"""HTTP Handlers for the hub server""" # Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import asyncio import functools import json import math import random import re import time import uuid import warnings from datetime import timedelta from http.client import responses from urllib.parse import parse_qs, parse_qsl, urlencode, urlparse, urlunparse from jinja2 import TemplateNotFound from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError from tornado import gen, web from tornado.httputil import HTTPHeaders, url_concat from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop from tornado.log import app_log from tornado.web import RequestHandler, addslash from .. import __version__, orm, roles, scopes from .._xsrf_utils import ( _anonymous_xsrf_id, _set_xsrf_cookie, check_xsrf_cookie, get_xsrf_token, ) from ..metrics import ( PROXY_ADD_DURATION_SECONDS, PROXY_DELETE_DURATION_SECONDS, RUNNING_SERVERS, SERVER_POLL_DURATION_SECONDS, SERVER_SPAWN_DURATION_SECONDS, SERVER_STOP_DURATION_SECONDS, TOTAL_USERS, ProxyDeleteStatus, ServerPollStatus, ServerSpawnStatus, ServerStopStatus, ) from ..objects import Server from ..spawner import LocalProcessSpawner from ..user import User from ..utils import ( AnyTimeoutError, get_accepted_mimetype, get_browser_protocol, maybe_future, url_escape_path, url_path_join, utcnow, ) # pattern for the authentication token header auth_header_pat = re.compile(r'^(?:token|bearer)\s+([^\s]+)$', flags=re.IGNORECASE) # mapping of reason: reason_message reasons = { 'timeout': "Failed to reach your server." " Please try again later." " Contact admin if the issue persists.", 'error': "Failed to start your server on the last attempt. " " Please contact admin if the issue persists.", } # constant, not configurable SESSION_COOKIE_NAME = 'jupyterhub-session-id' class BaseHandler(RequestHandler): """Base Handler class with access to common methods and properties.""" # by default, only accept cookie-based authentication # The APIHandler base class enables token auth # versionadded: 2.0 _accept_cookie_auth = True _accept_token_auth = False async def prepare(self): """Identify the user during the prepare stage of each request `.prepare()` runs prior to all handler methods, e.g. `.get()`, `.post()`. Checking here allows `.get_current_user` to be async without requiring every current user check to be made async. The current user (None if not logged in) may be accessed via the `self.current_user` property during the handling of any request. """ self.expanded_scopes = set() try: await self.get_current_user() except Exception as e: # ensure get_current_user is never called again for this handler, # since it failed self._jupyterhub_user = None self.log.exception("Failed to get current user") if isinstance(e, SQLAlchemyError): self.log.error("Rolling back session due to database error") self.db.rollback() self._resolve_roles_and_scopes() await maybe_future(super().prepare()) # run xsrf check after prepare # because our version takes auth info into account if ( self.request.method not in self._xsrf_safe_methods and self.application.settings.get("xsrf_cookies") ): self.check_xsrf_cookie() @property def log(self): """I can't seem to avoid typing self.log""" return self.settings.get('log', app_log) @property def config(self): return self.settings.get('config', None) @property def base_url(self): return self.settings.get('base_url', '/') @property def default_url(self): return self.settings.get('default_url', '') @property def version_hash(self): return self.settings.get('version_hash', '') @property def subdomain_host(self): return self.settings.get('subdomain_host', '') @property def allow_named_servers(self): return self.settings.get('allow_named_servers', False) @property def named_server_limit_per_user(self): return self.settings.get('named_server_limit_per_user', 0) @property def domain(self): return self.settings['domain'] @property def public_url(self): return self.settings['public_url'] @property def db(self): return self.settings['db'] @property def users(self): return self.settings.setdefault('users', {}) @property def services(self): return self.settings.setdefault('services', {}) @property def hub(self): return self.settings['hub'] @property def app(self): return self.settings['app'] @property def proxy(self): return self.settings['proxy'] @property def statsd(self): return self.settings['statsd'] @property def authenticator(self): return self.settings.get('authenticator', None) @property def oauth_provider(self): return self.settings['oauth_provider'] @property def eventlog(self): return self.settings['eventlog'] def finish(self, *args, **kwargs): """Roll back any uncommitted transactions from the handler.""" if self.db.dirty: self.log.warning("Rolling back dirty objects %s", self.db.dirty) self.db.rollback() super().finish(*args, **kwargs) # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Security policies # --------------------------------------------------------------- @property def csp_report_uri(self): return self.settings.get( 'csp_report_uri', url_path_join(self.hub.base_url, 'security/csp-report') ) @property def content_security_policy(self): """The default Content-Security-Policy header Can be overridden by defining Content-Security-Policy in settings['headers'] ..versionchanged:: 4.1 Change default frame-ancestors from 'self' to 'none' """ return '; '.join( ["frame-ancestors 'none'", "report-uri " + self.csp_report_uri] ) def get_content_type(self): return 'text/html' def set_default_headers(self): """ Set any headers passed as tornado_settings['headers']. Also responsible for setting content-type header """ # wrap in HTTPHeaders for case-insensitivity headers = HTTPHeaders(self.settings.get('headers', {})) headers.setdefault("X-JupyterHub-Version", __version__) for header_name, header_content in headers.items(): self.set_header(header_name, header_content) if 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' not in headers: self.set_header( 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'accept, content-type, authorization' ) if 'Content-Security-Policy' not in headers: self.set_header('Content-Security-Policy', self.content_security_policy) self.set_header('Content-Type', self.get_content_type()) # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Login and cookie-related # --------------------------------------------------------------- _xsrf_safe_methods = {"GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"} @property def _xsrf_token_id(self): """Value to be signed/encrypted for xsrf token include login info in xsrf token this means xsrf tokens are tied to logged-in users, and change after a user logs in. While the user is not yet logged in, an anonymous value is used, to prevent portability. These anonymous values are short-lived. """ # cases: # 1. logged in, session id (session_id:user_id) # 2. logged in, no session id (anonymous_id:user_id) # 3. not logged in, session id (session_id:anonymous_id) # 4. no cookies at all, use single anonymous value (:anonymous_id) session_id = self.get_session_cookie() if self.current_user: if isinstance(self.current_user, User): user_id = self.current_user.cookie_id else: # this shouldn't happen, but may if e.g. a Service attempts to fetch a page, # which usually won't work, but this method should not be what raises user_id = "" if not session_id: # no session id, use non-portable anonymous id session_id = _anonymous_xsrf_id(self) else: # not logged in yet, use non-portable anonymous id user_id = _anonymous_xsrf_id(self) xsrf_id = f"{session_id}:{user_id}".encode("utf8", "replace") return xsrf_id @property def xsrf_token(self): """Override tornado's xsrf token with further restrictions - only set cookie for regular pages - include login info in xsrf token - verify signature """ return get_xsrf_token(self, cookie_path=self.hub.base_url) def check_xsrf_cookie(self): """Check that xsrf cookie matches xsrf token in request""" # overrides tornado's implementation # because we changed what a correct value should be in xsrf_token if not hasattr(self, "_jupyterhub_user"): # run too early to check the value # tornado runs this before 'prepare', # but we run it again after so auth info is available, which happens in 'prepare' return None return check_xsrf_cookie(self) @property def admin_users(self): return self.settings.setdefault('admin_users', set()) @property def cookie_max_age_days(self): return self.settings.get('cookie_max_age_days', None) @property def redirect_to_server(self): return self.settings.get('redirect_to_server', True) @property def authenticate_prometheus(self): return self.settings.get('authenticate_prometheus', True) async def get_current_user_named_server_limit(self): """ Return named server limit for current user. """ named_server_limit_per_user = self.named_server_limit_per_user if callable(named_server_limit_per_user): return await maybe_future(named_server_limit_per_user(self)) return named_server_limit_per_user def get_auth_token(self): """Get the authorization token from Authorization header""" auth_header = self.request.headers.get('Authorization', '') match = auth_header_pat.match(auth_header) if not match: return None return match.group(1) def _record_activity(self, obj, timestamp=None): """record activity on an ORM object If last_activity was more recent than self.activity_resolution seconds ago, do nothing to avoid unnecessarily frequent database commits. Args: obj: an ORM object with a last_activity attribute timestamp (datetime, optional): the timestamp of activity to register. Returns: recorded (bool): True if activity was recorded, False if not. """ if timestamp is None: timestamp = utcnow(with_tz=False) resolution = self.settings.get("activity_resolution", 0) if not obj.last_activity or resolution == 0: self.log.debug("Recording first activity for %s", obj) obj.last_activity = timestamp return True if (timestamp - obj.last_activity).total_seconds() > resolution: # this debug line will happen just too often # uncomment to debug last_activity updates # self.log.debug("Recording activity for %s", obj) obj.last_activity = timestamp return True return False async def refresh_auth(self, user, force=False): """Refresh user authentication info Calls `authenticator.refresh_user(user)` Called at most once per user per request. Args: user (User): the user whose auth info is to be refreshed force (bool): force a refresh instead of checking last refresh time Returns: user (User): the user having been refreshed, or None if the user must login again to refresh auth info. """ refresh_age = self.authenticator.auth_refresh_age if not refresh_age: return user now = time.monotonic() if ( not force and user._auth_refreshed and (now - user._auth_refreshed < refresh_age) ): # auth up-to-date return user # refresh a user at most once per request if not hasattr(self, '_refreshed_users'): self._refreshed_users = set() if user.name in self._refreshed_users: # already refreshed during this request return user self._refreshed_users.add(user.name) self.log.debug("Refreshing auth for %s", user.name) auth_info = await self.authenticator.refresh_user(user, self) if not auth_info: self.log.warning( "User %s has stale auth info. Login is required to refresh.", user.name ) return user._auth_refreshed = now if auth_info == True: # refresh_user confirmed that it's up-to-date, # nothing to refresh return user # Ensure name field is set. It cannot be updated. auth_info['name'] = user.name if 'auth_state' not in auth_info: # refresh didn't specify auth_state, # so preserve previous value to avoid clearing it auth_info['auth_state'] = await user.get_auth_state() return await self.auth_to_user(auth_info, user) @functools.lru_cache def get_token(self): """get token from authorization header""" token = self.get_auth_token() if token is None: return None orm_token = orm.APIToken.find(self.db, token) return orm_token def get_current_user_token(self): """get_current_user from Authorization header token""" # record token activity orm_token = self.get_token() if orm_token is None: return None now = utcnow(with_tz=False) recorded = self._record_activity(orm_token, now) if orm_token.user: # FIXME: scopes should give us better control than this # don't consider API requests originating from a server # to be activity from the user if not orm_token.note or not orm_token.note.startswith("Server at "): recorded = self._record_activity(orm_token.user, now) or recorded if recorded: self.db.commit() # record that we've been token-authenticated # XSRF checks are skipped when using token auth self._token_authenticated = True if orm_token.service: return orm_token.service return self._user_from_orm(orm_token.user) def _user_for_cookie(self, cookie_name, cookie_value=None): """Get the User for a given cookie, if there is one""" cookie_id = self.get_secure_cookie( cookie_name, cookie_value, max_age_days=self.cookie_max_age_days ) def clear(): self.clear_cookie(cookie_name, path=self.hub.base_url) if cookie_id is None: if self.get_cookie(cookie_name): self.log.warning("Invalid or expired cookie token") clear() return cookie_id = cookie_id.decode('utf8', 'replace') u = self.db.query(orm.User).filter(orm.User.cookie_id == cookie_id).first() user = self._user_from_orm(u) if user is None: self.log.warning("Invalid cookie token") # have cookie, but it's not valid. Clear it and start over. clear() return # update user activity if self._record_activity(user): self.db.commit() return user def _user_from_orm(self, orm_user): """return User wrapper from orm.User object""" if orm_user is None: return return self.users[orm_user] def get_current_user_cookie(self): """get_current_user from a cookie token""" return self._user_for_cookie(self.hub.cookie_name) async def get_current_user(self): """get current username""" if not hasattr(self, '_jupyterhub_user'): user = None try: if self._accept_token_auth: user = self.get_current_user_token() if user is None and self._accept_cookie_auth: user = self.get_current_user_cookie() if user and isinstance(user, User): user = await self.refresh_auth(user) self._jupyterhub_user = user except Exception: # don't let errors here raise more than once self._jupyterhub_user = None # but still raise, which will get handled in .prepare() raise return self._jupyterhub_user def _resolve_roles_and_scopes(self): self.expanded_scopes = set() if self.current_user: orm_token = self.get_token() if orm_token: self.expanded_scopes = scopes.get_scopes_for(orm_token) else: self.expanded_scopes = scopes.get_scopes_for(self.current_user) self.parsed_scopes = scopes.parse_scopes(self.expanded_scopes) @functools.lru_cache def get_scope_filter(self, req_scope): """Produce a filter function for req_scope on resources Returns `has_access_to(orm_resource, kind)` which returns True or False for whether the current request has access to req_scope on the given resource. """ def no_access(orm_resource, kind): return False if req_scope not in self.parsed_scopes: return no_access sub_scope = self.parsed_scopes[req_scope] return functools.partial(scopes.check_scope_filter, sub_scope) def has_scope(self, scope): """Is the current request being made with the given scope?""" return scopes.has_scope(scope, self.parsed_scopes, db=self.db) @property def current_user(self): """Override .current_user accessor from tornado Allows .get_current_user to be async. """ if not hasattr(self, '_jupyterhub_user'): raise RuntimeError("Must call async get_current_user first!") return self._jupyterhub_user def find_user(self, name): """Get a user by name return None if no such user """ orm_user = orm.User.find(db=self.db, name=name) return self._user_from_orm(orm_user) def user_from_username(self, username): """Get User for username, creating if it doesn't exist""" user = self.find_user(username) if user is None: # not found, create and register user u = orm.User(name=username) self.db.add(u) roles.assign_default_roles(self.db, entity=u) TOTAL_USERS.inc() self.db.commit() user = self._user_from_orm(u) return user def clear_cookie(self, cookie_name, **kwargs): """Clear a cookie overrides RequestHandler to always handle __Host- prefix correctly """ if cookie_name.startswith("__Host-"): kwargs["path"] = "/" kwargs["secure"] = True return super().clear_cookie(cookie_name, **kwargs) def clear_login_cookie(self, name=None): kwargs = {} user = self.get_current_user_cookie() session_id = self.get_session_cookie() if session_id: # clear session id session_cookie_kwargs = {} session_cookie_kwargs.update(kwargs) if self.subdomain_host: session_cookie_kwargs['domain'] = self.domain self.clear_cookie( SESSION_COOKIE_NAME, path=self.base_url, **session_cookie_kwargs ) if user: # user is logged in, clear any tokens associated with the current session # don't clear session tokens if not logged in, # because that could be a malicious logout request! count = 0 for access_token in self.db.query(orm.APIToken).filter_by( user_id=user.id, session_id=session_id ): self.db.delete(access_token) count += 1 if count: self.log.debug("Deleted %s access tokens for %s", count, user.name) self.db.commit() # clear hub cookie self.clear_cookie(self.hub.cookie_name, path=self.hub.base_url, **kwargs) # clear services cookie # FIXME: remove when we haven't been setting this in a while # (stopped setting it in 3.2) self.clear_cookie( 'jupyterhub-services', path=url_path_join(self.base_url, 'services'), **kwargs, ) # clear_cookie only accepts a subset of set_cookie's kwargs clear_xsrf_cookie_kwargs = { key: value for key, value in self.settings.get('xsrf_cookie_kwargs', {}).items() if key in {"path", "domain"} } self.clear_cookie( '_xsrf', **clear_xsrf_cookie_kwargs, ) def _set_cookie(self, key, value, encrypted=True, **overrides): """Setting any cookie should go through here if encrypted use tornado's set_secure_cookie, otherwise set plaintext cookies. """ # tornado <4.2 have a bug that consider secure==True as soon as # 'secure' kwarg is passed to set_secure_cookie kwargs = {'httponly': True} public_url = self.settings.get("public_url") if public_url: if public_url.scheme == 'https': kwargs['secure'] = True else: if self.request.protocol == 'https': kwargs['secure'] = True kwargs.update(self.settings.get('cookie_options', {})) kwargs.update(overrides) if key.startswith("__Host-"): # __Host- cookies must be secure and on / kwargs["path"] = "/" kwargs["secure"] = True if encrypted: set_cookie = self.set_secure_cookie else: set_cookie = self.set_cookie self.log.debug("Setting cookie %s: %s", key, kwargs) set_cookie(key, value, **kwargs) def _set_user_cookie(self, user, server): self.log.debug("Setting cookie for %s: %s", user.name, server.cookie_name) self._set_cookie( server.cookie_name, user.cookie_id, encrypted=True, path=server.base_url ) def get_session_cookie(self): """Get the session id from a cookie Returns None if no session id is stored """ return self.get_cookie(SESSION_COOKIE_NAME, None) def set_session_cookie(self): """Set a new session id cookie new session id is returned Session id cookie is *not* encrypted, so other services on this domain can read it. """ if not hasattr(self, "_session_id"): self._session_id = uuid.uuid4().hex session_id = self._session_id # if using subdomains, set session cookie on the domain, # which allows it to be shared by subdomains. # if domain is unspecified, it is _more_ restricted to only the setting domain kwargs = {} if self.subdomain_host: kwargs['domain'] = self.domain self._set_cookie( SESSION_COOKIE_NAME, session_id, encrypted=False, path=self.base_url, **kwargs, ) return session_id def set_service_cookie(self, user): """set the login cookie for services""" warnings.warn( "set_service_cookie is deprecated in JupyterHub 2.0. Not setting jupyterhub-services cookie.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) def set_hub_cookie(self, user): """set the login cookie for the Hub""" self._set_user_cookie(user, self.hub) def set_login_cookie(self, user): """Set login cookies for the Hub and single-user server.""" if self.subdomain_host and not self.request.host.startswith(self.domain): self.log.warning( "Possibly setting cookie on wrong domain: %s != %s", self.request.host, self.domain, ) if not self.get_session_cookie(): self.set_session_cookie() # create and set a new cookie for the hub cookie_user = self.get_current_user_cookie() if cookie_user is None or cookie_user.id != user.id: if cookie_user: self.log.info(f"User {cookie_user.name} is logging in as {user.name}") self.set_hub_cookie(user) # make sure xsrf cookie is updated # this avoids needing a second request to set the right xsrf cookie self._jupyterhub_user = user _set_xsrf_cookie( self, self._xsrf_token_id, cookie_path=self.hub.base_url, authenticated=True ) def authenticate(self, data): return maybe_future(self.authenticator.get_authenticated_user(self, data)) def _validate_next_url(self, next_url): """Validate next_url handling protects against external redirects, etc. Returns empty string if next_url is not considered safe, resulting in same behavior as if next_url is not specified. """ # protect against some browsers' buggy handling of backslash as slash next_url = next_url.replace('\\', '%5C') public_url = self.settings.get("public_url") if public_url: proto = public_url.scheme host = public_url.netloc else: # guess from request proto = get_browser_protocol(self.request) host = self.request.host if next_url.startswith("///"): # strip more than 2 leading // down to 2 # because urlparse treats that as empty netloc, # whereas browsers treat more than two leading // the same as //, # so netloc is the first non-/ bit next_url = "//" + next_url.lstrip("/") parsed_next_url = urlparse(next_url) if (next_url + '/').startswith( ( f'{proto}://{host}/', f'//{host}/', ) ) or ( self.subdomain_host and parsed_next_url.netloc and ("." + parsed_next_url.netloc).endswith( "." + urlparse(self.subdomain_host).netloc ) ): # treat absolute URLs for our host as absolute paths: # below, redirects that aren't strictly paths are rejected next_url = parsed_next_url.path if parsed_next_url.query: next_url = next_url + '?' + parsed_next_url.query if parsed_next_url.fragment: next_url = next_url + '#' + parsed_next_url.fragment parsed_next_url = urlparse(next_url) # if it still has host info, it didn't match our above check for *this* host if next_url and (parsed_next_url.netloc or not next_url.startswith('/')): self.log.warning("Disallowing redirect outside JupyterHub: %r", next_url) next_url = '' return next_url def get_next_url(self, user=None, default=None): """Get the next_url for login redirect Default URL after login: - if redirect_to_server (default): send to user's own server - else: /hub/home """ next_url = self.get_argument('next', default='') next_url = self._validate_next_url(next_url) # this is where we know if next_url is coming from ?next= param or we are using a default url if next_url: next_url_from_param = True else: next_url_from_param = False if not next_url: # custom default URL, usually passed because user landed on that page but was not logged in if default: next_url = default else: # As set in jupyterhub_config.py if callable(self.default_url): next_url = self.default_url(self) else: next_url = self.default_url if not next_url: # default URL after login # if self.redirect_to_server, default login URL initiates spawn, # otherwise send to Hub home page (control panel) if user and self.redirect_to_server: if user.spawner.active: # server is active, send to the user url next_url = user.url else: # send to spawn url next_url = url_path_join(self.hub.base_url, 'spawn') else: next_url = url_path_join(self.hub.base_url, 'home') if not next_url_from_param: # when a request made with ?next=... assume all the params have already been encoded # otherwise, preserve params from the current request across the redirect next_url = self.append_query_parameters(next_url, exclude=['next', '_xsrf']) return next_url def append_query_parameters(self, url, exclude=None): """Append the current request's query parameters to the given URL. Supports an extra optional parameter ``exclude`` that when provided must contain a list of parameters to be ignored, i.e. these parameters will not be added to the URL. This is important to avoid infinite loops with the next parameter being added over and over, for instance. The default value for ``exclude`` is an array with "next". This is useful as most use cases in JupyterHub (all?) won't want to include the next parameter twice (the next parameter is added elsewhere to the query parameters). :param str url: a URL :param list exclude: optional list of parameters to be ignored, defaults to a list with "next" (to avoid redirect-loops) :rtype (str) """ if exclude is None: exclude = ['next'] if self.request.query: query_string = [ param for param in parse_qsl(self.request.query) if param[0] not in exclude ] if query_string: url = url_concat(url, query_string) return url async def auth_to_user(self, authenticated, user=None): """Persist data from .authenticate() or .refresh_user() to the User database Args: authenticated(dict): return data from .authenticate or .refresh_user user(User, optional): the User object to refresh, if refreshing Return: user(User): the constructed User object """ if isinstance(authenticated, str): authenticated = {'name': authenticated} username = authenticated['name'] auth_state = authenticated.get('auth_state') admin = authenticated.get('admin') refreshing = user is not None if user and username != user.name: raise ValueError(f"Username doesn't match! {username} != {user.name}") if user is None: user = self.find_user(username) new_user = user is None if new_user: user = self.user_from_username(username) await maybe_future(self.authenticator.add_user(user)) # Only set `admin` if the authenticator returned an explicit value. if admin is not None and admin != user.admin: user.admin = admin # always ensure default roles ('user', 'admin' if admin) are assigned # after a successful login roles.assign_default_roles(self.db, entity=user) # apply authenticator-managed groups if self.authenticator.manage_groups: if "groups" not in authenticated: # to use manage_groups, group membership must always be specified # Authenticators that don't support this feature will omit it, # which should fail here rather than silently not implement the requested behavior auth_cls = self.authenticator.__class__.__name__ raise ValueError( f"Authenticator.manage_groups is enabled, but auth_model for {username} specifies no groups." f" Does {auth_cls} support manage_groups=True?" ) group_names = authenticated["groups"] if group_names is not None: user.sync_groups(group_names) # apply authenticator-managed roles if self.authenticator.manage_roles: auth_roles = authenticated.get("roles") if auth_roles is not None: user.sync_roles(auth_roles) # always set auth_state and commit, # because there could be key-rotation or clearing of previous values # going on. if not self.authenticator.enable_auth_state: # auth_state is not enabled. Force None. auth_state = None await user.save_auth_state(auth_state) return user async def login_user(self, data=None): """Login a user""" auth_timer = self.statsd.timer('login.authenticate').start() authenticated = await self.authenticate(data) auth_timer.stop(send=False) if authenticated: user = await self.auth_to_user(authenticated) self.set_login_cookie(user) self.statsd.incr('login.success') self.statsd.timing('login.authenticate.success', auth_timer.ms) self.log.info("User logged in: %s", user.name) user._auth_refreshed = time.monotonic() return user else: self.statsd.incr('login.failure') self.statsd.timing('login.authenticate.failure', auth_timer.ms) self.log.warning( "Failed login for %s", (data or {}).get('username', 'unknown user') ) # --------------------------------------------------------------- # spawning-related # --------------------------------------------------------------- @property def slow_spawn_timeout(self): return self.settings.get('slow_spawn_timeout', 10) @property def slow_stop_timeout(self): return self.settings.get('slow_stop_timeout', 10) @property def spawner_class(self): return self.settings.get('spawner_class', LocalProcessSpawner) @property def concurrent_spawn_limit(self): return self.settings.get('concurrent_spawn_limit', 0) @property def active_server_limit(self): return self.settings.get('active_server_limit', 0) async def spawn_single_user(self, user, server_name='', options=None): # in case of error, include 'try again from /hub/home' message if self.authenticator.refresh_pre_spawn: auth_user = await self.refresh_auth(user, force=True) if auth_user is None: raise web.HTTPError( 403, "auth has expired for %s, login again", user.name ) spawn_start_time = time.perf_counter() self.extra_error_html = self.spawn_home_error user_server_name = user.name if server_name: if '/' in server_name: error_message = ( f"Invalid server_name (may not contain '/'): {server_name}" ) self.log.error(error_message) raise web.HTTPError(400, error_message) user_server_name = f'{user.name}:{server_name}' if server_name in user.spawners and user.spawners[server_name].pending: pending = user.spawners[server_name].pending SERVER_SPAWN_DURATION_SECONDS.labels( status=ServerSpawnStatus.already_pending ).observe(time.perf_counter() - spawn_start_time) raise RuntimeError(f"{user_server_name} pending {pending}") # count active servers and pending spawns # we could do careful bookkeeping to avoid # but for 10k users this takes ~5ms # and saves us from bookkeeping errors active_counts = self.users.count_active_users() spawn_pending_count = ( active_counts['spawn_pending'] + active_counts['proxy_pending'] ) active_count = active_counts['active'] RUNNING_SERVERS.set(active_count) concurrent_spawn_limit = self.concurrent_spawn_limit active_server_limit = self.active_server_limit if concurrent_spawn_limit and spawn_pending_count >= concurrent_spawn_limit: SERVER_SPAWN_DURATION_SECONDS.labels( status=ServerSpawnStatus.throttled ).observe(time.perf_counter() - spawn_start_time) # Suggest number of seconds client should wait before retrying # This helps prevent thundering herd problems, where users simply # immediately retry when we are overloaded. retry_range = self.settings['spawn_throttle_retry_range'] retry_time = int(random.uniform(*retry_range)) # round suggestion to nicer human value (nearest 10 seconds or minute) if retry_time <= 90: # round human seconds up to nearest 10 human_retry_time = "%i0 seconds" % math.ceil(retry_time / 10.0) else: # round number of minutes human_retry_time = "%i minutes" % math.round(retry_time / 60.0) self.log.warning( '%s pending spawns, throttling. Suggested retry in %s seconds.', spawn_pending_count, retry_time, ) err = web.HTTPError( 429, f"Too many users trying to log in right now. Try again in {human_retry_time}.", ) # can't call set_header directly here because it gets ignored # when errors are raised # we handle err.headers ourselves in Handler.write_error err.headers = {'Retry-After': retry_time} raise err if active_server_limit and active_count >= active_server_limit: self.log.info('%s servers active, no space available', active_count) SERVER_SPAWN_DURATION_SECONDS.labels( status=ServerSpawnStatus.too_many_users ).observe(time.perf_counter() - spawn_start_time) raise web.HTTPError( 429, "Active user limit exceeded. Try again in a few minutes." ) tic = IOLoop.current().time() self.log.debug("Initiating spawn for %s", user_server_name) spawn_future = user.spawn(server_name, options, handler=self) self.log.debug( "%i%s concurrent spawns", spawn_pending_count, '/%i' % concurrent_spawn_limit if concurrent_spawn_limit else '', ) self.log.debug( "%i%s active servers", active_count, '/%i' % active_server_limit if active_server_limit else '', ) spawner = user.spawners[server_name] # set spawn_pending now, so there's no gap where _spawn_pending is False # while we are waiting for _proxy_pending to be set spawner._spawn_pending = True async def finish_user_spawn(): """Finish the user spawn by registering listeners and notifying the proxy. If the spawner is slow to start, this is passed as an async callback, otherwise it is called immediately. """ # wait for spawn Future await spawn_future toc = IOLoop.current().time() self.log.info( "User %s took %.3f seconds to start", user_server_name, toc - tic ) self.statsd.timing('spawner.success', (toc - tic) * 1000) SERVER_SPAWN_DURATION_SECONDS.labels( status=ServerSpawnStatus.success ).observe(time.perf_counter() - spawn_start_time) self.eventlog.emit( schema_id='https://schema.jupyter.org/jupyterhub/events/server-action', data={ 'action': 'start', 'username': user.name, 'servername': server_name, }, ) proxy_add_start_time = time.perf_counter() spawner._proxy_pending = True try: await self.proxy.add_user(user, server_name) PROXY_ADD_DURATION_SECONDS.labels(status='success').observe( time.perf_counter() - proxy_add_start_time ) RUNNING_SERVERS.inc() except Exception: self.log.exception("Failed to add %s to proxy!", user_server_name) self.log.error( "Stopping %s to avoid inconsistent state", user_server_name ) await user.stop(server_name) PROXY_ADD_DURATION_SECONDS.labels(status='failure').observe( time.perf_counter() - proxy_add_start_time ) else: spawner.add_poll_callback(self.user_stopped, user, server_name) finally: spawner._proxy_pending = False # hook up spawner._spawn_future so that other requests can await # this result finish_spawn_future = spawner._spawn_future = maybe_future(finish_user_spawn()) def _clear_spawn_future(f): # clear spawner._spawn_future when it's done # keep an exception around, though, to prevent repeated implicit spawns # if spawn is failing if f.cancelled() or f.exception() is None: spawner._spawn_future = None # Now we're all done. clear _spawn_pending flag spawner._spawn_pending = False finish_spawn_future.add_done_callback(_clear_spawn_future) # when spawn finishes (success or failure) # update failure count and abort if consecutive failure limit # is reached def _track_failure_count(f): if f.cancelled() or f.exception() is None: # spawn succeeded, reset failure count self.settings['failure_count'] = 0 return # spawn failed, increment count and abort if limit reached SERVER_SPAWN_DURATION_SECONDS.labels( status=ServerSpawnStatus.failure ).observe(time.perf_counter() - spawn_start_time) self.settings.setdefault('failure_count', 0) self.settings['failure_count'] += 1 failure_count = self.settings['failure_count'] failure_limit = spawner.consecutive_failure_limit if failure_limit and 1 < failure_count < failure_limit: self.log.warning( "%i consecutive spawns failed. " "Hub will exit if failure count reaches %i before succeeding", failure_count, failure_limit, ) if failure_limit and failure_count >= failure_limit: self.log.critical( "Aborting due to %i consecutive spawn failures", failure_count ) # abort in 2 seconds to allow pending handlers to resolve # mostly propagating errors for the current failures def abort(): raise SystemExit(1) IOLoop.current().call_later(2, abort) finish_spawn_future.add_done_callback(_track_failure_count) try: await gen.with_timeout( timedelta(seconds=self.slow_spawn_timeout), finish_spawn_future ) except AnyTimeoutError: # waiting_for_response indicates server process has started, # but is yet to become responsive. if spawner._spawn_pending and not spawner._waiting_for_response: # If slow_spawn_timeout is intentionally disabled then we # don't need to log a warning, just return. if self.slow_spawn_timeout > 0: # still in Spawner.start, which is taking a long time # we shouldn't poll while spawn is incomplete. self.log.warning( "User %s is slow to start (timeout=%s)", user_server_name, self.slow_spawn_timeout, ) return # start has finished, but the server hasn't come up # check if the server died while we were waiting poll_start_time = time.perf_counter() status = await spawner.poll() SERVER_POLL_DURATION_SECONDS.labels( status=ServerPollStatus.from_status(status) ).observe(time.perf_counter() - poll_start_time) if status is not None: toc = IOLoop.current().time() self.statsd.timing('spawner.failure', (toc - tic) * 1000) SERVER_SPAWN_DURATION_SECONDS.labels( status=ServerSpawnStatus.failure ).observe(time.perf_counter() - spawn_start_time) raise web.HTTPError( 500, f"Spawner failed to start [status={status}]. The logs for {spawner._log_name} may contain details.", ) if spawner._waiting_for_response: # hit timeout waiting for response, but server's running. # Hope that it'll show up soon enough, # though it's possible that it started at the wrong URL self.log.warning( "User %s is slow to become responsive (timeout=%s)", user_server_name, self.slow_spawn_timeout, ) self.log.debug( "Expecting server for %s at: %s", user_server_name, spawner.server.url, ) if spawner._proxy_pending: # User.spawn finished, but it hasn't been added to the proxy # Could be due to load or a slow proxy self.log.warning( "User %s is slow to be added to the proxy (timeout=%s)", user_server_name, self.slow_spawn_timeout, ) async def user_stopped(self, user, server_name): """Callback that fires when the spawner has stopped""" spawner = user.spawners[server_name] poll_start_time = time.perf_counter() status = await spawner.poll() SERVER_POLL_DURATION_SECONDS.labels( status=ServerPollStatus.from_status(status) ).observe(time.perf_counter() - poll_start_time) if status is None: status = 'unknown' self.log.warning( "User %s server stopped, with exit code: %s", user.name, status ) proxy_deletion_start_time = time.perf_counter() try: await self.proxy.delete_user(user, server_name) PROXY_DELETE_DURATION_SECONDS.labels( status=ProxyDeleteStatus.success ).observe(time.perf_counter() - proxy_deletion_start_time) except Exception: PROXY_DELETE_DURATION_SECONDS.labels( status=ProxyDeleteStatus.failure ).observe(time.perf_counter() - proxy_deletion_start_time) raise await user.stop(server_name) async def stop_single_user(self, user, server_name=''): if server_name not in user.spawners: raise KeyError("User %s has no such spawner %r", user.name, server_name) spawner = user.spawners[server_name] if spawner.pending: raise RuntimeError(f"{spawner._log_name} pending {spawner.pending}") # set user._stop_pending before doing anything async # to avoid races spawner._stop_pending = True async def stop(): """Stop the server 1. remove it from the proxy 2. stop the server 3. notice that it stopped """ tic = time.perf_counter() try: await self.proxy.delete_user(user, server_name) PROXY_DELETE_DURATION_SECONDS.labels( status=ProxyDeleteStatus.success ).observe(time.perf_counter() - tic) await user.stop(server_name) toc = time.perf_counter() self.log.info( "User %s server took %.3f seconds to stop", user.name, toc - tic ) self.statsd.timing('spawner.stop', (toc - tic) * 1000) SERVER_STOP_DURATION_SECONDS.labels( status=ServerStopStatus.success ).observe(toc - tic) self.eventlog.emit( schema_id='https://schema.jupyter.org/jupyterhub/events/server-action', data={ 'action': 'stop', 'username': user.name, 'servername': server_name, }, ) except Exception: PROXY_DELETE_DURATION_SECONDS.labels( status=ProxyDeleteStatus.failure ).observe(time.perf_counter() - tic) SERVER_STOP_DURATION_SECONDS.labels( status=ServerStopStatus.failure ).observe(time.perf_counter() - tic) finally: spawner._stop_future = None spawner._stop_pending = False future = spawner._stop_future = asyncio.ensure_future(stop()) try: await gen.with_timeout(timedelta(seconds=self.slow_stop_timeout), future) except AnyTimeoutError: # hit timeout, but stop is still pending self.log.warning( "User %s:%s server is slow to stop (timeout=%s)", user.name, server_name, self.slow_stop_timeout, ) # return handle on the future for hooking up callbacks return future # --------------------------------------------------------------- # template rendering # --------------------------------------------------------------- @property def spawn_home_error(self): """Extra message pointing users to try spawning again from /hub/home. Should be added to `self.extra_error_html` for any handler that could serve a failed spawn message. """ home = url_path_join(self.hub.base_url, 'home') return ( "You can try restarting your server from the " f"<a href='{home}'>home page</a>." ) def get_template(self, name, sync=False): """ Return the jinja template object for a given name If sync is True, we return a Template that is compiled without async support. Only those can be used in synchronous code. If sync is False, we return a Template that is compiled with async support """ if sync: key = 'jinja2_env_sync' else: key = 'jinja2_env' return self.settings[key].get_template(name) def render_template(self, name, sync=False, **ns): """ Render jinja2 template If sync is set to True, we render the template & return a string If sync is set to False, we return an awaitable """ template_ns = {} template_ns.update(self.template_namespace) template_ns["xsrf_token"] = self.xsrf_token.decode("ascii") template_ns.update(ns) template = self.get_template(name, sync) if sync: return template.render(**template_ns) else: return template.render_async(**template_ns) @property def template_namespace(self): user = self.current_user ns = dict( base_url=self.hub.base_url, prefix=self.base_url, user=user, login_url=self.settings['login_url'], login_service=self.authenticator.login_service, logout_url=self.settings['logout_url'], static_url=self.static_url, version_hash=self.version_hash, services=self.get_accessible_services(user), parsed_scopes=self.parsed_scopes, expanded_scopes=self.expanded_scopes, xsrf=self.xsrf_token.decode('ascii'), ) if self.settings['template_vars']: for key, value in self.settings['template_vars'].items(): if callable(value): value = value(user) ns[key] = value return ns def get_accessible_services(self, user): accessible_services = [] if user is None: return accessible_services for service_name, service in self.services.items(): if not service.url: continue if not service.display: continue # only display links to services users have access to service_scopes = { "access:services", f"access:services!service={service.name}", } if not service_scopes.intersection(self.expanded_scopes): continue accessible_services.append(service) return accessible_services def write_error(self, status_code, **kwargs): """render custom error pages""" exc_info = kwargs.get('exc_info') message = '' exception = None status_message = responses.get(status_code, 'Unknown HTTP Error') if exc_info: exception = exc_info[1] # get the custom message, if defined try: message = exception.log_message % exception.args except Exception: pass # construct the custom reason, if defined reason = getattr(exception, 'reason', '') if reason: message = reasons.get(reason, reason) if exception and isinstance(exception, SQLAlchemyError): self.log.warning("Rolling back session due to database error %s", exception) self.db.rollback() # build template namespace ns = dict( status_code=status_code, status_message=status_message, message=message, extra_error_html=getattr(self, 'extra_error_html', ''), exception=exception, ) self.set_header('Content-Type', 'text/html') if isinstance(exception, web.HTTPError): # allow setting headers from exceptions # since exception handler clears headers headers = getattr(exception, 'headers', None) if headers: for key, value in headers.items(): self.set_header(key, value) # Content-Length must be recalculated. self.clear_header('Content-Length') # render_template is async, but write_error can't be! # so we run it sync here, instead of making a sync version of render_template try: html = self.render_template(f'{status_code}.html', sync=True, **ns) except TemplateNotFound: self.log.debug("Using default error template for %d", status_code) try: html = self.render_template('error.html', sync=True, **ns) except Exception: # In this case, any side effect must be avoided. ns['no_spawner_check'] = True html = self.render_template('error.html', sync=True, **ns) self.write(html) class Template404(BaseHandler): """Render our 404 template""" async def prepare(self): await super().prepare() raise web.HTTPError(404) class PrefixRedirectHandler(BaseHandler): """Redirect anything outside a prefix inside. Redirects /foo to /prefix/foo, etc. Redirect specifies hub domain when public_url or subdomains are enabled. Mainly handles requests for non-running servers, e.g. to /user/tree/ -> /hub/user/tree/ UserUrlHandler will handle the request after redirect. Don't do anything but redirect here because cookies, etc. won't be available to this request, due to not being on the hub's path or possibly domain. """ def get(self): uri = self.request.uri # Since self.base_url will end with trailing slash. # Ensure uri will end with trailing slash when matching # with self.base_url. if not uri.endswith('/'): uri += '/' if uri.startswith(self.base_url): path = self.request.uri[len(self.base_url) :] else: path = self.request.path if not path: # default / -> /hub/ redirect # avoiding extra hop through /hub path = '/' redirect_url = redirect_path = url_path_join(self.hub.base_url, path) # when using subdomains, # make sure we redirect `user.domain/user/foo` -> `hub.domain/hub/user/foo/...` # so that the Hub handles it properly with cookies and all public_url = self.settings.get("public_url") subdomain_host = self.settings.get("subdomain_host") if public_url: redirect_url = urlunparse(public_url._replace(path=redirect_path)) elif subdomain_host: redirect_url = url_path_join(subdomain_host, redirect_path) self.redirect(redirect_url, permanent=False) class UserUrlHandler(BaseHandler): """Handle requests to /user/user_name/* routed to the Hub. **Changed Behavior as of 1.0** This handler no longer triggers a spawn. Instead, it checks if: 1. server is not active, serve page prompting for spawn (status: 424) 2. server is ready (This shouldn't happen! Proxy isn't updated yet. Wait a bit and redirect.) 3. server is active, redirect to /hub/spawn-pending to monitor launch progress (will redirect back when finished) 4. if user doesn't match (improperly shared url), try to get the user where they meant to go: If a user, alice, requests /user/bob/notebooks/mynotebook.ipynb, she will be redirected to /hub/user/bob/notebooks/mynotebook.ipynb, which will be handled by this handler, which will in turn send her to /user/alice/notebooks/mynotebook.ipynb. Note that this only occurs if bob's server is not already running. """ # accept token auth for API requests that are probably to non-running servers _accept_token_auth = True # don't consider these redirects 'activity' # if the redirect is followed and the subsequent action taken, # _that_ is activity def _record_activity(self, obj, timestamp=None): return False def _fail_api_request(self, user_name='', server_name=''): """Fail an API request to a not-running server""" self.log.warning( "Failing suspected API request to not-running server: %s", self.request.path ) # If we got here, the server is not running. To differentiate # that the *server* itself is not running, rather than just the particular # resource *in* the server is not found, we return a 424 instead of a 404. # We allow retaining the old behavior to support older JupyterLab versions self.set_status( 424 if not self.app.use_legacy_stopped_server_status_code else 503 ) self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") spawn_url = urlparse(self.request.full_url())._replace(query="") spawn_path_parts = [self.hub.base_url, "spawn", user_name] if server_name: spawn_path_parts.append(server_name) spawn_url = urlunparse( spawn_url._replace(path=url_path_join(*spawn_path_parts)) ) self.write( json.dumps( { "message": ( f"JupyterHub server no longer running at {self.request.path[len(self.hub.base_url) - 1 :]}." f" Restart the server at {spawn_url}" ) } ) ) self.finish() # fail all non-GET requests with JSON # assuming they are API requests def non_get(self, user_name, user_path): """Handle non-get requests These all fail with a hopefully informative message pointing to how to spawn a stopped server """ if ( user_name and user_path and self.allow_named_servers and self.current_user and user_name == self.current_user.name ): server_name = user_path.lstrip('/').split('/', 1)[0] if server_name not in self.current_user.orm_user.orm_spawners: # no such server, assume default server_name = '' else: server_name = '' self._fail_api_request(user_name, server_name) post = non_get patch = non_get delete = non_get @web.authenticated async def get(self, user_name, user_path): if not user_path: user_path = '/' path_parts = user_path.split("/", 2) server_names = [""] if len(path_parts) >= 3: # second part _may_ be a server name server_names.append(path_parts[1]) access_scopes = [ f"access:servers!server={user_name}/{server_name}" for server_name in server_names ] if not any(self.has_scope(scope) for scope in access_scopes): self.log.warning( "Not authorizing access to %s. Requires any of [%s], not derived from scopes [%s]", self.request.path, ", ".join(access_scopes), ", ".join(self.expanded_scopes), ) raise web.HTTPError(404, "No access to resources or resources not found") current_user = self.current_user if user_name != current_user.name: user = self.find_user(user_name) if user is None: # no such user raise web.HTTPError(404, f"No such user {user_name}") self.log.info( f"User {current_user.name} requesting spawn on behalf of {user.name}" ) admin_spawn = True should_spawn = True redirect_to_self = False else: user = current_user # If people visit /user/:user_name directly on the Hub, # the redirects will just loop, because the proxy is bypassed. # Try to check for that and warn, # though the user-facing behavior is unchanged host_info = urlparse(self.request.full_url()) port = host_info.port if not port: port = 443 if host_info.scheme == 'https' else 80 if ( port != Server.from_url(self.proxy.public_url).connect_port and port == self.hub.connect_port ): self.log.warning( """ Detected possible direct connection to Hub's private ip: %s, bypassing proxy. This will result in a redirect loop. Make sure to connect to the proxied public URL %s """, self.request.full_url(), self.proxy.public_url, ) # url could be `/user/:name/tree/... for the default server, or # /user/:name/:server_name/... if using named servers server_name = '' if self.allow_named_servers: # check if url prefix matches an existing server name server_name = user_path.lstrip('/').split('/', 1)[0] if server_name not in user.orm_user.orm_spawners: # not found, assume default server server_name = '' else: server_name = '' escaped_server_name = url_escape_path(server_name) spawner = user.spawners[server_name] if spawner.ready: # spawner is ready, try redirecting back to the /user url await self._redirect_to_user_server(user, spawner) return # if request is expecting JSON, assume it's an API request and fail with 503 # because it won't like the redirect to the pending page if get_accepted_mimetype( self.request.headers.get('Accept', ''), choices=['application/json', 'text/html'], ) == 'application/json' or 'api' in user_path.split('/'): self._fail_api_request(user_name, server_name) return pending_url = url_concat( url_path_join( self.hub.base_url, 'spawn-pending', user.escaped_name, escaped_server_name, ), {'next': self.request.uri}, ) if spawner.pending or spawner._failed: # redirect to pending page for progress, etc. self.redirect(pending_url, status=303) return # If we got here, the server is not running. To differentiate # that the *server* itself is not running, rather than just the particular # page *in* the server is not found, we return a 424 instead of a 404. # We allow retaining the old behavior to support older JupyterLab versions spawn_url = url_concat( url_path_join( self.hub.base_url, "spawn", user.escaped_name, escaped_server_name ), {"next": self.request.uri}, ) self.set_status( 424 if not self.app.use_legacy_stopped_server_status_code else 503 ) auth_state = await user.get_auth_state() html = await self.render_template( "not_running.html", user=user, server_name=server_name, spawn_url=spawn_url, auth_state=auth_state, implicit_spawn_seconds=self.settings.get("implicit_spawn_seconds", 0), ) self.finish(html) async def _redirect_to_user_server(self, user, spawner): """Redirect from /hub/user/:name/... to /user/:name/... Can cause redirect loops if the proxy is malfunctioning. We do exponential backoff here - since otherwise we can get stuck in a redirect loop! This is important in many distributed proxy implementations - those are often eventually consistent and can take up to a couple of seconds to actually apply throughout the cluster. """ try: redirects = int(self.get_argument('redirects', 0)) except ValueError: self.log.warning( "Invalid redirects argument %r", self.get_argument('redirects') ) redirects = 0 # check redirect limit to prevent browser-enforced limits. # In case of version mismatch, raise on only two redirects. if redirects >= self.settings.get('user_redirect_limit', 4) or ( redirects >= 2 and spawner._jupyterhub_version != __version__ ): # We stop if we've been redirected too many times. msg = "Redirect loop detected." if spawner._jupyterhub_version != __version__: msg += ( " Notebook has jupyterhub version {singleuser}, but the Hub expects {hub}." " Try installing jupyterhub=={hub} in the user environment" " if you continue to have problems." ).format( singleuser=spawner._jupyterhub_version or 'unknown (likely < 0.8)', hub=__version__, ) raise web.HTTPError(500, msg) without_prefix = self.request.uri[len(self.hub.base_url) :] target = url_path_join(self.base_url, without_prefix) if self.subdomain_host: target = user.host + target # record redirect count in query parameter if redirects: self.log.warning("Redirect loop detected on %s", self.request.uri) # add capped exponential backoff where cap is 10s await asyncio.sleep(min(1 * (2**redirects), 10)) # rewrite target url with new `redirects` query value url_parts = urlparse(target) query_parts = parse_qs(url_parts.query) query_parts['redirects'] = redirects + 1 url_parts = url_parts._replace(query=urlencode(query_parts, doseq=True)) target = urlunparse(url_parts) else: # Start redirect counter. # This should only occur for redirects from /user/:name -> /hub/user/:name # when the corresponding server is already ready. # We don't check this explicitly (direct visits to /hub/user are technically possible), # but that's now the only normal way to get here. target = url_concat(target, {'redirects': 1}) self.redirect(target) self.statsd.incr('redirects.user_after_login') class UserRedirectHandler(BaseHandler): """Redirect requests to user servers. Allows public linking to "this file on your server". /user-redirect/path/to/foo will redirect to /user/:name/path/to/foo If the user is not logged in, send to login URL, redirecting back here. If c.JupyterHub.user_redirect_hook is set, the return value of that callable is used to generate the redirect URL. .. versionadded:: 0.7 """ @web.authenticated async def get(self, path): # If hook is present to generate URL to redirect to, use that instead # of the default. The configurer is responsible for making sure this # URL is right. If None is returned by the hook, we do our normal # processing url = None if self.app.user_redirect_hook: url = await maybe_future( self.app.user_redirect_hook( path, self.request, self.current_user, self.base_url ) ) if url is None: user = self.current_user user_url = user.url if self.app.default_server_name: user_url = url_path_join(user_url, self.app.default_server_name) user_url = url_path_join(user_url, path) if self.request.query: user_url = url_concat(user_url, parse_qsl(self.request.query)) if self.app.default_server_name: url = url_concat( url_path_join( self.hub.base_url, "spawn", user.escaped_name, self.app.default_server_name, ), {"next": user_url}, ) else: url = url_concat( url_path_join(self.hub.base_url, "spawn", user.escaped_name), {"next": user_url}, ) self.redirect(url) class CSPReportHandler(BaseHandler): '''Accepts a content security policy violation report''' @web.authenticated def post(self): '''Log a content security policy violation report''' self.log.warning( "Content security violation: %s", self.request.body.decode('utf8', 'replace'), ) # Report it to statsd as well self.statsd.incr('csp_report') class AddSlashHandler(BaseHandler): """Handler for adding trailing slash to URLs that need them""" @addslash def get(self): pass default_handlers = [ (r'', AddSlashHandler), # add trailing / to `/hub` (r'/user/(?P<user_name>[^/]+)(?P<user_path>/.*)?', UserUrlHandler), (r'/user-redirect/(.*)?', UserRedirectHandler), (r'/security/csp-report', CSPReportHandler), ]