{% extends "page.html" %} {% block main %}
{% block heading %}

{% if failed %} Spawn failed {% else %} Server not running {% endif %}

{% endblock heading %} {% block message %}

{% if failed %} The latest attempt to start your server {{ server_name }} has failed. {% if failed_html_message %}

{{ failed_html_message | safe }}

{% elif failed_message %}

{{ failed_message }}

{% endif %} Would you like to retry starting it? {% else %} Your server {{ server_name }} is not running. {% if implicit_spawn_seconds %} It will be restarted automatically. If you are not redirected in a few seconds, click below to launch your server. {% else %} Would you like to start it? {% endif %} {% endif %}

{% endblock message %} {% block start_button %} {% if failed %} Relaunch {% else %} Launch {% endif %} Server {{ server_name }} {% endblock start_button %}
{% endblock main %} {% block script %} {{ super () }} {% if implicit_spawn_seconds %} {% endif %} {% endblock script %}