"""API for JupyterHub's proxy. Custom proxy implementations can subclass :class:`Proxy` and register in JupyterHub config: .. sourcecode:: python from mymodule import MyProxy c.JupyterHub.proxy_class = MyProxy Route Specification: - A routespec is a URL prefix ([host]/path/), e.g. 'host.tld/path/' for host-based routing or '/path/' for default routing. - Route paths should be normalized to always start and end with '/' """ # Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import asyncio import json import os import signal import time from functools import wraps from subprocess import Popen from urllib.parse import quote, urlparse from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient, HTTPError, HTTPRequest from tornado.ioloop import PeriodicCallback from traitlets import ( Any, Bool, CaselessStrEnum, Dict, Instance, Integer, TraitError, Unicode, default, observe, validate, ) from traitlets.config import LoggingConfigurable from jupyterhub.traitlets import Command from . import utils from .metrics import CHECK_ROUTES_DURATION_SECONDS, PROXY_POLL_DURATION_SECONDS from .objects import Server from .utils import exponential_backoff, url_escape_path, url_path_join def _one_at_a_time(method): """decorator to limit an async method to be called only once If multiple concurrent calls to this method are made, queue them instead of allowing them to be concurrently outstanding. """ # use weak dict for locks # so that the lock is always acquired within the current asyncio loop # should only be relevant in testing, where eventloops are created and destroyed often method._locks = WeakKeyDictionary() @wraps(method) async def locked_method(*args, **kwargs): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() lock = method._locks.get(loop, None) if lock is None: lock = method._locks[loop] = asyncio.Lock() async with lock: return await method(*args, **kwargs) return locked_method class Proxy(LoggingConfigurable): """Base class for configurable proxies that JupyterHub can use. A proxy implementation should subclass this and must define the following methods: - :meth:`.get_all_routes` return a dictionary of all JupyterHub-related routes - :meth:`.add_route` adds a route - :meth:`.delete_route` deletes a route In addition to these, the following method(s) may need to be implemented: - :meth:`.start` start the proxy, if it should be launched by the Hub instead of externally managed. If the proxy is externally managed, it should set :attr:`should_start` to False. - :meth:`.stop` stop the proxy. Only used if :meth:`.start` is also used. And the following method(s) are optional, but can be provided: - :meth:`.get_route` gets a single route. There is a default implementation that extracts data from :meth:`.get_all_routes`, but implementations may choose to provide a more efficient implementation of fetching a single route. """ db_factory = Any() @property def db(self): return self.db_factory() app = Any() hub = Any() public_url = Unicode() ssl_key = Unicode() ssl_cert = Unicode() host_routing = Bool() should_start = Bool( True, config=True, help="""Should the Hub start the proxy If True, the Hub will start the proxy and stop it. Set to False if the proxy is managed externally, such as by systemd, docker, or another service manager. """, ) extra_routes = Dict( key_trait=Unicode(), value_trait=Unicode(), config=True, help=""" Additional routes to be maintained in the proxy. A dictionary with a route specification as key, and a URL as target. The hub will ensure this route is present in the proxy. If the hub is running in host based mode (with JupyterHub.subdomain_host set), the routespec *must* have a domain component (example.com/my-url/). If the hub is not running in host based mode, the routespec *must not* have a domain component (/my-url/). Helpful when the hub is running in API-only mode. """, ) @validate("extra_routes") def _validate_extra_routes(self, proposal): extra_routes = {} # check routespecs for leading/trailing slashes for routespec, target in proposal.value.items(): if not isinstance(routespec, str): raise TraitError( f"Proxy.extra_routes keys must be str, got {routespec!r}" ) if not isinstance(target, str): raise TraitError( f"Proxy.extra_routes values must be str, got {target!r}" ) if not routespec.endswith("/"): # trailing / is unambiguous, so we can add it self.log.warning( f"Adding missing trailing '/' to c.Proxy.extra_routes {routespec} -> {routespec}/" ) routespec += "/" if self.app.subdomain_host: # subdomain routing must _not_ start with / if routespec.startswith("/"): raise ValueError( f"Proxy.extra_routes missing host component in {routespec} (must not have leading '/') when using `JupyterHub.subdomain_host = {self.app.subdomain_host!r}`" ) else: # no subdomains, must start with / # this is ambiguous with host routing, so raise instead of warn if not routespec.startswith("/"): raise ValueError( f"Proxy.extra_routes routespec {routespec} missing leading '/'." ) # validate target URL? target_url = urlparse(target.lower()) if target_url.scheme not in {"http", "https"} or not target_url.netloc: raise ValueError( f"Proxy.extra_routes target {routespec}={target!r} doesn't look like a URL (should have http[s]://...)" ) extra_routes[routespec] = target return extra_routes def start(self): """Start the proxy. Will be called during startup if should_start is True. **Subclasses must define this method** if the proxy is to be started by the Hub """ def stop(self): """Stop the proxy. Will be called during teardown if should_start is True. **Subclasses must define this method** if the proxy is to be started by the Hub """ def validate_routespec(self, routespec): """Validate a routespec - Checks host value vs host-based routing. - Ensures trailing slash on path. """ if routespec == '/': # / is the default route. # don't check host-based routing return routespec # check host routing host_route = not routespec.startswith('/') if host_route and not self.host_routing: raise ValueError( f"Cannot add host-based route {routespec!r}, not using host-routing" ) if self.host_routing and not host_route: raise ValueError( f"Cannot add route without host {routespec!r}, using host-routing" ) # add trailing slash if not routespec.endswith('/'): return routespec + '/' else: return routespec async def add_route(self, routespec, target, data): """Add a route to the proxy. **Subclasses must define this method** Args: routespec (str): A URL prefix ([host]/path/) for which this route will be matched, e.g. host.name/path/ target (str): A full URL that will be the target of this route. data (dict): A JSONable dict that will be associated with this route, and will be returned when retrieving information about this route. Will raise an appropriate Exception (FIXME: find what?) if the route could not be added. The proxy implementation should also have a way to associate the fact that a route came from JupyterHub. """ async def delete_route(self, routespec): """Delete a route with a given routespec if it exists. **Subclasses must define this method** """ async def get_all_routes(self): """Fetch and return all the routes associated by JupyterHub from the proxy. **Subclasses must define this method** Should return a dictionary of routes, where the keys are routespecs and each value is a dict of the form:: { 'routespec': the route specification ([host]/path/) 'target': the target host URL (proto://host) for this route 'data': the attached data dict for this route (as specified in add_route) } """ async def get_route(self, routespec): """Return the route info for a given routespec. Args: routespec (str): A URI that was used to add this route, e.g. `host.tld/path/` Returns: result (dict): dict with the following keys:: 'routespec': The normalized route specification passed in to add_route ([host]/path/) 'target': The target host for this route (proto://host) 'data': The arbitrary data dict that was passed in by JupyterHub when adding this route. None: if there are no routes matching the given routespec """ # default implementation relies on get_all_routes routespec = self.validate_routespec(routespec) routes = await self.get_all_routes() return routes.get(routespec) # Most basic implementers must only implement above methods async def add_service(self, service, client=None): """Add a service's server to the proxy table.""" if not service.server: raise RuntimeError( "Service %s does not have an http endpoint to add to the proxy.", service.name, ) self.log.info( "Adding service %s to proxy %s => %s", service.name, service.proxy_spec, service.server.host, ) await self.add_route( service.proxy_spec, service.server.host, {'service': service.name} ) async def delete_service(self, service, client=None): """Remove a service's server from the proxy table.""" self.log.info("Removing service %s from proxy", service.name) await self.delete_route(service.proxy_spec) async def add_user(self, user, server_name='', client=None): """Add a user's server to the proxy table.""" spawner = user.spawners[server_name] self.log.info( "Adding user %s to proxy %s => %s", user.name, spawner.proxy_spec, spawner.server.host, ) if spawner.pending and spawner.pending != 'spawn': raise RuntimeError( f"{spawner._log_name} is pending {spawner.pending}, shouldn't be added to the proxy yet!" ) await self.add_route( spawner.proxy_spec, spawner.server.host, {'user': user.name, 'server_name': server_name}, ) async def delete_user(self, user, server_name=''): """Remove a user's server from the proxy table.""" routespec = user.proxy_spec if server_name: routespec = url_path_join( user.proxy_spec, url_escape_path(server_name), '/' ) self.log.info("Removing user %s from proxy (%s)", user.name, routespec) await self.delete_route(routespec) async def add_all_services(self, service_dict): """Update the proxy table from the database. Used when loading up a new proxy. """ futures = [] for service in service_dict.values(): if service.server: futures.append(self.add_service(service)) # wait after submitting them all await asyncio.gather(*futures) async def add_all_users(self, user_dict): """Update the proxy table from the database. Used when loading up a new proxy. """ futures = [] for user in user_dict.values(): for name, spawner in user.spawners.items(): if spawner.ready: futures.append(self.add_user(user, name)) # wait after submitting them all await asyncio.gather(*futures) @_one_at_a_time async def check_routes(self, user_dict, service_dict, routes=None): """Check that all users are properly routed on the proxy.""" start = time.perf_counter() # timer starts here when user is created if not routes: self.log.debug("Fetching routes to check") routes = await self.get_all_routes() self.log.debug("Checking routes") user_routes = {path for path, r in routes.items() if 'user' in r['data']} futures = [] good_routes = {self.app.hub.routespec} hub = self.hub if self.app.hub.routespec not in routes: futures.append(self.add_hub_route(hub)) else: route = routes[self.app.hub.routespec] if route['target'] != hub.host: self.log.warning( "Updating Hub route %s → %s", route['target'], hub.host ) futures.append(self.add_hub_route(hub)) for user in user_dict.values(): for name, spawner in user.spawners.items(): if spawner.ready: spec = spawner.proxy_spec good_routes.add(spec) if spec not in user_routes: self.log.warning( "Adding missing route for %s (%s)", spec, spawner.server ) futures.append(self.add_user(user, name)) else: route = routes[spec] if route['target'] != spawner.server.host: self.log.warning( "Updating route for %s (%s → %s)", spec, route['target'], spawner.server, ) futures.append(self.add_user(user, name)) elif spawner.pending: # don't consider routes stale if the spawner is in any pending event # wait until after the pending state clears before taking any actions # they could be pending deletion from the proxy! good_routes.add(spawner.proxy_spec) # check service routes service_routes = { r['data']['service']: r for r in routes.values() if 'service' in r['data'] } for service in service_dict.values(): if service.server is None: continue good_routes.add(service.proxy_spec) if service.name not in service_routes: self.log.warning( "Adding missing route for %s (%s)", service.name, service.server ) futures.append(self.add_service(service)) else: route = service_routes[service.name] if route['target'] != service.server.host: self.log.warning( "Updating route for %s (%s → %s)", route['routespec'], route['target'], service.server.host, ) futures.append(self.add_service(service)) # Add extra routes we've been configured for for routespec, url in self.extra_routes.items(): good_routes.add(routespec) futures.append(self.add_route(routespec, url, {'extra': True})) # Now delete the routes that shouldn't be there for routespec in routes: if routespec not in good_routes: self.log.warning("Deleting stale route %s", routespec) futures.append(self.delete_route(routespec)) await asyncio.gather(*futures) stop = time.perf_counter() # timer stops here when user is deleted CHECK_ROUTES_DURATION_SECONDS.observe(stop - start) # histogram metric def add_hub_route(self, hub): """Add the default route for the Hub""" self.log.info("Adding route for Hub: %s => %s", hub.routespec, hub.host) return self.add_route(hub.routespec, self.hub.host, {'hub': True}) async def restore_routes(self): self.log.info("Setting up routes on new proxy") await self.add_hub_route(self.app.hub) await self.add_all_users(self.app.users) await self.add_all_services(self.app._service_map) self.log.info("New proxy back up and good to go") class ConfigurableHTTPProxy(Proxy): """Proxy implementation for the default configurable-http-proxy. This is the default proxy implementation for running the nodejs proxy `configurable-http-proxy`. If the proxy should not be run as a subprocess of the Hub, (e.g. in a separate container), set:: c.ConfigurableHTTPProxy.should_start = False """ proxy_process = Any() client = Instance(AsyncHTTPClient, ()) concurrency = Integer( 10, config=True, help=""" The number of requests allowed to be concurrently outstanding to the proxy Limiting this number avoids potential timeout errors by sending too many requests to update the proxy at once """, ) semaphore = Any() @default('semaphore') def _default_semaphore(self): return asyncio.BoundedSemaphore(self.concurrency) @observe('concurrency') def _concurrency_changed(self, change): self.semaphore = asyncio.BoundedSemaphore(change.new) # https://github.com/jupyterhub/configurable-http-proxy/blob/4.5.1/bin/configurable-http-proxy#L92 log_level = CaselessStrEnum( ["debug", "info", "warn", "error"], "info", help="Proxy log level", config=True, ) debug = Bool(False, help="Add debug-level logging to the Proxy.", config=True) @observe('debug') def _debug_changed(self, change): if change.new: self.log_level = "debug" auth_token = Unicode( help="""The Proxy auth token Loaded from the CONFIGPROXY_AUTH_TOKEN env variable by default. """ ).tag(config=True) check_running_interval = Integer( 5, help="Interval (in seconds) at which to check if the proxy is running.", config=True, ) @default('auth_token') def _auth_token_default(self): token = os.environ.get('CONFIGPROXY_AUTH_TOKEN', '') if self.should_start and not token: # generating tokens is fine if the Hub is starting the proxy self.log.info("Generating new CONFIGPROXY_AUTH_TOKEN") token = utils.new_token() return token api_url = Unicode( config=True, help="""The ip (or hostname) of the proxy's API endpoint""" ) @default('api_url') def _api_url_default(self): url = '' proto = 'http' if self.app.internal_ssl: proto = 'https' return f"{proto}://{url}" command = Command( 'configurable-http-proxy', config=True, help="""The command to start the proxy""", ) pid_file = Unicode( "jupyterhub-proxy.pid", config=True, help="File in which to write the PID of the proxy process.", ) _check_running_callback = Any( help="PeriodicCallback to check if the proxy is running" ) def _check_pid(self, pid): if os.name == 'nt': import psutil if not psutil.pid_exists(pid): raise ProcessLookupError try: process = psutil.Process(pid) if self.command and self.command[0]: process_cmd = process.cmdline() if process_cmd and not any( self.command[0] in clause for clause in process_cmd ): raise ProcessLookupError except (psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.NoSuchProcess): # If there is a process at the proxy's PID but we don't have permissions to see it, # then it is unlikely to actually be the proxy. raise ProcessLookupError else: os.kill(pid, 0) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # check for required token if proxy is external if not self.auth_token and not self.should_start: raise ValueError( f"{self.__class__.__name__}.auth_token or CONFIGPROXY_AUTH_TOKEN env is required" " if Proxy.should_start is False" ) def _check_previous_process(self): """Check if there's a process leftover and shut it down if so""" if not self.pid_file or not os.path.exists(self.pid_file): return pid_file = os.path.abspath(self.pid_file) self.log.warning("Found proxy pid file: %s", pid_file) try: with open(pid_file) as f: pid = int(f.read().strip()) except ValueError: self.log.warning("%s did not appear to contain a pid", pid_file) self._remove_pid_file() return try: self._check_pid(pid) except ProcessLookupError: self.log.warning("Proxy no longer running at pid=%s", pid) self._remove_pid_file() return # if we got here, CHP is still running self.log.warning("Proxy still running at pid=%s", pid) if os.name != 'nt': sig_list = [signal.SIGTERM] * 2 + [signal.SIGKILL] for i in range(3): try: if os.name == 'nt': self._terminate_win(pid) else: os.kill(pid, sig_list[i]) except ProcessLookupError: break time.sleep(1) try: self._check_pid(pid) except ProcessLookupError: break try: self._check_pid(pid) except ProcessLookupError: self.log.warning("Stopped proxy at pid=%s", pid) self._remove_pid_file() return else: raise RuntimeError("Failed to stop proxy at pid=%s", pid) def _write_pid_file(self): """write pid for proxy to a file""" self.log.debug("Writing proxy pid file: %s", self.pid_file) with open(self.pid_file, "w") as f: f.write(str(self.proxy_process.pid)) def _remove_pid_file(self): """Cleanup pid file for proxy after stopping""" if not self.pid_file: return self.log.debug("Removing proxy pid file %s", self.pid_file) try: os.remove(self.pid_file) except FileNotFoundError: self.log.debug("PID file %s already removed", self.pid_file) def _get_ssl_options(self): """List of cmd proxy options to use internal SSL""" cmd = [] proxy_api = 'proxy-api' proxy_client = 'proxy-client' api_key = self.app.internal_proxy_certs[ proxy_api ][ 'keyfile' ] # Check content in next test and just patch manulaly or in the config of the file api_cert = self.app.internal_proxy_certs[proxy_api]['certfile'] api_ca = self.app.internal_trust_bundles[proxy_api + '-ca'] client_key = self.app.internal_proxy_certs[proxy_client]['keyfile'] client_cert = self.app.internal_proxy_certs[proxy_client]['certfile'] client_ca = self.app.internal_trust_bundles[proxy_client + '-ca'] cmd.extend(['--api-ssl-key', api_key]) cmd.extend(['--api-ssl-cert', api_cert]) cmd.extend(['--api-ssl-ca', api_ca]) cmd.extend(['--api-ssl-request-cert']) cmd.extend(['--api-ssl-reject-unauthorized']) cmd.extend(['--client-ssl-key', client_key]) cmd.extend(['--client-ssl-cert', client_cert]) cmd.extend(['--client-ssl-ca', client_ca]) cmd.extend(['--client-ssl-request-cert']) cmd.extend(['--client-ssl-reject-unauthorized']) return cmd async def start(self): """Start the proxy process""" # check if there is a previous instance still around self._check_previous_process() # build the command to launch public_server = Server.from_url(self.public_url) api_server = Server.from_url(self.api_url) env = os.environ.copy() env['CONFIGPROXY_AUTH_TOKEN'] = self.auth_token cmd = self.command + [ '--ip', public_server.ip, '--port', str(public_server.port), '--api-ip', api_server.ip, '--api-port', str(api_server.port), '--error-target', url_path_join(self.hub.url, 'error'), '--log-level', self.log_level, ] if self.app.subdomain_host: cmd.append('--host-routing') if self.ssl_key: cmd.extend(['--ssl-key', self.ssl_key]) if self.ssl_cert: cmd.extend(['--ssl-cert', self.ssl_cert]) if self.app.internal_ssl: cmd.extend(self._get_ssl_options()) # Warn if SSL is not used if ' --ssl' not in ' '.join(cmd): self.log.warning( "Running JupyterHub without SSL." " I hope there is SSL termination happening somewhere else..." ) self.log.info("Starting proxy @ %s", public_server.bind_url) self.log.debug("Proxy cmd: %s", cmd) shell = os.name == 'nt' try: self.proxy_process = Popen( cmd, env=env, start_new_session=True, shell=shell ) except FileNotFoundError as e: self.log.error( f"Failed to find proxy {self.command!r}\n" "The proxy can be installed with `npm install -g configurable-http-proxy`." "To install `npm`, install nodejs which includes `npm`." "If you see an `EACCES` error or permissions error, refer to the `npm` " "documentation on How To Prevent Permissions Errors." ) raise self._write_pid_file() async def wait_for_process(): """Watch proxy process for early termination Runs forever, checking every 0.5s if the process has exited so we don't keep waiting for endpoints after the proxy has stopped. Raises RuntimeError if/when the proxy process exits, otherwise runs forever. Should be cancelled when servers become ready. """ while True: status = self.proxy_process.poll() if status is not None: with self.proxy_process: e = RuntimeError( f"Proxy failed to start with exit code {status}" ) raise e from None await asyncio.sleep(0.5) # process_exited can only resolve with a RuntimeError when the process has exited, # otherwise it must be cancelled. process_exited = asyncio.ensure_future(wait_for_process()) # wait for both servers to be ready (or one server to fail) server_futures = [ asyncio.ensure_future(server.wait_up(10)) for server in (public_server, api_server) ] servers_ready = asyncio.gather(*server_futures) # wait for process to crash or servers to be ready, # whichever comes first wait_timeout = 15 ready, pending = await asyncio.wait( [ process_exited, servers_ready, ], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED, timeout=wait_timeout, ) for task in [servers_ready, process_exited] + server_futures: # cancel any pending tasks if not task.done(): task.cancel() if not ready: # timeouts passed to wait_up should prevent this, # but weird things like DNS delays may result in # wait_up taking a lot longer than it should raise TimeoutError( f"Waiting for proxy endpoints didn't complete in {wait_timeout}s" ) if process_exited in ready: # process exited, this will raise RuntimeError await process_exited else: # if we got here, servers_ready is done # await it to make sure exceptions are raised await servers_ready self.log.debug("Proxy started and appears to be up") pc = PeriodicCallback(self.check_running, 1e3 * self.check_running_interval) self._check_running_callback = pc pc.start() def _terminate_win(self, pid): # On Windows we spawned a shell on Popen, so we need to # terminate all child processes as well import psutil parent = psutil.Process(pid) children = parent.children(recursive=True) for child in children: child.terminate() gone, alive = psutil.wait_procs(children, timeout=5) for p in alive: p.kill() # Clear the shell, too, if it still exists. try: parent.terminate() parent.wait(timeout=5) parent.kill() except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass def _terminate(self): """Terminate our process""" if os.name == 'nt': self._terminate_win(self.proxy_process.pid) else: self.proxy_process.terminate() def stop(self): self.log.info("Cleaning up proxy[%i]...", self.proxy_process.pid) if self._check_running_callback is not None: self._check_running_callback.stop() if self.proxy_process.poll() is None: try: self._terminate() except Exception as e: self.log.error("Failed to terminate proxy process: %s", e) self._remove_pid_file() async def check_running(self): """Check if the proxy is still running""" if self.proxy_process.poll() is None: return self.log.error( "Proxy stopped with exit code %r", 'unknown' if self.proxy_process is None else self.proxy_process.poll(), ) self._remove_pid_file() await self.start() await self.restore_routes() def _routespec_to_chp_path(self, routespec): """Turn a routespec into a CHP API path For host-based routing, CHP uses the host as the first path segment. """ path = self.validate_routespec(routespec) # CHP always wants to start with / if not path.startswith('/'): path = '/' + path # BUG: CHP doesn't seem to like trailing slashes on some endpoints (DELETE) if path != '/' and path.endswith('/'): path = path.rstrip('/') return path def _routespec_from_chp_path(self, chp_path): """Turn a CHP route into a route spec In the JSON API, CHP route keys are unescaped, so re-escape them to raw URLs and ensure slashes are in the right places. """ # chp stores routes in unescaped form. # restore escaped-form we created it with. routespec = quote(chp_path, safe='@/~') if self.host_routing: # host routes don't start with / routespec = routespec.lstrip('/') # all routes should end with / if not routespec.endswith('/'): routespec = routespec + '/' return routespec async def api_request(self, path, method='GET', body=None, client=None): """Make an authenticated API request of the proxy.""" client = client or AsyncHTTPClient() url = url_path_join(self.api_url, 'api/routes', path) if isinstance(body, dict): body = json.dumps(body) self.log.debug("Proxy: Fetching %s %s", method, url) req = HTTPRequest( url, method=method, headers={'Authorization': f'token {self.auth_token}'}, body=body, connect_timeout=3, # default: 20s request_timeout=10, # default: 20s ) async def _wait_for_api_request(): try: async with self.semaphore: return await client.fetch(req) except HTTPError as e: # Retry on potentially transient errors in CHP, typically # numbered 500 and up. Note that CHP isn't able to emit 429 # errors. if e.code >= 500: self.log.warning( f"api_request to the proxy failed with status code {e.code}, retrying..." ) return False # a falsy return value make exponential_backoff retry else: self.log.error(f"api_request to proxy failed: {e}") # An unhandled error here will help the hub invoke cleanup logic raise result = await exponential_backoff( _wait_for_api_request, f'Repeated api_request to proxy path "{path}" failed.', timeout=30, ) return result async def add_route(self, routespec, target, data): body = data or {} body['target'] = target body['jupyterhub'] = True path = self._routespec_to_chp_path(routespec) await self.api_request(path, method='POST', body=body) async def delete_route(self, routespec): path = self._routespec_to_chp_path(routespec) try: await self.api_request(path, method='DELETE') except HTTPError as e: if e.code == 404: # Warn about 404s because something might be wrong # but don't raise because the route is gone, # which is the goal. self.log.warning("Route %s already deleted", routespec) else: raise def _reformat_routespec(self, routespec, chp_data): """Reformat CHP data format to JupyterHub's proxy API.""" target = chp_data.pop('target') chp_data.pop('jupyterhub') return {'routespec': routespec, 'target': target, 'data': chp_data} async def get_all_routes(self, client=None): """Fetch the proxy's routes.""" proxy_poll_start_time = time.perf_counter() resp = await self.api_request('', client=client) chp_routes = json.loads(resp.body.decode('utf8', 'replace')) all_routes = {} for chp_path, chp_data in chp_routes.items(): routespec = self._routespec_from_chp_path(chp_path) if 'jupyterhub' not in chp_data: # exclude routes not associated with JupyterHub self.log.debug("Omitting non-jupyterhub route %r", routespec) continue all_routes[routespec] = self._reformat_routespec(routespec, chp_data) PROXY_POLL_DURATION_SECONDS.observe(time.perf_counter() - proxy_poll_start_time) return all_routes