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The directories currently searched are: Failed to write XML file; For permission problems, try rerunning as rootElement found with non-freedesktop.org namespacehttp://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-infoExpected element, but found <%s> insteadMissing 'path' attribute in Invalid 'type' attribute in Number out-of-range (%s should fit in %d bytes)Number out-of-range (%lx should fit in %d bytes)Mask out-of-range (%s should fit in %d bytes)Expected element, but found <%s> insteadNumber out-of-range (%s should fit in 4 bytes)Number out-of-range (%s should fit in 8 bytes)Missing 'type' attribute in String masks must be in base 16 (starting with 0x)error == NULL || *error != NULLWrong namespace on document element in '%s' (should be %s)Root element <%s> is not (in '%s')Excepted , but got wrong name or namespace element has no 'type' attributeCreated automatically by update-mime-database. DO NOT EDIT!Unknown media type in type '%s'Bad weight (%d) in elementMissing 'pattern' attribute in elementBad priority (%d) in elementBad priority (%d) in elementError in element: Missing 'namespaceURI' attribute'Missing 'localName' attribute'namespaceURI and localName attributes can't both be emptynamespaceURI and localName cannot contain spaces or newlineshttp://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespaceError in type '%s/%s' (in %s): %s.Incorrect or missing 'type' attribute in <%s>update-mime-database (shared-mime-info) 1.8 Copyright (C) 2003 Thomas Leonard. update-mime-database comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. You may redistribute copies of update-mime-database under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING. Directory '%s' does not exist!Updating MIME database in %s... Directory '%s' does not exist! 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