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Bad pk file----more bits than required! Try to read %d bytes in an array of size %d ----------------------starting second pass All done, used font_storage of %s: %ld Bytes Dynamically allocated storage: %ld Bytes %d characters downloaded as soft fonts %s is font #%d font on this page! (max = %d) rastering characters! Unable to open file %s (errno=%d), skipping inclusion could not seek to start of file (errno=%d), abandon %s inclusionCopyright (C) 1997 Gustaf Neumann. There is NO warranty. You may redistribute this software under the terms of the GNU General Public License. For more information about these matters, see the files named COPYING and dvi2xx.c. Primary author of Dvi2xx: Gustaf Neumann; -k maintainer: K. Berry.Argument of -c is not a valid integer Argument is not a valid integer Argument of -x is not a valid floating point number Argument of -y is not a valid floating point number Argument of -X is not a valid integer Argument of -Y is not a valid integer Argument of mag is not a valid integer Argument of -p must be greater than 0 Argument of -s is not a valid integer %hd is a bad value for pagesize (1,2,3,26,80,81,90,91) This is the DVI to %s converter %susage: %s [OPTION]... DVIFILE -cX ..... X= number of copies -D ..... turns doublepage output on; -fX ..... print from begin of page number X -g ..... do not reset printer at begin of job (go) -hX ..... X= name of headerfile -MX ..... Don't generate missing PK files -mX ..... magnification X=0;h;1;2;3;4;5;#xxxx -r ..... process pages in reverse order -sX ..... set paper size to X (see documentation) -tX ..... print to end of page number X -w ..... don't print out warnings -v ..... tell user which pixel-files are used -VX .... Vendor options (kyocara or brother) -xX ..... X= x-offset on printout in mm -yX ..... X= y-offset on printout in mm -XO ..... O= x page origin in dots (default=%d) -YO ..... O= y page origin in dots (default=%d) -z ..... print test page with pagecounter after job - ..... dvifile is stdin (must be seekable); implies -e- More than one \special file name given, %s ignoredInvalid keyword or value in \special - <%s> ignoredInvalid orientation (%d) given; ignored.defpoint %d ignored, must be between 0 and %dfill ignored, point %d must be between 0 and %dfill ignored, point %d is undefined Invalid gray scale (%d) given; ignored.Invalid pattern (%d) given; ignored.More than one \special file name given. %s ignoredIgnored invalid value '%s' for dvilj-psfile-syntaxWhatever rhi was good for once, it is ignored now.Can't handle %s=%s command; ignored.Could not locate %s, ignoring inclusion specialIgnoring psfile special without urx, ury and rwi attributesTMPDIR %s is too long, using %s insteadFeeling naughty, do we? %s is no temporary directory, dudeCould not create temporary directory %s, errno = %d; ignoring include file specialUnable to open file %s for writing%.2f %.2f scale %d %d translate Ghostscript command for %s would be too long, skipping special%s -q -dSIMPLE -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=%s -sOutputFile=%s %s %s showpage.ps -c quitexecution of '%s' returned an errorPXL-file %s could not be openedOpen file %x not found in font entry list. Huge Character <%c> (%ld Bytes) Unable to allocate %ld bytes for char <%c> can't malloc space for font_entrydvilj: Font %s not found, using %s at %d instead. dvilj: Font %s at %d not found, using %d instead. dvilj: Font %s at %u not found, characters will be left blank. can handle only %d fonts! ask a wizzard... Unknown Version of PXL-format Wrong Version of pk file! (%d should be 89) unknown font format in file <%s> ! aspect ratio is %ld:%ld (should be 1:1)!Bad character (%d) in PK-File POST_POST missing after fontdefsPOST missing at head of postambleDVI magnification of %ld over-ridden by user (%ld)%s: PRE doesn't occur first--are you sure this is a DVI file? %s: DVI format = %d, can only process DVI format %d files POST_POST with no preceding POSTС֩Hܭakww?wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww[wwwwwwwww wδ´wwwwwwE9&ֳw@!^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ʒٷ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TT!!!!!!!):!!!!!!!!o!!!!!!!!||||||||||||$4DTdt||||||||||||||||||Ӵ|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Ӵ||||||||`տ)HHyZ@M&3;uuuu,uttttwtosrtr rqqqqqqqqqququququqVqVqVqVqFq#q#q#q#q qppppuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupppp(p(p(p(poooooout?chLT? 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