/* gg_dynamic.h -- Gaia common support for geometries: DynamicLine functions version 5.0, 2020 August 1 Author: Sandro Furieri a.furieri@lqt.it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is the SpatiaLite library The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Alessandro Furieri Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008-2021 the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. */ /** \file gg_dynamic.h Geometry handling functions: DynamicLine handling */ #ifndef _GG_DYNAMIC #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS #define _GG_DYNAMIC #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* function prototypes */ /** Creates a new dynamicly growing line/ring object \return the pointer to newly created object \sa gaiaCreateDynamicLine, gaiaFreeDynamicLine \note you are responsible to destroy (before or after) any allocated dynamically growing line/ring object. */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE gaiaDynamicLinePtr gaiaAllocDynamicLine (void); /** Destroys a dynamically growing line/ring object \param p pointer to object to be destroyed \sa gaiaAllocDynamicLine */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE void gaiaFreeDynamicLine (gaiaDynamicLinePtr p); /** Appends a new 2D Point [XY] at the end of a dynamically growing line/ring object \param p pointer to the dynamically growing line/ring object. \param x X coordinate of the Point \param y Y coordinate of the Point \return the pointer to newly created Point */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE gaiaPointPtr gaiaAppendPointToDynamicLine (gaiaDynamicLinePtr p, double x, double y); /** Appends a new 3D Point [XYZ] at the end of a dynamically growing line/ring object \param p pointer to the dynamically growing line/ring object. \param x X coordinate of the Point \param y Y coordinate of the Point \param z Z coordinate of the Point \return the pointer to newly created Point */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE gaiaPointPtr gaiaAppendPointZToDynamicLine (gaiaDynamicLinePtr p, double x, double y, double z); /** Appends a new 2D Point [XYM] at the end of a dynamically growing line/ring object \param p pointer to the dynamically growing line/ring object. \param x X coordinate of the Point \param y Y coordinate of the Point \param m M measure of the Point \return the pointer to newly created Point */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE gaiaPointPtr gaiaAppendPointMToDynamicLine (gaiaDynamicLinePtr p, double x, double y, double m); /** Appends a new 3D Point [XYZM] at the end of a dynamically growing line/ring object \param p pointer to the dynamically growing line/ring object. \param x X coordinate of the Point \param y Y coordinate of the Point \param z Z coordinate of the Point \param m M measure of the Point \return the pointer to newly created Point */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE gaiaPointPtr gaiaAppendPointZMToDynamicLine (gaiaDynamicLinePtr p, double x, double y, double z, double m); /** Appends a new 2D Point [XY] before the first one of a dynamically growing line/ring object \param p pointer to the dynamically growing line/ring object. \param x X coordinate of the Point \param y Y coordinate of the Point \return the pointer to newly created Point */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE gaiaPointPtr gaiaPrependPointToDynamicLine (gaiaDynamicLinePtr p, double x, double y); /** Appends a new 3D Point [XYZ] before the first one of a dynamically growing line/ring object \param p pointer to the dynamically growing line/ring object. \param x X coordinate of the Point \param y Y coordinate of the Point \param z Z coordinate of the Point \return the pointer to newly created Point */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE gaiaPointPtr gaiaPrependPointZToDynamicLine (gaiaDynamicLinePtr p, double x, double y, double z); /** Appends a new 2D Point [XYM] before the first one of a dynamically growing line/ring object \param p pointer to the dynamically growing line/ring object. \param x X coordinate of the Point \param y Y coordinate of the Point \param m M measure of the Point \return the pointer to newly created Point */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE gaiaPointPtr gaiaPrependPointMToDynamicLine (gaiaDynamicLinePtr p, double x, double y, double m); /** Appends a new 3D Point [XYZM] before the first one of a dynamically growing line/ring object \param p pointer to the dynamically growing line/ring object. \param x X coordinate of the Point \param y Y coordinate of the Point \param z Z coordinate of the Point \param m M measure of the Point \return the pointer to newly created Point */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE gaiaPointPtr gaiaPrependPointZMToDynamicLine (gaiaDynamicLinePtr p, double x, double y, double z, double m); /** Appends a new 2D Point [XY] immediately after the given Point into a dynamically growing line/ring object \param p pointer to the dynamically growing line/ring object. \param pt pointer to the given Point. \param x X coordinate of the Point to be appended \param y Y coordinate of the Point to be appended \sa gaiaDynamicLiceInsertBefore \return the pointer to newly created Point */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE gaiaPointPtr gaiaDynamicLineInsertAfter (gaiaDynamicLinePtr p, gaiaPointPtr pt, double x, double y); /** Appends a new 2D Point [XY] immediately before the given Point into a dynamically growing line/ring object \param p pointer to the dynamically growing line/ring object. \param pt pointer to the given Point. \param x X coordinate of the Point to be appended \param y Y coordinate of the Point to be appended \sa gaiaDynamicLiceInsertBeforeAfter \return the pointer to newly created Point */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE gaiaPointPtr gaiaDynamicLineInsertBefore (gaiaDynamicLinePtr p, gaiaPointPtr pt, double x, double y); /** Removes a given Point from a dynamically growing line/ring object \param p pointer to dynamically growing line/ring object. \param pt pointer to given Point. \note the given Point (referenced by its address) will be removed from the dynamically growin line/ring object. \n the given Point will be then implicitly destroyed. */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE void gaiaDynamicLineDeletePoint (gaiaDynamicLinePtr p, gaiaPointPtr pt); /** Duplicates a dynamically growing line/ring object \param org pointer to dynamically growing line/ring object [origin]. \return the pointer to newly created dynamic growing line/ring object: NULL on failure. \note the newly created object is an exact copy of the original one. */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE gaiaDynamicLinePtr gaiaCloneDynamicLine (gaiaDynamicLinePtr org); /** Duplicates and reverts a dynamically growing line/ring object \param org pointer to dynamically growing line/ring object [origin]. \return the pointer to newly created dynamic growing line/ring object: NULL on failure. \note the newly created object is an exact copy of the origina one, except in that direction is reverted. \n i.e. first inpunt point becomes last output point, and last input point becomes first output point. */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE gaiaDynamicLinePtr gaiaReverseDynamicLine (gaiaDynamicLinePtr org); /** Cuts a dynamically growing line/ring in two halves, using a given cut point \param org pointer to the input object [the line to be split]. \param point pointer to given cut point. \return the pointer to newly created dynamic growing line/ring object: NULL on failure. \sa gaiaDynamicLineSplitAfter \note the newly created object will contain a line going from the orginal first point to the cut point [excluded]. \n on completion the orginal line will be reduced, going from the cut point [included] to the original last point. */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE gaiaDynamicLinePtr gaiaDynamicLineSplitBefore (gaiaDynamicLinePtr org, gaiaPointPtr point); /** Cuts a dynamically growing line/ring in two halves, using a given cut point \param org pointer to the input object [the line to be split]. \param point pointer to given cut point. \return the pointer to newly created dynamic growing line/ring object: NULL on failure. \sa gaiaDynamicLineSplitBefore \note the newly created object will contain a line going from the orginal first point to the cut point [included]. \n on completion the orginal line will be reduced, going from the cut point [excluded] to the original last point. */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE gaiaDynamicLinePtr gaiaDynamicLineSplitAfter (gaiaDynamicLinePtr org, gaiaPointPtr point); /** Merges two dynamically growing line/ring object into a single one \param org pointer to the first input object [first line]. \param point pointer to the reference Point object. \param toJoin pointer to the second input object [second line]. \return the pointer to newly created dynamically growing line/ring object [merged line]: NULL on failure. \sa gaiaDynamicLineJoinBefore \note the reference Point must exists into the first line: the second line will then be inserted immediately after the reference Point. \n The newly created object will represent the resulting merged line: \n both input objects remain untouched. */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE gaiaDynamicLinePtr gaiaDynamicLineJoinAfter (gaiaDynamicLinePtr org, gaiaPointPtr point, gaiaDynamicLinePtr toJoin); /** Merges two dynamically growing line/ring object into a single one \param org pointer to the first input object [first line]. \param point pointer to the reference Point object. \param toJoin pointer to the second input object [second line]. \return the pointer to newly created dynamically growing line/ring object [merged line]: NULL on failure. \sa gaiaDynamicLineJoinAfter \note the reference Point must exists into the first line: the second line will then be inserted immediately before the reference Point. \n The newly created object will represent the resulting merged line: \n both input objects remain untouched. */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE gaiaDynamicLinePtr gaiaDynamicLineJoinBefore (gaiaDynamicLinePtr org, gaiaPointPtr point, gaiaDynamicLinePtr toJoin); /** Finds a Point within a dymically growing line/ring object [by coords] \param p pointer to dymamically line/ring object. \param x Point X coordinate. \param y Point Y coordinate. \return the pointer to the corresponding Point object: NULL on failure. \sa gaiaDynamicLineFindByPos \note if the line object contains more Points sharing the same coordinates, a reference to the first one found will be returned. */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE gaiaPointPtr gaiaDynamicLineFindByCoords (gaiaDynamicLinePtr p, double x, double y); /** Finds a Point within a dymically growing line/ring object [by position] \param p pointer to dymamically line/ring object. \param pos relative position [first Point has index 0]. \return the pointer to the corresponding Point object: NULL on failure. \sa gaiaDynamicLineFindByCoords */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE gaiaPointPtr gaiaDynamicLineFindByPos (gaiaDynamicLinePtr p, int pos); /** Creates a new dynamicly growing line/ring object \param coords an array of COORDs, any dimension [XY, XYZ, XYM, XYZM] \param points number of points [aka vertices] into the array \return the pointer to newly created object \sa gaiaAllocDynamicLine, gaiaFreeDynamicLine, gaiaLinestringStruct, gaiaRingStruct \note you are responsible to destroy (before or after) any allocated dynamically growing line/ring object. \n The COORDs array is usually expected to be one found within a gaiaLinestring or gaiaRing object. */ GAIAGEO_DECLARE gaiaDynamicLinePtr gaiaCreateDynamicLine (double *coords, int points); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* _GG_DYNAMIC */