""" JSON Schema URI resolution scopes and dereferencing https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-zyp-json-schema-04.html#rfc.section.7 Code adapted from https://github.com/Julian/jsonschema """ import contextlib import json import re from urllib import parse as urlparse from urllib.parse import unquote from .exceptions import JsonSchemaDefinitionException def get_id(schema): """ Originally ID was `id` and since v7 it's `$id`. """ return schema.get('$id', schema.get('id', '')) def resolve_path(schema, fragment): """ Return definition from path. Path is unescaped according https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901 """ fragment = fragment.lstrip('/') parts = unquote(fragment).split('/') if fragment else [] for part in parts: part = part.replace('~1', '/').replace('~0', '~') if isinstance(schema, list): schema = schema[int(part)] elif part in schema: schema = schema[part] else: raise JsonSchemaDefinitionException('Unresolvable ref: {}'.format(part)) return schema def normalize(uri): return urlparse.urlsplit(uri).geturl() def resolve_remote(uri, handlers): """ Resolve a remote ``uri``. .. note:: urllib library is used to fetch requests from the remote ``uri`` if handlers does notdefine otherwise. """ scheme = urlparse.urlsplit(uri).scheme if scheme in handlers: result = handlers[scheme](uri) else: from urllib.request import urlopen req = urlopen(uri) encoding = req.info().get_content_charset() or 'utf-8' try: result = json.loads(req.read().decode(encoding),) except ValueError as exc: raise JsonSchemaDefinitionException('{} failed to decode: {}'.format(uri, exc)) return result class RefResolver: """ Resolve JSON References. """ # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value,too-many-arguments def __init__(self, base_uri, schema, store={}, cache=True, handlers={}): """ `base_uri` is URI of the referring document from the `schema`. `store` is an dictionary that will be used to cache the fetched schemas (if `cache=True`). Please notice that you can have caching problems when compiling schemas with colliding `$ref`. To force overwriting use `cache=False` or explicitly pass the `store` argument (with a brand new dictionary) """ self.base_uri = base_uri self.resolution_scope = base_uri self.schema = schema self.store = store self.cache = cache self.handlers = handlers self.walk(schema) @classmethod def from_schema(cls, schema, handlers={}, **kwargs): """ Construct a resolver from a JSON schema object. """ return cls( get_id(schema) if isinstance(schema, dict) else '', schema, handlers=handlers, **kwargs ) @contextlib.contextmanager def in_scope(self, scope: str): """ Context manager to handle current scope. """ old_scope = self.resolution_scope self.resolution_scope = urlparse.urljoin(old_scope, scope) try: yield finally: self.resolution_scope = old_scope @contextlib.contextmanager def resolving(self, ref: str): """ Context manager which resolves a JSON ``ref`` and enters the resolution scope of this ref. """ new_uri = urlparse.urljoin(self.resolution_scope, ref) uri, fragment = urlparse.urldefrag(new_uri) if uri and normalize(uri) in self.store: schema = self.store[normalize(uri)] elif not uri or uri == self.base_uri: schema = self.schema else: schema = resolve_remote(uri, self.handlers) if self.cache: self.store[normalize(uri)] = schema old_base_uri, old_schema = self.base_uri, self.schema self.base_uri, self.schema = uri, schema try: with self.in_scope(uri): yield resolve_path(schema, fragment) finally: self.base_uri, self.schema = old_base_uri, old_schema def get_uri(self): return normalize(self.resolution_scope) def get_scope_name(self): """ Get current scope and return it as a valid function name. """ name = 'validate_' + unquote(self.resolution_scope).replace('~1', '_').replace('~0', '_').replace('"', '') name = re.sub(r'($[^a-zA-Z]|[^a-zA-Z0-9])', '_', name) name = name.lower().rstrip('_') return name def walk(self, node: dict): """ Walk thru schema and dereferencing ``id`` and ``$ref`` instances """ if isinstance(node, bool): pass elif '$ref' in node and isinstance(node['$ref'], str): ref = node['$ref'] node['$ref'] = urlparse.urljoin(self.resolution_scope, ref) elif ('$id' in node or 'id' in node) and isinstance(get_id(node), str): with self.in_scope(get_id(node)): self.store[normalize(self.resolution_scope)] = node for _, item in node.items(): if isinstance(item, dict): self.walk(item) else: for _, item in node.items(): if isinstance(item, dict): self.walk(item)