#!/usr/bin/perl # Change the path name in the line above to wherever Perl lives # on your system. This script was tested with Perl 4.0, patch # level 36. # P P M S H A D O W # by John Walker -- http://www.fourmilab.ch/ $version = 1.2; # --> with minor changes by Bryan Henderson. See above web site for # the real John Walker work, named pnmshadow. # Pnmshadow is a brutal sledgehammer implemented in Perl which # adds attractive shadows to images, as often seen in titles # of World-Wide Web pages. This program does not actually # *do* any image processing--it simply invokes components of # Jef Poskanzer's PBMplus package (which must be present on # the path when this script is run) to bludgeon the source # image into a plausible result. # # This program is in the public domain. # # # Process command line options $convolve = 11; # Default blur convolution kernel size $purge = 1; # Set to 0 to preserve intermediate files $translucent = 0; # Default not translucent while (@ARGV) { $arg = shift; if ((substr($arg, 0, 1) eq '-') && (length($arg) > 1)) { $opt = substr($arg, 1, 1); $opt =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if ($opt eq 'b') { # -B n -- Blur size if (!defined($convolve = shift)) { die("Argument missing after -b option\n"); } if (($convolve < 11) && (($convolve & 1) == 0)) { $convolve++; # Round up even kernel specification } } elsif ($opt eq 'k') { # -K -- Keep temporary files $purge = 0; } elsif ($opt eq 't') { # -T -- Translucent image $translucent = 1; } elsif ($opt eq 'u' || $opt eq '?') { print(STDERR "ppmshadow -- Add simulated shadow to anymap.\n"); if (defined $version) { print(STDERR " Version $version.\n"); } print(STDERR "Usage: ppmshadow [options] [pnmfile] \n"); print(STDERR "Options:\n"); print(STDERR " -B n Set blur size to n pixels\n"); print(STDERR " -K Keep intermediate temporary files from run\n"); print(STDERR " -T Cast shadows of translucent objects\n"); print(STDERR " -U Print this message\n"); print(STDERR " -X n Shift shadow n pixels to the right\n"); print(STDERR " -Y n Shift shadow n pixels down\n"); exit(0); } elsif ($opt eq 'x') { # -X n -- X offset if (!defined($xoffset = shift)) { die("Argument missing after -x option\n"); } if ($xoffset < 0) { $xoffset = -$xoffset; } } elsif ($opt eq 'y') { # -Y n -- Y offset if (!defined($yoffset = shift)) { die("Argument missing after -x option\n"); } if ($yoffset < 0) { $yoffset = -$xoffset; } } } else { if (defined $ifile) { die("Duplicate input file specification."); } $ifile = $arg; # Input file name } } # Apply defaults for arguments not specified if (!(defined $xoffset)) { # Xoffset defaults to half the blur distance $xoffset = int($convolve / 2); } if (!(defined $yoffset)) { # Yoffset defaults to Xoffset, however specified $yoffset = $xoffset; } use File::Temp "tempdir"; my $fname = tempdir("PPMshadow.XXXXXXX", CLEANUP => $purge) || die "Cant create tmpdir"; #219019 $stdin = 0; if ((!(defined $ifile)) || ($ifile eq '-')) { # Input default to standard input $stdin = 1; $ifile = "$fname/0.ppm"; system("cat >$fname/0.ppm"); } # Determine the size of the source image $a = `pnmfile $ifile`; $a =~ m/.*\sP[BGP]M\s.*,\s*(\d*)\sby\s(\d*)/; $xsize = $1; $ysize = $2; # Create a blank background bitmap the size of the source bitmap system("pnmcut 0 0 1 1 $ifile | pnmscale -xsize $xsize -ysize $ysize >$fname/5.ppm"); # Create positive mask file from input image system("pnmarith -difference $ifile $fname/5.ppm | pnminvert | ppmtopgm | pgmtopbm -thresh -value 1.0 >$fname/1.ppm"); # Create convolution kernel file to generate shadow open(OF, ">$fname/2.ppm"); $ckern = $convolve <= 11 ? $convolve : 11; printf(OF "P2\n$ckern $ckern\n%d\n", $ckern * $ckern * 2); $a = ($ckern * $ckern) + 1; for ($i = 0; $i < $ckern; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j < $ckern; $j++) { printf(OF "%d%s", $a, ($j < ($ckern - 1)) ? " " : "\n"); } } close(OF); if ($translucent) { # Convolve the input colour image with the kernel # to create a translucent shadow image. system("pnmconvol $fname/2.ppm $ifile >$fname/10.ppm"); while ($ckern < $convolve) { system("pnmsmooth $fname/10.ppm >$fname/10a.ppm"); system("mv $fname/10a.ppm $fname/10.ppm"); $ckern++; } } else { # Convolve the positive mask with the kernel to create shadow system("pnmconvol $fname/2.ppm $fname/1.ppm >$fname/3.ppm"); while ($ckern < $convolve) { system("pnmsmooth $fname/3.ppm >$fname/3a.ppm"); system("mv $fname/3a.ppm $fname/3.ppm"); $ckern++; } # Multiply the shadow by the background colour system("pnmarith -multiply $fname/3.ppm $fname/5.ppm >$fname/10.ppm"); } # Cut an offset rectangle from the shadow image $i = $xsize - $xoffset; $j = $ysize - $yoffset; system("pnmcut 0 0 $i $j $fname/10.ppm >$fname/4.ppm"); # Create offset shadow image system("pnmpaste -replace $fname/4.ppm $xoffset $yoffset $fname/5.ppm >$fname/6.ppm"); # Create inverse mask system("pnminvert $fname/1.ppm >$fname/7.ppm"); # Multiply original image by inverse mask system("pnmarith -multiply $ifile $fname/7.ppm >$fname/8.ppm"); # Multiply shadow by mask system("pnmarith -multiply $fname/6.ppm $fname/1.ppm >$fname/9.ppm"); # Add masked image and shadow to obtain result, which this # last call on pnmarith sends to standard output. system("pnmarith -add $fname/8.ppm $fname/9.ppm"); # temporary files are automatically removed by tempdir