import { css } from '@emotion/css'; import React, { memo, useEffect, useMemo } from 'react'; import AutoSizer from 'react-virtualized-auto-sizer'; import { GrafanaTheme2 } from '@grafana/data'; import { reportInteraction } from '@grafana/runtime'; import { FilterInput, useStyles2 } from '@grafana/ui'; import { Page } from 'app/core/components/Page/Page'; import { GrafanaRouteComponentProps } from 'app/core/navigation/types'; import { useDispatch } from 'app/types'; import { buildNavModel, getDashboardsTabID } from '../folders/state/navModel'; import { useSearchStateManager } from '../search/state/SearchStateManager'; import { getSearchPlaceholder } from '../search/tempI18nPhrases'; import { skipToken, useGetFolderQuery, useSaveFolderMutation } from './api/browseDashboardsAPI'; import { BrowseActions } from './components/BrowseActions/BrowseActions'; import { BrowseFilters } from './components/BrowseFilters'; import { BrowseView } from './components/BrowseView'; import CreateNewButton from './components/CreateNewButton'; import { FolderActionsButton } from './components/FolderActionsButton'; import { SearchView } from './components/SearchView'; import { getFolderPermissions } from './permissions'; import { setAllSelection, useHasSelection } from './state'; export interface BrowseDashboardsPageRouteParams { uid?: string; slug?: string; } export interface Props extends GrafanaRouteComponentProps {} // New Browse/Manage/Search Dashboards views for nested folders const BrowseDashboardsPage = memo(({ match }: Props) => { const { uid: folderUID } = match.params; const dispatch = useDispatch(); const styles = useStyles2(getStyles); const [searchState, stateManager] = useSearchStateManager(); const isSearching = stateManager.hasSearchFilters(); useEffect(() => { stateManager.initStateFromUrl(folderUID); // Clear selected state when folderUID changes dispatch( setAllSelection({ isSelected: false, folderUID: undefined, }) ); }, [dispatch, folderUID, stateManager]); useEffect(() => { // Clear the search results when we leave SearchView to prevent old results flashing // when starting a new search if (!isSearching && searchState.result) { stateManager.setState({ result: undefined, includePanels: undefined }); } }, [isSearching, searchState.result, stateManager]); const { data: folderDTO } = useGetFolderQuery(folderUID ?? skipToken); const [saveFolder] = useSaveFolderMutation(); const navModel = useMemo(() => { if (!folderDTO) { return undefined; } const model = buildNavModel(folderDTO); // Set the "Dashboards" tab to active const dashboardsTabID = getDashboardsTabID(folderDTO.uid); const dashboardsTab = model.children?.find((child) => === dashboardsTabID); if (dashboardsTab) { = true; } return model; }, [folderDTO]); const hasSelection = useHasSelection(); const { canEditFolders, canEditDashboards, canCreateDashboards, canCreateFolders } = getFolderPermissions(folderDTO); const showEditTitle = canEditFolders && folderUID; const canSelect = canEditFolders || canEditDashboards; const onEditTitle = async (newValue: string) => { if (folderDTO) { const result = await saveFolder({ ...folderDTO, title: newValue, }); if ('error' in result) { reportInteraction('grafana_browse_dashboards_page_edit_folder_name', { status: 'failed_with_error', error: result.error, }); throw result.error; } else { reportInteraction('grafana_browse_dashboards_page_edit_folder_name', { status: 'success' }); } } else { reportInteraction('grafana_browse_dashboards_page_edit_folder_name', { status: 'failed_no_folderDTO' }); } }; return ( {folderDTO && } {(canCreateDashboards || canCreateFolders) && ( )} } > stateManager.onQueryChange(e)} /> {hasSelection ? : }
{({ width, height }) => isSearching ? ( ) : ( ) }
); }); const getStyles = (theme: GrafanaTheme2) => ({ pageContents: css({ display: 'grid', gridTemplateRows: 'auto auto 1fr', height: '100%', rowGap: theme.spacing(1), }), // AutoSizer needs an element to measure the full height available subView: css({ height: '100%', }), }); BrowseDashboardsPage.displayName = 'BrowseDashboardsPage'; export default BrowseDashboardsPage;