from .util import striptags def add_toc_hook(md, min_level=1, max_level=3, heading_id=None): """Add a hook to save toc items into ``state.env``. This is usually helpful for doc generator:: import mistune from mistune.toc import add_toc_hook, render_toc_ul md = mistune.create_markdown(...) add_toc_hook(md) html, state = md.parse(text) toc_items = state.env['toc_items'] toc_html = render_toc_ul(toc_items) :param md: Markdown instance :param min_level: min heading level :param max_level: max heading level :param heading_id: a function to generate heading_id """ if heading_id is None: def heading_id(token, index): return 'toc_' + str(index + 1) def toc_hook(md, state): headings = [] for tok in state.tokens: if tok['type'] == 'heading': level = tok['attrs']['level'] if min_level <= level <= max_level: headings.append(tok) toc_items = [] for i, tok in enumerate(headings): tok['attrs']['id'] = heading_id(tok, i) toc_items.append(normalize_toc_item(md, tok)) # save items into state state.env['toc_items'] = toc_items md.before_render_hooks.append(toc_hook) def normalize_toc_item(md, token): text = token['text'] tokens = md.inline(text, {}) html = md.renderer(tokens, {}) text = striptags(html) attrs = token['attrs'] return attrs['level'], attrs['id'], text def render_toc_ul(toc): """Render a