <- variableListBox(top, matrices, title="Restriction matrices for loading vectors (pick one)") onOK <- function(){ x <- getSelection(xBox) if (length(x) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcaablrtest, message="You must select a VECM model.") return() } y <- getSelection(yBox) if (length(y) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcaablrtest, message="You must select a cointegration restriction matrix.") return() } l <- getSelection(lBox) if (length(l) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcaablrtest, message="You must select a loading restriction matrix.") return() } rint <- tclvalue(rankVariable) if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(top) tkdestroy(top) doItAndPrint(paste("summary(ablrtest(z = ", x, ", H = ", y, ", A = ", l, ", r = ", rint, "))", sep="")) tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) } OKCancelHelp(helpSubject="ablrtest") rankFrame <- tkframe(top) rankVariable <- tclVar("1") rankField <- tkentry(rankFrame, width="2", textvariable=rankVariable) tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), sticky="nw") tkgrid(getFrame(yBox), getFrame(lBox), sticky="nw") tkgrid(rankFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(tklabel(rankFrame, text="Number of cointegrating relationships = ", fg="blue"), rankField, sticky="w") tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid.configure(rankField, sticky="e") dialogSuffix(rows=3, columns=2) } # # VECM with a structural shift # urcacajolst <- function(){ dataSets <- listDataSets() if (length(dataSets) == 0){ tkmessageBox(message="There are no data sets from which to choose.", icon="error", type="ok") tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) return() } initializeDialog(title="VECM with level shift") xBox <- variableListBox(top, dataSets, title="Data Sets (pick one)") assign("UpdateModelNumber", UpdateModelNumber + 1, envir=.GlobalEnv) modelName <- tclVar(paste("VECMmodel.", UpdateModelNumber, sep="")) modelFrame <- tkframe(top) model <- tkentry(modelFrame, width="20", textvariable=modelName) onOK <- function(){ x <- getSelection(xBox) if (length(x) == 0){ errorCondition(recall=urcacajo, message="You must select a data set.") return() } ttype <- if(tclvalue(trendVariable) == 0) "FALSE" else "TRUE" lags <- tclvalue(lagVariable) seas <- tclvalue(seasonVariable) if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(top) tkdestroy(top) modelValue <- tclvalue(modelName) if (!{ assign("UpdateModelNumber", UpdateModelNumber - 1, envir=.GlobalEnv) errorCondition(recall=urcacajolst, message=paste('"', modelValue, '" is not a valid name.', sep="")) return() } if (is.element(modelValue, listVECMmodels())) { if ("no" == tclvalue(checkReplace(modelValue, type="Model"))){ assign("UpdateModelNumber", UpdateModelNumber - 1, envir=.GlobalEnv) if (GrabFocus()) tkgrab.release(top) tkdestroy(top) urcacajolst() return() } } command <- paste("cajolst(x = ", x, ", trend = ", ttype, ", K = ", lags, ", season = ", seas, ")", sep="") logger(paste(modelValue, " <- ", command, sep="")) assign(modelValue, justDoIt(command), envir=.GlobalEnv) doItAndPrint(paste("summary(", modelValue, ")", sep="")) tkfocus(CommanderWindow()) } OKCancelHelp(helpSubject="cajolst") radioButtons(name="season", buttons=c("none", "monthly", "quarterly"), values=c("NULL", "12", "4"), labels=c("None", "Monthly seasonality", "Quarterly seasonality"), title="Seasonality") checkBoxes(frame="trendFrame", boxes="trend", initialValues="1", labels="Include linear trend in the auxiliary regressions?") lagFrame <- tkframe(top) lagVariable <- tclVar("2") lagField <- tkentry(lagFrame, width="2", textvariable=lagVariable) tkgrid(tklabel(modelFrame, text="Enter name for model:"), model, sticky="w") tkgrid(modelFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(getFrame(xBox), sticky="nw") tkgrid(tklabel(lagFrame, text="Lag order = ", fg="blue"), lagField, sticky="w") tkgrid(lagFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(trendFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid(buttonsFrame, sticky="w") tkgrid.configure(lagField, sticky="e") dialogSuffix(rows=5, columns=1) } # # Utility Functions # listVECMmodels <- function(envir=.GlobalEnv, ...) { objects <- ls(envir=envir, ...) if (length(objects) == 0) NULL else objects[sapply(objects, function(.x) "" == (class(eval(parse(text=.x), envir=envir))[1]))] } listMatrix <- function(envir=.GlobalEnv, ...) { objects <- ls(envir=envir, ...) if (length(objects) == 0) NULL else objects[sapply(objects, function(.x) "matrix" == (class(eval(parse(text=.x), envir=envir))[1]))] } listNumeric <- function(envir=.GlobalEnv, ...) { objects <- ls(envir=envir, ...) if (length(objects) == 0) NULL else objects[sapply(objects, function(.x) "numeric" == (class(eval(parse(text=.x), envir=envir))[1]))] }