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Error: Object path is not specified Error: Too many arguments. FILEFailed to find default application for URI Scheme ‘%s’Failed to find default application for content type ‘%s’Failed to locate “%s†in any source directoryFailed to locate “%s†in current directoryFailed to open file “%sâ€: %sFailed to open ‘%s’: %sFailed to read from child pipe (%s)Failed to read from file “%sâ€: %sFile “%s†is too largeGApplication Options:GBGCredentials contains invalid dataGDateTime%H:%M:%SGDateTime%I:%M:%S %pGDateTime%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %YGDateTime%m/%d/%yGDateTimeAMGDateTimePMGbitGet file system infoGiBGibitHelp Options:IDInternal error: %sInvalid byte sequence in conversion inputInvalid compressed dataInvalid filenameInvalid filename %sInvalid hostnameInvalid numeric valueInvalid object, not initializedInvalid seek requestKiBKibitLOCATIONListList applicationsLocation given doesn't start with trash:///Location not specifiedMBMbitMiBMibitMonitor eventsMove one or more filesNAMEName of the output fileNeed more inputNetwork unreachableNo address specifiedNo destination givenNo drive for device fileNo such interface “%sâ€No such method “%sâ€No such property “%sâ€No volume for given IDNot a regular fileNot enough memoryObject does not exist at path “%sâ€Object path to monitorOperation not supportedOperation was cancelledOptions:Output filePARAMETERPBPIMPbitPiBPibitPrint addressPrint helpPrint the application versionPrint versionPrint version information and exitPrint version information and exit.Program ‘%s’ not found in $PATHRename a fileReplace the running instanceSCHEMESOURCESeek not supported on streamSet a file attributeSet a file attribute of LOCATION.Setting application as last used for type not supported yetSetting default applications not supported yetShow GApplication optionsShow all help optionsShow debug messagesShow extra informationShow help optionsShow hidden filesShow program version and exitShow progressSocket I/O timed outTBTYPETarget file existsTbitText may not appear inside <%s>The URI “%s†is invalidThe attributes to getThe connection is closedThe given address is emptyTiBTibitTimeout was reachedTruncate not supported on streamType of the attributeUnable to find original pathUnable to load %s or %s: Unable to set property %s.%sUnknown bus type %dUnknown option %sUnknown typeUnmountUnnamedUnset given attributeUsage:Usage: VALUEYou should give exactly one file name [ARGS…][COMMAND]abbreviated month nameAprabbreviated month nameAugabbreviated month nameDecabbreviated month nameFebabbreviated month nameJanabbreviated month nameJulabbreviated month nameJunabbreviated month nameMarabbreviated month nameMayabbreviated month nameNovabbreviated month nameOctabbreviated month nameSepabbreviated month name with dayAprabbreviated month name with dayAugabbreviated month name with dayDecabbreviated month name with dayFebabbreviated month name with dayJanabbreviated month name with dayJulabbreviated month name with dayJunabbreviated month name with dayMarabbreviated month name with dayMayabbreviated month name with dayNovabbreviated month name with dayOctabbreviated month name with daySepabbreviated weekday nameFriabbreviated weekday nameMonabbreviated weekday nameSatabbreviated weekday nameSunabbreviated weekday nameThuabbreviated weekday nameTueabbreviated weekday nameWedattributes: bitbitsbytebytesdigit expecteddisplay name: %s edit name: %s format-size%.1fformat-size%.1f %sformat-size%uformat-size%u %sfull month nameAprilfull month nameAugustfull month nameDecemberfull month nameFebruaryfull month nameJanuaryfull month nameJulyfull month nameJunefull month nameMarchfull month nameMayfull month nameNovemberfull month nameOctoberfull month nameSeptemberfull month name with dayAprilfull month name with dayAugustfull month name with dayDecemberfull month name with dayFebruaryfull month name with dayJanuaryfull month name with dayJulyfull month name with dayJunefull month name with dayMarchfull month name with dayMayfull month name with dayNovemberfull month name with dayOctoberfull month name with daySeptemberfull weekday nameFridayfull weekday nameMondayfull weekday nameSaturdayfull weekday nameSundayfull weekday nameThursdayfull weekday nameTuesdayfull weekday nameWednesdayhexadecimal digit expectedhexadecimal digit or “}†expectedhidden illegal symbolic referencekBkbitlocal path: %s missing “<†in symbolic referencename: %s size: stray final “\â€text may not appear inside <%s>type is INVALIDtype: %s unfinished symbolic referenceunknown errorunknown escape sequenceuri: %s value='%s' already specifiedzero-length symbolic reference“%s†takes no arguments “version†takes no argumentsProject-Id-Version: glib glib-2-80 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/glib/issues/new PO-Revision-Date: 2024-04-30 22:43+0200 Last-Translator: sa Language-Team: Kabyle <> Language: kab MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n>1; X-DL-Team: kab X-DL-Module: glib X-DL-Branch: glib-2-80 X-DL-Domain: po X-DL-State: Translating X-Generator: Poedit 3.4.2 (astengel arameÉ£tu)%.1f EB%.1f GAṬ%.1f KAṬ%.1f MAṬ%.1f PB%.1f TAṬ%s yibit%s yibiten%s yibit%s yibiten%s wanaw n ufaylu%s wanaw%u yibit%u yibiten ur yettwamudd ara yakanTIGAWTTANSAAPPIDAPPID [AFAYLU…]IMYERRIMYARRENRmed tigawtTixtiá¹›iyin n usnas:Ifukal COMMANDUr yezmir ara ad isenfel isem n ufaylu, isem n ufaylu yella yakanTiludna:Tiludna: Qqen É£er tansa D-Bus i d-yettwamuddenQqen É£er uzrug n tÉ£imitQqen É£er uzrug n unagrawNÉ£el s ufayluRnu ikaramenRnu ikaramen.TANILAIBENKAKARAMKkes yiwen neÉ£ ugar n yifuylaKkes ifuyla i d-yettwamudden.Isem n tnila É£er usefrakUr á¹­á¹­far ara iseÉ£wan izamalenEBEbitEiBEibitḌeqqer-dAferdis <%s> ur yettwasireg ara daxel n <%s>Silem taqecwaltSekcem askar n uqeddac n GApplication (seqdec seg yifuyla n useqdac D-Bus)Tuccá¸a deg uskussem n ufaylu %sTuccá¸a n tuqqna: %s Tuccá¸a deg tÉ£ri n ukaram "%s": %sTecceḠtmerna n ufaylu n usekkeá¹› "%s": %sTella-d tuccá¸a deg udiwenni: %sTuccá¸a deg ulday n keyring "%s" i tÉ£uri: Tuccá¸a deg ulday n ufaylu nonce "%s": %sTuccá¸a deg tÉ£uá¹›i n ufaylu %s: %sTuccá¸a deg tvuá¹›i n ufaylu "%s": %sTuccá¸a deg tÉ£uri n ufaylu "%s"; 16 ibiten ttwarǧan, yewwi-d %dTuccá¸a deg tÉ£uri n ufaylu nonce "%s": %sTuccá¸a deg tukksa n ufaylu asaá¸as: %sTettuÉ£al-d tuccá¸a s tfekka tilemtTuccá¸a lawan n uslaá¸n n usemsesi n uá¸ris "%s" deg usekkil %lu: %sTuccá¸a: %s Tuccá¸a: %s maÄÄi d isem ameÉ£tu Tuccá¸a: %s maÄÄi d abrid n tÉ£awsa ameÉ£tu Tuccá¸a: %s maÄÄi d isem n uzrug asuf ameÉ£tu. 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