import re
from ._base import DirectivePlugin
from ..util import escape as escape_text, escape_url
__all__ = ['Image', 'Figure']
_num_re = re.compile(r'^\d+(?:\.\d*)?')
_allowed_aligns = ["top", "middle", "bottom", "left", "center", "right"]
def _parse_attrs(options):
attrs = {}
if 'alt' in options:
attrs['alt'] = options['alt']
# validate align
align = options.get('align')
if align and align in _allowed_aligns:
attrs['align'] = align
height = options.get('height')
width = options.get('width')
if height and _num_re.match(height):
attrs['height'] = height
if width and _num_re.match(width):
attrs['width'] = width
if 'target' in options:
attrs['target'] = escape_url(options['target'])
return attrs
class Image(DirectivePlugin):
NAME = 'image'
def parse(self, block, m, state):
options = dict(self.parse_options(m))
attrs = _parse_attrs(options)
attrs['src'] = self.parse_title(m)
return {'type': 'block_image', 'attrs': attrs}
def __call__(self, directive, md):
directive.register(self.NAME, self.parse)
if md.renderer.NAME == 'html':
md.renderer.register('block_image', render_block_image)
def render_block_image(self, src: str, alt=None, width=None, height=None, **attrs):
img = ''
_cls = 'block-image'
align = attrs.get('align')
if align:
_cls += ' align-' + align
target = attrs.get('target')
if target:
href = escape_text(self.safe_url(target))
outer = ''
return outer + img + '\n'
return '