# ensure first group is included in output info_msg <- "test.to.frequency_includes_first_group" data(sample_matrix) x <- as.xts(sample_matrix) x$Volume <- 1 tf <- xts:::to.frequency(x, x$Volume, 90, name=NULL) tp <- .Call(xts:::C_toPeriod, x, c(0L, 90L, 180L), TRUE, 5L, FALSE, FALSE, c("Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume")) expect_identical(tf, tp, info = info_msg) info_msg <- "test.to.period_custom_endpoints" data(sample_matrix) x <- as.xts(sample_matrix) ep <- endpoints(x, "months", 1) y1 <- to.period(x, "months", 1) y2 <- to.period(x, ep) expect_identical(y1, y2, info = info_msg) # period must be character or numeric expect_error(to.period(x, TRUE), info = "period must be character or numeric") # 'k' and 'indexAt' are ignored expect_warning(to.period(x, ep, k = 2), info = "'k' is ignored when endpoints are provided") expect_warning(to.period(x, ep, indexAt = ""), info = "'indexAt' is ignored when endpoints are provided")