#!/usr/bin/perl # # Helper Perl script for ulqda # A LaTeX package supporting Qualitative Data Analysis # # Copyright (C) 2009 by Ivan Griffin # # This file may be distributed and/or modified under the # conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either # version 1.2 of this license or (at your option) any later # version. The latest version of this license is in: # # http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt # # and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of # LaTeX version 1999/12/01 or later. # use Getopt::Long; use Digest::SHA qw(sha1 sha1_hex sha1_base64); sub Display_Version() { print "Version: ulqda.pl [2009/06/11 v1.1 Qualitative Data Analysis package]\n\n"; exit; } sub Display_Usage() { print<<"EOF"; Usage: $0 \\ <--list>|<--graphflat>|<--graphnet>|<--cloud>|<--help>|<--version> \\ [<--filter section>] [<--number-->] infile.csv outfile --filter: filter based on document section label --graphflat: Generate GraphViz .dot output of codes (unconnected) --graphnet: Generate GraphViz .dot output of codes (connected) --cloud: Generate Cloud output of codes --help: Print this help and exit --list: Generate LaTeX table of codes (labelled as table:qda_codes) --number: Output quantity details --version: Dispaly version information EOF exit; } sub sort_codes_hashvalue_descending { $codes{$b} <=> $codes{$a}; } sub sort_codes_alphabetic { $a cmp $b; } @colors = ("#d40000", "#e35a24", "#f67c00", "#faa800", "#ffc000", "#ffde00", "#aae900", "#62dc68", "#bbcced", "#a3bbe0", "#8aaad4", "#7299c7", "#5676b5", "#4554a3", "#2e3191", "#000472"); $result = GetOptions("number" => \$options{'n'}, "list" => \$options{'l'}, "cloud" => \$options{'c'}, "graphflat" => \$options{'g'}, "filter=s" => \$options{'f'}, "graphnet" => \$options{'G'}, "version" => \$options{'v'}, "help" => \$options{'h'}); &Display_Usage() if !$result; &Display_Usage() if $options{'h'}; &Display_Version() if $options{'v'}; if (!($options{'c'} || $options{'l'} || $options{'g'} || $options{'G'})) { print "Requires one of --cloud, --list, --graphflat, --graphnet, --version or --help\n\n"; &Display_Usage() } if (($ARGV[0]) && ($ARGV[1])) { open(FILEIN, "<$ARGV[0]") or die "Could not open input file $ARGV[0]\n"; open(FILEOUT, ">$ARGV[1]") or die "Could not open output file $ARGV[1]\n"; } else { &Display_Usage(); } if ($options{'l'}) { print FILEOUT << "EOF"; { \\vspace{0.1in} \\hrule \\begin{multicols}{3} \\label{table:qda_codes} EOF } elsif ($options{'c'}) { # print FILEOUT << "EOF"; { \\begin{center} \\noindent% EOF } elsif ($options{'g'} || $options{'G'}) { print FILEOUT << "EOF"; digraph codes { overlap=scale ratio=compress smoothType=spring repulsiveforce=1.2 splines=true # # Nodes # EOF } ; # gobble first line (it is just header) # now, for each line, parse into comma separated values # codes are further split based on the '!' separator character # e.g. risk!business becomes two codes, risk and business, with a # connection between risk->business GOBBLE_LOOP: while () { chomp; ($page, $section, $code_list, $text) = split(/\,/, $_, 4); #print"DEBUG: >>$code_list<< $_ \n"; if (($options{'f'}) && ($options{'f'} != $section)) { # filtering selected so if no match, then skip next GOBBLE_LOOP; } foreach $code ( split(/\!/, $code_list) ) { $code =~ s/^ //g; $codes{$code} += 1; } @connections = (@connections, $code_list); } close(FILEIN); # # Find the maximum number of connections and the minimum number of connections # This will be used for scaling subsequently # $iterationCount = 0; $nodeCount = 0; $maxConnections = 0; $minConnections=65535; if ($options{'c'}) { @key_list = (sort sort_codes_alphabetic keys %codes); } else { @key_list = (sort sort_codes_hashvalue_descending keys %codes); } LOOP: foreach $i (sort sort_codes_hashvalue_descending keys %codes) { if ($codes{$i} > $maxConnections) { $maxConnections = $codes{$i} } if ($codes{$i} < $minConnections) { $minConnections = $codes{$i} } } # # For each code, output it as requested # foreach $i (@key_list) { $digest = sha1_hex($i); if ($options{'l'} && ($iterationCount)) { print FILEOUT "\\\\\n"; } elsif ($options{'c'}) { my $base = int(7 + ($codes{$i}/3)); my $lead = $base + 3; my $raisept = int(($base - 7)/4); if ($raisept) { print FILEOUT "\\raisebox{-${raisept}pt}";} print FILEOUT "{\\fontsize{$base}{$lead}\\selectfont "; } elsif ($options{'g'} || $options{'G'}) { $nodeCount++; print FILEOUT "Node$digest [label=\""; } $i =~ s/!/:/g; print FILEOUT "$i"; if ($options{'c'}) { print FILEOUT "}\n"; } elsif ($options{'n'}) { print FILEOUT "{\\textcolor{red}{" if ($options{'l'}); print FILEOUT "($codes{$i})"; print FILEOUT "}}" if ($options{'l'}); } if ($options{'g'} || $options{'G'}) { $fontSize = 15 + ((60 * $codes{$i})/$maxConnections); print FILEOUT "\", fontsize=$fontSize"; #if ($iterationCount <= 5) { # heatmap based colors # $colorIndex = 6 - int((6*($codes{$i} - $minConnections))/($maxConnections - $minConnections)); # index based colors $colorIndex = int(($iterationCount*16)/(keys %codes)); print FILEOUT ",color=\"$colors[$colorIndex]\",style=filled"; } print FILEOUT "]\n"; } elsif (! ($options{'l'} || $options{'c'}) ) { print FILEOUT "\n"; } $iterationCount++; } # # For connection graphs, process each connection between points # if ($options{'G'}) { print FILEOUT <<"EOF"; # # Connections # EOF for $code_list (@connections) { print FILEOUT "// $code_list\n"; @code_list_array = split(/\!/, $code_list); $previous_code = shift(@code_list_array); $previous_code =~ s/^ //g; if (defined($previous_code)) { foreach $code ( @code_list_array ) { $code =~ s/^ //g; $previous_digest = sha1_hex($previous_code); $digest = sha1_hex($code); # ensure only 1 connection between points if (!defined($connection{"$previous_digest-$digest"})) { $connection{"$previous_digest-$digest"} = 1; $len=0.25+(0.75*$codes{$previous_code}/$maxConnections); $w=0.25+(0.75*$codes{$previous_code}/$maxConnections); print FILEOUT "Node$previous_digest->Node$digest [label=\"\", w=$w, len=$len]\n"; } $previous_code = $code; } } } } # # Tidy up # if ($options{'l'}) { print FILEOUT << "EOF"; \\end{multicols} \\hrule EOF } elsif ($options{'c'}) { print FILEOUT << "EOF"; \\end{center} EOF } print FILEOUT "\n}\n"; close(FILEOUT);