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Usage:zipJuly 5th 20083.0[none] %s 05 Jan 2007 Zip environment options:ZIP%16s: %s ZIPOPTzip I/O error: %s zip error: %s (%s) zip I/O error: %s abortingbad flag to add_filternull pattern to add_filtermissing file after @%c pattern file '%s'adding filteradding filewas creating pattern listwas processing argumentsstderr is not a tty zip warning: %s%s unzip pipe errorUnZip %f unexpected output of UnZip -vFound UnZip version %4.2f{}test of %s FAILED original files unmodifiedtest of %s OK Verify password: Enter password: new zip file left as: was replacing split filemissing or earlyup to date en_US.UTF-8specify just one actiondo not specify both -r and -Rbad split size: '%s'%4d-%2d-%2d%2d%2d%4dquitwarnignorenoescapeUTF8-UN (unicode) bad valuedeflatestorebzip2sd: Zipfile name '%s' no such option ID: %ldpassword verification failedsd: Command line read command line: '%s' show command lineavailable options:negvallongsh %-2s %-18s %-4s %-3s %-30s description----------- %-2s %-18s %-4s reqoptcharnumunk%-3s logpathcould not open logfile '%s'--------- Zip log opened %scommand line arguments: fix options require --outnothing to select fromname not matched: can't use - and -@ togethersd: Zipping to stdout missing suffix listsd: Reading archive allocating temp filenameziXXXXXXzip file empty Total %ld entries ( Done %ssplitsize = not found or emptysd: Scanning archive entries not in archive: sd: Scanning files current directory for -Rsd: Applying filters sd: Checking dups was processing list of filessd: Scanning files to update zip diagnostic: %s %s sd: fcount = %u Scanning files Archive contains: Would Delete: Would Freshen: Would Copy: Would Add/Update: Escaped Unicode: %s Total %s entries (%s bytes) . -iArchive is currentr+cannot grow split archivesd: Creating new zip file freshening: %s ok: %supdating: %s current: %swas zipping %swas copying %scould not open for reading: will just copy entry over: skipping: %s copying: %suser requested abort(try -F to attempt to fix)could not seek in output filebad - skipping: deleting: %s / / sd: Zipping up new entries was adding files to zip file adding: %szip warningzip warning: %s files/entries read: %lu (%s bytes) skipped: %lusd: Get comment if any was reading comment linesEnter comment for %s: current zip file comment is: was setting comments to nullsd: Replacing old zip file sd: Setting file type planned bytes, actual "%s" Extended Help for Zipzipfile entries.Basic command line:Some examples:Basic modes:Basic options: -q quiet operationSyntax:Options and Values: For example:Wildcards: zip zipfile -r . -i "*.h"Include and Exclude:Case matching: the -ic option is used.Recursion:Date filtering:Deletion, File Sync: -d delete files -FS file sync on OS.Compression:Encryption: unchanged. and newfile2:Streaming and FIFOs: zip -FI archive fifoDots, counts:Logging:Testing archives:Fixing archives:Difference mode:Show files:Unicode: set what Zip does: zip -sU -UN=e archive to match files in archive. fields:Self extractor: -h2 show more helpcompress-1compress 1compress-2compress 2compress-3compress 3compress-4compress 4compress-5compress 5compress-6compress 6compress-7compress 7compress-8compress 8compress-9compress 9Aadjust-sfxadjust self extractor offsetstemp-pathdir to use for temp archiveentry-commentsadd comments for each entrydeletedelete entries from archivedbdisplay-bytesdisplay running bytesdcdisplay-countsdisplay running file countdddisplay-dotsdgdisplay-globaldotsdsdot-sizedudisplay-usizedvdisplay-volumedisplay volume (disk) numberno-dir-entriesDFdifference-archiveencryptFFfixfixFIFSfilesyncfreshenfdforce-descriptorsfzforce-zip64growH?h2more-helpextended helpincludejunk-pathsJjunk-sfxDOS-namesforce use of 8.3 DOS namesto-crlffrom-crlflogfile-pathlalog-appendappend to existing log filelilog-infoLdisplay licensemovemmnot usedMMmust-matchsuffixesnwno-wildlatest-timeOoutput-filestore pathspasswordquietrecurse-pathsrecurse down listed pathsrecurse-patternsREregexallow [list] matching (regex)split-sizespsplit-pausesvsplit-verbosesbsplit-bellscshow-commandsdshow-debugshow debugsfshow-filesshow-optionsshow optionssushow-unicodesUshow-just-unicodefrom-dateexclude before datettbefore-dateinclude before datetestTTunzip-commandupdatecopy-entriesUNversionwswild-stop-dirsexcludestrip-extrasymlinksstore symbolic linksarchive-commentask for archive commentZcompression-methodcompression methodnames-stdin Rich Wales, Mike White of conditions.Encryption notice:USE_EF_UT_TIME (store Universal Time)Zip special compilation options:BZIP2_SUPPORT (bzip2 library version %.32s) [encryption, version %d.%d%s of %s] (modified for Zip 3) attempting to restore %s to its previous state cannot write zip file to terminalzip file is empty, can't make it as old as latest entryzip file has only directories, can't make it as old as latest entrywas deleting moved files and directoriesfailed to get information from UnZipNeed UnZip 6.00 or later to test this Zip64 archivebuilding command string for testing archiveoption -ds (--dot-size) has bad size: '%s'dot size must be at least 32 KB: '%s'-mm not supported, Must_Match is -MMminimum split size is 64 KB: '%s'invalid date entered for -t option - use mmddyyyy or yyyy-mm-ddinvalid date entered for -tt option - use mmddyyyy or yyyy-mm-dd-UN must be Quit, Warn, Ignore, No, Escape, or UTF8: valid compression methods are: store, deflate, bzip2unknown compression method found: Option -Z (--compression-method): unknown methodcan't use -- before archive namecan't read input (-) and filenames (-@) both from stdinwas getting encryption passwordzero length password not allowedwas verifying encryption passwordarchive name must end in .zip for splits--out path must be different than in path: %scan't use --diff (-DF) with fix (-F or -FF)-U (--copy) requires -O (--out) zip -F indamagedarchive --out outfixedarchivefix options -F and -FF require --out: no other actions allowed when fixing archive (-F or -FF)-DF (--diff) requires -O (--out)can't use --diff (-DF) with -d or -Uinvalid option(s) used with -d; ignored.can't set method, move, recurse, or comments with copy mode.can't use -y with -k, -y ignoredcan't use -F with -A, -F ignoredcan't use -FF with -A, -FF ignoredcan't use -T on stdout, -T ignoredcan't create split archive while fixing or adjusting can't create split archive with -d or -g or on stdout can't use -d, -f, -u, -U, or -g with filesync -FS can't use -d, -f, -u, -U, or -g on stdout Fix archive (-F) - assume mostly intact archiveFix archive (-FF) - salvage what cansd: Open zip file and create temp file (-FF) sd: Creating new zip file (-FF) sd: Writing central directory (-FF) was replacing the original zip fileCould not get info for input split: cannot repeat names in zip filesd: Open zip file and create temp file could not open archive to readsd: Adding spanning/splitting signature at top of archive sd: Going through old zip file could not read local entry information: file and directory with the same name: zip warning: Not all files were readable enter new zip file comment (end with .): sd: Writing central directory total bytes=%s, compressed=%s -> %d%% savings sd: Writing end of central directory SYMLINK_SUPPORT (symbolic links supported)LARGE_FILE_SUPPORT (can read and write large files on file system)ZIP64_SUPPORT (use Zip64 to store large files in archives)UNICODE_SUPPORT (store and read UTF-8 Unicode paths)STORE_UNIX_UIDs_GIDs (store UID/GID sizes/values using new extra field)UIDGID_NOT_16BIT (old Unix 16-bit UID/GID extra field not used)See the Zip Manual for more detailed helpZip stores files in zip archives. The default action is to add or replace zip options archive_name file file ... Add file.txt to z.zip (create z if needed): zip z file.txt Zip all files in current dir: zip z * Zip files in current dir and subdirs also: zip -r z . External modes (selects files from file system): add - add new files/update existing files in archive (default) -u update - add new files/update existing files only if later date -f freshen - update existing files only (no files added) -FS filesync - update if date or size changed, delete if no OS match Internal modes (selects entries in archive): -d delete - delete files from archive (see below) -U copy - select files in archive to copy (use with --out) -r recurse into directories (see Recursion below) -m after archive created, delete original files (move into archive) -j junk directory names (store just file names) -v verbose operation (just "zip -v" shows version information) -c prompt for one-line comment for each entry -z prompt for comment for archive (end with just "." line or EOF) -@ read names to zip from stdin (one path per line) -o make zipfile as old as latest entry The full command line syntax is: zip [-shortopts ...] [--longopt ...] [zipfile [path path ...]] [-xi list] Any number of short option and long option arguments are allowed (within limits) as well as any number of path arguments for files to zip up. If zipfile exists, the archive is read in. If zipfile is "-", stream to stdout. If any path is "-", zip stdin. For short options that take values, use -ovalue or -o value or -o=value For long option values, use either --longoption=value or --longoption value zip -ds 10 --temp-dir=path zipfile path1 path2 --exclude pattern pattern Avoid -ovalue (no space between) to avoid confusion In particular, be aware of 2-character options. For example: -d -s is (delete, split size) while -ds is (dot size) Usually better to break short options across multiple arguments by function zip -r -dbdcds 10m -lilalf logfile archive input_directory -ll All args after just "--" arg are read verbatim as paths and not options. zip zipfile path path ... -- verbatimpath verbatimpath ... Use -nw to also disable wildcards, so paths are read literally: zip zipfile -nw -- "-leadingdashpath" "a[path].c" "path*withwildcard" You may still have to escape or quote arguments to avoid shell expansion Internally zip supports the following wildcards: ? (or %% or #, depending on OS) matches any single character * matches any number of characters, including zero [list] matches char in list (regex), can do range [ac-f], all but [!bf] If port supports [], must escape [ as [[] or use -nw to turn off wildcards For shells that expand wildcards, escape (\* or "*") so zip can recurse Normally * crosses dir bounds in path, e.g. 'a*b' can match 'ac/db'. If -ws option used, * does not cross dir bounds but ** does For DOS and Windows, [list] is now disabled unless the new option -RE enable [list] (regular expression) matching is used to avoid problems with file paths containing "[" and "]": zip files_ending_with_number -RE foo[0-9].c -i pattern pattern ... include files that match a pattern -x pattern pattern ... exclude files that match a pattern Patterns are paths with optional wildcards and match paths as stored in archive. Exclude and include lists end at next option, @, or end of line. zip -x pattern pattern @ zipfile path path ... On most OS the case of patterns must match the case in the archive, unless -ic ignore case of archive entries This option not available on case-sensitive file systems. On others, case ignored when matching files on file system but matching against archive entries remains case sensitive for modes -f (freshen), -U (archive copy), and -d (delete) because archive paths are always case sensitive. With -ic, all matching ignores case, but it's then possible multiple archive entries that differ only in case will match.End Of Line Translation (text files only): -l change CR or LF (depending on OS) line end to CR LF (Unix->Win) -ll change CR LF to CR or LF (depending on OS) line end (Win->Unix) If first buffer read from file contains binary the translation is skipped -r recurse paths, include files in subdirs: zip -r a path path ... -R recurse current dir and match patterns: zip -R a ptn ptn ... Use -i and -x with either to include or exclude paths Path root in archive starts at current dir, so if /a/b/c/file and current dir is /a/b, 'zip -r archive .' puts c/file in archive -t date exclude before (include files modified on this date and later) -tt date include before (include files modified before date) Can use both at same time to set a date range Dates are mmddyyyy or yyyy-mm-dd Delete archive entries matching internal archive paths in list zip archive -d pattern pattern ... Can use -t and -tt to select files in archive, but NOT -x or -i, so zip archive -d "*" -t 2005-12-27 deletes all files from archive.zip with date of 27 Dec 2005 and later Note the * (escape as "*" on Unix) to select all files in archive Similar to update, but files updated if date or size of entry does not match file on OS. Also deletes entry from archive if no matching file zip archive_to_update -FS -r dir_used_before Result generally same as creating new archive, but unchanged entries are copied instead of being read and compressed so can be faster. WARNING: -FS deletes entries so make backup copy of archive first -0 store files (no compression) -1 to -9 compress fastest to compress best (default is 6) -Z cm set compression method to cm: store - store without compression, same as option -0 deflate - original zip deflate, same as -1 to -9 (default) if bzip2 is enabled: bzip2 - use bzip2 compression (need modern unzip) -e use standard (weak) PKZip 2.0 encryption, prompt for password -P pswd use standard encryption, password is pswdSplits (archives created as a set of split files): -s ssize create split archive with splits of size ssize, where ssize nm n number and m multiplier (kmgt, default m), 100k -> 100 kB -sp pause after each split closed to allow changing disks WARNING: Archives created with -sp use data descriptors and should work with most unzips but may not work with some -sb ring bell when pause -sv be verbose about creating splits Split archives CANNOT be updated, but see --out and Copy Mode belowUsing --out (output to new archive): --out oa output to new archive oa Instead of updating input archive, create new output archive oa. Result is same as without --out but in new archive. Input archive WARNING: --out ALWAYS overwrites any existing output file For example, to create new_archive like old_archive but add newfile1 zip old_archive newfile1 newfile2 --out new_archive Cannot update split archive, so use --out to out new archive: zip in_split_archive newfile1 newfile2 --out out_split_archive If input is split, output will default to same split size Use -s=0 or -s- to turn off splitting to convert split to single file: zip in_split_archive -s 0 --out out_single_file_archive WARNING: If overwriting old split archive but need less splits, old splits not overwritten are not needed but remainCopy Mode (copying from archive to archive): -U (also --copy) select entries in archive to copy (reverse delete) Copy Mode copies entries from old to new archive with --out and is used by zip when either no input files on command line or -U (--copy) used. zip inarchive --copy pattern pattern ... --out outarchive To copy only files matching *.c into new archive, excluding foo.c: zip old_archive --copy "*.c" --out new_archive -x foo.c If no input files and --out, copy all entries in old archive: zip old_archive --out new_archive prog1 | zip -ll z - zip output of prog1 to zipfile z, converting CR LF zip - -R "*.c" | prog2 zip *.c files in current dir and stream to prog2 prog1 | zip | prog2 zip in pipe with no in or out acts like zip - - If Zip is Zip64 enabled, streaming stdin creates Zip64 archives by default that need PKZip 4.5 unzipper like UnZip 6.0 WARNING: Some archives created with streaming use data descriptors and should work with most unzips but may not work with some Can use -fz- to turn off Zip64 if input not large (< 4 GB): prog_with_small_output | zip archive -fz- Zip now can read Unix FIFO (named pipes). Off by default to prevent zip from stopping unexpectedly on unfed pipe, use -FI to enable: -db display running count of bytes processed and bytes to go (uncompressed size, except delete and copy show stored size) -dc display running count of entries done and entries to go -dd display dots every 10 MB (or dot size) while processing files -dg display dots globally for archive instead of for each file zip -qdgds 10m will turn off most output except dots every 10 MB -ds siz each dot is siz processed where siz is nm as splits (0 no dots) -du display original uncompressed size for each entry as added -dv display volume (disk) number in format in_disk>out_disk Dot size is approximate, especially for dot sizes less than 1 MB Dot options don't apply to Scanning files dots (dot/2sec) (-q turns off) -lf path open file at path as logfile (overwrite existing file) -la append to existing logfile -li include info messages (default just warnings and errors) -T test completed temp archive with unzip before updating archive -TT cmd use command cmd instead of 'unzip -tqq' to test archive On Unix, to use unzip in current directory, could use: zip archive file1 file2 -T -TT "./unzip -tqq" In cmd, {} replaced by temp archive path, else temp appended. The return code is checked for success (0 on Unix) -F attempt to fix a mostly intact archive (try this first) -FF try to salvage what can (may get more but less reliable) Fix options copy entries from potentially bad archive to new archive. -F tries to read archive normally and copy only intact entries, while -FF tries to salvage what can and may result in incomplete entries. Must use --out option to specify output archive: zip -F bad.zip --out fixed.zip Use -v (verbose) with -FF to see details: zip reallybad.zip -FF -v --out fixed.zip Currently neither option fixes bad entries, as from text mode ftp get. -DF (also --dif) only include files that have changed or are new as compared to the input archive Difference mode can be used to create incremental backups. For example: zip --dif full_backup.zip -r somedir --out diff.zip will store all new files, as well as any files in full_backup.zip where either file time or size have changed from that in full_backup.zip, in new diff.zip. Output archive not excluded automatically if exists, so either use -x to exclude it or put outside what is being zipped.DOS Archive bit (Windows only): -AS include only files with the DOS Archive bit set -AC after archive created, clear archive bit of included files WARNING: Once the archive bits are cleared they are cleared Use -T to test the archive before the bits are cleared Can also use -sf to save file list before zipping files -sf show files to operate on and exit (-sf- logfile only) -su as -sf but show escaped UTF-8 Unicode names also if exist -sU as -sf but show escaped UTF-8 Unicode names instead Any character not in the current locale is escaped as #Uxxxx, where x is hex digit, if 16-bit code is sufficient, or #Lxxxxxx if 24-bits are needed. If add -UN=e, Zip escapes all non-ASCII characters. If compiled with Unicode support, Zip stores UTF-8 path of entries. This is backward compatible. Unicode paths allow better conversion of entry names between different character sets. New Unicode extra field includes checksum to verify Unicode path goes with standard path for that entry (as utilities like ZipNote can rename entries). If these do not match, use below options to -UN=Quit - if mismatch, exit with error -UN=Warn - if mismatch, warn, ignore UTF-8 (default) -UN=Ignore - if mismatch, quietly ignore UTF-8 -UN=No - ignore any UTF-8 paths, use standard paths for all An exception to -UN=N are entries with new UTF-8 bit set (instead of using extra fields). These are always handled as Unicode. Normally Zip escapes all chars outside current char set, but leaves as is supported chars, which may not be OK in path names. -UN=Escape escapes any character not ASCII: Can use either normal path or escaped Unicode path on command line Zip now stores UTF-8 in entry path and comment fields on systems where UTF-8 char set is default, such as most modern Unix, and and on other systems in new extra fields with escaped versions in entry path and comment fields for backward compatibility. Option -UN=UTF8 will force storing UTF-8 in entry path and comment -UN=UTF8 - store UTF-8 in entry path and comment fields This option can be useful for multi-byte char sets on Windows where escaped paths and comments can be too long to be valid as the UTF-8 versions tend to be shorter. Only UTF-8 comments on UTF-8 native systems supported. UTF-8 comments for other systems planned in next release. -A Adjust offsets - a self extractor is created by prepending the extractor executable to archive, but internal offsets are then off. Use -A to fix offsets. -J Junk sfx - removes prepended extractor executable from self extractor, leaving a plain zip archive.More option highlights (see manual for additional options and details): -b dir when creating or updating archive, create the temp archive in dir, which allows using seekable temp file when writing to a write once CD, such archives compatible with more unzips (could require additional file copy if on another device) -MM input patterns must match at least one file and matched files must be readable or exit with OPEN error and abort archive (without -MM, both are warnings only, and if unreadable files are skipped OPEN error (18) returned after archive created) -nw no wildcards (wildcards are like any other character) -sc show command line arguments as processed and exit -sd show debugging as Zip does each step -so show all available options on this system -X default=strip old extra fields, -X- keep old, -X strip most -ws wildcards don't span directory boundaries in pathszip [-options] [-b path] [-t mmddyyyy] [-n suffixes] [zipfile list] [-xi list] The default action is to add or replace zipfile entries from list, which can include the special name - to compress standard input. If zipfile and list are omitted, zip compresses stdin to stdout. -f freshen: only changed files -u update: only changed or new files -d delete entries in zipfile -m move into zipfile (delete OS files) -r recurse into directories -j junk (don't record) directory names -0 store only -l convert LF to CR LF (-ll CR LF to LF) -1 compress faster -9 compress better -q quiet operation -v verbose operation/print version info -c add one-line comments -z add zipfile comment -@ read names from stdin -o make zipfile as old as latest entry -x exclude the following names -i include only the following names -F fix zipfile (-FF try harder) -D do not add directory entries -A adjust self-extracting exe -J junk zipfile prefix (unzipsfx) -T test zipfile integrity -X eXclude eXtra file attributes -y store symbolic links as the link instead of the referenced file -e encrypt -n don't compress these suffixesdisplay dots as process each filedisplay dots for archive instead of filesset progress dot size - default 10M bytesdisplay uncompressed size in bytesno entries for dirs themselves (-x */)create diff archive with changed/new filesencrypt entries, ask for passwordfix mostly intact archive (try first)try harder to fix archive (not as reliable)read Unix FIFO (zip will wait on open pipe)add/delete entries to make archive match OSfreshen existing archive entriesforce data descriptors as if streamingforce use of Zip64 format, negate preventsgrow existing archive instead of replaceinclude only files matching patternsstrip paths and just store file namesstrip self extractor from archiveconvert text file line ends - LF->CRLFconvert text file line ends - CRLF->LFlog to log file at path (default overwrite)include informational messages in logadd files to archive then delete fileserror if in file not matched/not readablesuffixes to not compress: .gz:.zipno wildcards during add or updateuse latest entry time as archive timeset out zipfile different than in zipfileencrypt entries, option value is passwordrecurse current dir and match patternsdo splits, set split size (-s=0 no splits)pause while splitting to select destinationbe verbose about creating splitswhen pause for next split ring bellshow files to operate on and exitas -sf but also show escaped Unicodeas -sf but only show escaped Unicodetest updates before replacing archiveunzip command to use, name is added to endupdate existing entries and add newselect from archive instead of file systemUN=quit, warn, ignore, no, escapedisplay additional information(if no other args) show version information* stops at /, ** includes any /exclude files matching patterns-X- keep all ef, -X strip but critical efget file names from stdin, one per lineCopyright (c) 1990-2008 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved.For the purposes of this copyright and license, "Info-ZIP" is defined asthe following set of individuals: Mark Adler, John Bush, Karl Davis, Harald Denker, Jean-Michel Dubois, Jean-loup Gailly, Hunter Goatley, Ed Gordon, Ian Gorman, Chris Herborth, Dirk Haase, Greg Hartwig, Robert Heath, Jonathan Hudson, Paul Kienitz, David Kirschbaum, Johnny Lee, Onno van der Linden, Igor Mandrichenko, Steve P. Miller, Sergio Monesi, Keith Owens, George Petrov, Greg Roelofs, Kai Uwe Rommel, Steve Salisbury, Dave Smith, Steven M. Schweda, Christian Spieler, Cosmin Truta, Antoine Verheijen, Paul von Behren,This software is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, expressor implied. In no event shall Info-ZIP or its contributors be held liablefor any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damagesarising out of the use of or inability to use this software.Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute itfreely, subject to the above disclaimer and the following restrictions: 1. Redistributions of source code (in whole or in part) must retain the above copyright notice, definition, disclaimer, and this list 2. Redistributions in binary form (compiled executables and libraries) must reproduce the above copyright notice, definition, disclaimer, and this list of conditions in documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. The sole exception to this condition is redistribution of a standard UnZipSFX binary (including SFXWiz) as part of a self-extracting archive; that is permitted without inclusion of this license, as long as the normal SFX banner has not been removed from the binary or disabled. 3. Altered versions--including, but not limited to, ports to new operating systems, existing ports with new graphical interfaces, versions with modified or added functionality, and dynamic, shared, or static library versions not from Info-ZIP--must be plainly marked as such and must not be misrepresented as being the original source or, if binaries, compiled from the original source. Such altered versions also must not be misrepresented as being Info-ZIP releases--including, but not limited to, labeling of the altered versions with the names "Info-ZIP" (or any variation thereof, including, but not limited to, different capitalizations), "Pocket UnZip," "WiZ" or "MacZip" without the explicit permission of Info-ZIP. Such altered versions are further prohibited from misrepresentative use of the Zip-Bugs or Info-ZIP e-mail addresses or the Info-ZIP URL(s), such as to imply Info-ZIP will provide support for the altered versions. 4. Info-ZIP retains the right to use the names "Info-ZIP," "Zip," "UnZip," "UnZipSFX," "WiZ," "Pocket UnZip," "Pocket Zip," and "MacZip" for its own source and binary releases. The encryption code of this program is not copyrighted and is put in the public domain. It was originally written in Europe and, to the best of our knowledge, can be freely distributed in both source and object forms from any country, including the USA under License Exception TSU of the U.S. Export Administration Regulations (section 740.13(e)) of 6 June 2002.This is %s %s (%s), by Info-ZIP.Currently maintained by E. Gordon. Please send bug reports tothe authors using the web page at www.info-zip.org; see README for details.Latest sources and executables are at ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip,as of above date; see http://www.info-zip.org/ for other sites.Copyright (c) 1990-2008 Info-ZIP - Type '%s "-L"' for software license.`@ @made by version %d.%d on system type %d: needs unzip %d.%d on system type %d: local flags = 0x%04x, central = 0x%04x: undefined bits used in flags = 0x%04x: unknown compression method %u: unknown internal attributes = 0x%04x: Unicode Path Extra Field version > 1 - skippingUnicode does not match path - ignoring Unicode: Unicode does not match path: %s Likely entry name changed but Unicode not updated Use -UN=i to ignore errors or n for no Unicode pathsLocal Version Needed (%d) does not match CD (%d): Local Entry Flag does not match CD: Local Entry CRC does not match CD: Large entry support disabled with -fz- but neededLarge entry support disabled with -fz- but entry needsCompressed/stored entry unexpectedly large - do not use -fz-Poor compression resulted in unexpectedly large entry - try -fzLarge entry support disabled using -fz- but neededIllegal host system mapping in local header: %dIllegal PK version mapping in local header: %dUnrecognized compression method in local header: %dLocal Version Needed To Extract does not match CD: Local Entry name does not match CD: no end of stream entry found: rewinding and scanning for later entriesexpected compressed/stored size %s, actual %scould not open input archive: End record (EOCDR) only %s bytes - assume truncatedEnd record (EOCDR) has bad disk numbers - ignoring EOCDRzipfile comment truncated - ignoring Found end record (EOCDR) - says expect %lu splitsIs this a single-disk archive? (y/n): Assuming single-disk archiveuser ended reading - closing archiveZip64 EOCDR found (%2lu %6s)...Zip64 EOCDL found (%2lu %6s)...Entry after central directory found (%2lu %6s)...bad archive - error reading central directorylocal (%lu) and cen (%lu) crc mismatch Found spanning marker, but did not expect split (multi-disk) archive... Found spanning marker - expected as this is split (multi-disk) archive... Found spanning marker - could be split archive...(If all you have are splits (.z01, .z02, ...) and no .zip, try -FF)bad archive - missing end signature(If downloaded, was binary mode used? If not, the archive may be scrambled and not recoverable)missing end signature--probably not a zip file (did youremember to use binary mode when you transferred it?)(if you are trying to read a damaged archive try -F)Adjusting split archives not yet supportedcannot update a split archive (use --out option)must use --out when fixing an archivecould not seek back to start of central directory: central dir not where expected - could not adjust offsetscould not seek back to Zip64 EOCDL: unable to read EOCD after seek: Adjusting split archives not supported: could not seek back to Zip64 EOCDR: Could not determine offset of entriesZip entry offsets appear off by %s bytes - correcting...Zip entry offsets do not need adjustingbad archive - could not seek back to Zip64 EOCDL: bad archive - could not seek back to Zip64 EOCDR: Zip64 EOCDR not found where expected - compensatingbad archive - Zip64 EOCDR not found in split: Zip64 End Of Central Directory Record not found: bad archive - Zip64 EOCDR bad or truncatedZip64 EOCD Record bad or truncatedThis archive requires version %d.%dZip currently only supports up to version 4.6 archives(up to 4.5 if bzip2 is not compiled in)If -F fails try -FF to try to salvage somethingAttempting to salvage what canTry -F to attempt to read anywaybad archive - unexpected signature unexpected signature on disk %lu at %s archive not in correct format: central directory header signature on disk %lu at %s could not allocate memory: scanzipf_regexpected %s entries but found %szip diagnostic: deleting file %s deleting directory %s (if empty) starts on disk %lu: write UnicodeUnicode path errorunicode_mismatch = %d append_ulong_to_memappend_ushort_to_memappend_string_to_memappend_int64_to_memextra field copyreading archive fseek: PKDid not find entry for reading local entry: reading entryEntry too big:Zip64 local extra fieldZip64 Extra FieldUTF-8 Path local extra fieldUTF-8 Path Extra FieldUTF-8 Path cen extra fieldSkipping: out of memory in zipcopy copying: %s Could not find splitaborting: seek failed on output fileentry truncated: unable to seek in input file PK Found archive commentPKScanning for entries...could not find split: skipping disk %lu ... EOCDR found (%2lu %6s)...PKPK Local (%2lu %6s):reading central directoryPKCentral Directory found... Cen (%2lu %6s): reading central directory: skipping this entry...zero-length name for entry #error reading entry: reading archivewriting archive seek: Error rewriting local headerwrite archive seek: seek after local: no local entry: %sPK%02x on disk %lu at %s skipping this signature...No .zip file found could not open input archiveCan't use -F to fix (try -FF)reading archive: (try -A to adjust offsets)(try -F to attempt recovery)illegal UTF-8 name: error deleting overflow in byte countextra fields copyunexpected error on zip filelast %s o %s error writing to zipfilezlib deflateReset failedhas binary so -l ignoredhas binary so -ll ignoredcan't rewrite method s=%s, actual=%s incorrect compressed size (in=%s) (out=%s) (bzipped %d%%) (deflated %d%%) (stored 0%%) write error on zip filebzlib bzCompressEnd failedseek wrap - zip file too big to writeallocating zlib/bzlib file-I/O bufferscannot initialize bzlib compressbzlib bzCompressInit failure (%d)unexpected bzlib compress error %d-l used on binary file - corrupted?-ll used on binary file - corrupted? file size changed while zipping zip -0 not supported for I/O on pipes or devicesoutput buffer too small for in-memory compression'%s' (%s) first full name: %s second full name: %s name in zip file repeated: %szip diagnostic: %scluding %s fcopy: write error replace: can't open %s split path Opening disk %d Writing to: %s base pathMore than 99999 splits neededz%02lu Could not find: s (skip this split) : Could not find or open Found: %s Closing split Could not write splitcould not write splitNot enough room on diskskipping split file: wide_char_to_escape_string%02xwide_to_local_stringwide_to_escape_stringlocal_to_display_stringlocal_to_wide_stringwide_to_utf8_stringempty name without -j or -rexcluding %s utf8_to_wide_stringcaiagoglogsoCannot select stdin when selecting archive entriesHit ENTER to write to default path of or enter a new directory path (. for cur dir) and hit ENTER Path (or hit ENTER to continue): Hit c (change path to where this split file is) q (abort archive - quit) or ENTER (continue with this split): or ENTER (try reading this split again): e (end this archive - no more splits) z (look for .zip split - the last split) Enter path where this split is (ENTER = same dir, . = current dir)Not enough space to write splitseek failed reading descriptorfile matches zip file -- skipping long option '%s' not supportedlong option '%s' ambiguousoption %s requires number valueoption %s requires one character valueshort option '%c' not supportedoption %s does not allow a valueoption %s requires a valueoption %s not negatableCan't get memory for argumentsUnable to read empty number in ReadNumStringUnable to read number (must start with digit): Number too long to read (8 characters max): 16.Z:.zip:.zoo:.arc:.lzh:.arjOKNormal successful completionEOFUnexpected end of zip fileFORMZip file structure invalidMEMOut of memoryLOGICInternal logic errorBIGNOTEInvalid comment formatTESTABORTInterruptedTEMPTemporary file failureREADInput file read failureNONENothing to do!NAMEMissing or empty zip fileWRITEOutput file write failureCREATCould not create output filePARMSInvalid command argumentsOPENCOMPERRNot supportedZIP64Entry too big to split, read, or writeZip file invalid, could not spawn unzip, or wrong unzipFile not found or no read permissionAttempt to read unsupported Zip64 archive/dev/tty(line too long--try again) //Reading FIFO (Named Pipe): ignoring special file: filetimefstat(stdin)set_extra_fieldLinux ELFgcc 6.3.0 20170221ignoring FIFO (Named Pipe) - use -FI to read: Compiled with %s for Unix (%s)%s. 0w,aQ mjp5cd2yҗ+L |~-d jHqA}mQDžӃVlkdzbeO\lcc=  n;^iLA`rqg<GK k 5lBɻ@l2u\E Y=ѫ0&:QQaп!#ijV(_ $ |o/LhXa=-fAvq Ҙ*q俟3Ըx4  j-=mld\cQkkbal0eNbl{WٰeP긾|bI-|ӌeLXaMQ:t0AJו=mѤjiCn4Fgи`s-D3_L | jm Zjz  ' }Dңhi]Wbgeq6lknv+ӉZzJgo߹ホCՎ`~ѡ8ROggW?K6H+ L J6`zA`Ugn1yiFafo%6hRw G "/&U;( Z+j\1е,[d&cju m ?6grWJz+{8 Ғ |! ӆBhn[&wowGZpj;f\ eibkaElx TN³9a&g`MGiIwn>JjѮZf @;7SŞϲG0º0S$6к)WTg#.zfJah]+o*7 Z-fatal error (code %d) in bzip2 librarybad pack level     block vanished     ;XL,  t 4ld\l,\l L  4 |  , <|  < L |   < l < l <  < Ll ,  l$Dl l l!|#$4(4,5,@dClQjT |l\̥L,\DlLl L,Dl<T̶| <,|L,L4|| <l<lDLt| lL T|l4,| ,   < &UU8VVVWHWW>WX`X#>XX YpYY?>YZXZZZ0[G>p[[[>\`\\\]h]]^@^^^j>(_`___8``u>`(ahaaa0b>`bbb0cc>c>d8ddd(exeee(fxff>ghggg8h>hhi@i>?hiii jHjj?j(k0?xkkk@l9?llm0mxmmmF?0nnnn@ooo(pppppq@qhqqR?q@r_?rrsHssst`ttt(uxuuvHvvvo?v@www0x`xxx8yhyy??y@zzz({p{{|P|||?0}x}}?}8~~~X?(p8`?XhHh8?ȅX(?p8Ȉ?HP؊ @H,@؋ hI@8ȍ8S@h0xP0ȑh(`38Ȕ`P pPc@. b D3h#p#o  d  #H @YhE oooo o#bbbbbcc&c6cFcVcfcvcccccccccdd&d6dFdVdfdvdddddddddee&e6eFeVefeveeeeeeeeeff&f6fFfVfffvfffffffffgg&g6gFgVgfgvggggggggghh&h6hFhVhfhvhhhhhhhH##3606@y@1@@@2@@@3@@@4@@@5@@@6@A@7A'AA8A=A)A94A?AAAALAAjAbtABAcAx6AdAAAABBB2B5B(BBEBPXB[BdBgBuBxBBBDؙBBBe0BBFXBBB?BBc5BfBB8C CE`CBCgD5Ch5CCh5CCh5CC"C,C::Ci2BCjMCOCJ7XCkbCs7}Cl8DC$`CC"CC!CCC#CCLCwCmC%CCC&BDn8 DD'`?Do#D%DO=nDp1D3=DP7FDqFDeLDrZDV6tDRDD(DNDs8DD4hDD7DD)DD0H7DD1EEE2E3)E6E9E5FEIE68[EteEyE|E8EET`EE9eBEuGEEUESE@I5Dv8EAXEECEx9EXȠ6EyFCFz%F=F?FZRF4eF@ XС p`qF@ؤ`8Fئ(xȧh0Щ hP8ج`FحXخPxXf%%W#47TXsx05DIciHp @$5#$$ 6#%`$6#3949113da2500c1b316f37a104ff4d3773d4a3.debugRf.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.data.rel.ro.dynamic.got.plt.data.bss.gnu_debuglink 88TT !tt$4oH>  F dNo  [opjhhEtB@Y@YH ~bbybb@hhhhRD3D3 `3`3 TT\<$h#hp#px#x#H ##0 # 0@##@# 7#7 747