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For Debian packages this can be e.g. control.tar.gz. This class provides information about this file, such as the mode and size.Internal helper type, representing a FileFd.getmember(name: str) -> ArMember Return an ArMember object for the member given by 'name'. Raise LookupError if there is no ArMember with the given name.gettar(name: str, comp: str) -> TarFile Return a TarFile object for the member given by 'name' which will be decompressed using the compression algorithm given by 'comp'. This is almost equal to: member = arfile.getmember(name) tarfile = TarFile(file, member.start, member.size, 'gzip')' It just opens a new TarFile on the given position in the stream.extractdata(name: str) -> bytes Return the contents of the member, as a bytes object. Raise LookupError if there is no ArMember with the given name.extract(name: str[, target: str]) -> bool Extract the member given by 'name' into the directory given by 'target'. If the extraction fails, raise OSError. In case of success, return True if the file owner could be set or False if this was not possible. If the requested member does not exist, raise LookupError.extractall([target: str]) -> bool Extract all archive contents into the directory given by 'target'. If the extraction fails, raise an error. Otherwise, return True if the owner could be set or False if the owner could not be changed.getmembers() -> list Return a list of all members in the archive.getnames() -> list Return a list of the names of all members in the archive.ArArchive(file: str/int/file) Represent an archive in the 4.4 BSD ar format, which is used for e.g. deb packages. The parameter 'file' may be a string specifying the path of a file, or a file-like object providing the fileno() method. It may also be an int specifying a file descriptor (returned by e.g. os.open()). The recommended way of using it is to pass in the path to the file.DebFile(file: str/int/file) A DebFile object represents a file in the .deb package format. The parameter 'file' may be a string specifying the path of a file, or a file-like object providing the fileno() method. It may also be an int specifying a file descriptor (returned by e.g. os.open()). The recommended way of using it is to pass in the path to the file. It differs from ArArchive by providing the members 'control', 'data' and 'version' for accessing the control.tar.gz, data.tar.$compression (all apt compression methods are supported), and debian-binary members in the archive.The TarFile object associated with the control.tar.gz member.The TarFile object associated with the data.tar.$compression member. All apt compression methods are supported. The package version, as contained in debian-binary.The offset in the archive where the file starts.<%s object: %s>gzipO|iisThere is no member named '%s'O|O&apt_inst.TarFilegominmaxcompapt_inst.TarMemberThe owner's group ID.linknameThe target of the link.majorThe major ID of the device.minorThe minor ID of the device.The mode (permissions).The size of the file.The owner's user ID.isblkischrisdevisdirisfifoisfileislnkisregissymThe member %s was too large to read into memoryRepresent a single member of a 'tar' archive. This class, which has been modelled after 'tarfile.TarInfo', represents information about a given member in an archive.extractdata(member: str) -> bytes Return the contents of the member, as a bytes object. Raise LookupError if there is no member with the given name.extractall([rootdir: str]) -> True Extract the archive in the current directory. The argument 'rootdir' can be used to change the target directory.go(callback: callable[, member: str]) -> True Go through the archive and call the callable 'callback' for each member with 2 arguments. The first argument is the TarMember and the second one is the data, as bytes. The optional parameter 'member' can be used to specify the member for which to call the callback. If not specified, it will be called for all members. If specified and not found, LookupError will be raised.TarFile(file: str/int/file[, min: int, max: int, comp: str]) The parameter 'file' may be a string specifying the path of a file, or a file-like object providing the fileno() method. It may also be an int specifying a file descriptor (returned by e.g. os.open()). The parameter 'min' describes the offset in the file where the archive begins and the parameter 'max' is the size of the archive. The compression of the archive is set by the parameter 'comp'. It can be set to any program supporting the -d switch, the default being gzip.Determine whether the member is a block device.Determine whether the member is a character device.Determine whether the member is a device (block, character or FIFO).Determine whether the member is a directory.Determine whether the member is a FIFO.Determine whether the member is a regular file.Determine whether the member is a hardlink.Determine whether the member is a regular file, same as isfile().Determine whether the member is a symbolic link.11PyDirStream;U(HX xȶ(xhȸ(ظ@Xxx(ȹ@عXpPxȾx(`XX p 8 h H Hh( 8  ( (@ 8X Hp X h x  0 H 8` Xx x h XX(H0 (H h`  xzRx $FJ w?;*3$"D4\AAV W NAJ DAAث.K^zPLRx]  T$F BBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA L$BBB B(D0A8DP 8D0A(B BBBK LtEBB D(D0k (D BBBJ S(A BBB$AH G S E a.K^4XEBAD d GBL AAB<pIA{ D \ t  AZ M ASHP=lPx,=lPD \ t  x p $nAAG aAA@H,,0eBAA ]AB<\pBBB A(D0s(D BBB$wAG@ AG ,x]AAGP AAF 4LhCBAD NP  AABA ,>AD wA$LiAAG \AA4tHeBAD M ABI AAB4BAD G0l  AABB ,<AADPl AAA LllBBB A(D0Nb 0A(A BBBE T8CBBE B(D0A8J! 8A0A(B BBBH ,AAQP AAF $DAQP AG LlBBB A(A0Qb 0A(A BBBE LdBBB A(A0 (D BBBE A(A BBBT x`BBB B(A0A8O 8A0A(B BBBA 4dBAA D0  AABG DK\ KAo P |=lP3Ai (=lP$TPfAy F e$ OAED .MW\ t        4 L d |      4d BAD Gp   AABC D h/A`<d xBAD c ABC A NBG < BAD < ABJ ] FBK  h4T pAJ Wp.^.d D $ mAA N 4 BAA Qp/  AABH < x@BAA Qk  AABD  Kw-!y /055(C8}  3Az#L"19] F8_5R@/_a            -    3f{&U~-6$;  @HGA`>>>?@ijf@vv       ; w (H o   ! oo ooo xHHAN H a"y0@N` @ APGGN XSypeAccey(c0IA c@c yH~xG yH0KPJ5y0KxPwxPLxpVxPU?yIJyPIwyI{yyHyyHyOyy IyzIЅ zHz?uiAuv` `l`pegA@u`u wxqxgPsRSW[wyfs@lf̆pf҆y`fyPfyfyyf z@f1g@7gp=pgCPgI0g P gHWfx]gcf1ab168df2e51ef919adef3c98d44a699ccfd2c.debug[9Dz.shstrtab.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.init.plt.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.gcc_except_table.init_array.fini_array.jcr.data.rel.ro.dynamic.data.bss.gnu_debuglink $o( 8 08oEo T!!^;;d;;i;;r`>`>8x w w ~0w0w88 ܞܞo (H HP PX XX m @   44