import re from .parser import _next_significant, _to_token_iterator def parse_nth(input): """Parse ` `_, as found in `:nth-child() `_ and related Selector pseudo-classes. Although tinycss2 does not include a full Selector parser, this bit of syntax is included as it is particularly tricky to define on top of a CSS tokenizer. :type input: :obj:`str` or :term:`iterable` :param input: A string or an iterable of :term:`component values`. :returns: A ``(a, b)`` tuple of integers, or :obj:`None` if the input is invalid. """ tokens = _to_token_iterator(input, skip_comments=True) token = _next_significant(tokens) if token is None: return token_type = token.type if token_type == 'number' and token.is_integer: return parse_end(tokens, 0, token.int_value) elif token_type == 'dimension' and token.is_integer: unit = token.lower_unit if unit == 'n': return parse_b(tokens, token.int_value) elif unit == 'n-': return parse_signless_b(tokens, token.int_value, -1) else: match = N_DASH_DIGITS_RE.match(unit) if match: return parse_end(tokens, token.int_value, int( elif token_type == 'ident': ident = token.lower_value if ident == 'even': return parse_end(tokens, 2, 0) elif ident == 'odd': return parse_end(tokens, 2, 1) elif ident == 'n': return parse_b(tokens, 1) elif ident == '-n': return parse_b(tokens, -1) elif ident == 'n-': return parse_signless_b(tokens, 1, -1) elif ident == '-n-': return parse_signless_b(tokens, -1, -1) elif ident[0] == '-': match = N_DASH_DIGITS_RE.match(ident[1:]) if match: return parse_end(tokens, -1, int( else: match = N_DASH_DIGITS_RE.match(ident) if match: return parse_end(tokens, 1, int( elif token == '+': token = next(tokens) # Whitespace after an initial '+' is invalid. if token.type == 'ident': ident = token.lower_value if ident == 'n': return parse_b(tokens, 1) elif ident == 'n-': return parse_signless_b(tokens, 1, -1) else: match = N_DASH_DIGITS_RE.match(ident) if match: return parse_end(tokens, 1, int( def parse_b(tokens, a): token = _next_significant(tokens) if token is None: return (a, 0) elif token == '+': return parse_signless_b(tokens, a, 1) elif token == '-': return parse_signless_b(tokens, a, -1) elif (token.type == 'number' and token.is_integer and token.representation[0] in '-+'): return parse_end(tokens, a, token.int_value) def parse_signless_b(tokens, a, b_sign): token = _next_significant(tokens) if (token.type == 'number' and token.is_integer and token.representation[0] not in '-+'): return parse_end(tokens, a, b_sign * token.int_value) def parse_end(tokens, a, b): if _next_significant(tokens) is None: return (a, b) N_DASH_DIGITS_RE = re.compile('^n(-[0-9]+)$')