""" Utilities for version comparison It is a bit ridiculous that we need these. """ # Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team. # Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. from packaging.version import Version def check_version(v, min_v, max_v=None): """check version string v >= min_v and v < max_v Parameters ---------- v : str version of the package min_v : str minimal version supported max_v : str earliest version not supported Note: If dev/prerelease tags result in TypeError for string-number comparison, it is assumed that the check passes and the version dependency is satisfied. Users on dev branches are responsible for keeping their own packages up to date. """ try: below_max = Version(v) < Version(max_v) if max_v is not None else True return Version(v) >= Version(min_v) and below_max except TypeError: return True