# Copyright Bruno da Silva de Oliveira 2003. Use, modification and # distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. # (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) from GCCXMLParser import ParseDeclarations import tempfile import shutil import os import sys import os.path import settings import shutil import shelve from cPickle import dump, load #============================================================================== # exceptions #============================================================================== class CppParserError(Exception): pass #============================================================================== # CppParser #============================================================================== class CppParser: 'Parses a header file and returns a list of declarations' def __init__(self, includes=None, defines=None, cache_dir=None, version=None, gccxml_path = 'gccxml'): 'includes and defines ar the directives given to gcc' if includes is None: includes = [] if defines is None: defines = [] self.includes = includes self.gccxml_path = gccxml_path self.defines = defines self.version = version #if cache_dir is None: # cache_dir = tempfile.mktemp() # self.delete_cache = True #else: # self.delete_cache = False self.delete_cache = False self.cache_dir = cache_dir self.cache_files = [] self.mem_cache = {} # create the cache dir if cache_dir: try: os.makedirs(cache_dir) except OSError: pass def __del__(self): self.Close() def _IncludeParams(self, filename): includes = self.includes[:] filedir = os.path.dirname(filename) if not filedir: filedir = '.' includes.insert(0, filedir) includes = ['-I "%s"' % self.Unixfy(x) for x in includes] return ' '.join(includes) def _DefineParams(self): defines = ['-D "%s"' % x for x in self.defines] return ' '.join(defines) def FindHeader(self, header): if os.path.isfile(header): return header for path in self.includes: filename = os.path.join(path, header) if os.path.isfile(filename): return filename else: name = os.path.basename(header) raise RuntimeError, 'Header file "%s" not found!' % name def AppendTail(self, filename, tail): '''Creates a temporary file, appends the text tail to it, and returns the filename of the file. ''' if hasattr(tempfile, 'mkstemp'): f_no, temp = tempfile.mkstemp('.h') f = file(temp, 'a') os.close(f_no) else: temp = tempfile.mktemp('.h') f = file(temp, 'a') f.write('#include "%s"\n\n' % os.path.abspath(filename)) f.write(tail) f.write('\n') f.close() return temp def Unixfy(self, path): return path.replace('\\', '/') def ParseWithGCCXML(self, header, tail): '''Parses the given header using gccxml and GCCXMLParser. ''' header = self.FindHeader(header) if tail: filename = self.AppendTail(header, tail) else: filename = header xmlfile = tempfile.mktemp('.xml') try: # get the params includes = self._IncludeParams(filename) defines = self._DefineParams() # call gccxml cmd = '%s %s %s "%s" -fxml=%s' filename = self.Unixfy(filename) xmlfile = self.Unixfy(xmlfile) status = os.system(cmd % (self.gccxml_path, includes, defines, filename, xmlfile)) if status != 0 or not os.path.isfile(xmlfile): raise CppParserError, 'Error executing gccxml' # parse the resulting xml declarations = ParseDeclarations(xmlfile) # make the declarations' location to point to the original file if tail: for decl in declarations: decl_filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.normcase(decl.location[0])) filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.normcase(filename)) if decl_filename == filename: decl.location = header, decl.location[1] # return the declarations return declarations finally: if settings.DEBUG and os.path.isfile(xmlfile): debugname = os.path.basename(header) debugname = os.path.splitext(debugname)[0] + '.xml' print 'DEBUG:', debugname shutil.copy(xmlfile, debugname) # delete the temporary files try: os.remove(xmlfile) if tail: os.remove(filename) except OSError: pass def Parse(self, header, interface, tail=None): '''Parses the given filename related to the given interface and returns the (declarations, headerfile). The header returned is normally the same as the given to this method (except that it is the full path), except if tail is not None: in this case, the header is copied to a temp filename and the tail code is appended to it before being passed on to gccxml. This temp filename is then returned. ''' if tail is None: tail = '' tail = tail.strip() declarations = self.GetCache(header, interface, tail) if declarations is None: declarations = self.ParseWithGCCXML(header, tail) self.CreateCache(header, interface, tail, declarations) header_fullpath = os.path.abspath(self.FindHeader(header)) return declarations, header_fullpath def CacheFileName(self, interface): interface_name = os.path.basename(interface) cache_file = os.path.splitext(interface_name)[0] + '.pystec' cache_file = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, cache_file) return cache_file def GetCache(self, header, interface, tail): key = (header, interface, tail) # try memory cache first if key in self.mem_cache: return self.mem_cache[key] # get the cache from the disk if self.cache_dir is None: return None header = self.FindHeader(header) cache_file = self.CacheFileName(interface) if os.path.isfile(cache_file): f = file(cache_file, 'rb') try: version = load(f) if version != self.version: return None cache = load(f) if cache.has_key(key): self.cache_files.append(cache_file) return cache[key] else: return None finally: f.close() else: return None def CreateCache(self, header, interface, tail, declarations): key = (header, interface, tail) # our memory cache only holds one item self.mem_cache.clear() self.mem_cache[key] = declarations # save the cache in the disk if self.cache_dir is None: return header = self.FindHeader(header) cache_file = self.CacheFileName(interface) if os.path.isfile(cache_file): f = file(cache_file, 'rb') try: version = load(f) cache = load(f) finally: f.close() else: cache = {} cache[key] = declarations self.cache_files.append(cache_file) f = file(cache_file, 'wb') try: dump(self.version, f, 1) dump(cache, f, 1) finally: f.close() return cache_file def Close(self): if self.delete_cache and self.cache_files: for filename in self.cache_files: try: os.remove(filename) except OSError: pass self.cache_files = [] shutil.rmtree(self.cache_dir)