import re import sys from webencodings import ascii_lower from .ast import ( # isort: skip AtKeywordToken, Comment, CurlyBracketsBlock, DimensionToken, FunctionBlock, HashToken, IdentToken, LiteralToken, NumberToken, ParenthesesBlock, ParseError, PercentageToken, SquareBracketsBlock, StringToken, UnicodeRangeToken, URLToken, WhitespaceToken) from .serializer import serialize_string_value, serialize_url _NUMBER_RE = re.compile(r'[-+]?([0-9]*\.)?[0-9]+([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?') _HEX_ESCAPE_RE = re.compile(r'([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,6})[ \n\t]?') def parse_component_value_list(css, skip_comments=False): """Parse a list of component values. :type css: :obj:`str` :param css: A CSS string. :type skip_comments: :obj:`bool` :param skip_comments: Ignore CSS comments. The return values (and recursively its blocks and functions) will not contain any :class:`~tinycss2.ast.Comment` object. :returns: A list of :term:`component values`. """ css = (css.replace('\0', '\uFFFD') # This turns out to be faster than a regexp: .replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n').replace('\f', '\n')) length = len(css) token_start_pos = pos = 0 # Character index in the css source. line = 1 # First line is line 1. last_newline = -1 root = tokens = [] end_char = None # Pop the stack when encountering this character. stack = [] # Stack of nested blocks: (tokens, end_char) tuples. while pos < length: newline = css.rfind('\n', token_start_pos, pos) if newline != -1: line += 1 + css.count('\n', token_start_pos, newline) last_newline = newline # First character in a line is in column 1. column = pos - last_newline token_start_pos = pos c = css[pos] if c in ' \n\t': pos += 1 while css.startswith((' ', '\n', '\t'), pos): pos += 1 value = css[token_start_pos:pos] tokens.append(WhitespaceToken(line, column, value)) continue elif (c in 'Uu' and pos + 2 < length and css[pos + 1] == '+' and css[pos + 2] in '0123456789abcdefABCDEF?'): start, end, pos = _consume_unicode_range(css, pos + 2) tokens.append(UnicodeRangeToken(line, column, start, end)) continue elif css.startswith('-->', pos): # Check before identifiers tokens.append(LiteralToken(line, column, '-->')) pos += 3 continue elif _is_ident_start(css, pos): value, pos = _consume_ident(css, pos) if not css.startswith('(', pos): # Not a function tokens.append(IdentToken(line, column, value)) continue pos += 1 # Skip the '(' if ascii_lower(value) == 'url': url_pos = pos while css.startswith((' ', '\n', '\t'), url_pos): url_pos += 1 if url_pos >= length or css[url_pos] not in ('"', "'"): value, pos, error = _consume_url(css, pos) if value is not None: repr = 'url({})'.format(serialize_url(value)) if error is not None: error_key = error[0] if error_key == 'eof-in-string': repr = repr[:-2] else: assert error_key == 'eof-in-url' repr = repr[:-1] tokens.append(URLToken(line, column, value, repr)) if error is not None: tokens.append(ParseError(line, column, *error)) continue arguments = [] tokens.append(FunctionBlock(line, column, value, arguments)) stack.append((tokens, end_char)) end_char = ')' tokens = arguments continue match = _NUMBER_RE.match(css, pos) if match: pos = match.end() repr_ = css[token_start_pos:pos] value = float(repr_) int_value = int(repr_) if not any(match.groups()) else None if pos < length and _is_ident_start(css, pos): unit, pos = _consume_ident(css, pos) tokens.append(DimensionToken( line, column, value, int_value, repr_, unit)) elif css.startswith('%', pos): pos += 1 tokens.append(PercentageToken(line, column, value, int_value, repr_)) else: tokens.append(NumberToken(line, column, value, int_value, repr_)) elif c == '@': pos += 1 if pos < length and _is_ident_start(css, pos): value, pos = _consume_ident(css, pos) tokens.append(AtKeywordToken(line, column, value)) else: tokens.append(LiteralToken(line, column, '@')) elif c == '#': pos += 1 if pos < length and ( css[pos] in '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' '-_ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' or ord(css[pos]) > 0x7F or # Non-ASCII # Valid escape: (css[pos] == '\\' and not css.startswith('\\\n', pos))): is_identifier = _is_ident_start(css, pos) value, pos = _consume_ident(css, pos) tokens.append(HashToken(line, column, value, is_identifier)) else: tokens.append(LiteralToken(line, column, '#')) elif c == '{': content = [] tokens.append(CurlyBracketsBlock(line, column, content)) stack.append((tokens, end_char)) end_char = '}' tokens = content pos += 1 elif c == '[': content = [] tokens.append(SquareBracketsBlock(line, column, content)) stack.append((tokens, end_char)) end_char = ']' tokens = content pos += 1 elif c == '(': content = [] tokens.append(ParenthesesBlock(line, column, content)) stack.append((tokens, end_char)) end_char = ')' tokens = content pos += 1 elif c == end_char: # Matching }, ] or ) # The top-level end_char is None (never equal to a character), # so we never get here if the stack is empty. tokens, end_char = stack.pop() pos += 1 elif c in '}])': tokens.append(ParseError(line, column, c, 'Unmatched ' + c)) pos += 1 elif c in ('"', "'"): value, pos, error = _consume_quoted_string(css, pos) if value is not None: repr = '"{}"'.format(serialize_string_value(value)) if error is not None: repr = repr[:-1] tokens.append(StringToken(line, column, value, repr)) if error is not None: tokens.append(ParseError(line, column, *error)) elif css.startswith('/*', pos): # Comment pos = css.find('*/', pos + 2) if pos == -1: if not skip_comments: tokens.append(Comment(line, column, css[token_start_pos + 2:])) break if not skip_comments: tokens.append(Comment(line, column, css[token_start_pos + 2:pos])) pos += 2 elif css.startswith('