from itertools import chain from .ast import AtRule, Declaration, ParseError, QualifiedRule from .tokenizer import parse_component_value_list def _to_token_iterator(input, skip_comments=False): """Iterate component values out of string or component values iterable. :type input: :obj:`str` or :term:`iterable` :param input: A string or an iterable of :term:`component values`. :type skip_comments: :obj:`bool` :param skip_comments: If the input is a string, ignore all CSS comments. :returns: An iterator yielding :term:`component values`. """ if isinstance(input, str): input = parse_component_value_list(input, skip_comments) return iter(input) def _next_significant(tokens): """Return the next significant (neither whitespace or comment) token. :type tokens: :term:`iterator` :param tokens: An iterator yielding :term:`component values`. :returns: A :term:`component value`, or :obj:`None`. """ for token in tokens: if token.type not in ('whitespace', 'comment'): return token def parse_one_component_value(input, skip_comments=False): """Parse a single :diagram:`component value`. This is used e.g. for an attribute value referred to by ``attr(foo length)``. :type input: :obj:`str` or :term:`iterable` :param input: A string or an iterable of :term:`component values`. :type skip_comments: :obj:`bool` :param skip_comments: If the input is a string, ignore all CSS comments. :returns: A :term:`component value` (that is neither whitespace or comment), or a :class:`~tinycss2.ast.ParseError`. """ tokens = _to_token_iterator(input, skip_comments) first = _next_significant(tokens) second = _next_significant(tokens) if first is None: return ParseError(1, 1, 'empty', 'Input is empty') if second is not None: return ParseError( second.source_line, second.source_column, 'extra-input', 'Got more than one token') else: return first def parse_one_declaration(input, skip_comments=False): """Parse a single :diagram:`declaration`. This is used e.g. for a declaration in an `@supports `_ test. :type input: :obj:`str` or :term:`iterable` :param input: A string or an iterable of :term:`component values`. :type skip_comments: :obj:`bool` :param skip_comments: If the input is a string, ignore all CSS comments. :returns: A :class:`~tinycss2.ast.Declaration` or :class:`~tinycss2.ast.ParseError`. Any whitespace or comment before the ``:`` colon is dropped. """ tokens = _to_token_iterator(input, skip_comments) first_token = _next_significant(tokens) if first_token is None: return ParseError(1, 1, 'empty', 'Input is empty') return _parse_declaration(first_token, tokens) def _consume_remnants(input, nested): for token in input: if token == ';': return elif nested and token == '}': return def _parse_declaration(first_token, tokens, nested=True): """Parse a declaration. Consume :obj:`tokens` until the end of the declaration or the first error. :type first_token: :term:`component value` :param first_token: The first component value of the rule. :type tokens: :term:`iterator` :param tokens: An iterator yielding :term:`component values`. :type nested: :obj:`bool` :param nested: Whether the declaration is nested or top-level. :returns: A :class:`~tinycss2.ast.Declaration` or :class:`~tinycss2.ast.ParseError`. """ name = first_token if name.type != 'ident': _consume_remnants(tokens, nested) return ParseError( name.source_line, name.source_column, 'invalid', f'Expected for declaration name, got {name.type}.') colon = _next_significant(tokens) if colon is None: _consume_remnants(tokens, nested) return ParseError( name.source_line, name.source_column, 'invalid', "Expected ':' after declaration name, got EOF") elif colon != ':': _consume_remnants(tokens, nested) return ParseError( colon.source_line, colon.source_column, 'invalid', "Expected ':' after declaration name, got {colon.type}.") value = [] state = 'value' contains_non_whitespace = False contains_simple_block = False for i, token in enumerate(tokens): if state == 'value' and token == '!': state = 'bang' bang_position = i elif (state == 'bang' and token.type == 'ident' and token.lower_value == 'important'): state = 'important' elif token.type not in ('whitespace', 'comment'): state = 'value' if token.type == '{} block': if contains_non_whitespace: contains_simple_block = True else: contains_non_whitespace = True else: contains_non_whitespace = True value.append(token) if state == 'important': del value[bang_position:] # TODO: Handle custom property names if contains_simple_block and contains_non_whitespace: return ParseError( colon.source_line, colon.source_column, 'invalid', 'Declaration contains {} block') # TODO: Handle unicode-range return Declaration( name.source_line, name.source_column, name.value, name.lower_value, value, state == 'important') def _consume_blocks_content(first_token, tokens): """Consume declaration or nested rule.""" declaration_tokens = [] semicolon_token = [] if first_token != ';' and first_token.type != '{} block': for token in tokens: if token == ';': semicolon_token.append(token) break declaration_tokens.append(token) if token.type == '{} block': break declaration = _parse_declaration( first_token, iter(declaration_tokens), nested=True) if declaration.type == 'declaration': return declaration else: tokens = chain(declaration_tokens, semicolon_token, tokens) return _consume_qualified_rule(first_token, tokens, stop_token=';', nested=True) def _consume_declaration_in_list(first_token, tokens): """Like :func:`_parse_declaration`, but stop at the first ``;``. Deprecated, use :func:`_consume_blocks_content` instead. """ other_declaration_tokens = [] for token in tokens: if token == ';': break other_declaration_tokens.append(token) return _parse_declaration(first_token, iter(other_declaration_tokens)) def parse_blocks_contents(input, skip_comments=False, skip_whitespace=False): """Parse a block’s contents. This is used e.g. for the :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.QualifiedRule.content` of a style rule or ``@page`` rule, or for the ``style`` attribute of an HTML element. In contexts that don’t expect any at-rule and/or qualified rule, all :class:`~tinycss2.ast.AtRule` and/or :class:`~tinycss2.ast.QualifiedRule` objects should simply be rejected as invalid. :type input: :obj:`str` or :term:`iterable` :param input: A string or an iterable of :term:`component values`. :type skip_comments: :obj:`bool` :param skip_comments: Ignore CSS comments at the top-level of the list. If the input is a string, ignore all comments. :type skip_whitespace: :obj:`bool` :param skip_whitespace: Ignore whitespace at the top-level of the list. Whitespace is still preserved in the :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.Declaration.value` of declarations and the :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.AtRule.prelude` and :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.AtRule.content` of at-rules. :returns: A list of :class:`~tinycss2.ast.Declaration`, :class:`~tinycss2.ast.AtRule`, :class:`~tinycss2.ast.QualifiedRule`, :class:`~tinycss2.ast.Comment` (if ``skip_comments`` is false), :class:`~tinycss2.ast.WhitespaceToken` (if ``skip_whitespace`` is false), and :class:`~tinycss2.ast.ParseError` objects """ tokens = _to_token_iterator(input, skip_comments) result = [] for token in tokens: if token.type == 'whitespace': if not skip_whitespace: result.append(token) elif token.type == 'comment': if not skip_comments: result.append(token) elif token.type == 'at-keyword': result.append(_consume_at_rule(token, tokens)) elif token != ';': result.append(_consume_blocks_content(token, tokens)) return result def parse_declaration_list(input, skip_comments=False, skip_whitespace=False): """Parse a :diagram:`declaration list` (which may also contain at-rules). Deprecated and removed from CSS Syntax Level 3. Use :func:`parse_blocks_contents` instead. This is used e.g. for the :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.QualifiedRule.content` of a style rule or ``@page`` rule, or for the ``style`` attribute of an HTML element. In contexts that don’t expect any at-rule, all :class:`~tinycss2.ast.AtRule` objects should simply be rejected as invalid. :type input: :obj:`str` or :term:`iterable` :param input: A string or an iterable of :term:`component values`. :type skip_comments: :obj:`bool` :param skip_comments: Ignore CSS comments at the top-level of the list. If the input is a string, ignore all comments. :type skip_whitespace: :obj:`bool` :param skip_whitespace: Ignore whitespace at the top-level of the list. Whitespace is still preserved in the :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.Declaration.value` of declarations and the :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.AtRule.prelude` and :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.AtRule.content` of at-rules. :returns: A list of :class:`~tinycss2.ast.Declaration`, :class:`~tinycss2.ast.AtRule`, :class:`~tinycss2.ast.Comment` (if ``skip_comments`` is false), :class:`~tinycss2.ast.WhitespaceToken` (if ``skip_whitespace`` is false), and :class:`~tinycss2.ast.ParseError` objects """ tokens = _to_token_iterator(input, skip_comments) result = [] for token in tokens: if token.type == 'whitespace': if not skip_whitespace: result.append(token) elif token.type == 'comment': if not skip_comments: result.append(token) elif token.type == 'at-keyword': result.append(_consume_at_rule(token, tokens)) elif token != ';': result.append(_consume_declaration_in_list(token, tokens)) return result def parse_one_rule(input, skip_comments=False): """Parse a single :diagram:`qualified rule` or :diagram:`at-rule`. This would be used e.g. by `insertRule() `_ in an implementation of CSSOM. :type input: :obj:`str` or :term:`iterable` :param input: A string or an iterable of :term:`component values`. :type skip_comments: :obj:`bool` :param skip_comments: If the input is a string, ignore all CSS comments. :returns: A :class:`~tinycss2.ast.QualifiedRule`, :class:`~tinycss2.ast.AtRule`, or :class:`~tinycss2.ast.ParseError` objects. Any whitespace or comment before or after the rule is dropped. """ tokens = _to_token_iterator(input, skip_comments) first = _next_significant(tokens) if first is None: return ParseError(1, 1, 'empty', 'Input is empty') rule = _consume_rule(first, tokens) next = _next_significant(tokens) if next is not None: return ParseError( next.source_line, next.source_column, 'extra-input', 'Expected a single rule, got %s after the first rule.' % next.type) return rule def parse_rule_list(input, skip_comments=False, skip_whitespace=False): """Parse a non-top-level :diagram:`rule list`. Deprecated and removed from CSS Syntax. Use :func:`parse_blocks_content` instead. This is used for parsing the :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.AtRule.content` of nested rules like ``@media``. This differs from :func:`parse_stylesheet` in that top-level ```` tokens are not ignored. :type input: :obj:`str` or :term:`iterable` :param input: A string or an iterable of :term:`component values`. :type skip_comments: :obj:`bool` :param skip_comments: Ignore CSS comments at the top-level of the list. If the input is a string, ignore all comments. :type skip_whitespace: :obj:`bool` :param skip_whitespace: Ignore whitespace at the top-level of the list. Whitespace is still preserved in the :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.QualifiedRule.prelude` and the :attr:`~tinycss2.ast.QualifiedRule.content` of rules. :returns: A list of :class:`~tinycss2.ast.QualifiedRule`, :class:`~tinycss2.ast.AtRule`, :class:`~tinycss2.ast.Comment` (if ``skip_comments`` is false), :class:`~tinycss2.ast.WhitespaceToken` (if ``skip_whitespace`` is false), and :class:`~tinycss2.ast.ParseError` objects. """ tokens = _to_token_iterator(input, skip_comments) result = [] for token in tokens: if token.type == 'whitespace': if not skip_whitespace: result.append(token) elif token.type == 'comment': if not skip_comments: result.append(token) else: result.append(_consume_rule(token, tokens)) return result def parse_stylesheet(input, skip_comments=False, skip_whitespace=False): """Parse :diagram:`stylesheet` from text. This is used e.g. for a ``