zero_width_xts <- xts() info_msg <- "test.merge_empty_xts_with_2_scalars" m1 <- merge(zero_width_xts, 1, 1) m2 <- merge(merge(zero_width_xts, 1), 1) expect_identical(m1, zero_width_xts) expect_identical(m2, zero_width_xts) info_msg <- "test.merge_more_than_2_zero_width_objects" m1 <- merge(zero_width_xts, zero_width_xts, zero_width_xts) expect_identical(m1, zero_width_xts) ### Tests for NA in index. Construct xts object using structure() because ### xts constructors should not allow users to create objects with NA in ### the index indexHasNA_dbl <- structure(1:5, .Dim = c(5L, 1L), index = structure(c(1, 2, 3, 4, NA), tzone = "", tclass = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")), .indexCLASS = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), .indexTZ = "", tclass = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "", class = c("xts", "zoo")) indexHasNA_int <- structure(1:5, .Dim = c(5L, 1L), index = structure(c(1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, NA), tzone = "", tclass = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")), .indexCLASS = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), .indexTZ = "", tclass = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt"), tzone = "", class = c("xts", "zoo")) info_msg <- "test.merge_index_contains_NA_integer" expect_error(merge(indexHasNA_int, indexHasNA_int), info = info_msg) info_msg <- "test.merge_index_contains_NA_double" expect_error(merge(indexHasNA_dbl, indexHasNA_dbl), info = info_msg) info_msg <- "test.merge_index_contains_NaN" x <- indexHasNA_dbl idx <- attr(x, "index") idx[length(idx)] <- NaN attr(x, "index") <- idx expect_error(merge(x, x), info = info_msg) info_msg <- "test.merge_index_contains_Inf" x <- indexHasNA_dbl idx <- attr(x, "index") idx[length(idx)] <- Inf attr(x, "index") <- idx expect_error(merge(x, x), info = info_msg) idx <- rev(idx) idx[1L] <- -Inf attr(x, "index") <- idx expect_error(merge(x, x), info = info_msg) ### /end Tests for NA in index ### zero-length fill argument info_msg <- "test.merge_fill_NULL" x1 <- .xts(1, 1) x2 <- .xts(2, 2) x <- merge(x1, x2, fill = NULL) out <- .xts(matrix(c(1, NA, NA, 2), 2), c(1,2)) colnames(out) <- c("x1", "x2") expect_identical(x, out, info = info_msg) info_msg <- "test.merge_fill_zero_length" x1 <- .xts(1, 1) x2 <- .xts(2, 2) x <- merge(x1, x2, fill = numeric()) out <- .xts(matrix(c(1, NA, NA, 2), 2), c(1,2)) colnames(out) <- c("x1", "x2") expect_identical(x, out, info = info_msg) info_msg <- "test.merge_with_zero_width_returns_original_type" M1 <- .xts(1:3, 1:3, dimnames = list(NULL, "m1")) types <- c("double", "integer", "logical", "character") for (type in types) { m1 <- M1 storage.mode(m1) <- type e1 <- .xts(,1:3) m2 <- merge(m1, e1) expect_identical(m1, m2, info = paste(info_msg, "- type =", type)) } info_msg <- "test.n_way_merge_on_all_types" D1 <- as.Date("2018-01-03")-2:0 M1 <- xts(1:3, D1, dimnames = list(NULL, "m")) M3 <- xts(cbind(1:3, 1:3, 1:3), D1, dimnames = list(NULL, c("m", "m.1", "m.2"))) types <- c("double", "integer", "logical", "character", "complex") for (type in types) { m1 <- M1 m3 <- M3 storage.mode(m1) <- storage.mode(m3) <- type m <- merge(m1, m1, m1) expect_identical(m, m3, info = paste(info_msg, "- type =", type)) } info_msg <- "test.shorter_colnames_for_unnamed_args" X <- .xts(rnorm(10, 10), 1:10) types <- c("double", "integer", "logical", "character", "complex") for (type in types) { x <- X storage.mode(x) <- type mx <-, list(x, x)) expect_true(all(nchar(colnames(mx)) < 200), info = paste(info_msg, "- type = ", type)) } info_msg <- "test.check_names_false" x <- .xts(1:3, 1:3, dimnames = list(NULL, "42")) y <- .xts(1:3, 1:3, dimnames = list(NULL, "21")) z <- merge(x, y) # leading "X" added expect_identical(colnames(z), c("X42", "X21"), info = info_msg) z <- merge(x, y, check.names = TRUE) # same expect_identical(colnames(z), c("X42", "X21"), info = info_msg) z <- merge(x, y, check.names = FALSE) # should have numeric column names expect_identical(colnames(z), c("42", "21"), info = info_msg) info_msg <- "test.merge_fills_complex_types" data. <- cbind(c(1:5*1i, NA, NA), c(NA, NA, 3:7*1i)) colnames(data.) <- c("x", "y") d21 <- data. d21[] <- 21i x <- xts(1:5 * 1i, as.Date(1:5, origin = "1970-01-01")) y <- xts(3:7 * 1i, as.Date(3:7, origin = "1970-01-01")) z <- merge(x, y) expect_equivalent(coredata(z), data., info = paste(info_msg, "- default fill")) z <- merge(x, y, fill = 21i) expect_equivalent(coredata(z), d21, info = paste(info_msg, "- fill = 21i")) .index(x) <- as.integer(.index(x)) .index(y) <- as.integer(.index(y)) z <- merge(x, y) expect_equivalent(coredata(z), data., info = paste(info_msg, "- default fill, integer index")) z <- merge(x, y, fill = 21i) expect_equivalent(coredata(z), d21, info = paste(info_msg, "- fill = 21i, integer index")) info_msg <- "test.suffixes_appended" x <- xts(data.frame(x = 1), as.Date("2012-01-01")) y <- xts(data.frame(x = 2), as.Date("2012-01-01")) suffixes <- c("truex", "truey") out <- merge(x, y, suffixes = suffixes) expect_equal(paste0("x", suffixes), colnames(out), info = info_msg) info_msg <- "test.suffix_append_order" idx <- Sys.Date() - 1:10 x1 <- xts(cbind(alpha = 1:10, beta = 2:11), idx) x2 <- xts(cbind(alpha = 3:12, beta = 4:13), idx) x3 <- xts(cbind(alpha = 5:14, beta = 6:15), idx) suffixes <- LETTERS[1:3] mx <- merge(x1, x2, x3, suffixes = paste0('.', suffixes)) mz <- merge.zoo(x1, x2, x3, suffixes = suffixes) expect_equal(mx, as.xts(mz), info = info_msg) ### merging zero-width objects z1 <- structure(numeric(0), index = structure(1:10, class = "Date"), class = "zoo") x1 <- as.xts(z1) z2 <- structure(numeric(0), index = structure(5:14, class = "Date"), class = "zoo") x2 <- as.xts(z2) info_msg <- "merge.xts() on zero-width objects and all = TRUE matches merge.zoo()" z3 <- merge(z1, z2, all = TRUE) x3 <- merge(x1, x2, all = TRUE) # use expect_equivalent because xts index has tclass and tzone and zoo doesn't expect_equivalent(index(z3), index(x3), info = info_msg) info_msg <- "merge.xts() zero-width objects and all = FALSE matches merge.zoo()" z4 <- merge(z1, z2, all = FALSE) x4 <- merge(x1, x2, all = FALSE) # use expect_equivalent because xts index has tclass and tzone and zoo doesn't expect_equivalent(index(z4), index(x4), info = info_msg) info_msg <- "merge.xts() on zero-width objects and all = c(TRUE, FALSE) matches merge.zoo()" z5 <- merge(z1, z2, all = c(TRUE, FALSE)) x5 <- merge(x1, x2, all = c(TRUE, FALSE)) # use expect_equivalent because xts index has tclass and tzone and zoo doesn't expect_equivalent(index(z5), index(x5), info = info_msg) info_msg <- "merge.xts() on zero-width objects and all = c(FALSE, TRUE) matches merge.zoo()" z6 <- merge(z1, z2, all = c(FALSE, TRUE)) x6 <- merge(x1, x2, all = c(FALSE, TRUE)) # use expect_equivalent because xts index has tclass and tzone and zoo doesn't expect_equivalent(index(z6), index(x6), info = info_msg) ### merge.xts() matches merge.zoo() for various calls on zero-length objects with column names x <- xts(matrix(1:9, 3, 3), .Date(17167:17169), dimnames = list(NULL, c("a","b","c"))) z <- as.zoo(x) x0 <- xts(coredata(x), index(x)+5)[FALSE] z0 <- zoo(coredata(z), index(z)+5)[FALSE] xm1 <- merge(x, x0, all = c(TRUE, FALSE)) zm1 <- merge(z, z0, all = c(TRUE, FALSE)) expect_equivalent(coredata(xm1), coredata(zm1), info = "merge.xts(x, empty_named, all = c(TRUE, FALSE)) coredata matches merge.zoo()") expect_equivalent(index(xm1), index(zm1), info = "merge.xts(x, empty_named, all = c(TRUE, FALSE)) index matches merge.zoo()") xm2 <- merge(x0, x, all = c(FALSE, TRUE)) zm2 <- merge(z0, z, all = c(FALSE, TRUE)) expect_equivalent(coredata(xm2), coredata(zm2), info = "merge.xts(empty_named, x, all = c(FALSE, TRUE)) coredata matches merge.zoo()") expect_equivalent(index(xm2), index(zm2), info = "merge.xts(empty_named, x, all = c(FALSE, TRUE)) index matches merge.zoo()") xm3 <- merge(x, x0) zm3 <- merge(z, z0) expect_equivalent(coredata(xm3), coredata(zm3), info = "merge.xts(x, empty_named) coredata matches merge.zoo()") expect_equivalent(index(xm3), index(zm3), info = "merge.xts(x, empty_named) index matches merge.zoo()") xm4 <- merge(x0, x) zm4 <- merge(z0, z) expect_equivalent(coredata(xm4), coredata(zm4), info = "merge.xts(empty_named, x) coredata matches merge.zoo()") expect_equivalent(index(xm4), index(zm4), info = "merge.xts(empty_named, x) index matches merge.zoo()") # merge.zoo() returns an empty object in these cases, so we can't expect merge.xts() to match merge.zoo() #xm5 <- merge(x0, x0) #zm5 <- merge(z0, z0) #expect_equivalent(xm5, zm5, info = "merge.xts([empty_named 2x]) matches merge.zoo()") #xm6 <- merge(x0, x0, x0) #zm6 <- merge(z0, z0, z0) #expect_equivalent(xm6, zm6, info = "merge.xts([empty_named 3x]) matches merge.zoo()") xm5 <- merge(x0, x0) empty_with_dims_2x <- structure(integer(0), dim = c(0L, 6L), index = .index(x0), dimnames = list(NULL, c("a", "b", "c", "a.1", "b.1", "c.1")), class = c("xts", "zoo")) expect_identical(xm5, empty_with_dims_2x, info = "merge.xts([empty_xts_with_dims 2x]) has correct dims") # merge.zoo() returns an empty object in this case, so we can't expect merge.xts() to match merge.zoo() xm6 <- merge(x0, x0, x0) empty_with_dims_3x <- structure(integer(0), dim = c(0L, 9L), index = .index(x0), dimnames = list(NULL, c("a", "b", "c", "a.1", "b.1", "c.1", "a.2", "b.2", "c.2")), class = c("xts", "zoo")) storage.mode(.index(empty_with_dims_3x)) <- "integer" ## FIXME: this should be 'numeric expect_identical(xm6, empty_with_dims_3x, info = "merge.xts([empty_xts_with_dims 3x]) has correct dims") xm7 <- merge(x0, x, x0) zm7 <- merge(z0, z, z0) expect_equivalent(coredata(xm7), coredata(zm7), info = "merge.xts(empty_named, x_named, empty_named) coredata matches merge.zoo()") expect_equivalent(index(xm7), index(zm7), info = "merge.xts(empty_named, x_named, empty_named) index matches merge.zoo()") xz <- xts(integer(0), .Date(integer(0))) expect_identical(storage.mode(merge(xz, xz)), "integer", info = "merge.xts() on two empty objects should return an object with the same type") ### merging xts with plain vectors x <- xts(matrix(1:9, 3, 3), .Date(17167:17169), dimnames = list(NULL, c("a","b","c"))) z <- as.zoo(x) v <- seq_len(nrow(x)) x1 <- merge(x, v) z1 <- merge(z, v) expect_equivalent(coredata(x1), coredata(z1), info = "merge.xts(x_named, vector) coredata matches merge.zoo()") expect_equivalent(index(x1), index(z1), info = "merge.xts(x_named, vector) index matches merge.zoo()") x2 <- merge(x, x, v) z2 <- merge(z, z, v) expect_equivalent(coredata(x2), coredata(z2), info = "merge.xts(x_named_2x, vector) coredata matches merge.zoo()") expect_equivalent(index(x2), index(z2), info = "merge.xts(x_named_2x, vector) index matches merge.zoo()") x3 <- merge(x, v, x) z3 <- merge(z, v, z) expect_equivalent(coredata(x3), coredata(z3), info = "merge.xts(x_named, vector, x_named) coredata matches merge.zoo()") expect_equivalent(index(x3), index(z3), info = "merge.xts(x_named, vector, x_named) index matches merge.zoo()")