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SubPixelUnknownSubPixelHorizontalRGBSubPixelHorizontalBGRSubPixelVerticalRGBSubPixelVerticalBGRSubPixelNonekeyboardmouseexposevisibilitysubstructurefocuspropertycolormapowner_grab_buttonrandrEvent TesterCopyAreaCopyPlaneVisibilityUnobscuredVisibilityPartiallyObscuredVisibilityFullyObscuredAboveBelowTopIfBottomIfOppositePlaceOnTopPlaceOnBottomPropertyNewValuePropertyDeleteColormapInstalledColormapUninstalledMappingModifierMappingKeyboardMappingPointer-display requires an argument-bw requires an argument-bs requires an argumentNotUsefulWhenMappedAlways-id requires an argument0x%lx%lu-name requires an argument-event requires an argumentxev 1.2.2@im=none%s: XOpenIM failed WM_PROTOCOLSWM_DELETE_WINDOWfocusWindowclientWindowinputStyleXCreateIC failed KeyPressKeyReleaseButtonPressButtonReleaseMotionNotifyEnterNotifyLeaveNotifyFocusInFocusOutKeymapNotify keys: %-3u GraphicsExpose major %s, minor %d NoExposeVisibilityNotify state %s CreateNotifyborder_width %d, override %s DestroyNotifyUnmapNotifyMapNotifyMapRequestReparentNotify (%d,%d), override %s ConfigureNotifyConfigureRequestGravityNotifyResizeRequest width %d, height %d CirculateNotifyCirculateRequestPropertyNotifySelectionClearSelectionRequestSelectionNotifyColormapNotifyClientMessageMappingNotifyRRScreenChangeNotify size_index %hu, subpixel_order rotation RRNotify output %s, output %lu, mode %s (%dx%d) mode %lu mode None connection RR_ConnectedRR_DisconnectedRR_UnknownConnection crtc %lu, crtc None, mode %s, mode %lu, mode None, subtype %d Unknown event type %d queryInputStyle event masks.unknownNOYES %s event, serial %ld, synthetic %s, window 0x%lx, root 0x%lx, subw 0x%lx, time %lu, (%d,%d), root:(%d,%d), state 0x%x, button %u, same_screen %s mode %s, detail %s, same_screen %s, state 0x%x, keycode %u (keysym 0x%lx, %s), same_screen %s, XKeysymToKeycode returns keycode: %u XLookupString gives %d bytes: XmbLookupString gives %d bytes: %s: unrecognized event mask '%s' %s: warning: could not set default locale -geometry requires an argument%s: unrecognized argument '%s' for -bs %s: unable to parse argument '%s' for -id %s: unrecognized argument '%s' %s: unable to open display '%s' %s: XSetLocaleModifiers failed %s: input method doesn't support any styles Outer window is 0x%lx, inner window is 0x%lx state 0x%x, is_hint %u, same_screen %s (%d,%d), width %d, height %d, count %d (%d,%d), width %d, height %d, count %d, parent 0x%lx, window 0x%lx, (%d,%d), width %d, height %d event 0x%lx, window 0x%lx event 0x%lx, window 0x%lx, from_configure %s event 0x%lx, window 0x%lx, override %s parent 0x%lx, window 0x%lx event 0x%lx, window 0x%lx, parent 0x%lx, event 0x%lx, window 0x%lx, (%d,%d), width %d, height %d, border_width %d, above 0x%lx, override %s parent 0x%lx, window 0x%lx, (%d,%d), width %d, height %d, border_width %d, above 0x%lx, detail %s, value 0x%lx event 0x%lx, window 0x%lx, (%d,%d) event 0x%lx, window 0x%lx, place %s parent 0x%lx, window 0x%lx, place %s atom 0x%lx (%s), time %lu, state %s selection 0x%lx (%s), time %lu owner 0x%lx, requestor 0x%lx, selection 0x%lx (%s), target 0x%lx (%s), property 0x%lx (%s), time %lu selection 0x%lx (%s), target 0x%lx (%s), property 0x%lx (%s), time %lu colormap 0x%lx, new %s, state %s message_type 0x%lx (%s), format %d, message 0x%lx (%s) message_type 0x%lx (%s), format %d request %s, first_keycode %d, count %d root 0x%lx, timestamp %lu, config_timestamp %lu width %d, height %d, mwidth %d, mheight %d subtype XRROutputChangeNotifyEvent subtype XRRCrtcChangeNotifyEvent x %d, y %d, width %d, height %d subtype XRROutputPropertyChangeNotifyEventproperty %s, timestamp %lu, state %s: input method doesn't support the style we support -display displayname X server to contact -geometry geom size and location of window -bw pixels border width in pixels -bs {NotUseful,WhenMapped,Always} backingstore attribute -id windowid use existing window -root use root window -s set save-unders attribute -name string window name -rv reverse video -event event_mask select 'event_mask' events Supported event masks: keyboard mouse expose visibility structure substructure focus property colormap owner_grab_button randr button This option can be specified multiple times to select multipleP(8HXh(hxx.޾žH-tT4lL, tl|\ L|4|\ |,C;L 4LL<<,TL 4||zRx p+zRx $FJ w?;*3$"D\0AAD |2<qBBE A(F0B(R BBB$8iAYA D(D0[UDBAH GPX]`DhDpNPh  AABJ ,D8qAANP AAD $tA| C A W xl@BBB B(D0A8GyaFFPkPA 8A0A(B BBBE  <$8BBD A(Xw (A ABBB d_BBB B(A0A8Q7 IpBHiBHhATCAXTgBTHHk"HVB~KmABBBBEaXAKNMBlXQAD|eBBE B(H0H8M@r8A0A(B BBB88y X TEm m o  p   oo oo( o"m &6FVfv&6FVfv&6FVfvq G@G|?G GGGGG G@GGGWX`XXX YXYYYZXZZZ8[MG NNNb097c2d10294cea06ce811a5e2f270b05a10a4.debugR.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 88TT !tt$4o@> FNo( ( |[o @j tB~XXypp,TETE `E`Et\\`]`] m mm mm mm mo o0p pq q s sx 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