""" Integrate JupyterHub auth with Jupyter Server as a Server Extension Instead of earlier versions, implemented via subclassing jupyter-notebook's NotebookApp. This code runs only in each user's Jupyter Server process. Jupyter Server 2 provides two new APIs: - IdentityProvider, which authenticates the user making the request - Authorizer, which determines whether an authenticated user is authorized to take a particular action This Extension implements both for resolving permissions with JupyterHub scopes. By default, in JupyterHub we only _authenticate_ users with sufficient `access:servers` permissions, therefore the JupyterHub Authorizer allows any authenticated user to take any action, but custom deployments may refine these permission to enable e.g. read-only access. - Jupyter Server extension documentation: https://jupyter-server.readthedocs.io/en/latest/developers/extensions.html - Jupyter Server authentication API documentation: https://jupyter-server.readthedocs.io/en/latest/operators/security.html Requires Jupyter Server 2.0, which in turn requires Python 3.7. """ from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import json import os import random from datetime import timezone from functools import wraps from pathlib import Path from unittest import mock from urllib.parse import urlparse from jupyter_server.auth import Authorizer, IdentityProvider, User from jupyter_server.auth.logout import LogoutHandler from jupyter_server.extension.application import ExtensionApp from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient, HTTPRequest from tornado.httputil import url_concat from tornado.web import HTTPError from traitlets import Any, Bool, Instance, Integer, Unicode, default from jupyterhub._version import __version__, _check_version from jupyterhub.log import log_request from jupyterhub.services.auth import HubOAuth, HubOAuthCallbackHandler from jupyterhub.utils import ( _bool_env, exponential_backoff, isoformat, make_ssl_context, url_path_join, ) from ._decorator import allow_unauthenticated from ._disable_user_config import _disable_user_config SINGLEUSER_TEMPLATES_DIR = str(Path(__file__).parent.resolve().joinpath("templates")) def _exclude_home(path_list): """Filter out any entries in a path list that are in my home directory. Used to disable per-user configuration. """ home = os.path.expanduser('~/') for p in path_list: if not p.startswith(home): yield p class JupyterHubLogoutHandler(LogoutHandler): @allow_unauthenticated def get(self): hub_auth = self.identity_provider.hub_auth # clear token stored in single-user cookie (set by hub_auth) hub_auth.clear_cookie(self) # redirect to hub to begin logging out of JupyterHub itself self.redirect(hub_auth.hub_host + url_path_join(hub_auth.hub_prefix, "logout")) class JupyterHubUser(User): """Subclass jupyter_server User to store JupyterHub user info""" # not dataclass fields, # so these aren't returned in the identity model via the REST API. # The could be, though! hub_user: dict def __init__(self, hub_user): self.hub_user = hub_user super().__init__(username=self.hub_user["name"]) class JupyterHubOAuthCallbackHandler(HubOAuthCallbackHandler): """Callback handler for completing OAuth with JupyterHub""" def initialize(self, hub_auth): self.hub_auth = hub_auth @allow_unauthenticated async def get(self): return await super().get() class JupyterHubIdentityProvider(IdentityProvider): """Identity Provider for JupyterHub OAuth Replacement for JupyterHub's HubAuthenticated mixin """ logout_handler_class = JupyterHubLogoutHandler hub_auth = Instance(HubOAuth) @property def token(self): return self.hub_auth.api_token token_generated = False @default("hub_auth") def _default_hub_auth(self): # HubAuth gets most of its config from the environment return HubOAuth(parent=self) def _patch_xsrf(self, handler): self.hub_auth._patch_xsrf(handler) def _patch_get_login_url(self, handler): original_get_login_url = handler.get_login_url _hub_login_url = None def get_login_url(): """Return the Hub's login URL, to begin login redirect""" nonlocal _hub_login_url if _hub_login_url is not None: # cached value, don't call this more than once per handler return _hub_login_url # temporary override at settings level, # to allow any subclass overrides of get_login_url to preserve their effect; # for example, APIHandler raises 403 to prevent redirects with mock.patch.dict( handler.application.settings, {"login_url": self.hub_auth.login_url} ): login_url = original_get_login_url() self.log.debug("Redirecting to login url: %s", login_url) # add state argument to OAuth url # must do this _after_ allowing get_login_url to raise # so we don't set unused cookies state = self.hub_auth.set_state_cookie( handler, next_url=handler.request.uri ) _hub_login_url = url_concat(login_url, {'state': state}) return _hub_login_url handler.get_login_url = get_login_url async def get_user(self, handler): if hasattr(handler, "_jupyterhub_user"): return handler._jupyterhub_user self._patch_get_login_url(handler) self._patch_xsrf(handler) user = await self.hub_auth.get_user(handler, sync=False) if user is None: handler._jupyterhub_user = None return None # check access scopes - don't allow even authenticated # users with no access to this service past this stage. # this is technically the Authorizer's job (below), # but the IdentityProvider is the only protection on handlers # decorated only with tornado's `@web.authenticated`, # that haven't adopted the Jupyter Server 2 authorization decorators. # so we check access scopes here, to be safe. self.log.debug( f"Checking user {user['name']} with scopes {user['scopes']} against {self.hub_auth.access_scopes}" ) scopes = self.hub_auth.check_scopes(self.hub_auth.access_scopes, user) if scopes: self.log.debug(f"Allowing user {user['name']} with scopes {scopes}") else: self.log.warning(f"Not allowing user {user['name']}") # User is authenticated, but not authorized. # Override redirect so if/when tornado @web.authenticated # tries to redirect to login URL, 403 will be raised instead. # This is not the best, but avoids problems that can be caused # when get_current_user is allowed to raise, # and avoids redirect loops for users who are logged it, # but not allowed to access this resource. def raise_on_redirect(*args, **kwargs): raise HTTPError(403, "{kind} {name} is not allowed.".format(**user)) handler.redirect = raise_on_redirect return None handler._jupyterhub_user = JupyterHubUser(user) self.hub_auth._persist_url_token_if_set(handler) return handler._jupyterhub_user def get_handlers(self): """Register our OAuth callback handler""" return [ ("/logout", self.logout_handler_class), ( "/oauth_callback", JupyterHubOAuthCallbackHandler, {"hub_auth": self.hub_auth}, ), ] def validate_security(self, app, ssl_options=None): """Prevent warnings about security from base class""" return def page_config_hook(self, handler, page_config): """JupyterLab page config hook Adds JupyterHub info to page config. Places the JupyterHub API token in PageConfig.token. Only has effect on jupyterlab_server >=2.9 """ user = handler.current_user # originally implemented in jupyterlab's LabApp page_config["hubUser"] = user.name if user else "" page_config["hubServerUser"] = os.environ.get("JUPYTERHUB_USER", "") page_config["hubPrefix"] = hub_prefix = self.hub_auth.hub_prefix page_config["hubHost"] = self.hub_auth.hub_host page_config["shareUrl"] = url_path_join(hub_prefix, "user-redirect") page_config["hubServerName"] = os.environ.get("JUPYTERHUB_SERVER_NAME", "") page_config["token"] = self.hub_auth.get_token(handler) or "" return page_config class JupyterHubAuthorizer(Authorizer): """Authorizer that looks for permissions in JupyterHub scopes. Currently only checks the `access:servers` scope(s), which ought to be redundant with checks already in `JupyterHubIdentityProvider` for safety. """ @property def hub_auth(self): return self.identity_provider.hub_auth def is_authorized(self, handler, user, action, resource): """ Return whether the authenticated user has permission to perform `action` on `resource`. Currently: action and resource are ignored, and only the `access:servers` scope is checked. This method can be overridden (in combination with custom scopes) to implement granular permissions, such as read-only access or access to subsets of the server. """ # This check for access scopes is redundant # with the IdentityProvider above, # but better to be redundant than allow unauthorized actions. # If we remove a redundant check, # it should be the one in the identity provider, # not this one. have_scopes = self.hub_auth.check_scopes( self.hub_auth.oauth_scopes, user.hub_user ) self.log.debug( f"{user.username} has permissions {have_scopes} required to {action} on {resource}" ) return bool(have_scopes) def _fatal_errors(f): """Decorator to make errors fatal to the server app Ensures our extension is loaded or the server exits, rather than starting a server without jupyterhub auth enabled. """ @wraps(f) def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs): try: r = f(self, *args, **kwargs) except Exception: self.log.exception("Failed to load JupyterHubSingleUser server extension") self.exit(1) return wrapped class JupyterHubSingleUser(ExtensionApp): """Jupyter Server extension entrypoint. Enables JupyterHub authentication and some JupyterHub-specific configuration from environment variables Server extensions are loaded before the rest of the server is set up """ name = app_namespace = "jupyterhub-singleuser" version = __version__ load_other_extensions = os.environ.get( "JUPYTERHUB_SINGLEUSER_LOAD_OTHER_EXTENSIONS", "1" ) not in {"", "0"} # Most of this is _copied_ from the SingleUserNotebookApp mixin, # which will be deprecated over time # (i.e. once we can _require_ jupyter server 2.0) # this is a _class_ attribute to deal with the lifecycle # of when it's loaded vs when it's checked disable_user_config = False hub_auth = Instance(HubOAuth) @default("hub_auth") def _default_hub_auth(self): # HubAuth gets most of its config from the environment return HubOAuth(parent=self) # create dynamic default http client, # configured with any relevant ssl config hub_http_client = Any() @default('hub_http_client') def _default_client(self): ssl_context = make_ssl_context( self.hub_auth.keyfile, self.hub_auth.certfile, cafile=self.hub_auth.client_ca, ) AsyncHTTPClient.configure(None, defaults={"ssl_options": ssl_context}) return AsyncHTTPClient() async def check_hub_version(self): """Test a connection to my Hub - exit if I can't connect at all - check version and warn on sufficient mismatch """ client = self.hub_http_client RETRIES = 5 for i in range(1, RETRIES + 1): try: resp = await client.fetch(self.hub_auth.api_url) except Exception: self.log.exception( "Failed to connect to my Hub at %s (attempt %i/%i). Is it running?", self.hub_auth.api_url, i, RETRIES, ) await asyncio.sleep(min(2**i, 16)) else: break else: self.exit(1) hub_version = resp.headers.get('X-JupyterHub-Version') _check_version(hub_version, __version__, self.log) server_name = Unicode() @default('server_name') def _server_name_default(self): return os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_SERVER_NAME', '') hub_activity_url = Unicode( config=True, help="URL for sending JupyterHub activity updates" ) @default('hub_activity_url') def _default_activity_url(self): return os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_ACTIVITY_URL', '') hub_activity_interval = Integer( 300, config=True, help=""" Interval (in seconds) on which to update the Hub with our latest activity. """, ) @default('hub_activity_interval') def _default_activity_interval(self): env_value = os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_ACTIVITY_INTERVAL') if env_value: return int(env_value) else: return 300 _last_activity_sent = Any(allow_none=True) async def notify_activity(self): """Notify jupyterhub of activity""" client = self.hub_http_client last_activity = self.serverapp.web_app.last_activity() if not last_activity: self.log.debug("No activity to send to the Hub") return if last_activity: # protect against mixed timezone comparisons if not last_activity.tzinfo: # assume naive timestamps are utc self.log.warning("last activity is using naive timestamps") last_activity = last_activity.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) if self._last_activity_sent and last_activity < self._last_activity_sent: self.log.debug("No activity since %s", self._last_activity_sent) return last_activity_timestamp = isoformat(last_activity) failure_count = 0 async def notify(): nonlocal failure_count self.log.debug("Notifying Hub of activity %s", last_activity_timestamp) req = HTTPRequest( url=self.hub_activity_url, method='POST', headers={ "Authorization": f"token {self.hub_auth.api_token}", "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body=json.dumps( { 'servers': { self.server_name: {'last_activity': last_activity_timestamp} }, 'last_activity': last_activity_timestamp, } ), ) try: await client.fetch(req) except Exception as e: failure_count += 1 # log traceback at debug-level self.log.debug("Error notifying Hub of activity", exc_info=True) # only one-line error visible by default self.log.error("Error notifying Hub of activity: %s", e) return False else: return True await exponential_backoff( notify, fail_message="Failed to notify Hub of activity", start_wait=1, max_wait=15, timeout=60, ) if failure_count: self.log.info("Sent hub activity after %s retries", failure_count) self._last_activity_sent = last_activity async def keep_activity_updated(self): if not self.hub_activity_url or not self.hub_activity_interval: self.log.warning("Activity events disabled") return self.log.info( "Updating Hub with activity every %s seconds", self.hub_activity_interval ) while True: try: await self.notify_activity() except Exception as e: self.log.exception("Error notifying Hub of activity") # add 20% jitter to the interval to avoid alignment # of lots of requests from user servers t = self.hub_activity_interval * (1 + 0.2 * (random.random() - 0.5)) await asyncio.sleep(t) def _log_app_versions(self): """Log application versions at startup Logs versions of jupyterhub and singleuser-server base versions (jupyterlab, jupyter_server, notebook) """ self.log.info( f"Starting jupyterhub single-user server extension version {__version__}" ) @_fatal_errors def load_config_file(self): """Load JupyterHub singleuser config from the environment""" self._log_app_versions() if not os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_URL'): raise KeyError("Missing required environment $JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_URL") cfg = self.config.ServerApp cfg.identity_provider_class = JupyterHubIdentityProvider # disable some single-user features cfg.allow_remote_access = True cfg.open_browser = False cfg.trust_xheaders = True cfg.quit_button = False cfg.port_retries = 0 cfg.answer_yes = True self.config.FileContentsManager.delete_to_trash = False # load Spawner.notebook_dir configuration, if given root_dir = os.getenv("JUPYTERHUB_ROOT_DIR", None) if root_dir: cfg.root_dir = os.path.expanduser(root_dir) # load http server config from environment url = urlparse(os.environ['JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_URL']) if url.port: cfg.port = url.port elif url.scheme == 'http': cfg.port = 80 elif url.scheme == 'https': cfg.port = 443 if url.hostname: cfg.ip = url.hostname else: cfg.ip = "" cfg.base_url = os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_PREFIX') or '/' # load default_url at all kinds of priority, # to make sure it has the desired effect cfg.default_url = self.default_url = self.get_default_url() # load internal SSL configuration cfg.keyfile = os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_SSL_KEYFILE') or '' cfg.certfile = os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_SSL_CERTFILE') or '' cfg.client_ca = os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_SSL_CLIENT_CA') or '' if cfg.certfile: self.serverapp.log.info(f"Using SSL cert {cfg.certfile}") # Jupyter Server default: config files have higher priority than extensions, # by: # 1. load config files and CLI # 2. load extension config # 3. merge file config into extension config # we invert that by merging our extension config into server config before # they get merged the other way # this way config from this extension should always have highest priority # but this also puts our config above _CLI_ options, # and CLI should come before env, # so merge that into _our_ config before loading if self.serverapp.cli_config: for cls_name, cls_config in self.serverapp.cli_config.items(): if cls_name in self.config: self.config[cls_name].merge(cls_config) self.serverapp.update_config(self.config) # config below here has _lower_ priority than user config self.config.NotebookApp.extra_template_paths.append(SINGLEUSER_TEMPLATES_DIR) @default("default_url") def get_default_url(self): # 1. explicit via _user_ config (?) if 'default_url' in self.serverapp.config.ServerApp: default_url = self.serverapp.config.ServerApp.default_url self.log.info(f"Using default url from user config: {default_url}") return default_url # 2. explicit via JupyterHub admin config (c.Spawner.default_url) default_url = os.environ.get("JUPYTERHUB_DEFAULT_URL") if default_url: self.log.info( f"Using default url from environment $JUPYTERHUB_DEFAULT_URL: {default_url}" ) return default_url # 3. look for known UI extensions # priority: # 1. lab # 2. nbclassic # 3. retro extension_points = self.serverapp.extension_manager.extension_points for name in ["lab", "retro", "nbclassic"]: if name in extension_points: default_url = extension_points[name].app.default_url if default_url and default_url != "/": self.log.info( f"Using default url from server extension {name}: {default_url}" ) return default_url self.log.warning( "No default url found in config or known extensions, searching other extensions for default_url" ) # 3. _any_ UI extension # 2. discover other extensions for ( name, extension_point, ) in extension_points.items(): app = extension_point.app if app is self or not app: continue default_url = app.default_url if default_url and default_url != "/": self.log.info( f"Using default url from server extension {name}: {default_url}" ) return default_url self.log.warning( "Found no extension with a default URL, UI will likely be unavailable" ) return "/" def initialize_templates(self): """Patch classic-noteboook page templates to add Hub-related buttons""" app = self.serverapp jinja_template_vars = app.jinja_template_vars # override template vars jinja_template_vars['logo_url'] = self.hub_auth.hub_host + url_path_join( self.hub_auth.hub_prefix, 'logo' ) jinja_template_vars['hub_control_panel_url'] = ( self.hub_auth.hub_host + url_path_join(self.hub_auth.hub_prefix, 'home') ) _activity_task = None @_fatal_errors def initialize(self, args=None): # initialize takes place after # 1. config has been loaded # 2. Configurables instantiated # 3. serverapp.web_app set up super().initialize() app = self.serverapp app.web_app.settings["page_config_hook"] = ( app.identity_provider.page_config_hook ) # disable xsrf_cookie checks by Tornado, which run too early # checks in Jupyter Server are unconditional app.web_app.settings["xsrf_cookies"] = False # if the user has configured a log function in the tornado settings, do not override it if not 'log_function' in app.config.ServerApp.get('tornado_settings', {}): app.web_app.settings["log_function"] = log_request # add jupyterhub version header headers = app.web_app.settings.setdefault("headers", {}) headers["X-JupyterHub-Version"] = __version__ # check jupyterhub version app.io_loop.run_sync(self.check_hub_version) # set default CSP to prevent iframe embedding across jupyterhub components headers.setdefault("Content-Security-Policy", "frame-ancestors 'none'") async def _start_activity(): self._activity_task = asyncio.ensure_future(self.keep_activity_updated()) app.io_loop.run_sync(_start_activity) async def stop_extension(self): if self._activity_task: self._activity_task.cancel() disable_user_config = Bool() @default("disable_user_config") def _default_disable_user_config(self): return _bool_env("JUPYTERHUB_DISABLE_USER_CONFIG") @classmethod def make_serverapp(cls, **kwargs): """Instantiate the ServerApp Override to customize the ServerApp before it loads any configuration """ serverapp = super().make_serverapp(**kwargs) if _bool_env("JUPYTERHUB_DISABLE_USER_CONFIG"): # disable user-controllable config _disable_user_config(serverapp) if _bool_env("JUPYTERHUB_SINGLEUSER_TEST_EXTENSION"): serverapp.log.warning("Enabling jupyterhub test extension") serverapp.jpserver_extensions["jupyterhub.tests.extension"] = True return serverapp main = JupyterHubSingleUser.launch_instance if __name__ == "__main__": main()