############################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2018, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC # Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory # Written by Thomas Mendoza mendoza33@llnl.gov # LLNL-CODE-754897 # All rights reserved # # This file is part of Certipy. For details, see # https://github.com/LLNL/certipy. Please also read this link - Additional # BSD Notice. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the disclaimer below. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer (as noted below) in # the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the LLNS/LLNL nor the names of its contributors may # be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. 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A containing directory with appropriate permissions - Correct file permissions based on what the file is (0o600 for keys and 0o644 for certs) """ containing_dir = os.path.dirname(file_path) fh = None try: if 'w' in mode: os.chmod(containing_dir, mode=0o755) fh = open(file_path, mode) except OSError as e: if 'w' in mode: os.makedirs(containing_dir, mode=0o755, exist_ok=True) os.chmod(containing_dir, mode=0o755) fh = open(file_path, 'w') else: raise yield fh mode = 0o600 if private else 0o644 os.chmod(file_path, mode=mode) fh.close() class TLSFile(): """Describes basic information about files used for TLS""" def __init__(self, file_path, encoding=crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, file_type=TLSFileType.CERT, x509=None): self.file_path = file_path self.containing_dir = os.path.dirname(self.file_path) self.encoding = encoding self.file_type = file_type self.x509 = x509 def __str__(self): data = '' if not self.x509: self.load() if self.file_type is TLSFileType.KEY: data = crypto.dump_privatekey( self.encoding, self.x509).decode("utf-8") else: data = crypto.dump_certificate( self.encoding, self.x509).decode("utf-8") return data def get_extension_value(self, ext_name): if self.is_private(): return if not self.x509: self.load() num_extensions = self.x509.get_extension_count() for i in range(num_extensions): ext = self.x509.get_extension(i) if ext: short_name = ext.get_short_name().decode('utf-8') if short_name == ext_name: return str(ext) def is_ca(self): if self.is_private(): return False if not self.x509: self.load() ext_value = self.get_extension_value('basicConstraints') if ext_value: return "CA:TRUE" in ext_value else: return False def is_private(self): """Is this a private key""" return True if self.file_type is TLSFileType.KEY else False def load(self): """Load from a file and return an x509 object""" private = self.is_private() with open_tls_file(self.file_path, 'r', private=private) as fh: if private: self.x509 = crypto.load_privatekey(self.encoding, fh.read()) else: self.x509 = crypto.load_certificate(self.encoding, fh.read()) return self.x509 def save(self, x509): """Persist this x509 object to disk""" self.x509 = x509 with open_tls_file(self.file_path, 'w', private=self.is_private()) as fh: fh.write(str(self)) class TLSFileBundle(): """Maintains information that is shared by a set of TLSFiles""" def __init__(self, common_name, files=None, x509s=None, serial=0, is_ca=False, parent_ca='', signees=None): self.record = {} self.record['serial'] = serial self.record['is_ca'] = is_ca self.record['parent_ca'] = parent_ca self.record['signees'] = signees for t in TLSFileType: setattr(self, t.value, None) files = files or {} x509s = x509s or {} self._setup_tls_files(files) self.save_x509s(x509s) def _setup_tls_files(self, files): """Initiates TLSFIle objects with the paths given to this bundle""" for file_type in TLSFileType: if file_type.value in files: file_path = files[file_type.value] setattr(self, file_type.value, TLSFile(file_path, file_type=file_type)) def save_x509s(self, x509s): """Saves the x509 objects to the paths known by this bundle""" for file_type in TLSFileType: if file_type.value in x509s: x509 = x509s[file_type.value] if file_type is not TLSFileType.CA: # persist this key or cert to disk tlsfile = getattr(self, file_type.value) if tlsfile: tlsfile.save(x509) def load_all(self): """Utility to load bring all files into memory""" for t in TLSFileType: self[t.value].load() return self def is_ca(self): """Is this bundle for a CA certificate""" return self.record['is_ca'] def to_record(self): """Create a CertStore record from this TLSFileBundle""" tf_list = [getattr(self, k, None) for k in [_.value for _ in TLSFileType]] # If a cert isn't defined in this bundle, remove it tf_list = filter(lambda x: x, tf_list) files = {tf.file_type.value: tf.file_path for tf in tf_list} self.record['files'] = files return self.record def from_record(self, record): """Build a bundle from a CertStore record""" self.record = record self._setup_tls_files(self.record['files']) return self class CertStore(): """Maintains records of certificates created by Certipy Minimally, each record keyed by common name needs: - file - path - type - serial number - parent CA - signees Common names, for the sake of simplicity, are assumed to be unique. If a pair of certs need to be valid for the same IP/DNS address (ex: localhost), that information can be specified in the Subject Alternative Name field. """ def __init__(self, containing_dir='out', store_file='certipy.json', remove_existing=False): self.store = {} self.containing_dir = containing_dir self.store_file_path = os.path.join(containing_dir, store_file) try: if remove_existing: shutil.rmtree(containing_dir) os.stat(containing_dir) self.load() except FileNotFoundError: os.makedirs(containing_dir, mode=0o755, exist_ok=True) finally: os.chmod(containing_dir, mode=0o755) def save(self): """Write the store dict to a file specified by store_file_path""" with open(self.store_file_path, 'w') as fh: fh.write(json.dumps(self.store, indent=4)) def load(self): """Read the store dict from file""" with open(self.store_file_path, 'r') as fh: self.store = json.loads(fh.read()) def get_record(self, common_name): """Return the record associated with this common name In most cases, all that's really needed to use an existing cert are the file paths to the files that make up that cert. This method returns just that and doesn't bother loading the associated files. """ try: record = self.store[common_name] return record except KeyError as e: raise CertNotFoundError( "Unable to find record of {name}" .format(name=common_name), errors=e) def get_files(self, common_name): """Return a bundle of TLS files associated with a common name""" record = self.get_record(common_name) return TLSFileBundle(common_name).from_record(record) def add_record(self, common_name, serial=0, parent_ca='', signees=None, files=None, record=None, is_ca=False, overwrite=False): """Manually create a record of certs Generally, Certipy can be left to manage certificate locations and storage, but it is occasionally useful to keep track of a set of certs that were created externally (for example, let's encrypt) """ if not overwrite: try: self.get_record(common_name) raise CertExistsError( "Certificate {name} already exists!" " Set overwrite=True to force add." .format(name=common_name)) except CertNotFoundError: pass record = record or { 'serial': serial, 'is_ca': is_ca, 'parent_ca': parent_ca, 'signees': signees, 'files': files, } self.store[common_name] = record self.save() def add_files(self, common_name, x509s, files=None, parent_ca='', is_ca=False, signees=None, serial=0, overwrite=False): """Add a set files comprising a certificate to Certipy Used with all the defaults, Certipy will manage creation of file paths to be used to store these files to disk and automatically calls save on all TLSFiles that it creates (and where it makes sense to). """ if common_name in self.store and not overwrite: raise CertExistsError( "Certificate {name} already exists!" " Set overwrite=True to force add." .format(name=common_name)) elif common_name in self.store and overwrite: record = self.get_record(common_name) serial = int(record['serial']) record['serial'] = serial + 1 TLSFileBundle(common_name).from_record(record).save_x509s(x509s) else: file_base_tmpl = "{prefix}/{cn}/{cn}" file_base = file_base_tmpl.format( prefix=self.containing_dir, cn=common_name ) try: ca_record = self.get_record(parent_ca) ca_file = ca_record['files']['cert'] except CertNotFoundError: ca_file = '' files = files or { 'key': file_base + '.key', 'cert': file_base + '.crt', 'ca': ca_file, } bundle = TLSFileBundle( common_name, files=files, x509s=x509s, is_ca=is_ca, serial=serial, parent_ca=parent_ca, signees=signees) self.store[common_name] = bundle.to_record() self.save() def add_sign_link(self, ca_name, signee_name): """Adds to the CA signees and a parent ref to the signee""" ca_record = self.get_record(ca_name) signee_record = self.get_record(signee_name) signees = ca_record['signees'] or {} signees = Counter(signees) if signee_name not in signees: signees[signee_name] = 1 ca_record['signees'] = signees signee_record['parent_ca'] = ca_name self.save() def remove_sign_link(self, ca_name, signee_name): """Removes signee_name to the signee list for ca_name""" ca_record = self.get_record(ca_name) signee_record = self.get_record(signee_name) signees = ca_record['signees'] or {} signees = Counter(signees) if signee_name in signees: signees[signee_name] = 0 ca_record['signees'] = signees signee_record['parent_ca'] = '' self.save() def update_record(self, common_name, **fields): """Update fields in an existing record""" record = self.get_record(common_name) if fields is not None: for field, value in fields: record[field] = value self.save() return record def remove_record(self, common_name): """Delete the record associated with this common name""" bundle = self.get_files(common_name) num_signees = len(Counter(bundle.record['signees'])) if bundle.is_ca() and num_signees > 0: raise CertificateAuthorityInUseError( "Authority {name} has signed {x} certificates" .format(name=common_name, x=num_signees) ) try: ca_name = bundle.record['parent_ca'] ca_record = self.get_record(ca_name) self.remove_sign_link(ca_name, common_name) except CertNotFoundError: pass record_copy = dict(self.store[common_name]) del self.store[common_name] self.save() return record_copy def remove_files(self, common_name, delete_dir=False): """Delete files and record associated with this common name""" record = self.remove_record(common_name) if delete_dir: delete_dirs = [] if 'files' in record: key_containing_dir = os.path.dirname(record['files']['key']) delete_dirs.append(key_containing_dir) cert_containing_dir = os.path.dirname(record['files']['cert']) if key_containing_dir != cert_containing_dir: delete_dirs.append(cert_containing_dir) for d in delete_dirs: shutil.rmtree(d) return record class Certipy(): def __init__(self, store_dir='out', store_file='certipy.json', remove_existing=False): self.store = CertStore(containing_dir=store_dir, store_file=store_file, remove_existing=remove_existing) def create_key_pair(self, cert_type, bits): """ Create a public/private key pair. Arguments: type - Key type, must be one of TYPE_RSA and TYPE_DSA bits - Number of bits to use in the key Returns: The public/private key pair in a PKey object """ pkey = crypto.PKey() pkey.generate_key(cert_type, bits) return pkey def create_request(self, pkey, digest="sha256", **name): """ Create a certificate request. Arguments: pkey - The key to associate with the request digest - Digestion method to use for signing, default is sha256 exts - X509 extensions see: https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/man5/ x509v3_config.html#STANDARD-EXTENSIONS Dict in format: key -> (val, critical) **name - The name of the subject of the request, possible arguments are: C - Country name ST - State or province name L - Locality name O - Organization name OU - Organizational unit name CN - Common name emailAddress - E-mail address Returns: The certificate request in an X509Req object """ req = crypto.X509Req() subj = req.get_subject() if name is not None: for key, value in name.items(): setattr(subj, key, value) req.set_pubkey(pkey) req.sign(pkey, digest) return req def sign(self, req, issuer_cert_key, validity_period, digest="sha256", extensions=None, serial=0): """ Generate a certificate given a certificate request. Arguments: req - Certificate request to use issuer_cert - The certificate of the issuer issuer_key - The private key of the issuer not_before - Timestamp (relative to now) when the certificate starts being valid not_after - Timestamp (relative to now) when the certificate stops being valid digest - Digest method to use for signing, default is sha256 Returns: The signed certificate in an X509 object """ issuer_cert, issuer_key = issuer_cert_key not_before, not_after = validity_period cert = crypto.X509() cert.set_serial_number(serial) cert.gmtime_adj_notBefore(not_before) cert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(not_after) cert.set_issuer(issuer_cert.get_subject()) cert.set_subject(req.get_subject()) cert.set_pubkey(req.get_pubkey()) if extensions: for ext in extensions: if callable(ext): ext = ext(cert) cert.add_extensions([ext]) cert.sign(issuer_key, digest) return cert def create_ca_bundle_for_names(self, bundle_name, names): """Create a CA bundle to trust only certs defined in names """ records = [rec for name, rec in self.store.store.items() if name in names] return self.create_bundle( bundle_name, names=[r['parent_ca'] for r in records]) def create_ca_bundle(self, bundle_name, ca_names=None): """ Create a bundle of CA public certs for trust distribution Deprecated: 0.1.2 Arguments: ca_names - The names of CAs to include in the bundle bundle_name - The name of the bundle file to output Returns: Path to the bundle file """ return self.create_bundle(bundle_name, names=ca_names) def create_bundle(self, bundle_name, names=None, ca_only=True): """Create a bundle of public certs for trust distribution This will create a bundle of both CAs and/or regular certificates. Arguments: names - The names of certs to include in the bundle bundle_name - The name of the bundle file to output Returns: Path to the bundle file """ if not names: if ca_only: names = [] for name, record in self.store.store.items(): if record['is_ca']: names.append(name) else: names = self.store.store.keys() out_file_path = os.path.join(self.store.containing_dir, bundle_name) with open(out_file_path, 'w') as fh: for name in names: bundle = self.store.get_files(name) bundle.cert.load() fh.write(str(bundle.cert)) return out_file_path def trust_from_graph(self, graph): """Create a set of trust bundles from a relationship graph. Components in this sense are defined by unique CAs. This method assists in setting up complicated trust between various components that need to do TLS auth. Arguments: graph - dict component:list(components) Returns: dict component:trust bundle file path """ # Ensure there are CAs backing all graph components def distinct_components(graph): """Return a set of components from the provided graph.""" components = set(graph.keys()) for trusts in graph.values(): components |= set(trusts) return components # Default to creating a CA (incapable of signing intermediaries) to # identify a component not known to Certipy for component in distinct_components(graph): try: self.store.get_record(component) except CertNotFoundError: self.create_ca(component) # Build bundles from the graph trust_files = {} for component, trusts in graph.items(): file_name = component + '_trust.crt' trust_files[component] = self.create_bundle( file_name, names=trusts, ca_only=False) return trust_files def create_ca(self, name, ca_name='', cert_type=crypto.TYPE_RSA, bits=2048, alt_names=None, years=5, serial=0, pathlen=0, overwrite=False): """ Create a certificate authority Arguments: name - The name of the CA cert_type - The type of the cert. TYPE_RSA or TYPE_DSA bits - The number of bits to use alt_names - An array of alternative names in the format: IP:address, DNS:address Returns: KeyCertPair for the new CA """ cakey = self.create_key_pair(cert_type, bits) req = self.create_request(cakey, CN=name) signing_key = cakey signing_cert = req parent_ca = '' if ca_name: ca_bundle = self.store.get_files(ca_name) signing_key = ca_bundle.key.load() signing_cert = ca_bundle.cert.load() parent_ca = ca_bundle.cert.file_path basicConstraints = "CA:true" # If pathlen is exactly 0, this CA cannot sign intermediaries. # A negative value leaves this out entirely and allows arbitrary # numbers of intermediates. if pathlen >=0: basicConstraints += ', pathlen:' + str(pathlen) extensions = [ crypto.X509Extension( b"basicConstraints", True, basicConstraints.encode()), crypto.X509Extension( b"keyUsage", True, b"keyCertSign, cRLSign"), crypto.X509Extension( b"extendedKeyUsage", True, b"serverAuth, clientAuth"), lambda cert: crypto.X509Extension( b"subjectKeyIdentifier", False, b"hash", subject=cert), lambda cert: crypto.X509Extension( b"authorityKeyIdentifier", False, b"keyid:always", issuer=cert), ] if alt_names: extensions.append( crypto.X509Extension(b"subjectAltName", False, ",".join(alt_names).encode()) ) # TODO: start time before today for clock skew? cacert = self.sign( req, (signing_cert, signing_key), (0, 60*60*24*365*years), extensions=extensions) x509s = {'key': cakey, 'cert': cacert, 'ca': cacert} self.store.add_files(name, x509s, overwrite=overwrite, parent_ca=parent_ca, is_ca=True) if ca_name: self.store.add_sign_link(ca_name, name) return self.store.get_record(name) def create_signed_pair(self, name, ca_name, cert_type=crypto.TYPE_RSA, bits=2048, years=5, alt_names=None, serial=0, overwrite=False): """ Create a key-cert pair Arguments: name - The name of the key-cert pair ca_name - The name of the CA to sign this cert cert_type - The type of the cert. TYPE_RSA or TYPE_DSA bits - The number of bits to use alt_names - An array of alternative names in the format: IP:address, DNS:address Returns: KeyCertPair for the new signed pair """ key = self.create_key_pair(cert_type, bits) req = self.create_request(key, CN=name) extensions = [ crypto.X509Extension( b"extendedKeyUsage", True, b"serverAuth, clientAuth"), ] if alt_names: extensions.append( crypto.X509Extension(b"subjectAltName", False, ",".join(alt_names).encode()) ) ca_bundle = self.store.get_files(ca_name) cacert = ca_bundle.cert.load() cakey = ca_bundle.key.load() cert = self.sign(req, (cacert, cakey), (0, 60*60*24*365*years), extensions=extensions) x509s = {'key': key, 'cert': cert, 'ca': None} self.store.add_files(name, x509s, parent_ca=ca_name, overwrite=overwrite) # Relate these certs as being parent and child self.store.add_sign_link(ca_name, name) return self.store.get_record(name)