#!/usr/bin/env python """Mixins to regular notebook server to add JupyterHub auth. Meant to be compatible with jupyter_server and classic notebook Use make_singleuser_app to create a compatible Application class with JupyterHub authentication mixins enabled. """ # Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. import asyncio import json import logging import os import random import secrets import sys import warnings from datetime import timezone from importlib import import_module from pathlib import Path from textwrap import dedent from urllib.parse import urlparse from jinja2 import ChoiceLoader, FunctionLoader from tornado import ioloop from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient, HTTPRequest from tornado.web import RequestHandler from traitlets import ( Any, Bool, Bytes, CUnicode, Integer, TraitError, Unicode, default, import_item, observe, validate, ) from traitlets.config import Configurable from .._version import __version__, _check_version from ..log import log_request from ..services.auth import HubOAuth, HubOAuthCallbackHandler, HubOAuthenticated from ..utils import ( _bool_env, exponential_backoff, isoformat, make_ssl_context, url_path_join, ) from ._decorator import allow_unauthenticated from ._disable_user_config import _disable_user_config, _exclude_home # Authenticate requests with the Hub class HubAuthenticatedHandler(HubOAuthenticated): """Class we are going to patch-in for authentication with the Hub""" @property def allow_admin(self): return self.settings.get( 'admin_access', os.getenv('JUPYTERHUB_ADMIN_ACCESS') or False ) @property def hub_auth(self): return self.settings['hub_auth'] @property def hub_users(self): return {self.settings['user']} @property def hub_groups(self): if self.settings['group']: return {self.settings['group']} return set() class JupyterHubLoginHandlerMixin: """LoginHandler that hooks up Hub authentication""" @staticmethod def login_available(settings): return True @staticmethod def is_token_authenticated(handler): """Is the request token-authenticated?""" if getattr(handler, '_cached_hub_user', None) is None: # ensure get_user has been called, so we know if we're token-authenticated handler.get_current_user() return getattr(handler, '_token_authenticated', False) @staticmethod def get_user(handler): """alternative get_current_user to query the Hub Thus shouldn't be called anymore because HubAuthenticatedHandler should have already overridden get_current_user(). Keep here to protect uncommon circumstance of multiple BaseHandlers from missing auth. e.g. when multiple BaseHandler classes are used. """ if HubAuthenticatedHandler not in handler.__class__.mro(): warnings.warn( f"Expected to see HubAuthenticatedHandler in {handler.__class__}.mro()," " patching in at call time. Hub authentication is still applied.", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2, ) # patch HubAuthenticated into the instance handler.__class__ = type( handler.__class__.__name__, (HubAuthenticatedHandler, handler.__class__), {}, ) # patch into the class itself so this doesn't happen again for the same class patch_base_handler(handler.__class__) return handler.get_current_user() @classmethod def validate_security(cls, app, ssl_options=None): """Prevent warnings about security from base class""" return class JupyterHubLogoutHandlerMixin: @allow_unauthenticated def get(self): self.settings['hub_auth'].clear_cookie(self) self.redirect( self.settings['hub_host'] + url_path_join(self.settings['hub_prefix'], 'logout') ) class OAuthCallbackHandlerMixin(HubOAuthCallbackHandler): """Mixin IPythonHandler to get the right error pages, etc.""" @property def hub_auth(self): return self.settings['hub_auth'] @allow_unauthenticated async def get(self): return await super().get() # register new hub related command-line aliases aliases = { 'user': 'SingleUserNotebookApp.user', 'group': 'SingleUserNotebookApp.group', 'hub-prefix': 'SingleUserNotebookApp.hub_prefix', 'hub-host': 'SingleUserNotebookApp.hub_host', 'hub-api-url': 'SingleUserNotebookApp.hub_api_url', 'base-url': 'SingleUserNotebookApp.base_url', } flags = { 'disable-user-config': ( {'SingleUserNotebookApp': {'disable_user_config': True}}, "Disable user-controlled configuration of the notebook server.", ) } class SingleUserNotebookAppMixin(Configurable): """A Subclass of the regular NotebookApp that is aware of the parent multiuser context.""" description = dedent( """ Single-user server for JupyterHub. Extends the Jupyter Notebook server. Meant to be invoked by JupyterHub Spawners, not directly. """ ) examples = "" subcommands = {} version = __version__ # must be set in mixin subclass # make_singleuser_app sets these # aliases = aliases # flags = flags # login_handler_class = JupyterHubLoginHandler # logout_handler_class = JupyterHubLogoutHandler # oauth_callback_handler_class = OAuthCallbackHandler # classes = NotebookApp.classes + [HubOAuth] # disable single-user app's localhost checking allow_remote_access = True # don't store cookie secrets cookie_secret_file = '' # always generate a new cookie secret on launch # ensures that each spawn clears any cookies from previous session, # triggering OAuth again cookie_secret = Bytes() def _cookie_secret_default(self): return secrets.token_bytes(32) user = CUnicode().tag(config=True) group = CUnicode().tag(config=True) @default('user') def _default_user(self): return os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_USER') or '' @default('group') def _default_group(self): return os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_GROUP') or '' @observe('user') def _user_changed(self, change): self.log.name = change.new @default("default_url") def _default_url(self): return os.environ.get("JUPYTERHUB_DEFAULT_URL", "/tree/") hub_host = Unicode().tag(config=True) hub_prefix = Unicode('/hub/').tag(config=True) @default('keyfile') def _keyfile_default(self): return os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_SSL_KEYFILE') or '' @default('certfile') def _certfile_default(self): return os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_SSL_CERTFILE') or '' @default('client_ca') def _client_ca_default(self): return os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_SSL_CLIENT_CA') or '' @default('hub_prefix') def _hub_prefix_default(self): base_url = os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_BASE_URL') or '/' return base_url + 'hub/' hub_api_url = Unicode().tag(config=True) @default('hub_api_url') def _hub_api_url_default(self): return os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_API_URL') or '' # defaults for some configurables that may come from service env variables: @default('base_url') def _base_url_default(self): return os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_PREFIX') or '/' # Note: this may be removed if notebook module is >= 5.0.0b1 @validate('base_url') def _validate_base_url(self, proposal): """ensure base_url starts and ends with /""" value = proposal.value if not value.startswith('/'): value = '/' + value if not value.endswith('/'): value = value + '/' return value @default('port') def _port_default(self): if os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_URL'): url = urlparse(os.environ['JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_URL']) if url.port: return url.port elif url.scheme == 'http': return 80 elif url.scheme == 'https': return 443 return 8888 @default('ip') def _ip_default(self): if os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_URL'): url = urlparse(os.environ['JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_URL']) if url.hostname: return url.hostname return '' # disable some single-user configurables token = '' open_browser = False quit_button = False trust_xheaders = True port_retries = ( 0 # disable port-retries, since the Spawner will tell us what port to use ) disable_user_config = Bool( False, help="""Disable user configuration of single-user server. Prevents user-writable files that normally configure the single-user server from being loaded, ensuring admins have full control of configuration. """, ).tag(config=True) @default("disable_user_config") def _default_disable_user_config(self): return _bool_env("JUPYTERHUB_DISABLE_USER_CONFIG") @default("root_dir") def _default_root_dir(self): if os.environ.get("JUPYTERHUB_ROOT_DIR"): proposal = {"value": os.environ["JUPYTERHUB_ROOT_DIR"]} # explicitly call validator, not called on default values return self._notebook_dir_validate(proposal) else: return os.getcwd() # notebook_dir is used by the classic notebook server # root_dir is the future in jupyter server @default("notebook_dir") def _default_notebook_dir(self): return self._default_root_dir() @validate("notebook_dir", "root_dir") def _notebook_dir_validate(self, proposal): value = os.path.expanduser(proposal['value']) # Strip any trailing slashes # *except* if it's root _, path = os.path.splitdrive(value) if path == os.sep: return value value = value.rstrip(os.sep) if not os.path.isabs(value): # If we receive a non-absolute path, make it absolute. value = os.path.abspath(value) if not os.path.isdir(value): raise TraitError(f"No such notebook dir: {value!r}") return value @default('log_level') def _log_level_default(self): if _bool_env("JUPYTERHUB_DEBUG"): return logging.DEBUG else: return logging.INFO @default('log_datefmt') def _log_datefmt_default(self): """Exclude date from default date format""" return "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" @default('log_format') def _log_format_default(self): """override default log format to include time""" return "%(color)s[%(levelname)1.1s %(asctime)s.%(msecs).03d %(name)s %(module)s:%(lineno)d]%(end_color)s %(message)s" def _confirm_exit(self): # disable the exit confirmation for background notebook processes self.io_loop.add_callback_from_signal(self.io_loop.stop) def migrate_config(self): if self.disable_user_config: # disable config-migration when user config is disabled return else: super().migrate_config() @property def config_file_paths(self): path = super().config_file_paths if self.disable_user_config: # filter out user-writable config dirs if user config is disabled path = list(_exclude_home(path)) return path @property def nbextensions_path(self): path = super().nbextensions_path if self.disable_user_config: path = list(_exclude_home(path)) return path @validate('static_custom_path') def _validate_static_custom_path(self, proposal): path = proposal['value'] if self.disable_user_config: path = list(_exclude_home(path)) return path # create dynamic default http client, # configured with any relevant ssl config hub_http_client = Any() @default('hub_http_client') def _default_client(self): ssl_context = make_ssl_context( self.keyfile, self.certfile, cafile=self.client_ca ) AsyncHTTPClient.configure(None, defaults={"ssl_options": ssl_context}) return AsyncHTTPClient() async def check_hub_version(self): """Test a connection to my Hub - exit if I can't connect at all - check version and warn on sufficient mismatch """ client = self.hub_http_client RETRIES = 5 for i in range(1, RETRIES + 1): try: resp = await client.fetch(self.hub_api_url) except Exception: self.log.exception( "Failed to connect to my Hub at %s (attempt %i/%i). Is it running?", self.hub_api_url, i, RETRIES, ) await asyncio.sleep(min(2**i, 16)) else: break else: self.exit(1) hub_version = resp.headers.get('X-JupyterHub-Version') _check_version(hub_version, __version__, self.log) server_name = Unicode() @default('server_name') def _server_name_default(self): return os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_SERVER_NAME', '') hub_activity_url = Unicode( config=True, help="URL for sending JupyterHub activity updates" ) @default('hub_activity_url') def _default_activity_url(self): return os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_ACTIVITY_URL', '') hub_activity_interval = Integer( 300, config=True, help=""" Interval (in seconds) on which to update the Hub with our latest activity. """, ) @default('hub_activity_interval') def _default_activity_interval(self): env_value = os.environ.get('JUPYTERHUB_ACTIVITY_INTERVAL') if env_value: return int(env_value) else: return 300 _last_activity_sent = Any(allow_none=True) async def notify_activity(self): """Notify jupyterhub of activity""" client = self.hub_http_client last_activity = self.web_app.last_activity() if not last_activity: self.log.debug("No activity to send to the Hub") return if last_activity: # protect against mixed timezone comparisons if not last_activity.tzinfo: # assume naive timestamps are utc self.log.warning("last activity is using naive timestamps") last_activity = last_activity.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) if self._last_activity_sent and last_activity < self._last_activity_sent: self.log.debug("No activity since %s", self._last_activity_sent) return last_activity_timestamp = isoformat(last_activity) async def notify(): self.log.debug("Notifying Hub of activity %s", last_activity_timestamp) req = HTTPRequest( url=self.hub_activity_url, method='POST', headers={ "Authorization": f"token {self.hub_auth.api_token}", "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body=json.dumps( { 'servers': { self.server_name: {'last_activity': last_activity_timestamp} }, 'last_activity': last_activity_timestamp, } ), ) try: await client.fetch(req) except Exception: self.log.exception("Error notifying Hub of activity") return False else: return True await exponential_backoff( notify, fail_message="Failed to notify Hub of activity", start_wait=1, max_wait=15, timeout=60, ) self._last_activity_sent = last_activity async def keep_activity_updated(self): if not self.hub_activity_url or not self.hub_activity_interval: self.log.warning("Activity events disabled") return self.log.info( "Updating Hub with activity every %s seconds", self.hub_activity_interval ) while True: try: await self.notify_activity() except Exception as e: self.log.exception("Error notifying Hub of activity") # add 20% jitter to the interval to avoid alignment # of lots of requests from user servers t = self.hub_activity_interval * (1 + 0.2 * (random.random() - 0.5)) await asyncio.sleep(t) def _log_app_versions(self): """Log application versions at startup Logs versions of jupyterhub and singleuser-server base versions (jupyterlab, jupyter_server, notebook) """ self.log.info(f"Starting jupyterhub single-user server version {__version__}") # don't log these package versions seen = {"jupyterhub", "traitlets", "jupyter_core", "builtins"} for cls in self.__class__.mro(): module_name = cls.__module__.partition(".")[0] if module_name not in seen: seen.add(module_name) try: mod = import_module(module_name) mod_version = getattr(mod, "__version__") except Exception: mod_version = "" self.log.info( f"Extending {cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__} from {module_name} {mod_version}" ) # load test extension, if we're testing def init_server_extension_config(self): """ Overloads a method in classic notebook server's NotebookApp class (notebook < 7) to conditionally enable a jupyterhub test extension. ref: https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/blob/v6.5.2/notebook/notebookapp.py#L1982 """ super().init_server_extension_config() if os.getenv("JUPYTERHUB_SINGLEUSER_TEST_EXTENSION") == "1": self.log.warning("Enabling jupyterhub test extension, classic edition") self.nbserver_extensions["jupyterhub.tests.extension"] = True def find_server_extensions(self): """ Overloads a method in jupyter_server's ServerApp class (lab or notebook >=7) to conditionally enable a jupyterhub test extension. ref: https://github.com/jupyter-server/jupyter_server/blob/v2.2.1/jupyter_server/serverapp.py#L2238 """ super().find_server_extensions() if os.getenv("JUPYTERHUB_SINGLEUSER_TEST_EXTENSION") == "1": self.log.warning("Enabling jupyterhub test extension") self.jpserver_extensions["jupyterhub.tests.extension"] = True def initialize(self, argv=None): if self.disable_user_config: _disable_user_config(self) # disable trash by default # this can be re-enabled by config self.config.FileContentsManager.delete_to_trash = False # load default-url env at higher priority than `@default`, # which may have their own _defaults_ which should not override explicit default_url config # via e.g. c.Spawner.default_url. Seen in jupyterlab's SingleUserLabApp. default_url = os.environ.get("JUPYTERHUB_DEFAULT_URL") if default_url: self.config[self.__class__.__name__].default_url = default_url self._log_app_versions() # call our init_ioloop very early # jupyter-server calls it too late, notebook doesn't define it yet # only called in jupyter-server >= 1.9 self.init_ioloop() super().initialize(argv) self.patch_templates() def init_ioloop(self): """init_ioloop added in jupyter-server 1.9""" # avoid deprecated access to current event loop if getattr(self, "io_loop", None) is None: try: asyncio.get_running_loop() except RuntimeError: # not running, make our own loop self.io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop(make_current=False) else: # running, use IOLoop.current self.io_loop = ioloop.IOLoop.current() # Make our event loop the 'current' event loop. # FIXME: this shouldn't be necessary, but it is. # notebookapp (<=6.4, at least), and # jupyter-server (<=1.17.0, at least) still need the 'current' event loop to be defined with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") self.io_loop.make_current() def init_httpserver(self): self.io_loop.run_sync(super().init_httpserver) def start(self): self.log.info("Starting jupyterhub-singleuser server version %s", __version__) # start by hitting Hub to check version self.io_loop.run_sync(self.check_hub_version) self.io_loop.add_callback(self.keep_activity_updated) super().start() def init_hub_auth(self): api_token = None if os.getenv('JPY_API_TOKEN'): # Deprecated env variable (as of 0.7.2) api_token = os.environ['JPY_API_TOKEN'] if os.getenv('JUPYTERHUB_API_TOKEN'): api_token = os.environ['JUPYTERHUB_API_TOKEN'] if not api_token: self.exit( "JUPYTERHUB_API_TOKEN env is required to run jupyterhub-singleuser. Did you launch it manually?" ) self.hub_auth = HubOAuth( parent=self, api_token=api_token, api_url=self.hub_api_url, hub_prefix=self.hub_prefix, base_url=self.base_url, keyfile=self.keyfile, certfile=self.certfile, client_ca=self.client_ca, ) self.hub_host = self.hub_auth.hub_host # smoke check if not self.hub_auth.oauth_client_id: raise ValueError("Missing OAuth client ID") def init_webapp(self): # load the hub-related settings into the tornado settings dict self.init_hub_auth() s = self.tornado_settings # if the user has configured a log function in the tornado settings, do not override it s.setdefault('log_function', log_request) s['user'] = self.user s['group'] = self.group s['hub_prefix'] = self.hub_prefix s['hub_host'] = self.hub_host s['hub_auth'] = self.hub_auth s['page_config_hook'] = self.page_config_hook csp_report_uri = s['csp_report_uri'] = self.hub_host + url_path_join( self.hub_prefix, 'security/csp-report' ) headers = s.setdefault('headers', {}) headers['X-JupyterHub-Version'] = __version__ # set default CSP to prevent iframe embedding across jupyterhub components headers.setdefault( 'Content-Security-Policy', ';'.join(["frame-ancestors 'none'", "report-uri " + csp_report_uri]), ) super().init_webapp() # add OAuth callback self.web_app.add_handlers( r".*$", [ ( urlparse(self.hub_auth.oauth_redirect_uri).path, self.oauth_callback_handler_class, ) ], ) # apply X-JupyterHub-Version to *all* request handlers (even redirects) self.patch_default_headers() def page_config_hook(self, handler, page_config): """JupyterLab page config hook Adds JupyterHub info to page config. Places the JupyterHub API token in PageConfig.token. Only has effect on jupyterlab_server >=2.9 """ page_config["token"] = self.hub_auth.get_token(handler) or "" page_config["hubServerUser"] = os.environ.get("JUPYTERHUB_USER", "") return page_config def patch_default_headers(self): if hasattr(RequestHandler, '_orig_set_default_headers'): return RequestHandler._orig_set_default_headers = RequestHandler.set_default_headers def set_jupyterhub_header(self): self._orig_set_default_headers() self.set_header('X-JupyterHub-Version', __version__) RequestHandler.set_default_headers = set_jupyterhub_header def patch_templates(self): """Patch page templates to add Hub-related buttons""" self.jinja_template_vars['logo_url'] = self.hub_host + url_path_join( self.hub_prefix, 'logo' ) self.jinja_template_vars['hub_host'] = self.hub_host self.jinja_template_vars['hub_prefix'] = self.hub_prefix self.jinja_template_vars['hub_control_panel_url'] = ( self.hub_host + url_path_join(self.hub_prefix, 'home') ) settings = self.web_app.settings # patch classic notebook jinja env jinja_envs = [] if 'jinja2_env' in settings: # default jinja env (should we do this on jupyter-server, or only notebook?) jinja_envs.append(settings['jinja2_env']) for ext_name in ("notebook", "nbclassic"): env_name = f"{ext_name}_jinja2_env" if env_name in settings: # when running with jupyter-server, classic notebook (nbclassic server extension or notebook v7) # gets its own jinja env, which needs the same patch jinja_envs.append(settings[env_name]) # patch jinja env loading to get modified template, only for base page.html template_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.joinpath("templates") with template_dir.joinpath("page.html").open() as f: page_template = f.read() def get_page(name): if name == 'page.html': return page_template for jinja_env in jinja_envs: jinja_env.loader = ChoiceLoader( [FunctionLoader(get_page), jinja_env.loader] ) def load_server_extensions(self): # Loading LabApp sets $JUPYTERHUB_API_TOKEN on load, which is incorrect r = super().load_server_extensions() # clear the token in PageConfig at this step # so that cookie auth is used # FIXME: in the future, # it would probably make sense to set page_config.token to the token # from the current request. if 'page_config_data' in self.web_app.settings: self.web_app.settings['page_config_data']['token'] = '' return r def detect_base_package(App): """Detect the base package for an App class Will return 'notebook' or 'jupyter_server' based on which package App subclasses from. Will return None if neither is identified (e.g. fork package, or duck-typing). """ # guess notebook or jupyter_server based on App class inheritance for cls in App.mro(): pkg = cls.__module__.split(".", 1)[0] if pkg in {"notebook", "jupyter_server"}: return pkg return None def _nice_cls_repr(cls): """Nice repr of classes, e.g. 'module.submod.Class' Also accepts tuples of classes """ return f"{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}" def patch_base_handler(BaseHandler, log=None): """Patch HubAuthenticated into a base handler class so anything inheriting from BaseHandler uses Hub authentication. This works *even after* subclasses have imported and inherited from BaseHandler. .. versionadded: 1.5 Made available as an importable utility """ if log is None: log = logging.getLogger() if HubAuthenticatedHandler not in BaseHandler.__bases__: new_bases = (HubAuthenticatedHandler,) + BaseHandler.__bases__ log.info( "Patching auth into {mod}.{name}({old_bases}) -> {name}({new_bases})".format( mod=BaseHandler.__module__, name=BaseHandler.__name__, old_bases=', '.join( _nice_cls_repr(cls) for cls in BaseHandler.__bases__ ), new_bases=', '.join(_nice_cls_repr(cls) for cls in new_bases), ) ) BaseHandler.__bases__ = new_bases # We've now inserted our class as a parent of BaseHandler, # but we also need to ensure BaseHandler *itself* doesn't # override the public tornado API methods we have inserted. # If they are defined in BaseHandler, explicitly replace them with our methods. for name in ("get_current_user", "get_login_url", "check_xsrf_cookie"): if name in BaseHandler.__dict__: log.debug( f"Overriding {BaseHandler}.{name} with HubAuthenticatedHandler.{name}" ) method = getattr(HubAuthenticatedHandler, name) setattr(BaseHandler, name, method) return BaseHandler def _patch_app_base_handlers(app): """Patch Hub Authentication into the base handlers of an app Patches HubAuthenticatedHandler into: - App.base_handler_class (if defined) - jupyter_server's JupyterHandler (if already imported) - notebook's IPythonHandler (if already imported) """ BaseHandler = app_base_handler = getattr(app, "base_handler_class", None) base_handlers = [] if BaseHandler is not None: base_handlers.append(BaseHandler) # patch jupyter_server and notebook handlers if they have been imported for base_handler_name in [ "jupyter_server.base.handlers.JupyterHandler", "notebook.base.handlers.IPythonHandler", ]: modname, _ = base_handler_name.rsplit(".", 1) if modname in sys.modules: root_mod = modname.partition(".")[0] if root_mod == "notebook": import notebook if int(notebook.__version__.partition(".")[0]) >= 7: # notebook 7 is a server extension, # it doesn't have IPythonHandler anymore continue base_handlers.append(import_item(base_handler_name)) if not base_handlers: pkg = detect_base_package(app.__class__) if pkg == "jupyter_server": BaseHandler = import_item("jupyter_server.base.handlers.JupyterHandler") elif pkg == "notebook": BaseHandler = import_item("notebook.base.handlers.IPythonHandler") else: raise ValueError( f"{app.__class__.__name__}.base_handler_class must be defined" ) base_handlers.append(BaseHandler) # patch-in HubAuthenticatedHandler to base handler classes for BaseHandler in base_handlers: patch_base_handler(BaseHandler) # return the first entry return base_handlers[0] def make_singleuser_app(App): """Make and return a singleuser notebook app given existing notebook or jupyter_server Application classes, mix-in jupyterhub auth. Instances of App must have the following attributes defining classes: - .login_handler_class - .logout_handler_class - .base_handler_class (only required if not a subclass of the default app in jupyter_server or notebook) App should be a subclass of `notebook.notebookapp.NotebookApp` or `jupyter_server.serverapp.ServerApp`. """ empty_parent_app = App() log = empty_parent_app.log # detect base handler classes if not getattr(empty_parent_app, "login_handler_class", None) and hasattr( empty_parent_app, "identity_provider_class" ): # Jupyter Server 2 moves the login handler classes to the identity provider has_handlers = empty_parent_app.identity_provider_class(parent=empty_parent_app) else: # prior to Jupyter Server 2, the app itself had handler class config has_handlers = empty_parent_app LoginHandler = has_handlers.login_handler_class LogoutHandler = has_handlers.logout_handler_class BaseHandler = _patch_app_base_handlers(empty_parent_app) # create Handler classes from mixins + bases class JupyterHubLoginHandler(JupyterHubLoginHandlerMixin, LoginHandler): pass class JupyterHubLogoutHandler(JupyterHubLogoutHandlerMixin, LogoutHandler): pass class OAuthCallbackHandler(OAuthCallbackHandlerMixin, BaseHandler): pass # create merged aliases & flags merged_aliases = {} merged_aliases.update(empty_parent_app.aliases or {}) merged_aliases.update(aliases) merged_flags = {} merged_flags.update(empty_parent_app.flags or {}) merged_flags.update(flags) # create mixed-in App class, bringing it all together class SingleUserNotebookApp(SingleUserNotebookAppMixin, App): aliases = merged_aliases flags = merged_flags classes = empty_parent_app.classes + [HubOAuth] login_handler_class = JupyterHubLoginHandler logout_handler_class = JupyterHubLogoutHandler oauth_callback_handler_class = OAuthCallbackHandler def initialize(self, *args, **kwargs): result = super().initialize(*args, **kwargs) # run patch again after initialize, so extensions have already been loaded # probably a no-op most of the time _patch_app_base_handlers(self) return result return SingleUserNotebookApp